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Veolia has completed the sale of the new Suez to a consortium comprising Meridiam, GIP, CDC Group, and CNP Assurances as of January 31, 2022. This follows a successful tender offer for Suez shares and aligns with the European Commission's remedies to maintain competition in environmental services. The new Suez will generate revenues of approximately €7 billion and employ 35,000 people across various regions. This transaction marks a significant step for Veolia in its journey towards becoming a global leader in ecological transformation.
The French Autorité des marchés financiers has announced the provisional results of Veolia's cash tender offer for Suez, securing 95.95% ownership of Suez's shares. Following the final results, a mandatory squeeze-out of remaining shares will occur by February 18, 2022. Shareholders not already owned by Veolia will receive €19.85 per share. Consequently, Suez shares will be delisted from Euronext Paris and Euronext Brussels on the implementation date of the squeeze-out.
Veolia will separate the roles of President and CEO starting July 1, 2022. Estelle Brachlianoff will take over as the new CEO, succeeding Antoine Frérot, who will continue as Chairman of the Board. This transition comes shortly before the completion of a significant merger, which will increase Veolia's workforce from 180,000 to 230,000 and boost revenues from €27 billion to €37 billion. Frérot has led Veolia since 2009, guiding it through extensive transformations to adapt to evolving ecological and market demands.
The French Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has announced the final results of Veolia's cash tender offer for Suez shares. Veolia now owns 86.22% of Suez's share capital, totaling 551,451,261 shares. A reopening of the offer is set from January 12 to January 27, 2022, allowing more shareholders to tender their shares. Veolia plans a squeeze-out and delisting if less than 10% of shares remain un-tendered after this period. Veolia aims to lead in ecological transformation, providing water, waste, and energy solutions globally.
The French Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) has announced that Veolia has acquired 551,451,261 shares of Suez, representing 86.22% of its capital as of November 30, 2021. A final result will be disclosed on January 10, 2022. Veolia plans to reopen the offer from January 12 to January 27, 2022 for shareholders who haven't tendered their shares. If minority shareholders retain less than 10% of Suez’s capital after the reopening, Veolia intends to proceed with a squeeze-out and delisting of Suez shares.
On December 31, 2021, under the liquidity contract with Kepler Cheuvreux, Veolia Environnement reported resources including 53,000 shares and €1,676,520.36. The buy side executed 1,041 trades involving 471,000 shares totaling €13,760,199.91, while the sell side recorded 1,001 trades with 455,000 shares for €13,398,255.71. Comparatively, on June 30, 2021, resources included 37,000 shares and €2,029,424.40. The report adheres to AMF Decision N° 2021-01, renewing the liquidity contract for market practice.
Veolia Environnement has reported its share capital and voting rights as of
Veolia has received approval from the European Commission for its acquisition of Suez, marking a critical milestone in the formation of a global leader in ecological transformation. The approved merger addresses competition concerns, with a commercial agreement involving Veolia and a consortium of investors aimed at ensuring a smooth integration. The takeover bid, valued at €19.85 per share, is set to close on January 7, 2022. Veolia aims to enhance its service capabilities, with the new Suez expected to generate nearly €7 billion in revenue, broadening Veolia's international reach in water and recycling.
Veolia Environnement has finalized its annual update of the €16 billion Euro Medium Term Notes program, ensuring continued access to financing. The updated base prospectus, approved by the AMF on December 10, 2021, is available on Veolia's website. As a leader in ecological transformation, Veolia employs nearly 179,000 individuals globally, and in 2020, the Group generated €26.010 billion in consolidated revenue. They provided essential services to 95 million people for drinking water and 62 million for wastewater.
On December 8, 2021, Veolia Environnement reported a completed capital increase operation reserved for employees, raising its share capital from €3,449,899,925 to €3,498,626,330. The total number of shares stands at 699,725,266, resulting in 739,048,013 theoretical voting rights. The report also details 726,633,141 voting rights that may be exercised. The new structure includes a reporting obligation for crossing shareholding thresholds.
What is the current stock price of VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT ADR (VEOEY)?