VEON FY24 and 4Q24 Trading Update: Strong Delivery in 2024, Digital Services Driving Growth
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) reported strong financial results for FY24, with total revenue growing 8.3% YoY to USD 4,004 million and EBITDA increasing 4.9% YoY to USD 1,691 million. The company's performance was driven by robust direct digital revenue growth of 63.0% YoY to USD 460 million, representing 11.5% of total revenues.
Key financial metrics include:
- Total cash and deposits of USD 1,691 million (USD 481 million at HQ)
- Gross debt decreased by USD 311 million YoY to USD 4.4 billion
- Net debt excluding lease liabilities at USD 1.9 billion
- Equity Free Cash Flow of USD 403 million
- Capex of USD 826 million
For FY25, VEON projects underlying local currency growth of 12-14% YoY for total revenue and 13-15% YoY for EBITDA. The company also announced the second phase of its share buyback program for ADSs, worth up to USD 35 million.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per l'anno fiscale 2024, con un fatturato totale in crescita dell'8,3% rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo 4.004 milioni di USD, e un EBITDA aumentato del 4,9% YoY a 1.691 milioni di USD. Le performance dell'azienda sono state guidate da una robusta crescita dei ricavi digitali diretti, che sono aumentati del 63,0% YoY, raggiungendo 460 milioni di USD, rappresentando l'11,5% dei ricavi totali.
I principali indicatori finanziari includono:
- Cassa totale e depositi di 1.691 milioni di USD (481 milioni di USD presso la sede centrale)
- Il debito lordo è diminuito di 311 milioni di USD rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo 4,4 miliardi di USD
- Il debito netto, escluse le passività di leasing, si attesta a 1,9 miliardi di USD
- Flusso di cassa libero da equity di 403 milioni di USD
- Investimenti in capitale di 826 milioni di USD
Per l'anno fiscale 2025, VEON prevede una crescita sottostante in valuta locale del 12-14% YoY per il fatturato totale e del 13-15% YoY per l'EBITDA. L'azienda ha anche annunciato la seconda fase del suo programma di riacquisto di azioni per ADS, del valore di fino a 35 milioni di USD.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) reportó resultados financieros sólidos para el año fiscal 2024, con ingresos totales creciendo un 8,3% interanual hasta 4.004 millones de USD y un EBITDA aumentando un 4,9% interanual hasta 1.691 millones de USD. El desempeño de la compañía fue impulsado por un robusto crecimiento de los ingresos digitales directos del 63,0% interanual, alcanzando 460 millones de USD, lo que representa el 11,5% de los ingresos totales.
Los principales indicadores financieros incluyen:
- Efectivo total y depósitos de 1.691 millones de USD (481 millones de USD en la sede central)
- La deuda bruta disminuyó en 311 millones de USD interanual, alcanzando 4,4 mil millones de USD
- La deuda neta, excluyendo las obligaciones de arrendamiento, es de 1,9 mil millones de USD
- Flujo de caja libre de capital de 403 millones de USD
- Inversiones de capital de 826 millones de USD
Para el año fiscal 2025, VEON proyecta un crecimiento subyacente en moneda local del 12-14% interanual para los ingresos totales y del 13-15% interanual para el EBITDA. La compañía también anunció la segunda fase de su programa de recompra de acciones para ADS, por un valor de hasta 35 millones de USD.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON)은 2024 회계연도에 대해 강력한 재무 실적을 보고했으며, 총 수익은 전년 대비 8.3% 증가하여 40억 4천만 달러에 이르고, EBITDA는 전년 대비 4.9% 증가하여 16억 9천1백만 달러에 도달했습니다. 회사의 성과는 전년 대비 63.0% 증가한 4억 6천만 달러의 강력한 직접 디지털 수익 성장에 의해 주도되었으며, 이는 총 수익의 11.5%를 차지합니다.
주요 재무 지표는 다음과 같습니다:
- 총 현금 및 예치금 16억 9천1백만 달러 (본사에서 4억 8천1백만 달러)
- 총 부채는 전년 대비 3억 1천1백만 달러 감소하여 44억 달러에 이릅니다.
- 리스 부채를 제외한 순부채는 19억 달러입니다.
- 자본 자유 현금 흐름 4억 3백만 달러
- 자본 지출 8억 2천6백만 달러
2025 회계연도에 대해 VEON은 총 수익에 대해 전년 대비 12-14%의 기본 현지 통화 성장을, EBITDA에 대해 13-15%의 성장을 예상하고 있습니다. 회사는 또한 ADS에 대한 주식 매입 프로그램의 두 번째 단계를 발표했으며, 최대 3천5백만 달러의 가치가 있습니다.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) a annoncé de solides résultats financiers pour l'exercice 2024, avec un chiffre d'affaires total en hausse de 8,3 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 4 004 millions USD, et un EBITDA en augmentation de 4,9 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 1 691 millions USD. La performance de l'entreprise a été soutenue par une forte croissance des revenus numériques directs de 63,0 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 460 millions USD, représentant 11,5 % des revenus totaux.
Les principaux indicateurs financiers incluent :
- Trésorerie totale et dépôts de 1 691 millions USD (481 millions USD au siège social)
- La dette brute a diminué de 311 millions USD par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 4,4 milliards USD
- La dette nette, hors passifs de location, s'élève à 1,9 milliard USD
- Flux de trésorerie libre de 403 millions USD
- Dépenses d'investissement de 826 millions USD
Pour l'exercice 2025, VEON prévoit une croissance sous-jacente en monnaie locale de 12 à 14 % par rapport à l'année précédente pour le chiffre d'affaires total et de 13 à 15 % par rapport à l'année précédente pour l'EBITDA. L'entreprise a également annoncé la deuxième phase de son programme de rachat d'actions pour ADS, d'une valeur pouvant atteindre 35 millions USD.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) hat starke Finanzergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 gemeldet, mit einem Gesamtumsatz, der im Jahresvergleich um 8,3% auf 4.004 Millionen USD gewachsen ist, und einem EBITDA, das um 4,9% im Jahresvergleich auf 1.691 Millionen USD gestiegen ist. Die Leistung des Unternehmens wurde durch ein robustes Wachstum der direkten digitalen Einnahmen von 63,0% im Jahresvergleich auf 460 Millionen USD angetrieben, was 11,5% des Gesamtumsatzes entspricht.
Wichtige Finanzkennzahlen sind:
- Gesamtliquidität und Einlagen von 1.691 Millionen USD (481 Millionen USD am Hauptsitz)
- Die Bruttoverschuldung sank im Jahresvergleich um 311 Millionen USD auf 4,4 Milliarden USD
- Die Nettoverschuldung ohne Leasingverbindlichkeiten beträgt 1,9 Milliarden USD
- Freier Cashflow aus Eigenkapital von 403 Millionen USD
- Investitionen in Sachanlagen von 826 Millionen USD
Für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 prognostiziert VEON ein zugrunde liegendes Wachstum der lokalen Währung von 12-14% im Jahresvergleich für den Gesamtumsatz und von 13-15% im Jahresvergleich für das EBITDA. Das Unternehmen kündigte auch die zweite Phase seines Aktienrückkaufprogramms für ADS im Wert von bis zu 35 Millionen USD an.
- Revenue growth of 8.3% YoY exceeded inflation rate of 9.3%
- Strong digital revenue growth of 63.0% YoY to USD 460 million
- EBITDA growth of 4.9% YoY to USD 1,691 million
- Net debt to EBITDA ratio improved to 1.34x from 1.52x
- Share price more than doubled during 2024
- New share buyback program announced for USD 35 million
- Increased Capex intensity to 20.6% (+3.0 p.p. YoY)
- Business disruptions from cyberattack in Ukraine
- Impact from political unrest in Bangladesh
- Deconsolidation of TNS+ operations in Kazakhstan
VEON's FY24 results showcase robust financial performance with total revenue growing 8.3% YoY to
The standout performance comes from direct digital revenue, which surged 63.0% YoY to
Balance sheet metrics show solid improvement, with net debt to EBITDA (excluding lease liabilities) declining to 1.34x from 1.52x a year earlier. The
VEON's forward-looking guidance of 12-14% revenue growth and 13-15% EBITDA growth in local currency terms for FY25 signals continued confidence in the company's trajectory. The announcement of a
The company's strategic initiatives - consolidating Nasdaq trading, divesting non-core assets, forming key partnerships like Kyivstar with Starlink, and relocating headquarters to Dubai - have collectively contributed to VEON's share price more than doubling during 2024, reflecting market recognition of the company's transformation.
VEON FY24 and 4Q24 Trading Update: Strong Delivery in 2024,
Digital Services Driving Growth
Dubai, March 20, 2025, 10:10 GST
VEON FY24 Highlights
- Total revenue growth of
8.3% YoY to USD 4,004 million (+14.6% YoY in underlying local currency terms) - EBITDA growth of
4.9% YoY to USD 1,691 million (+12.0% YoY in underlying local currency terms) - Direct digital revenue growth of
63.0% YoY to USD 460 million (+64.1% YoY in local currency terms), representing11.5% of revenues for the full year - Total cash and cash equivalents and deposits of USD 1,691 million, with USD 481 million at headquarters (“HQ”); and gross debt at USD 4.4 billion (decreased by USD 311 million YoY), with net debt excluding lease liabilities at USD 1.9 billion
- Equity Free Cash Flow of USD 403 million, Capex of USD 826 million
VEON Ltd. (Nasdaq: VEON), a global digital operator, announces selected financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and full year ended 31 December 2024.
For the full year 2024, VEON achieved
Underlying FY24 revenue growth was
VEON’s full-year revenue performance was underpinned by robust direct digital revenue growth, which rose by
EBITDA for the year was USD 1,691 million, representing a
Capex in 2024 increased
4Q24 Highlights
- Total revenue growth of
4.7% YoY to USD 998 million (+11.1% YoY in underlying local currency terms) - EBITDA growth of
11.3% YoY to USD 408 million; (+14.1% YoY in underlying local currency terms) - Direct digital revenue growth of
42.4% to USD 126 million (+43.5% YoY in local currency terms), representing12.6% of total revenues for the quarter
In 4Q24, VEON sustained strong growth momentum. VEON’s 4Q24 EBITDA was impacted by identified items, including political unrest in Bangladesh, deconsolidation of TNS+ in Kazakhstan and HQ restructuring costs.
Outlook for 2025
For FY25, VEON is guiding for underlying local currency growth for total revenue of
VEON will also shortly commence the second phase of its previously announced share buyback program with respect to the Company’s American Depositary Shares (“ADS”). This second phase of the buyback will be in the amount of up to USD 35 million.
Commenting on the results, Kaan Terzioglu said:
“I am pleased to report that VEON continues to demonstrate robust growth and has delivered on earnings expectations in reported USD terms. We have also succeeded in executing on our strategic priorities in FY24.
2024 was a transformative year for VEON. Our share price more than doubled during the year, reflecting the success of our strategy and our execution. We announced a share buyback, consolidated Nasdaq trading, divested non-core assets, and formed strategic partnerships, notably Kyivstar with Starlink. We have also shifted our headquarters to Dubai.
Our strategy cements our position at the forefront of the digital revolution and ensures sustained growth and success in our rapidly evolving frontier markets. VEON will continue to execute to this strategy in 2025, driving growth and innovation across our markets.”
Additional information
View the full 4Q24 trading update
View 4Q24 trading update presentation
View 4Q24 factbook
4Q24 results conference call
VEON will also host a results conference call with senior management at 16:00 GST (13:00 CET, 8:00 EST) today.
To register and access the event, please click here or copy and paste this link to the address bar of your browser:
Once registered, you will receive registration confirmation on the email address mentioned during registration with the link to access the webcast and dial-in details to listen to the conference call over the phone.
We strongly encourage you to watch the event through the webcast link, but if you prefer to dial in, then please use the dial-in details.
If you want to participate in the Q&A session, we ask that you select the ‘Yes' option on the ‘Will you be asking questions live on the call?’ dropdown. That will bring you to a page where you can join the Q&A room by clicking 'Connect to meeting’.
You will be brought into a zoom webinar where you can listen to the presentation and once Q&A begins, if you have a question, please use the ‘raise hand button’ on the bottom of your zoom screen. When it is your turn to speak, the moderator will announce your name as well as sending a message to your screen asking you to confirm you want to talk. Once accepted, please unmute your mic and ask your question.
You can also submit your questions prior the webcast event to VEON Investor Relations at
About VEON
VEON is a digital operator that provides converged connectivity and digital services to nearly 160 million customers. Operating across six countries that are home to more than
Notice to readers: financial information presented
VEON's results and other financial information presented in this document are, unless otherwise stated, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") based on internal management reporting, are the responsibility of management, and have not been externally audited, reviewed, or verified. As such, you should not place undue reliance on this information. This information may not be indicative of the actual results for any future period.
Notice to readers: impact of the war in Ukraine
The ongoing war in Ukraine, and the resulting sanctions adopted by the United States, member states of the European Union, the European Union itself, the United Kingdom, Ukraine and certain other nations, countersanctions and other legal and regulatory responses, as well as responses by our service providers, partners, suppliers and other counterparties, and the other indirect and direct consequences of the war have impacted and, if the war, such responses and other consequences continue or escalate, may significantly impact our results and aspects of our operations in Ukraine, and may significantly affect our results and aspects of our operations in the other countries in which we operate. We are closely monitoring events in Ukraine, as well as the possibility of the imposition of further legal and regulatory restrictions in connection with the ongoing war in Ukraine and any potential impact the war may have on our results, whether directly or indirectly.
Our operations in Ukraine continue to be affected by the war. We are doing everything we can to protect the safety of our employees, while continuing to ensure the uninterrupted operation of our communications, financial and digital services.
VEON's results and other financial information presented in this document are, unless otherwise stated, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and have not been externally reviewed and audited. The financial information included in this document is preliminary and is based on a number of assumptions that are subject to inherent uncertainties and subject to change. The financial information presented herein is based on internal management accounts, is the responsibility of management and is subject to financial closing procedures which have not yet been completed and has not been audited, reviewed or verified. Certain amounts and percentages that appear in this document have been subject to rounding adjustments. As a result, certain numerical figures shown as totals, including those in the tables, may not be an exact arithmetic aggregation of the figures that precede or follow them. Although we believe the information to be reasonable, actual results may vary from the information contained above and such variations could be material. As such, you should not place undue reliance on this information. This information may not be indicative of the actual results for the current period or any future period.
This document contains “forward-looking statements”, as the phrase is defined in Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as “may,” “might,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “seek,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” “continue,” “contemplate,” “possible” and other similar words. Forward-looking statements include statements relating to, among other things, VEON’s plans to implement its strategic priorities, including operating model and development plans; anticipated performance, including VEON’s growth trajectory and ability to generate sufficient cash flow to repay its upcoming debt maturities and other obligations, amongst other obligations; VEON’s intended expansion of its digital experience including through technologies such as artificial intelligence; VEON’s assessment of the impact of the war in Ukraine, including related sanctions and counter-sanctions, on its current and future operations and financial condition; VEON’s assessment of the impact of the political conflict in Bangladesh; future market developments and trends; operational and network development and network investment, including expectations regarding the roll-out and benefits of 3G/4G/LTE networks, as applicable; spectrum acquisitions and renewals; the effect of the acquisition of additional spectrum on customer experience; the impact of VEON’s delisting from Euronext, VEON's HQ relocation to the Dubai International Financial Centre in the United Arab Emirates, VEON’s ability to realize the acquisition and disposition of any of its businesses and assets and to execute its strategic transactions in the timeframes anticipated, or at all ,including VEON's ability to finalize the business combination that will result in the listing of Kyivstar on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC and implement the reorganization of its wholly owned subsidiary VEON Holdings B.V.; VEON’s ability to realize financial improvements, including an expected reduction of net pro-forma leverage ratio following the successful completion of certain dispositions and acquisitions; its dividends; and VEON’s ability to realize its targets and commercial initiatives in its various countries of operation.
The forward-looking statements included in this document are based on management’s best assessment of VEON’s strategic and financial position and of future market conditions, trends and other potential developments. These discussions involve risks and uncertainties. The actual outcome may differ materially from these statements as a result of, among other things: further escalation in the war in Ukraine, including further sanctions and counter-sanctions and any related involuntary deconsolidation of our Ukrainian operations; demand for and market acceptance of VEON’s products and services; our plans regarding our dividend payments and policies, as well as our ability to receive dividends, distributions, loans, transfers or other payments or guarantees from our subsidiaries; continued volatility in the economies in VEON’s markets; governmental regulation of the telecommunications industries; general political uncertainties in VEON’s markets; government investigations or other regulatory actions; litigation or disputes with third parties or regulatory authorities or other negative developments regarding such parties; the impact of export controls and laws affecting trade and investment on our and important third-party suppliers' ability to procure goods, software or technology necessary for the services we provide to our customers; risks associated with data protection or cyber security, other risks beyond the parties’ control or a failure to meet expectations regarding various strategic priorities, the effect of foreign currency fluctuations, increased competition in the markets in which VEON operates and the effect of consumer taxes on the purchasing activities of consumers of VEON’s services. Certain other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in any forward-looking statements include the risk factors described in VEON’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2023 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on 17 October 2024 and other public filings made from time to time by VEON with the SEC. Other unknown or unpredictable factors also could harm our future results. New risk factors and uncertainties emerge from time to time and it is not possible for our management to predict all risk factors and uncertainties, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Under no circumstances should the inclusion of such forward-looking statements in this document be regarded as a representation or warranty by us or any other person with respect to the achievement of results set out in such statements or that the underlying assumptions used will in fact be the case. Therefore, you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. We cannot assure you that any projected results or events will be achieved. Except to the extent required by law, we disclaim any obligation to update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
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