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Voyager Acquisition Corp. (Nasdaq: VACHU) announced that holders of units from its initial public offering can now separately trade Class A ordinary shares and warrants starting around September 30, 2024. The company's IPO, completed on August 12, 2024, involved 25,300,000 units, including 3,300,000 from the underwriters' overallotment option.
Unseparated units will continue trading as 'VACHU' on Nasdaq, while separated Class A shares and warrants will trade under 'VACH' and 'VACHW' respectively. Only whole warrants will trade, and unit holders must contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company to separate their units.
Voyager Acquisition Corp. is a Cayman Islands-based blank check company seeking business combinations. The securities registration became effective on August 8, 2024. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit offers to buy these securities.
Voyager Acquisition Corp. (Nasdaq: VACHU) has successfully closed its initial public offering, raising $253 million in gross proceeds. The company sold 25,300,000 units at $10.00 per unit, including the full exercise of the underwriters' over-allotment option. Each unit comprises one Class A ordinary share and one-half of a redeemable warrant. The units began trading on the Nasdaq Global Market on August 9, 2024, under the ticker symbol 'VACHU'. Voyager Acquisition Corp. is a blank check company incorporated in the Cayman Islands, aiming to pursue a business combination in the future. Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. served as the sole book-running manager, with Odeon Capital Group as co-manager for the offering.
Voyager Acquisition Corp. (Nasdaq: VACHU) has announced the pricing of its initial public offering (IPO) of 22,000,000 units at $10.00 per unit, totaling $220,000,000. The units are expected to begin trading on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol 'VACHU' on August 9, 2024. Each unit comprises one Class A ordinary share and one-half of one redeemable warrant.
The underwriters have a 45-day option to purchase up to an additional 3,300,000 units to cover over-allotments. Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. is the sole book-running manager, with Odeon Capital Group as co-manager. The offering is expected to close on August 12, 2024, subject to customary conditions.
Voyager Acquisition Corp. is a blank check company incorporated in the Cayman Islands, aiming to pursue a business combination in the future.