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BBQGuys, a leading e-commerce retailer for grilling products, announced a new national ad campaign featuring the Manning family: Archie, Peyton, Cooper, and Eli. The campaign, titled 'Around The Grill,' will air during SEC football games on ESPN and The SEC Network this fall. The ad highlights family interactions during grilling, aiming to boost brand awareness. Additionally, BBQGuys has signed the Mannings as national brand ambassadors, further solidifying their marketing strategy. The company also recently entered a business combination agreement with Velocity Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: VELO).
BBQGuys has launched its new Victory line of grills, redefining entry-level options by focusing on quality and affordability. The range includes the Victory Gas Grill, featuring stainless steel construction, extensive warranties, and a powerful infrared burner, priced at $799. The Victory Pellet Grill boasts a reliable auger and significant cooking area, retailing for $699. These innovations come as BBQGuys prepares for a business combination with Velocity Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: VELO), positioning itself for further expansion in the grilling market.