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American Industrial Partners (AIP) has acquired Veolia North America's Sulfuric Acid Regeneration Business, renaming it Nexpera. The company provides critical environmental services and sulfur-based products for various industries, including refineries, semiconductor production, mining, and EV battery manufacturing.
Nexpera operates 13 facilities across the U.S., employing approximately 300 full-time employees. The acquisition aims to accelerate expansion and capitalize on industry advancements. CEO Stuart Thomas emphasized the opportunity to become the leading provider of outsourced refinery regeneration services.
AIP Partner Alex Schukin highlighted Nexpera's alignment with market drivers related to clean fuel production, emission reduction, and reshoring of industrial activities in the U.S. The partnership is expected to enable Nexpera to meet growing demand for clean-burning fuel components with sustainable and efficient regeneration services.
Veolia Environnement has announced its Combined General Meeting scheduled for April 27, 2023, at 3 p.m. in Paris, France. Shareholders can participate by voting remotely or via proxy. They can also submit written questions until the meeting date, which will be addressed during the session.
The meeting will be broadcast live on the company's website, with a recording available later. Notice of the meeting was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires on March 20, 2023 and April 7, 2023. All related documents are accessible on Veolia's finance space online.
Veolia Environnement announced an update regarding its share capital as of
Veolia Environnement has filed its 2022 Universal Registration Document (URD) with the French securities regulator, AMF, on March 2, 2023, under number D.23-0131. The document is accessible on Veolia's official website. It includes key components such as the 2022 annual financial report, corporate governance report, statutory auditor reports, and details of the share buyback program. Hard copies of the URD can be requested from the company's headquarters in Aubervilliers, France.
Veolia Environnement disclosed its share capital and voting rights as of
Veolia reported record results for 2022, with revenue reaching €42.885 billion, a 14.1% increase driven by strong organic growth and the Suez acquisition. EBITDA grew by 7.2% to €6.196 billion, exceeding guidance, while current net income rose by 29.7% to €1.162 billion. The company’s net financial debt stood at €18.138 billion with a leverage ratio of 2.9x. Veolia proposes a 12% dividend increase to €1.12 per share. Expectations for 2023 include solid revenue growth and EBITDA growth of 5% to 7%. CEO Estelle Brachlianoff highlighted improvements from the Suez integration, indicating the company is well-positioned for continued growth.
Veolia Environnement provided an update on its share capital and voting rights as of
VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT reported liquidity account resources as of December 31, 2022, showing 333,942 shares and €1,632,350.32. During the semester, 4,881 buy-side executions totaled 4,569,330 shares worth €104,546,990.99, while 5,194 sell-side executions accounted for 4,730,658 shares valued at €109,013,444.90. Comparatively, the June 30, 2022, figures were 495,270 shares and €1,160,901.07. This information aligns with the AMF Decision N°2021-01 regarding liquidity contracts as an accepted market practice.
What is the current stock price of VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT ADR (VEOEY)?