In a Groundbreaking Agreement, VEON and Starlink to Bring Starlink Direct-to-Cell Satellite Connectivity to Kyivstar Customers
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) announces that its Ukrainian subsidiary Kyivstar has signed an agreement with Starlink to introduce direct-to-cell satellite connectivity in Ukraine. The service is expected to launch in Q4 2025, initially offering SMS and OTT messaging functionality, with plans to expand to voice and data services later.
This partnership will make Ukraine among the first countries to have Starlink's direct-to-cell service, enhancing the country's connectivity resilience. Kyivstar has invested significantly in 4G network expansion and energy redundancy since the war began. VEON has invested over USD 10 billion in Ukraine since 2013 and committed an additional USD 1 billion for recovery and reconstruction from 2023 through 2027.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) annuncia che la sua filiale ucraina Kyivstar ha firmato un accordo con Starlink per introdurre la connettività satellitare diretta ai cellulari in Ucraina. Si prevede che il servizio sarà lanciato nel quarto trimestre del 2025, inizialmente offrendo funzionalità di SMS e messaggistica OTT, con piani di espansione verso servizi vocali e dati in seguito.
Questa partnership renderà l'Ucraina uno dei primi paesi ad avere il servizio diretto ai cellulari di Starlink, migliorando la resilienza della connettività del paese. Kyivstar ha investito significativamente nell'espansione della rete 4G e nella ridondanza energetica dall'inizio della guerra. VEON ha investito oltre 10 miliardi di USD in Ucraina dal 2013 e ha impegnato un ulteriore miliardo di USD per la ripresa e la ricostruzione dal 2023 al 2027.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) anuncia que su filial ucraniana Kyivstar ha firmado un acuerdo con Starlink para introducir la conectividad satelital directa a móviles en Ucrania. Se espera que el servicio se lance en el cuarto trimestre de 2025, ofreciendo inicialmente funcionalidad de SMS y mensajería OTT, con planes de expandirse a servicios de voz y datos más adelante.
Esta asociación convertirá a Ucrania en uno de los primeros países en tener el servicio directo a móviles de Starlink, mejorando la resiliencia de la conectividad del país. Kyivstar ha invertido significativamente en la expansión de la red 4G y redundancia energética desde que comenzó la guerra. VEON ha invertido más de 10 mil millones de USD en Ucrania desde 2013 y ha comprometido mil millones adicionales para la recuperación y reconstrucción desde 2023 hasta 2027.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON)은 우크라이나 자회사가 Kyivstar가 Starlink와 계약을 체결하여 우크라이나에 직접 셀룰러 위성 연결을 도입한다고 발표했습니다. 이 서비스는 2025년 4분기에 시작될 예정이며, 초기에는 SMS 및 OTT 메시징 기능을 제공하고 나중에는 음성과 데이터 서비스로 확장할 계획입니다.
이번 파트너십으로 우크라이나는 Starlink의 직접 셀룰러 서비스가 시작되는 첫 번째 국가 중 하나가 되어 나라의 연결성 회복력을 높입니다. Kyivstar는 전쟁이 시작된 이후 4G 네트워크 확장 및 에너지 중복성에 상당한 투자를 했습니다. VEON은 2013년 이후 우크라이나에 100억 달러 이상을 투자했으며 2023년부터 2027년까지 회복 및 재건을 위해 추가로 10억 달러를 약속했습니다.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) annonce que sa filiale ukrainienne Kyivstar a signé un accord avec Starlink pour introduire la connectivité satellite directe vers les téléphones cellulaires en Ukraine. Le service devrait être lancé au quatrième trimestre 2025, offrant initialement des fonctionnalités de SMS et de messagerie OTT, avec des projets d'expansion vers des services vocaux et de données par la suite.
Ce partenariat fera de l'Ukraine l'un des premiers pays à bénéficier du service direct de Starlink, renforçant ainsi la résilience de la connectivité du pays. Kyivstar a investi de manière significative dans l'expansion de son réseau 4G et la redondance énergétique depuis le début de la guerre. VEON a investi plus de 10 milliards USD en Ukraine depuis 2013 et a engagé un milliard USD supplémentaire pour la récupération et la reconstruction de 2023 à 2027.
VEON (Nasdaq: VEON) gibt bekannt, dass ihre ukrainische Tochtergesellschaft Kyivstar eine Vereinbarung mit Starlink unterzeichnet hat, um eine direkte Satellitenverbindung zu Mobiltelefonen in der Ukraine einzuführen. Der Service wird voraussichtlich im vierten Quartal 2025 gestartet, zunächst mit SMS- und OTT-Nachrichtenfunktionen, wobei geplant ist, später auf Sprach- und Datendienste auszuweiten.
Diese Partnerschaft wird die Ukraine zu einem der ersten Länder machen, die den direkten Service von Starlink zu Mobiltelefonen haben, was die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Konnektivität des Landes erhöht. Kyivstar hat seit Kriegsbeginn erheblich in den Ausbau des 4G-Netzes und die Energie-Redundanz investiert. Seit 2013 hat VEON über 10 Milliarden USD in die Ukraine investiert und ein zusätzliches Milliarden-US-Dollar-Investment für die Wiederherstellung und den Wiederaufbau von 2023 bis 2027 zugesichert.
- Strategic partnership with Starlink positions VEON as an early adopter of satellite-to-cell technology
- Expansion of service coverage beyond traditional network limitations
- USD 1 billion commitment for Ukraine recovery and reconstruction (2023-2027)
- Recognition as top international investor in Ukraine for 2022 and 2023
- Service launch delayed until Q4 2025
- Initial service to SMS and OTT messaging only
The VEON-Starlink partnership represents a strategic technological leap in telecommunications infrastructure. The direct-to-cell satellite connectivity service will provide unprecedented network resilience in Ukraine, particularly important given the ongoing infrastructure challenges. For investors, this positions VEON at the forefront of satellite-cellular integration, a market projected to see substantial growth.
The planned Q4 2025 implementation with phased service rollout (SMS first, then voice and data) demonstrates a measured approach to technology adoption. VEON's
This partnership carries significant implications for VEON's market positioning and growth trajectory. Being among the first to implement Starlink's direct-to-cell technology provides VEON with a first-mover advantage in the emerging satellite-cellular integration space. The potential to expand this technology across VEON's markets, reaching 520 million people, presents substantial scaling opportunities.
The focus on the Ukrainian market, despite current geopolitical challenges, demonstrates strong operational resilience and strategic foresight. This infrastructure investment could translate into enhanced average revenue per user (ARPU) and reduced churn rates, potentially driving stronger financial performance in 2025 and beyond.
The technical implementation of Starlink's direct-to-cell technology represents a paradigm shift in telecommunications infrastructure. This system will enable seamless connectivity in areas where traditional cellular infrastructure is compromised or absent, effectively creating a hybrid network that combines terrestrial and satellite capabilities. The phased approach starting with SMS capabilities before expanding to voice and data services indicates a pragmatic deployment strategy that minimizes implementation risks.
Think of this as creating an "always-on" safety net for cellular communications - when traditional towers fail, the satellite connection automatically takes over, ensuring continuous service. This redundancy is particularly valuable in regions with infrastructure vulnerabilities.
Dubai and Kyiv, 30 December 2024: VEON Ltd. (Nasdaq: VEON), a global digital operator (“VEON” or “VEON Group”), today announces that Kyivstar, its digital operator in Ukraine, has signed an agreement with Starlink, a division of SpaceX, to introduce groundbreaking direct-to-cell satellite connectivity in Ukraine.
Upon its launch, the service will make Ukraine one of the first countries to have the game-changing Starlink direct-to-cell service, enhancing the resilience of the country’s connectivity landscape. Kyivstar anticipates launching Starlink direct-to-cell services with SMS and OTT messaging functionality in the fourth quarter of 2025 for Kyivstar customers, and plans to expand to voice and data in later stages.
“Kyivstar has done a tremendous job in investing in Ukraine’s 4G connectivity, expanding coverage to remote areas and increasing the energy resilience of its network. Today’s announcement helps us take our commitment to Ukraine’s connectivity to the next level, exponentially amplifying the resilience of our services with satellite connectivity. We are excited to work with Starlink to make Ukraine one of the leading countries in the world to have direct-to-cell services, and we look forward to exploring the opportunities across our markets that are home to 520 million people,” said Kaan Terzioglu, VEON Group CEO.
“Kyivstar has been the backbone of Ukraine’s resilience throughout the war, and we are committed to leaving no stone unturned to keep Ukraine connected. Our collaboration with Starlink is a game-changer in our journey towards achieving our ‘LTE everywhere’ ambition. We are humbled to be the operator that serves its customer with exceptional services, and the company that brings the invaluable capabilities of global technology giants to the people of Ukraine through our international partnerships,” said Oleksandr Komarov, Kyivstar CEO.
With its dedication to expanding 4G coverage to remote areas of Ukraine and maintaining the resilience of connectivity and digital services during energy blackouts, Kyivstar has invested significantly in its 4G network, spectrum and energy redundancy since the beginning of the war. With access to Starlink direct-to-cell technology, Kyivstar customers will benefit from satellite-powered connectivity even when the terrestrial network is unable to service an area.
VEON, Kyivstar’s parent company, has invested more than USD 10 billion in Ukraine since 2013 and has committed USD 1 billion to the country’s recovery and reconstruction from 2023 through 2027. VEON, through Kyivstar, was named the top international investor in Ukraine for 2022 and 2023 by Forbes Ukraine and NV Ukraine.
“VEON’s pioneering spirit has always put us at the forefront of serving the underserved in frontier markets. Working with Starlink, we will now leverage space technology to bridge the connectivity gaps to extend our reach far beyond the current 160 million people we serve. This agreement marks a transformative year for VEON, from relocating our headquarters to Dubai to focusing all our trading on Nasdaq in New York and ultimately to reinforcing our commitment to innovation and growth in the regions that need it the most” said Augie K Fabela II, Chairman and Founder of VEON.
About Kyivstar
Kyivstar is the largest telecoms operator in Ukraine with over 23 million mobile subscribers and over 1 million home internet subscribers. As Ukraine’s market-leading operator, the company has maintained network availability of above
About VEON
VEON is a Nasdaq-listed digital operator headquartered in Dubai that provides connectivity and digital services to nearly 160 million customers. Operating across six countries that are home to more than
About Starlink Direct to Cell
As the world’s leading provider of launch services, SpaceX is leveraging its deep experience with both spacecraft and on orbit operations to deploy and operate the world’s most advanced constellation of satellites to provide connectivity globally, including directly to most cellular devices. Starlink satellites with Direct to Cell capability have an advanced eNodeB modem onboard that acts like a cellphone tower in space, allowing network integration similar to a standard roaming partner. Direct to Cell enables connectivity in remote regions, providing peace of mind when customers need it most. Direct to Cell works with existing LTE phones wherever you can see the sky. No changes to hardware, firmware, or special apps are required, providing seamless access to text, voice, and data. Learn more at Follow Starlink on X
This release contains “forward-looking statements”, as the phrase is defined in Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and include statements relating to, among other things, VEON’s technology strategy, commercial plans and partnerships. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which VEON cannot predict with accuracy and some of which VEON might not even anticipate. The forward-looking statements contained in this release speak only as of the date of this release. VEON does not undertake to publicly update, except as required by U.S. federal securities laws, any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after such dates or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
Contact Information
Hande Asik
Group Director of Communication and Strategy