Veritone Supports Universities, School Campuses and Public Safety Agencies in Investigations

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Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) has announced the deployment of its AI-powered intelligent digital evidence management system, Veritone iDEMS, to assist universities, school campuses, and public safety agencies in modernizing investigations. The system streamlines workflows for audio and video redaction, potentially valuable for handling campus protests and active shooter incidents. iDEMS is based on Veritone Investigate, which serves as a central evidence hub to store, manage, analyze, and share digital evidence files.

The system connects to various data sources, ingests media files, and uses AI models to catalog and tag unstructured data, leading to actionable insights. This technology enhances the ability of institutions like Illinois State University to comply with legal requirements and better protect their communities.

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) ha annunciato il lancio del suo sistema di gestione delle prove digitali intelligenti e alimentato da intelligenza artificiale, Veritone iDEMS, per assistere università, campus scolastici e agenzie di pubblica sicurezza nella modernizzazione delle indagini. Il sistema snellisce i flussi di lavoro per la redazione di audio e video, risultando potenzialmente utile nella gestione di proteste nei campus e di incidenti con attori armati. iDEMS si basa su Veritone Investigate, che funge da hub centrale per archiviare, gestire, analizzare e condividere file di prove digitali.

Il sistema si collega a varie fonti di dati, acquisisce file multimediali e utilizza modelli di intelligenza artificiale per catalogare e etichettare dati non strutturati, portando a intuizioni azionabili. Questa tecnologia migliora la capacità di istituzioni come l'Illinois State University di conformarsi ai requisiti legali e di proteggere meglio le loro comunità.

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) ha anunciado el despliegue de su sistema de gestión de pruebas digitales inteligentes impulsado por inteligencia artificial, Veritone iDEMS, para ayudar a universidades, campus escolares y agencias de seguridad pública a modernizar las investigaciones. El sistema optimiza los flujos de trabajo para la redacción de audio y video, lo que puede ser valioso para manejar protestas en el campus y situaciones de tiradores activos. iDEMS se basa en Veritone Investigate, que sirve como un hub central para almacenar, gestionar, analizar y compartir archivos de pruebas digitales.

El sistema se conecta a diversas fuentes de datos, ingiere archivos multimedia y utiliza modelos de IA para catalogar y etiquetar datos no estructurados, lo que conduce a conocimientos procesables. Esta tecnología mejora la capacidad de instituciones como la Universidad Estatal de Illinois para cumplir con los requisitos legales y proteger mejor a sus comunidades.

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI)는 대학, 학교 캠퍼스 및 공공 안전 기관이 조사를 현대화하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 인공지능 기반의 지능형 디지털 증거 관리 시스템인 Veritone iDEMS의 배포를 발표했습니다. 이 시스템은 캠퍼스 내 시위나 총기 사건 처리에 유용할 수 있는 오디오 및 비디오 편집 작업을 효율화합니다. iDEMS는 디지털 증거 파일을 저장, 관리, 분석 및 공유를 위한 중앙 증거 허브 역할을 하는 Veritone Investigate를 기반으로 합니다.

이 시스템은 다양한 데이터 소스에 연결되며, 미디어 파일을 수집하고, 비구조화된 데이터를 분류하고 태그하기 위해 AI 모델을 사용하여 실행 가능한 인사이트를 제공합니다. 이 기술은 일리노이 주립대학교와 같은 기관이 법적 요구 사항을 준수하고 지역 사회를 보다 잘 보호하는 능력을 향상시킵니다.

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) a annoncé le déploiement de son système de gestion des preuves numériques intelligent alimenté par l'intelligence artificielle, Veritone iDEMS, pour aider les universités, les campus scolaires et les agences de sécurité publique à moderniser les enquêtes. Le système rationalise les flux de travail pour la rédaction de fichiers audio et vidéo, ce qui peut être précieux pour gérer des manifestations sur le campus et des incidents de tireurs actifs. iDEMS est basé sur Veritone Investigate, qui sert de point central pour stocker, gérer, analyser et partager des fichiers de preuve numériques.

Le système se connecte à diverses sources de données, ingère des fichiers multimédias et utilise des modèles d'IA pour cataloguer et étiqueter des données non structurées, ce qui mène à des insights actionnables. Cette technologie améliore la capacité d'institutions comme l'Illinois State University à se conformer aux exigences légales et à mieux protéger leurs communautés.

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) hat den Einsatz seines KI-gestützten intelligenten Systems zur Verwaltung digitaler Beweise, Veritone iDEMS, angekündigt, um Universitäten, Schulgelände und öffentliche Sicherheitsbehörden bei der Modernisierung von Ermittlungen zu unterstützen. Das System optimiert die Arbeitsabläufe für die Bearbeitung von Audio- und Videoaufzeichnungen, was potenziell wertvoll ist, um mit Protesten auf dem Campus und aktiven Schießereien umzugehen. iDEMS basiert auf Veritone Investigate, das als zentrales Beweis-Hub dient, um digitale Beweisdateien zu speichern, zu verwalten, zu analysieren und zu teilen.

Das System verbindet sich mit verschiedenen Datenquellen, verarbeitet Mediendateien und nutzt KI-Modelle, um unstrukturierte Daten zu katalogisieren und zu kennzeichnen, was zu umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen führt. Diese Technologie verbessert die Fähigkeit von Einrichtungen wie der Illinois State University, gesetzliche Anforderungen zu erfüllen und ihre Gemeinschaften besser zu schützen.

  • Deployment of AI-powered iDEMS to modernize and streamline investigations for universities and public safety agencies
  • Potential application in handling campus protests and active shooter incidents
  • Automation of manual investigations and reduction of labor-intensive workflows
  • Integration with various data sources and media file types
  • Use of advanced AI models for cataloging and tagging unstructured data
  • None.

Veritone's iDEMS represents a significant advancement in digital evidence management, particularly for educational institutions and public safety agencies. The system's AI-powered capabilities, including automated transcription, object detection and facial detection, could substantially expedite investigations and improve efficiency. However, it's important to consider the potential privacy implications and ethical concerns surrounding facial recognition technology on campuses.

From a technical standpoint, the system's ability to ingest various media types and connect to multiple data sources is impressive. This interoperability could be a game-changer for organizations dealing with siloed data systems. The use of AI to catalog and tag unstructured data is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses a common pain point in digital evidence management.

While the technology shows promise, its effectiveness in real-world scenarios, especially in high-stress situations like active shooter incidents, remains to be seen. Additionally, the system's reliance on AI raises questions about accuracy and potential biases in automated analysis, which could have serious implications in legal proceedings.

The introduction of Veritone's iDEMS raises important legal considerations for universities and public safety agencies. While the system promises to streamline compliance with legal requirements, it also introduces new challenges. The use of AI in evidence management could potentially impact the admissibility of evidence in court, as defense attorneys may challenge the reliability and accuracy of AI-processed information.

Privacy laws, particularly those protecting student data like FERPA, must be carefully navigated when implementing such systems on campuses. The automated analysis and tagging of video footage, especially in the context of protests, could raise First Amendment concerns if not properly managed.

Moreover, the use of facial recognition technology in educational settings is a contentious issue, with some jurisdictions already imposing restrictions. Universities adopting this technology must ensure they have robust policies in place to protect individual rights and prevent misuse. The potential for AI bias in evidence analysis also presents a significant legal risk that must be addressed to ensure fair and just outcomes in investigations and subsequent legal proceedings.

Veritone's move into the digital evidence management space for educational institutions and public safety agencies is strategically sound. The market for DEMS is growing, as evidenced by Gartner's recognition of these systems as essential. This positions Veritone to capitalize on an expanding market segment.

However, the company faces stiff competition from established players in the public safety technology sector. Veritone's success will largely depend on its ability to differentiate its AI capabilities and demonstrate tangible efficiency gains for users. The mention of Illinois State University as a user is positive, but broader adoption metrics would be more indicative of market traction.

Investors should note that while this product expansion aligns with Veritone's AI expertise, it also exposes the company to the complex and highly regulated public sector market. This could impact sales cycles and profitability. Additionally, the sensitivity around AI use in law enforcement and on campuses could pose reputational risks. Overall, while the product shows promise, its impact on Veritone's financial performance remains to be seen, warranting a cautious outlook.

Veritone’s AI-powered intelligent digital evidence management system streamlines and modernizes investigative workflows with potential applications for campus protests and active shooter incidents

DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Veritone, Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI), a leader in building human-centered enterprise AI solutions, today announced the deployment of its intelligent digital evidence management system, Veritone iDEMS, to assist universities, school campuses and public safety agencies in modernizing and streamlining investigations.

Veritone iDEMS is a comprehensive AI-powered solution that automates manual investigations and reduces the labor-intensive workflows associated with audio and video redaction. This system can be particularly valuable to universities and public agencies grappling with heightened security concerns and investigative demands, such as for campus protests and active shooter incidents. iDEMS is pivotal in modernizing and streamlining the investigation and prosecution processes of those involved in criminal activities during these events. The technology enhances the ability of universities and schools, such as Illinois State University, to comply with legal requirements and to better protect and serve students, faculty and communities with greater accuracy and speed.

“With the increasing complexity and volume of digital evidence, traditional methods of investigation and evidence management are no longer efficient,” said Jon Gacek, general manager, Veritone Public Sector. “Our AI-powered iDEMS solution transforms how digital evidence is managed and analyzed, providing agencies with the tools they need to conduct efficient and effective investigations.”

According to the Gartner® Market Guide for Digital Evidence Management Systems (published January 30, 2024), “Digital evidence management systems (DEMSs) are now essential for the volume and diversity of digital artifacts collected and used in investigations and court proceedings.”

The foundation of iDEMS is Veritone Investigate, which provides a customizable user interface and serves as the central evidence hub to store, manage, analyze and share all digital evidence files. Investigate connects to any cloud or on-premise data source, such as 911 and video management systems, and ingests media files, including body-worn camera footage, surveillance footage and jailhouse calls. Investigators can leverage primary and advanced AI models to catalog and tag unstructured data within audio, video and PDF evidence files, leading to actionable insights. Investigate automatically runs and processes primary AI models such as transcription, object detection, facial detection and scene detection to help agencies search, discover and catalog the fundamental information needed to accelerate investigations.

For more information on Veritone iDEMS and its capabilities, please visit:

*GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

About Veritone

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) builds human-centered enterprise AI solutions. Serving customers in the media, entertainment, public sector and talent acquisition industries, Veritone’s software and services empower individuals at the world’s largest and most recognizable brands to run more efficiently, accelerate decision making and increase profitability. Veritone’s leading enterprise AI platform, aiWARE™, orchestrates an ever-growing ecosystem of machine learning models, transforming data sources into actionable intelligence. By blending human expertise with AI technology, Veritone advances human potential to help organizations solve problems and achieve more than ever before, enhancing lives everywhere. To learn more, visit

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This news release contains forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “could,” “estimate” or “continue” or the negative or other variations thereof or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. Assumptions relating to the foregoing involve judgments and risks with respect to various matters which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond the control of Veritone. Certain of such judgments and risks are discussed in Veritone’s SEC filings. Although Veritone believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of the assumptions could prove inaccurate and, therefore, there can be no assurance that the results contemplated in forward-looking statements will be realized. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking information included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by Veritone or any other person that their objectives or plans will be achieved. Veritone undertakes no obligation to revise the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Valerie Christopherson or Lora Metzner

Global Results Comms (GRC)

+1 949 608 0276

Sarah Rich


Source: Veritone


What is Veritone iDEMS and how does it help universities and public safety agencies?

Veritone iDEMS is an AI-powered intelligent digital evidence management system that helps universities and public safety agencies modernize and streamline investigations. It automates manual processes, reduces labor-intensive workflows for audio and video redaction, and can be particularly useful for handling campus protests and active shooter incidents.

How does Veritone iDEMS (NASDAQ: VERI) process digital evidence?

Veritone iDEMS connects to various data sources, ingests media files like body-worn camera footage and surveillance videos, and uses AI models to catalog and tag unstructured data within audio, video, and PDF evidence files. This process leads to actionable insights that can accelerate investigations.

What are the primary AI models used by Veritone iDEMS (NASDAQ: VERI) for evidence analysis?

Veritone iDEMS uses primary AI models such as transcription, object detection, facial detection, and scene detection to help agencies search, discover, and catalog fundamental information needed to accelerate investigations.

Which university is mentioned as using Veritone's iDEMS technology (NASDAQ: VERI)?

The press release mentions Illinois State University as an example of an institution that can benefit from Veritone iDEMS to comply with legal requirements and better protect and serve students, faculty, and communities.

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