Go Fund Yourself Show Debuts Private Viewing at “Million Dollar Weekend” Event, Keynote Presented by Show Titan Jayson Waller

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The Million Dollar Weekend event hosted an exclusive preview of Go Fund Yourself!, a revolutionary crowdfunding platform connecting entrepreneurs with investors in real-time. Jayson Waller, keynote speaker and investor, introduced the platform, highlighting its ability to level the playing field for entrepreneurs seeking funding.

The show features entrepreneurs pitching to a panel of 'Titans', including Waller, David Meltzer, and Rory J. Cutaia, CEO of Verb Technology Company [NASDAQ: VERB]. VIP attendees watched a private viewing of an episode, showcasing the platform's unique combination of live pitching and interactive audience engagement.

Go Fund Yourself! aims to democratize investment opportunities, allowing virtually anyone to invest in promising new companies, while giving businesses access to a broad audience of potential investors.

L'evento Million Dollar Weekend ha ospitato un'anteprima esclusiva di Go Fund Yourself!, una piattaforma di crowdfunding rivoluzionaria che connette imprenditori e investitori in tempo reale. Jayson Waller, relatore principale e investitore, ha presentato la piattaforma, evidenziando la sua capacità di livellare il campo di gioco per gli imprenditori che cercano finanziamenti.

Lo spettacolo presenta imprenditori che si esibiscono di fronte a una giuria di 'Titani', tra cui Waller, David Meltzer e Rory J. Cutaia, CEO di Verb Technology Company [NASDAQ: VERB]. I partecipanti VIP hanno assistito a una visione privata di un episodio, che metteva in mostra la combinazione unica di pitching dal vivo e coinvolgimento interattivo del pubblico.

Go Fund Yourself! mira a democratizzare le opportunità di investimento, consentendo praticamente a chiunque di investire in nuove aziende promettenti, mentre offre alle imprese accesso a un'ampia audience di potenziali investitori.

El evento Million Dollar Weekend presentó una vista previa exclusiva de ¡Financia tu Idea!, una plataforma de crowdfunding revolucionaria que conecta a emprendedores con inversores en tiempo real. Jayson Waller, orador principal e inversor, introdujo la plataforma, destacando su capacidad para igualar las oportunidades para los emprendedores que buscan financiamiento.

El programa incluye a emprendedores presentándose ante un panel de 'Titanes', incluidos Waller, David Meltzer y Rory J. Cutaia, CEO de Verb Technology Company [NASDAQ: VERB]. Los asistentes VIP vieron una proyección privada de un episodio que mostró la combinación única de pitching en vivo y participación interactiva del público.

¡Financia tu Idea! busca democratizar las oportunidades de inversión, permitiendo que prácticamente cualquier persona pueda invertir en nuevas empresas prometedoras, mientras brinda a las compañías acceso a un amplio público de posibles inversores.

백만 달러 주말(Million Dollar Weekend) 행사에서는 고 펀드 유어셀프(Go Fund Yourself!)의 독점 미리보기를 선보였습니다. 이 혁신적인 크라우드펀딩 플랫폼은 기업가와 투자자를 실시간으로 연결해줍니다. 제이손 월러(Jayson Waller)는 기조 연설자이자 투자자로, 이 플랫폼이 자금을 찾는 기업가들에게 기회를 평등하게 만들어준다는 점을 강조했습니다.

이 쇼에서는 '티타늄(Titans)' 패널 앞에서 피칭을 하는 기업가들을 소개하고 있으며, 이 패널에는 월러, 데이비드 멜처(David Meltzer), 로리 J. 쿠타이아(Rory J. Cutaia), 버브 테크놀로지 컴퍼니(Verb Technology Company)의 CEO가 포함되어 있습니다 [NASDAQ: VERB]. VIP 참석자들은 플랫폼의 독창적인 라이브 피칭과 관객 참여를 보여주는 에피소드를 사전 공개로 보았습니다.

고 펀드 유어셀프!는 투자 기회를 민주화하고, 사실상 누구나 유망한 신규 회사에 투자할 수 있도록 하며, 기업들에게 폭넓은 잠재 투자자들에게 접근할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

L'événement Million Dollar Weekend a présenté un aperçu exclusif de Go Fund Yourself!, une plateforme de crowdfunding révolutionnaire qui connecte les entrepreneurs aux investisseurs en temps réel. Jayson Waller, conférencier principal et investisseur, a introduit la plateforme, soulignant sa capacité à niveler le terrain pour les entrepreneurs à la recherche de financement.

Le spectacle met en avant des entrepreneurs pitchant devant un panel de 'Titans', dont Waller, David Meltzer et Rory J. Cutaia, PDG de Verb Technology Company [NASDAQ: VERB]. Les participants VIP ont assisté à une projection privée d'un épisode, mettant en valeur la combinaison unique de pitching en direct et d'engagement interactif du public.

Go Fund Yourself! vise à démocratiser les opportunités d'investissement, permettant à pratiquement quiconque d'investir dans de nouvelles entreprises prometteuses, tout en offrant aux entreprises un accès à un large public potentiel d'investisseurs.

Die Veranstaltung Million Dollar Weekend präsentierte eine exklusive Vorschau auf Go Fund Yourself!, eine revolutionäre Crowdfunding-Plattform, die Unternehmer in Echtzeit mit Investoren verbindet. Jayson Waller, der Hauptredner und Investor, stellte die Plattform vor und hob hervor, wie sie das Spielfeld für Unternehmer, die Finanzierung suchen, nivelliert.

Die Show zeigt Unternehmer, die vor einem Gremium von 'Titanen' pitchen, darunter Waller, David Meltzer und Rory J. Cutaia, CEO von Verb Technology Company [NASDAQ: VERB]. VIP-Gäste konnten eine private Vorstellung einer Episode sehen, die die einzigartige Kombination aus Live-Pitching und interaktiver Publikumsbeteiligung präsentierte.

Go Fund Yourself! hat das Ziel, Investitionsmöglichkeiten zu demokratisieren, sodass praktisch jeder in vielversprechende neue Unternehmen investieren kann, während den Unternehmen der Zugang zu einem breiten Publikum potenzieller Investoren ermöglicht wird.

  • Launch of innovative crowdfunding platform 'Go Fund Yourself!' connecting entrepreneurs with investors
  • Involvement of high-profile 'Titans' as show hosts, potentially increasing platform visibility
  • Democratization of investment opportunities, potentially expanding the investor base
  • Real-time interaction feature, potentially streamlining the fundraising process
  • None.

Revolutionary Crowdfunding Platform Connects Entrepreneurs and Investors in Real-Time

JUPITER, Fla., Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The prestigious Million Dollar Weekend event, a gathering of top entrepreneurs, influencers, and thought leaders, hosted an exclusive preview of Go Fund Yourself! a groundbreaking crowdfunding platform that is revolutionizing how businesses raise capital. Keynote speaker and investor Jayson Waller introduced the platform, showcasing its unique ability to connect entrepreneurs with investors through real-time interaction.

As a keynote, investor, and co-host of Go Fund Yourself! Waller delivered an inspiring presentation about entrepreneurship, building business –– and how "Go Fund Yourself! is leveling the playing field for entrepreneurs who are looking for funding.

“Unlike other pitch and business investment shows where investment in promising new companies is limited to the privileged few, through Go Fund Yourself, virtually anyone and everyone has the same opportunity to invest in these companies as the so-called elites, and that’s a good thing,” said Jayson Waller. “It also gives deserving new companies access to an extensive broad audience of potential investors they otherwise could never reach.”

“Go Fund Yourself gives businesses the opportunity to share their story, connect with investors instantly, and secure the funding they need to grow,” said Show Titan David Meltzer. “I'm excited entrepreneurs and businesspeople at the Million Dollar Weekend event watched a private viewing of our new show and crowdfunding platform that’s disrupting the game."

VIP attendees watched an exclusive private viewing of one of the episodes, featuring entrepreneurs pitching their businesses to a panel of esteemed "Titans." The Go Fund Yourself! Titans include partners Jayson Waller, serial entrepreneur; David Meltzer, a world-renowned business coach, philanthropist and investor; and Rory J. Cutaia, the show’s creator, visionary entrepreneur and Founder & CEO of Verb Technology Company, Inc. [NASDAQ: VERB], who are joined in each Show episode by a celebrity Titan from show business, sports, or business fame. Together, they ask the tough questions investors want answered while providing the entrepreneurs presenting their businesses on the Show with guidance and real-time feedback.

“I understand all too well how difficult it is for an entrepreneur to raise capital for a novel new idea or innovative business,” said Rory J. Cutaia, VERB CEO and Go Fund Yourself Show creator. “I, along with my fellow Titans David Meltzer and Jayson Waller, find it personally rewarding to know that we are making a difference, we’re helping entrepreneurs access the capital they need to realize their dreams on terms that are fair and reasonable, and ensuring that new products, new technology that deserve to see the light of day, actually do.” “We’re also thrilled that the everyday man and woman has access to the same investment opportunities - anyone of which could be that life-changing event - that are only seen by the same small group of investment insiders.”

Attendees were captivated by the innovative nature of the show, which combines live pitching with interactive audience engagement. "It was thrilling to witness Go Fund Yourself! first-hand at Million Dollar Weekend," said Cindy Metzler, CEO of Omm Media. “The energy in the room was electric, and the platform opens up so many opportunities for businesses to secure funding in an unprecedented way.”

Denis Sinelnikov, CEO of Media Components, echoed these sentiments: "Sharing Go Fund Yourself! with such a distinguished crowd was an amazing experience. This platform is about to change how businesses approach fundraising and how investors find their next big opportunity."

About Go Fund Yourself! Go Fund Yourself! is an innovative interactive social crowdfunding platform designed for public and private companies seeking capital through Regulation CF and Regulation A offerings. The show allows entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to a panel of successful "Titans" while viewers engage in real-time by making investment decisions as they watch. The panel includes Jayson Waller, David Meltzer, and Rory Cutaia—three entrepreneurial powerhouses committed to helping companies succeed. The platform also allows companies with consumer products to engage with viewers through shoppable, real-time icons during the broadcast.

With its game-changing approach, Go Fund Yourself! is poised to redefine how businesses raise capital and build meaningful connections with investors across the globe.

For Show Casting: Visit Go Fund Yourself Application or email

Media Contact
Cindy Metzler


What is Go Fund Yourself! and how does it relate to VERB stock?

Go Fund Yourself! is a new crowdfunding platform created by Rory J. Cutaia, the Founder & CEO of Verb Technology Company, Inc. [NASDAQ: VERB]. The platform aims to connect entrepreneurs with investors in real-time, potentially impacting VERB's business and stock performance.

Who are the 'Titans' featured in the Go Fund Yourself! show?

The Go Fund Yourself! Titans include Jayson Waller (serial entrepreneur), David Meltzer (business coach and investor), Rory J. Cutaia (VERB CEO and show creator), and a rotating celebrity Titan from show business, sports, or business fame.

When and where was Go Fund Yourself! previewed?

Go Fund Yourself! was previewed at the Million Dollar Weekend event on October 22, 2024, in Jupiter, Florida. VIP attendees watched an exclusive private viewing of one of the episodes.

How does Go Fund Yourself! differ from other crowdfunding platforms?

Go Fund Yourself! combines live pitching with interactive audience engagement, allowing real-time connections between entrepreneurs and investors. It aims to democratize investment opportunities by giving a broader audience access to invest in promising new companies.

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