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DeepGreenX and Veea (NASDAQ: VEEA) have announced a global strategic partnership to implement an AI-driven virtual energy grid. The initiative includes a US$140 billion lease-financed infrastructure over 5 years, with $2.8 billion allocated for Veea Edge Platform™ in 2025 as part of a $10 billion edge infrastructure investment. The partnership will transform sustainable energy sources into Real-World Assets through Veea's cybersecure edge computing platform, enabling trading on DeepGreenX's ECEx exchange. The platform will integrate blockchain, Edge AI OS, and energy management frameworks for virtual grid management.
Veea (NASDAQ: VEEA) has partnered with O.N.E. Amazon and AECOM to launch the Internet of Forests (IoF), a hybrid edge-cloud computing solution aimed at protecting the Amazon rainforest. The initiative, supported by the Colombian government, will be demonstrated at the UN Biodiversity Conference in October 2024. The project will deploy advanced monitoring systems in Chiribiquete, Colombia's largest national park, using VeeaHub devices with satellite backhaul to collect and process data from ground sensors and cameras. The technology will enable real-time monitoring of wildfires, deforestation, and biodiversity while providing internet connectivity and sustainable business opportunities for local communities through Smart Farming, water management, and ecotourism.
Veea (NASDAQ: VEEA) has partnered with Inti Cakrawala Teknologi (ICT) to bring advanced connectivity solutions and asset tracking to mining operations in Southeast Asia. The first live installation is set for October 20, 2024. The partnership aims to address connectivity challenges in remote mining regions, enhancing asset management, security, and employee safety.
Key features of the deployment include:
- Bi-Directional WiFi for uninterrupted communication
- IoT Gateways and LoRaWAN Sensors for tracking and monitoring
- Edge Computing for real-time data processing
- IoT Meshing and Cloud Connectivity for extended network reach
Veea's solution provides comprehensive connectivity and IoT infrastructure, positioning mining companies to adapt to future technological advancements while reducing operational costs.
Crowdkeep and Veea (NASDAQ: VEEA) have announced a strategic partnership to integrate their technologies into a unified AI-enabled multiaccess edge computing platform. This collaboration combines Crowdkeep's IoT platform for asset, people, and condition tracking with Veea's Edge Platform, offering tailored solutions for construction, healthcare, logistics, and education sectors.
The integrated platform provides comprehensive capabilities including employee/student tracking, asset management, environmental monitoring, and emergency response systems. It utilizes advanced technologies such as Edge AI, computer vision, and neural reasoning to deliver actionable insights and automate various processes. The solution aims to optimize operational efficiencies, maximize safety, and streamline management across different industries.
Veea Inc. and Plum Acquisition Corp. I have successfully completed their business combination, approved on June 4, 2024. The combined company, named Veea Inc., will begin trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbols 'VEEA' for common stock and 'VEEAW' for warrants on September 17, 2024.
Veea offers the Veea Edge Platform™, providing full-stack hybrid edge-cloud computing solutions. The transaction implies a total enterprise value of approximately $335 million, including $36 million raised in a private placement and an additional $15 million subscribed concurrent with the closing.
The company aims to accelerate digital transformation across various industries with its edge infrastructure solutions, combining connectivity, security, AI, and computation into a single platform.
What is the current stock price of Veea (VEEA)?