The Academy Geopolitical Intelligence Group Rings NYSE Opening Bell in Celebration of 10 Years of Advising Wall Street on Geostrategic Risk
The Academy Geopolitical Intelligence Group celebrated its 10-year anniversary of advising Wall Street on geostrategic risk by ringing the NYSE Opening Bell on November 6, 2024. The group, comprising 30 Admirals, Generals, and 2 former NASA Astronauts, joined Academy Asset Management leadership for this milestone event. Admiral Collin Green rang the bell while CEO Chance Mims delivered remarks.
The company recently launched the Academy Veteran Impact ETF (VETZ), the first publicly traded fund primarily dedicated to investing in loans to U.S. service members, veterans, and their families. At least 80% of assets will be veteran-focused loans, with a portion of management fees donated to veteran charities through the Bob Woodruff Foundation.
Il Gruppo di Intelligenza Geopolitica dell'Accademia ha celebrato il suo decimo anniversario di consulenza a Wall Street sui rischi geostrategici suonando la Campana di Apertura della NYSE il 6 novembre 2024. Il gruppo, composto da 30 Ammiragli, Generali e 2 ex astronauti della NASA, si è unito ai dirigenti di Academy Asset Management per questo evento storico. L'Ammiraglio Collin Green ha suonato la campana mentre il CEO Chance Mims ha pronunciato un discorso.
L'azienda ha recentemente lanciato il Fondo ETF di Impatto per Veterani dell'Accademia (VETZ), il primo fondo quotato pubblicamente dedicato principalmente all'investimento in prestiti a membri attivi del servizio, veterani e le loro famiglie. Almeno l'80% degli attivi sarà dedicato a prestiti focalizzati sui veterani, con una parte delle commissioni di gestione donata a enti di beneficenza per veterani attraverso la Bob Woodruff Foundation.
El Grupo de Inteligencia Geopolítica de la Academia celebró su décimo aniversario asesorando a Wall Street sobre riesgos geoestratégicos al tocar la Campana de Apertura de la NYSE el 6 de noviembre de 2024. El grupo, compuesto por 30 Almirantes, Generales y 2 ex astronautas de la NASA, se unió a los líderes de Academy Asset Management para este evento emblemático. El Almirante Collin Green hizo sonar la campana mientras el CEO Chance Mims ofrecía comentarios.
La compañía lanzó recientemente el Fondo ETF de Impacto para Veteranos de la Academia (VETZ), el primer fondo cotizado públicamente dedicado principalmente a invertir en préstamos a miembros en servicio de EE. UU., veteranos y sus familias. Al menos el 80% de los activos se destinarán a préstamos enfocados en veteranos, con una parte de las tarifas de gestión donada a organizaciones benéficas para veteranos a través de la Fundación Bob Woodruff.
아카데미 지정학적 정보 그룹은 2024년 11월 6일 NYSE 개장 종을 울리며 월가에 지정학적 위험에 대한 자문을 시작한 10주년을 기념했습니다. 30명의 제독, 장군, 그리고 2명의 전 NASA 우주비행기로 구성된 이 그룹은 아카데미 자산 관리의 임원들과 함께 이 이정표가 되는 행사에 참석했습니다. 제독 콜린 그린이 종을 울렸고 CEO 챈스 미스가 발언을 했습니다.
회사는 최근 아카데미 재향군인 임팩트 ETF (VETZ)를 출시했습니다. 이 ETF는 미국의 현역 군인, 재향군인 및 그들의 가족에게 대출을 투자하는 데 주로 전념하는 최초의 상장 펀드입니다. 자산의 최소 80%는 재향군인 중심의 대출에 할당되며, 관리 수수료의 일부는 밥 우드러프 재단을 통해 재향군인 자선단체에 기부됩니다.
Le Groupe d'Intelligence Géopolitique de l'Académie a célébré son dixième anniversaire de conseils à Wall Street concernant les risques géostratégiques en faisant retentir la Cloche d'Ouverture de la NYSE le 6 novembre 2024. Le groupe, composé de 30 Amiraux, Généraux et de 2 anciens astronautes de la NASA, a rejoint les dirigeants de Academy Asset Management pour cet événement marquant. L'Amiral Collin Green a sonné la cloche tandis que le PDG Chance Mims faisait des remarques.
L'entreprise a récemment lancé le Fonds EFT d'Impact pour les Anciens Combattants de l'Académie (VETZ), le premier fonds coté en bourse dédié principalement à l'investissement dans des prêts à des membres actifs des services, anciens combattants et leurs familles. Au moins 80 % des actifs seront des prêts axés sur les anciens combattants, une partie des frais de gestion étant reversée à des œuvres de charité pour anciens combattants par le biais de la Fondation Bob Woodruff.
Die Akademie für Geopolitische Intelligenz feierte am 6. November 2024 ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen mit Beratungen zu geostrategischen Risiken an der Wall Street, indem sie die NYSE-Eröffnungsglocke läutete. Die Gruppe besteht aus 30 Admiralen, Generälen und 2 ehemaligen NASA-Astronauten und hat sich zu diesem bedeutenden Ereignis den Führungskräften von Academy Asset Management angeschlossen. Admiral Collin Green läutete die Glocke, während CEO Chance Mims eine Ansprache hielt.
Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich den Academy Veteran Impact ETF (VETZ) gestartet, den ersten börsennotierten Fonds, der hauptsächlich in Darlehen an US-Amerikanische Soldaten, Veteranen und deren Familien investiert. Mindestens 80 % der Vermögenswerte werden in veteranenorientierte Darlehen investiert, wobei ein Teil der Verwaltungsgebühren über die Bob Woodruff Stiftung an Veteranenhilfsorganisationen gespendet wird.
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The Academy Geopolitical Intelligence Group (Photo: Business Wire)
Since its inception, the Academy Geopolitical Intelligence Group has been dedicated to guiding financial institutions through complex global risks by leveraging the expertise of its renowned advisory board. Over the past ten years, the group has advised on a wide range of issues affecting the markets, from geopolitical conflicts to technological advancements, offering insights that directly support investors’ understanding of geostrategic risks and their impact on global stability.
“We are honored to celebrate this milestone alongside the remarkable members of the Academy Geopolitical Intelligence Group, whose insights have been instrumental in guiding our clients through an evolving geopolitical landscape,” stated Academy’s Founder and CEO, Chance Mims. “Today’s ceremony is not only a tribute to their dedication but also a reaffirmation of our commitment to support veterans across the financial sector.”
Last year, Academy Asset Management launched the Academy Veteran Impact ETF (NYSE Arca: VETZ), the first publicly traded fund primarily dedicated to investing in loans to
After the Opening Bell Ceremony, Academy hosted a Global Geostrategic Risk Update for invited guests with the Academy Geopolitical Intelligence Group and Peter Tchir, Academy’s Head of Macro Strategy, on hand to discuss the most pressing developments from around the world and their potential impact on markets.
“We’re proud to share the expertise of our Geopolitical Intelligence Group with our clients and partners as we navigate a complex global environment,” stated Phil McConkey, President of Academy Securities. “With initiatives like the Academy Veteran Impact ETF (VETZ), we’re not only helping investors understand the geopolitical risks shaping markets but also providing tangible support to the veteran community.”
About Academy Asset Management
Academy Asset Management is a preeminent disabled veteran-owned SEC registered investment adviser, certified Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE), and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB), focused on fixed-income funds and separately managed accounts. Leadership and staff have had intensive military training prior to entering and gaining in-depth financial services experience in global capital markets. We are mission driven with a high ethical code, a solid sense of accountability and strive for excellence in the pursuit of our clients’ success. Academy Asset Management is our nation’s first post-9/11 disabled veteran owned institutional asset manager. The firm has offices in
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Academy Securities
Michael Boyd, 646-736-3995
Chief Compliance Officer
Academy Geopolitical Intelligence Group
Source: Academy Asset Management