Victory Capital Shareholders Approve All Ballot Proposals at Special Meeting of Stockholders

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Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCTR) announced that stockholders approved all proposals related to the previously announced contribution agreement with Amundi at the Special Meeting held on October 11, 2024. David Brown, Chairman and CEO, expressed gratitude for shareholder support and highlighted this as a significant milestone towards completing the Amundi transaction, expected to close in Q1 2025. He reaffirmed guidance of $100 million in expense synergies, expected to be fully realized within two years, with the majority achieved in the first year. The transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals and Amundi US client consents. Integration is reportedly progressing as planned.

Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCTR) ha annunciato che gli azionisti hanno approvato tutte le proposte relative al contratto di contributo precedentemente annunciato con Amundi durante l'Assemblea Straordinaria tenutasi l'11 ottobre 2024. David Brown, Presidente e CEO, ha espresso gratitudine per il supporto degli azionisti e ha sottolineato questo come un traguardo significativo per la conclusione della transazione con Amundi, prevista per il primo trimestre del 2025. Ha ribadito le previsioni di 100 milioni di dollari in sinergie di costo, che ci si aspetta siano completamente realizzate entro due anni, con la maggior parte ottenuta nel primo anno. La transazione è soggetta a condizioni di chiusura consuete, incluse le approvazioni normative e i consensi dei clienti di Amundi negli Stati Uniti. L'integrazione procede secondo i piani.

Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCTR) anunció que los accionistas aprobaron todas las propuestas relacionadas con el acuerdo de contribución previamente anunciado con Amundi durante la Junta Extraordinaria celebrada el 11 de octubre de 2024. David Brown, Presidente y CEO, expresó su gratitud por el apoyo de los accionistas y destacó esto como un hito significativo hacia la finalización de la transacción con Amundi, que se espera cierre en el primer trimestre de 2025. Reiteró la guía de 100 millones de dólares en sinergias de gastos, que se espera se realicen completamente dentro de dos años, siendo la mayor parte alcanzada en el primer año. La transacción sigue sujeta a condiciones de cierre habituales, incluidas las aprobaciones regulatorias y los consentimientos de clientes de Amundi en EE. UU. La integración avanza según lo planeado.

Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCTR)는 2024년 10월 11일에 개최된 임시 주주총회에서 주주들이 Amundi와의 기부 계약과 관련된 모든 제안을 승인했다고 발표했습니다. David Brown 의장 겸 CEO는 주주들의 지원에 대해 감사를 표하며, 이것이 Amundi 거래 완료를 위한 중요한 이정표라고 강조했습니다. 거래는 2025년 1분기에 마감될 것으로 예상됩니다. 그는 1억 달러의 비용 시너지를 예상하고 있으며, 이는 2년 내에 완전히 실현될 것으로 보이며, 첫 해에 대부분이 달성될 것입니다. 이 거래는 규제 승인 및 Amundi 미국 고객 동의를 포함한 관례적인 종료 조건에 여전히 따라야 합니다. 통합 작업은 계획대로 진행되고 있는 것으로 보고되었습니다.

Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCTR) a annoncé que les actionnaires ont approuvé toutes les propositions liées à l'accord de contribution précédemment annoncé avec Amundi lors de l'Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire tenue le 11 octobre 2024. David Brown, Président et CEO, a exprimé sa gratitude pour le soutien des actionnaires et a souligné cela comme une étape importante vers la finalisation de la transaction avec Amundi, qui devrait se clôturer au premier trimestre 2025. Il a réaffirmé une prévision de 100 millions de dollars de synergies de coûts, qui devraient être entièrement réalisées dans les deux ans, la majorité étant réalisée la première année. La transaction est soumise aux conditions habituelles de clôture, y compris les approbations réglementaires et les consentements des clients d'Amundi aux États-Unis. L'intégration progresse comme prévu.

Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCTR) gab bekannt, dass die Aktionäre alle Vorschläge im Zusammenhang mit dem zuvor angekündigten Beitragsvertrag mit Amundi auf der am 11. Oktober 2024 abgehaltenen außerordentlichen Hauptversammlung genehmigt haben. David Brown, Vorsitzender und CEO, brachte seinen Dank für die Unterstützung der Aktionäre zum Ausdruck und hob dies als einen bedeutenden Meilenstein auf dem Weg zum Abschluss der Amundi-Transaktion hervor, die voraussichtlich im ersten Quartal 2025 abgeschlossen wird. Er bestätigte die Prognose von 100 Millionen Dollar an Kostensynergien, die innerhalb von zwei Jahren vollständig realisiert werden sollen, wobei der Großteil im ersten Jahr erzielt wird. Die Transaktion unterliegt den üblichen Abschlussbedingungen, einschließlich der regulatorischen Genehmigungen und der Einwilligungen der Amundi-Kunden in den USA. Die Integration schreitet planmäßig voran.

  • Stockholders approved all proposals related to the Amundi contribution agreement
  • Transaction with Amundi expected to close in Q1 2025
  • Reaffirmed guidance of $100 million in expense synergies
  • Majority of synergies expected to be achieved within the first year
  • Transaction still subject to regulatory approvals and Amundi US client consents


The shareholder approval of all ballot proposals marks a important step in Victory Capital's strategic growth plan. The upcoming transaction with Amundi, expected to close in Q1 2025, could significantly expand VCTR's asset management capabilities and global reach. The projected $100 million in expense synergies within two years is substantial, potentially boosting profitability and operational efficiency.

Investors should note the emphasis on integration progress and the reaffirmation of synergy targets, which suggests management's confidence in executing the merger successfully. However, the transaction still hinges on regulatory approvals and client consents, introducing some uncertainty. The market will likely watch closely for any updates on these fronts, as well as early indicators of successful integration post-closing.

This development positions Victory Capital for potential market share growth in the competitive asset management industry. The Amundi deal could enhance VCTR's product offerings and distribution channels, potentially attracting more assets under management. Investors should consider the long-term strategic benefits against short-term integration challenges.

The $100 million expense synergy target is ambitious but achievable, representing a significant portion of VCTR's current market cap of $3.78 billion. If realized, this could lead to improved margins and earnings growth. However, the market may remain cautious until concrete progress on integration and synergy realization is demonstrated post-closing.

SAN ANTONIO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VCTR) (“Victory Capital” or the “Company”) today announced that the Company’s stockholders voted to approve all proposals related to the previously announced contribution agreement between Victory Capital and Amundi at the Company’s Special Meeting held on October 11, 2024.

David Brown, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer said: “I would like to thank our shareholders for their ongoing support as we execute on our growth strategy. This is another significant milestone as we advance toward completing the transaction with Amundi, which we anticipate will close in the first quarter of 2025. Integration is progressing as planned. We are also reaffirming our guidance of $100 million in expense synergies that are expected to be fully realized within two years with the majority achieved within the first year.”

The transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals and consents of Amundi US clients.


This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable U.S. federal and non-U.S. securities laws. These statements may include, without limitation, any statements preceded by, followed by or including words such as “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “aim,” “intend,” “may,” “anticipate,” “assume,” “budget,” “continue,” “estimate,” “future,” “objective,” “outlook,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “will,” “can have,” “likely,” “should,” “would,” “could” and other words and terms of similar meaning or the negative thereof and include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the proposed transaction and the outlook for Victory Capital’s or Amundi’s future business and financial performance. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond Victory Capital’s and Amundi’s control and could cause Victory Capital’s and Amundi’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the expected results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Although it is not possible to identify all such risks and factors, they include, among others, the following: risks that conditions to closing will fail to be satisfied and that the transaction will fail to close on the anticipated timeline, if at all; risks associated with the expected benefits, or impact on the Victory Capital’s and Amundi’s respective businesses, of the proposed transaction, including the ability to achieve any expected synergies; and other risks and factors relating to Victory Capital’s and Amundi’s respective businesses contained in their respective public filings.

About Victory Capital

Victory Capital is a diversified global asset management firm with total assets under management of $176.1 billion, and $181.1 billion in total client assets, as of September 30, 2024. The Company employs a next-generation business strategy that combines boutique investment qualities with the benefits of a fully integrated, centralized operating and distribution platform.

Victory Capital provides specialized investment strategies to institutions, intermediaries, retirement platforms and individual investors. With 11 autonomous Investment Franchises and a Solutions Business, Victory Capital offers a wide array of investment products and services, including mutual funds, ETFs, separately managed accounts, alternative investments, third-party ETF model strategies, collective investment trusts, private funds, a 529 Education Savings Plan, and brokerage services.

Victory Capital is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, with offices and investment professionals in the U.S. and around the world. To learn more please visit or follow Victory Capital on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Matthew Dennis, CFA

Chief of Staff

Director, Investor Relations



Jessica Davila

Director of Global Communications


Source: Victory Capital Holdings, Inc.


What was the outcome of Victory Capital's Special Meeting of Stockholders on October 11, 2024?

Shareholders approved all ballot proposals related to the previously announced contribution agreement between Victory Capital (VCTR) and Amundi.

When is the Victory Capital (VCTR) and Amundi transaction expected to close?

The transaction is anticipated to close in the first quarter of 2025, subject to customary closing conditions.

What is the expected amount of expense synergies from the Victory Capital (VCTR) and Amundi deal?

Victory Capital reaffirmed guidance of $100 million in expense synergies, expected to be fully realized within two years.

What conditions remain for the Victory Capital (VCTR) and Amundi transaction to be completed?

The transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals and consents of Amundi US clients.

Victory Capital Holdings, Inc.


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