Veritone to Showcase AI Solutions for Law Enforcement at the 2024 International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference

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Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI) has announced its participation at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference from October 19 to 22 in Boston. The company will showcase its AI solutions for law enforcement at booth 2201 in the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. These solutions aim to help public safety agencies accelerate investigations, increase case clearance rates, and enhance public trust, transparency and operational efficiency.

Veritone will demonstrate several key products, including:

  • Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System (iDEMS)
  • AI-Powered Investigations tool Veritone Illuminate
  • Redaction and Privacy Protection Tools
  • Person and Vehicle Tracking with AI
  • Advanced Transcription and Translation Services
  • Suspect Identification tool Veritone IDentify
  • Stop Data Collection with Veritone Contact
  • HR & Talent Acquisition solutions

These AI-powered solutions are designed to help law enforcement agencies automate workflows, process data more efficiently, and comply with legal requirements while maintaining data security and privacy.

Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI) ha annunciato la sua partecipazione alla conferenza dell'Associazione Internazionale dei Capi di Polizia che si svolgerà dal 19 al 22 ottobre a Boston. L'azienda presenterà le sue soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale per le forze dell'ordine allo stand 2201 presso il Centro Congressi e Esposizioni di Boston. Queste soluzioni mirano ad aiutare le agenzie di pubblica sicurezza a accelerare le indagini, aumentare i tassi di risoluzione dei casi e migliorare la fiducia del pubblico, la trasparenza e l'efficienza operativa.

Veritone dimostrerà diversi prodotti chiave, tra cui:

  • Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System (iDEMS)
  • Strumento di indagini alimentato dall'IA Veritone Illuminate
  • Strumenti di redazione e protezione della privacy
  • Tracciamento di persone e veicoli con IA
  • Servizi avanzati di trascrizione e traduzione
  • Strumento di identificazione dei sospetti Veritone IDentify
  • Raccolta dati bloccata con Veritone Contact
  • Soluzioni HR e acquisizione di talenti

Queste soluzioni alimentate da IA sono progettate per aiutare le agenzie di polizia ad automatizzare i flussi di lavoro, elaborare i dati in modo più efficiente e rispettare i requisiti legali mantenendo la sicurezza e la privacy dei dati.

Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI) ha anunciado su participación en la conferencia de la Asociación Internacional de Jefes de Policía que se llevará a cabo del 19 al 22 de octubre en Boston. La compañía mostrará sus soluciones de inteligencia artificial para las fuerzas del orden en el stand 2201 del Centro de Convenciones y Exposiciones de Boston. Estas soluciones tienen como objetivo ayudar a las agencias de seguridad pública a acelerar las investigaciones, aumentar las tasas de resolución de casos y mejorar la confianza pública, la transparencia y la eficiencia operativa.

Veritone demostrará varios productos clave, incluyendo:

  • Sistema de Gestión de Pruebas Digitales Inteligente (iDEMS)
  • Herramienta de Investigaciones Potenciada por IA Veritone Illuminate
  • Herramientas de Redacción y Protección de Privacidad
  • Seguimiento de Personas y Vehículos con IA
  • Servicios Avanzados de Transcripción y Traducción
  • Herramienta de Identificación de Sospechosos Veritone IDentify
  • Detener la Recolección de Datos con Veritone Contact
  • Soluciones de Recursos Humanos y Adquisición de Talento

Estas soluciones potenciadas por IA están diseñadas para ayudar a las agencias de policía a automatizar flujos de trabajo, procesar datos de manera más eficiente y cumplir con los requisitos legales mientras mantienen la seguridad y la privacidad de los datos.

Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI)는 10월 19일부터 22일까지 보스턴에서 열리는 국제 경찰서장 협회 회의에 참가한다고 발표했습니다. 회사는 보스턴 컨벤션 및 전시 센터 2201번 부스에서 법 집행을 위한 AI 솔루션을 선보일 예정입니다. 이러한 솔루션은 공공 안전 기관이 조사를 가속화하고 사건 해결 비율을 높이며 대중의 신뢰, 투명성 및 운영 효율성을 향상시키는 데 도움을 주려 합니다.

Veritone은 다음과 같은 주요 제품을 시연할 예정입니다:

  • 지능형 디지털 증거 관리 시스템 (iDEMS)
  • AI 기반 조사 도구 Veritone Illuminate
  • 편집 및 개인 정보 보호 도구
  • AI를 이용한 인물 및 차량 추적
  • 고급 전사 및 번역 서비스
  • 용의자 식별 도구 Veritone IDentify
  • Veritone Contact로 데이터 수집 중단
  • 인사 및 인재 확보 솔루션

이러한 AI 기반 솔루션은 법 집행 기관이 업무 흐름을 자동화하고 데이터를 보다 효율적으로 처리하며 법적 요구 사항을 준수하는 동시에 데이터 보안과 개인 정보를 유지하도록 설계되었습니다.

Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI) a annoncé sa participation à la conférence de l'Association Internationale des Chefs de Police qui se déroulera du 19 au 22 octobre à Boston. L'entreprise présentera ses solutions d'IA pour les forces de l'ordre au stand 2201 du Centre de convention et d'exposition de Boston. Ces solutions visent à aider les agences de sécurité publique à accélérer les enquêtes, augmenter les taux de résolution des affaires et améliorer la confiance du public, la transparence et l'efficacité opérationnelle.

Veritone démontrera plusieurs produits clés, notamment :

  • Système de gestion des preuves numériques intelligentes (iDEMS)
  • Outil d'enquête alimenté par l'IA Veritone Illuminate
  • Outils de rédaction et de protection de la vie privée
  • Suivi des personnes et des véhicules avec l'IA
  • Services avancés de transcription et de traduction
  • Outil d'identification des suspects Veritone IDentify
  • Arrêter la collecte de données avec Veritone Contact
  • Solutions RH et acquisition de talents

Ces solutions alimentées par l'IA sont conçues pour aider les agences de police à automatiser les flux de travail, traiter les données plus efficacement et se conformer aux exigences légales tout en protégeant la sécurité et la confidentialité des données.

Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI) hat seine Teilnahme an der Internationalen Vereinigung der Polizeichefs Konferenz vom 19. bis 22. Oktober in Boston bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen wird seine KI-Lösungen für die Strafverfolgung am Stand 2201 im Boston Convention and Exhibition Center präsentieren. Diese Lösungen zielen darauf ab, den öffentlichen Sicherheitsbehörden zu helfen, Ermittlungen zu beschleunigen, die Aufklärungsquote zu erhöhen und das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit, die Transparenz sowie die operative Effizienz zu verbessern.

Veritone wird mehrere Schlüsselprodukte demonstrieren, darunter:

  • Intelligentes digitales Beweismanagement-System (iDEMS)
  • KI-gestütztes Ermittlungs-Tool Veritone Illuminate
  • Redaktion und Datenschutzwerkzeuge
  • Personen- und Fahrzeugverfolgung mit KI
  • Erweiterte Transkriptions- und Übersetzungsdienste
  • Verdächtigenidentifikationstool Veritone IDentify
  • Datenaufnahme stoppen mit Veritone Contact
  • HR- und Talentakquisitionslösungen

Diese KI-gestützten Lösungen sind darauf ausgelegt, Strafverfolgungsbehörden dabei zu helfen, Arbeitsabläufe zu automatisieren, Daten effizienter zu verarbeiten und gesetzliche Anforderungen einzuhalten, während die Datensicherheit und die Privatsphäre gewahrt bleiben.

  • Participation in a major industry conference (IACP) to showcase AI solutions for law enforcement
  • Offering a range of AI-powered products to address various law enforcement needs
  • Solutions aim to increase operational efficiency and case clearance rates for agencies
  • Products designed to enhance public trust and transparency in law enforcement operations
  • Compliance with Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) standards for data security
  • None.

AI leader to educate conference attendees about solutions to streamline investigations, drive operational efficiency and enhance public trust

DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI), a leader in building human-centered enterprise AI solutions, today announced its participation at the International Association of Chiefs of Police from October 19 to 22 in Boston. At its booth (2201) at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Veritone will showcase AI solutions that help public safety agencies accelerate investigations, increase case clearance rates, and enhance public trust, transparency and operational efficiency.

"Public safety agencies are under increasing pressure to do more with less,” said Jon Gacek, general manager, Public Sector, Veritone. “At IACP we are eager to demonstrate how our AI-powered solutions, like our Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System, can help agencies automate and accelerate their workflows, increase case clearance rates and enhance trust and transparency with the public.”

Visitors to the Veritone booth can experience demonstrations and learn about Veritone’s solutions, including:

  • Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System (iDEMS): Veritone's iDEMS is a Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS)-compliant solution that consolidates digital evidence across sources in a secure cloud environment. The suite of solutions includes redaction, transcription, translation, facial recognition, object detection and text recognition capabilities, saving agencies time and resources, and ultimately enabling them to build stronger cases faster.
  • AI-Powered Investigations: Veritone Illuminate allows investigative teams to search, analyze and explore large amounts of video, audio and text evidence while maintaining original formats. Illuminate helps agencies process data more efficiently, delivering faster results for investigations.
  • Redaction and Privacy Protection Tools: Veritone Redact offers automated redaction of audio and video files, ensuring sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information (PII), is protected. It supports all common camera, video and audio formats and is hosted in AWS GovCloud or Microsoft Azure Government, ensuring CJIS compliance.
  • Person and Vehicle Tracking with AI: Veritone Track uses advanced AI to enable law enforcement agencies to track persons of interest and vehicles across multiple video sources to help piece together the timeline of an event and improve case clearance rates.
  • Advanced Transcription and Translation Services: Veritone’s solutions offer transcription in over 62 native languages and translation in more than 115 languages, significantly reducing time and cost and increasing accuracy in multilingual investigations.
  • Suspect Identification: Veritone IDentify enables law enforcement to match video and photographic evidence with known offender databases to help identify suspects quickly and ensure compliance with privacy laws.
  • Stop Data Collection with Veritone Contact: Veritone Contact simplifies the collection and analysis of stop data to help agencies comply with legal requirements, such as California’s AB 953. The tool ensures quick and accurate gathering of demographic and detailed stop information.
  • HR & Talent Acquisition: Veritone also supports law enforcement agencies with an AI-powered recruitment tool that helps agencies source and hire the best talent by automating job postings and optimizing candidate searches.

To schedule a meeting with Veritone in advance, visit

About Veritone

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) builds human-centered enterprise AI solutions. Serving customers in the media, entertainment, public sector and talent acquisition industries, Veritone’s software and services empower individuals at the world’s largest and most recognizable brands to run more efficiently, accelerate decision making and increase profitability. Veritone’s leading enterprise AI platform, aiWARE™, orchestrates an ever-growing ecosystem of machine learning models, transforming data sources into actionable intelligence. By blending human expertise with AI technology, Veritone advances human potential to help organizations solve problems and achieve more than ever before, enhancing lives everywhere. To learn more, visit

Safe Harbor Statement

This news release contains forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “could,” “estimate” or “continue” or the negative or other variations thereof or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. Assumptions relating to the foregoing involve judgments and risks with respect to various matters which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond the control of Veritone. Certain of such judgments and risks are discussed in Veritone’s SEC filings. Although Veritone believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of the assumptions could prove inaccurate and, therefore, there can be no assurance that the results contemplated in forward-looking statements will be realized. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking information included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by Veritone or any other person that their objectives or plans will be achieved. Veritone undertakes no obligation to revise the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Valerie Christopherson or Lora Metzner

Global Results Comms (GRC)

+1 949 608 0276

Sarah Rich


Source: Veritone, Inc.


What AI solutions is Veritone (VERI) showcasing at the 2024 IACP Conference?

Veritone is showcasing several AI solutions at IACP 2024, including their Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System (iDEMS), AI-Powered Investigations tool Veritone Illuminate, Redaction and Privacy Protection Tools, Person and Vehicle Tracking with AI, Advanced Transcription and Translation Services, Suspect Identification tool Veritone IDentify, Stop Data Collection with Veritone Contact, and HR & Talent Acquisition solutions.

How does Veritone's (VERI) Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System (iDEMS) benefit law enforcement?

Veritone's iDEMS is a CJIS-compliant solution that consolidates digital evidence from various sources in a secure cloud environment. It includes features like redaction, transcription, translation, facial recognition, object detection, and text recognition, which help agencies save time and resources while building stronger cases faster.

What is the purpose of Veritone's (VERI) AI-powered Redact tool for law enforcement?

Veritone Redact offers automated redaction of audio and video files to protect sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information (PII). It supports common camera, video, and audio formats and is hosted in CJIS-compliant cloud environments, ensuring data security and privacy compliance for law enforcement agencies.

How does Veritone (VERI) address language barriers in law enforcement investigations?

Veritone offers advanced transcription and translation services that cover over 62 native languages for transcription and more than 115 languages for translation. This capability significantly reduces time and cost while increasing accuracy in multilingual investigations for law enforcement agencies.

Veritone, Inc.


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