VEON Announces Vesting of Conditional Award to Group CEO Kaan Terzioglu

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VEON (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON) has announced the vesting of a conditional incentive award to its Group CEO, Kaan Terzioglu, under the company's 2021 Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP). The award, granted on January 10, 2024, comprised 3,201,250 common shares and was subject to performance targets, which have been successfully met. Due to VEON's current lack of available registered securities, the settlement terms have been amended to include both cash and equity components:

1. Cash Payment: A gross payment of USD 500,000 was made in August 2024.
2. Equity Payment: 2,729,000 common shares (109,160 ADSs) will be transferred by August 31, 2025.

Mr. Terzioglu is now the beneficial owner of these shares but will not hold them directly until the 2025 transfer to comply with selling restrictions.

VEON (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON) ha annunciato l'attribuzione di un premio incentivante condizionale al CEO del Gruppo, Kaan Terzioglu, nell'ambito del piano di incentivazione a lungo termine (LTIP) del 2021. Il premio, concesso il 10 gennaio 2024, comprendeva 3.201.250 azioni ordinarie ed era soggetto a obiettivi di performance, che sono stati soddisfatti con successo. A causa dell'attuale mancanza di titoli registrati disponibili, i termini di liquidazione sono stati modificati per includere sia componenti in contante che in capitale:

1. Pagamento in contante: È stato effettuato un pagamento lordo di 500.000 USD nell'agosto 2024.
2. Pagamento in capitale: 2.729.000 azioni ordinarie (109.160 ADS) saranno trasferite entro il 31 agosto 2025.

Il sig. Terzioglu è ora il proprietario effettivo di queste azioni, ma non le deterrà direttamente fino al trasferimento del 2025 per rispettare le restrizioni sulla vendita.

VEON (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Ámsterdam: VEON) ha anunciado la concesión de un premio de incentivos condicional al CEO del Grupo, Kaan Terzioglu, bajo el Plan de Incentivos a Largo Plazo (LTIP) de 2021 de la compañía. El premio, otorgado el 10 de enero de 2024, constaba de 3.201.250 acciones ordinarias y estaba sujeto a objetivos de rendimiento, los cuales se han cumplido con éxito. Debido a la actual falta de valores registrados disponibles en VEON, los términos de liquidación se han modificado para incluir componentes tanto en efectivo como en capital:

1. Pago en efectivo: Se realizó un pago bruto de 500.000 USD en agosto de 2024.
2. Pago en capital: 2.729.000 acciones ordinarias (109.160 ADS) se transferirán antes del 31 de agosto de 2025.

El Sr. Terzioglu ahora es el propietario efectivo de estas acciones, pero no las poseerá directamente hasta la transferencia de 2025 para cumplir con las restricciones de venta.

VEON (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext 암스테르담: VEON)은 2021년 장기 인센티브 계획(LTIP)에 따라 그룹 CEO인 Kaan Terzioglu에게 조건부 인센티브 상의 수여를 발표했습니다. 이 상은 2024년 1월 10일에 승인되었으며, 3,201,250개의 보통주로 구성되어 있으며, 성과 목표에 따라 분배됩니다. 이 목표는 성공적으로 달성되었습니다. VEON의 현재 등록된 유가증권 부족으로 인해, 정산 조건이 현금 및 자본 구성 요소를 포함하도록 수정되었습니다:

1. 현금 지급: 2024년 8월에 500,000 USD의 총 지급이 이루어졌습니다.
2. 자본 지급: 2,729,000개의 보통주(109,160 ADS)가 2025년 8월 31일 이전에 이전될 예정입니다.

Terzioglu 씨는 이제 이 주식의 실질적 소유자이지만, 2025년 이전에 판매 제한 준수에 따라 직접 보유하지 않을 것입니다.

VEON (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON) a annoncé l'attribution d'une récompense incitative conditionnelle à son PDG du Groupe, Kaan Terzioglu, dans le cadre du Plan d'Incentives à Long Terme (LTIP) de 2021 de l'entreprise. La récompense, accordée le 10 janvier 2024, se composait de 3 201 250 actions ordinaires et était soumise à des objectifs de performance, qui ont été atteints avec succès. En raison du manque actuel de titres enregistrés disponibles, les conditions de règlement ont été modifiées pour inclure des composants en espèces et en capital :

1. Paiement en espèces : Un paiement brut de 500 000 USD a été effectué en août 2024.
2. Paiement en capital : 2 729 000 actions ordinaires (109 160 ADS) seront transférées d'ici le 31 août 2025.

M. Terzioglu est désormais le propriétaire bénéficiaire de ces actions, mais il ne les détiendra pas directement avant le transfert de 2025 afin de se conformer aux restrictions de vente.

VEON (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON) hat die Zuteilung eines bedingten Anreizpreises an seinen Group-CEO Kaan Terzioglu im Rahmen des Unternehmensplans für langfristige Anreize (LTIP) 2021 bekannt gegeben. Der Preis, der am 10. Januar 2024 gewährt wurde, umfasste 3.201.250 Stammaktien und war an Leistungsziele gebunden, die erfolgreich erreicht wurden. Aufgrund des aktuellen Mangels an verfügbaren registrierten Wertpapieren von VEON wurden die Abrechnungsbedingungen geändert, um sowohl Cash- als auch Eigenkapitalbestandteile zu berücksichtigen:

1. Barzahlung: Im August 2024 wurde eine Bruttozahlung von 500.000 USD geleistet.
2. Eigenkapitalzahlung: 2.729.000 Stammaktien (109.160 ADS) werden bis zum 31. August 2025 übertragen.

Herr Terzioglu ist nun der wirtschaftliche Eigentümer dieser Aktien, wird sie jedoch bis zur Übertragung im Jahr 2025 nicht direkt halten, um den Verkaufsbeschränkungen zu entsprechen.

  • Performance targets for the conditional award were successfully met
  • CEO Kaan Terzioglu received a USD 500,000 cash payment as part of the award settlement
  • 2,729,000 common shares (109,160 ADSs) will be transferred to the CEO by August 31, 2025
  • VEON currently lacks available securities registered under Form S-8
  • The original terms of the award had to be amended due to securities availability issues

The vesting of CEO Kaan Terzioglu's conditional award signals positive performance for VEON, as it indicates the company has met its targets. The structured settlement, combining $500,000 in cash and 2,729,000 shares (109,160 ADSs), demonstrates a balanced approach to executive compensation. This approach aligns with shareholder interests by tying rewards to performance and retaining equity ownership.

The delayed equity transfer until August 2025 suggests a retention strategy, potentially ensuring Mr. Terzioglu's continued commitment to VEON's long-term success. However, investors should note that the company's inability to immediately issue registered shares under Form S-8 could indicate some regulatory or administrative challenges. This situation warrants monitoring for potential impacts on future equity-based compensation plans.

The amendment to the award's settlement terms reflects adaptability in VEON's governance practices. By structuring the payout over time and including both cash and equity components, the company demonstrates a commitment to balancing immediate rewards with long-term alignment. The transparency in disclosing the award details, including the specific number of shares and cash amount, is commendable and aligns with best practices in executive compensation disclosure.

However, the need to amend the original terms due to unavailability of registered shares raises questions about VEON's preparedness in executing its compensation plans. Shareholders should seek clarity on the reasons behind this limitation and any potential impacts on future equity-based incentives. The extended timeline for share transfer also introduces a degree of complexity that investors should monitor for proper execution.

Amsterdam, 12 September 2024 – VEON Ltd. (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON), a global digital operator that provides converged connectivity and online services, announces the vesting of a conditional incentive award (the “Conditional Award”) to its Group Chief Executive Officer, Kaan Terzioglu. This Conditional Award was made under VEON's 2021 Long Term Incentive Plan (“LTIP”).

Award Details and Vesting Conditions

On 10 January 2024, Kaan Terzioglu was granted a Conditional Award under the LTIP, comprising 3,201,250 common shares in VEON Ltd and subject to performance targets. The performance targets set out in the award agreement have been successfully met, resulting in the vesting of the award on 30 July 2024. Under the original terms, the common shares under the Conditional Award were scheduled to be released to Mr. Terzioglu within 30 days of vesting.

Settlement Terms

Due to VEON’s current lack of available securities registered under Form S-8, the Company and Mr. Terzioglu have agreed to amend the terms of the Conditional Award to provide a structured settlement, which includes both cash and equity components:

  • Cash Payment: A gross cash payment of USD 500,000 was made to Mr. Terzioglu in August 2024; and  
  • Equity Payment: A transfer of 2,729,000 common shares (equivalent to 109,160 ADSs) will be completed by no later than August 31, 2025. As of 10 September 2024, Mr Terzioglu is the beneficial owner of such shares but will not hold the shares directly until the transfer in 2025 to ensure compliance with the selling restrictions applicable to the shares.

These payments will be made as full and final settlement of the award, with applicable deductions for any tax liabilities and any other deductions required by law.

About VEON
VEON is a digital operator that provides converged connectivity and digital services to nearly 160 million customers.  Operating across six countries that are home to more than 7% of the world’s population, VEON is transforming lives through technology-driven services that empower individuals and drive economic growth.  Headquartered in Amsterdam, VEON is listed on Nasdaq and Euronext. For more information visit:


This release contains “forward-looking statements,” as the phrase is defined in Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and include statements relating to timing of the awards described above. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which VEON cannot predict with accuracy and some of which VEON might not even anticipate. The forward-looking statements contained in this release speak only as of the date of this release. VEON does not undertake to publicly update, except as required by U.S. federal securities laws, any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after such dates or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. There can be no assurance that the initiatives referred to above will be successful. 


What is the value of the conditional award vested to VEON's CEO Kaan Terzioglu?

The conditional award vested to VEON's CEO Kaan Terzioglu consists of a USD 500,000 cash payment and 2,729,000 common shares (equivalent to 109,160 ADSs) to be transferred by August 31, 2025.

When will VEON's CEO receive the equity portion of the vested award?

VEON's CEO will receive the equity portion of the vested award, consisting of 2,729,000 common shares, by no later than August 31, 2025.

Why did VEON amend the terms of the conditional award to its CEO?

VEON amended the terms of the conditional award due to the company's current lack of available securities registered under Form S-8, necessitating a structured settlement with both cash and equity components.

How many VEON common shares were originally included in the conditional award to the CEO?

The original conditional award granted to VEON's CEO on January 10, 2024, comprised 3,201,250 common shares in VEON



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