Visa’s Growth Corporates Working Capital Index Reveals 300% Increase in Working Capital Efficiency

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Visa's second annual Growth Corporates Working Capital Index reveals significant improvements in working capital efficiency among companies generating $50 million to $1 billion in annual revenue. Key findings include:

- 81% adoption rate of at least one working capital solution in 2024
- Top-performing companies saved an average of $11 million in interest and fees
- 300% year-over-year efficiency increase
- 32% increase in virtual card usage
- 58% of top performers improved working capital ratios
- 51% shorter cash conversion cycles and 28% shorter days payable outstanding
- 62% of working capital used for strategic purposes
- 21% increase in net profit margins for top performers

The survey, covering 1,300 CFOs and Treasurers across 8 industries and 23 countries, highlights the demand for personalized, industry-specific working capital solutions and relationship-based banking among Growth Corporates.

Il secondo Growth Corporates Working Capital Index annuale di Visa rivela significativi miglioramenti nell'efficienza del capitale circolante tra le aziende che generano da 50 milioni a 1 miliardo di dollari di ricavi annuali. Tra i risultati principali si evidenziano:

- Tasso di adozione dell'81% di almeno una soluzione di capitale circolante nel 2024
- Le aziende più performanti hanno risparmiato in media 11 milioni di dollari in interessi e commissioni
- Incremento dell'efficienza del 300% rispetto all'anno precedente
- Aumento dell'uso delle carte virtuali del 32%
- Il 58% dei migliori performer ha migliorato i rapporti di capitale circolante
- Cicli di conversione della liquidità più brevi del 51% e giorni di debito più brevi del 28%
- Il 62% del capitale circolante è stato utilizzato per scopi strategici
- Aumento del 21% dei margini di profitto netto per i migliori performer

Il sondaggio, condotto su 1.300 CFO e tesorieri in 8 settori e 23 paesi, evidenzia la domanda di soluzioni di capitale circolante personalizzate e specifiche per settore, nonché di una banca basata su relazioni tra le Growth Corporates.

El segundo Growth Corporates Working Capital Index anual de Visa revela mejoras significativas en la eficiencia del capital de trabajo entre las empresas que generan entre 50 millones y 1.000 millones de dólares en ingresos anuales. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- Tasa de adopción del 81% de al menos una solución de capital de trabajo en 2024
- Las empresas de mejor rendimiento ahorraron un promedio de 11 millones de dólares en intereses y comisiones
- Incremento del 300% en eficiencia año tras año
- Aumento del 32% en el uso de tarjetas virtuales
- El 58% de los mejores ejecutores mejoró sus ratios de capital de trabajo
- Ciclos de conversión de efectivo un 51% más cortos y días de cuentas por pagar un 28% más cortos
- El 62% del capital de trabajo utilizado para fines estratégicos
- Aumento del 21% en los márgenes de beneficio neto para los mejores ejecutores

La encuesta, que abarca a 1.300 CFOs y tesoreros en 8 industrias y 23 países, destaca la demanda de soluciones de capital de trabajo personalizadas y específicas para la industria, así como de una banca basada en relaciones entre las Growth Corporates.

비자(Visa)의 성장 기업 운영 자본 지수(Growth Corporates Working Capital Index) 제2회 연례 보고서는 연간 수익 5000만 달러에서 10억 달러를 생성하는 기업들 사이에서 운영 자본 효율성이 크게 향상되었다고 밝혔습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 2024년에 최소 하나의 운영 자본 솔루션을 채택한 비율 81%
- 최고의 성과를 낸 기업들은 평균 1100만 달러의 이자 및 수수료를 절약했습니다
- 전년 대비 300%의 효율성 증가
- 가상 카드 사용 32% 증가
- 최상위 성과자 중 58%가 운영 자본 비율을 개선했습니다
- 현금 전환 주기 51% 단축 및 미지급금 지불일 28% 단축
- 전략적 목적을 위한 운영 자본의 62% 사용
- 최고 성과자들은 순이익 마진이 21% 증가했습니다

이 조사는 8개 산업과 23개 국가의 1,300명의 CFO 및 재무 책임자를 대상으로 진행되었으며, 성장 기업 간의 산업별 맞춤형 운영 자본 솔루션 및 관계 기반 은행 서비스에 대한 수요가 있음을 강조합니다.

Le deuxième indice annuel Growth Corporates Working Capital Index de Visa révèle des améliorations significatives de l'efficacité du fonds de roulement parmi les entreprises générant entre 50 millions et 1 milliard de dollars de revenus annuels. Les principales conclusions incluent :

- Taux d'adoption de 81 % d'au moins une solution de fonds de roulement en 2024
- Les entreprises les plus performantes ont économisé en moyenne 11 millions de dollars en intérêts et frais
- Augmentation de 300 % de l'efficacité d'une année sur l'autre
- Augmentation de 32 % de l'utilisation des cartes virtuelles
- 58 % des meilleures performances ont amélioré leurs ratios de fonds de roulement
- Cycles de conversion de trésorerie réduits de 51 % et jours de créances à payer réduits de 28 %
- 62 % du fonds de roulement utilisés à des fins stratégiques
- Augmentation de 21 % des marges bénéficiaires nettes pour les meilleures performances

L'enquête, couvrant 1 300 CFO et trésoriers dans 8 secteurs et 23 pays, met en lumière la demande de solutions de fonds de roulement personnalisées et spécifiques à chaque secteur, ainsi que de la banque axée sur les relations parmi les Growth Corporates.

Die zweite jährliche Growth Corporates Working Capital Index von Visa zeigt erhebliche Verbesserungen bei der Effizienz des Betriebskapitals von Unternehmen, die jährliche Einnahmen zwischen 50 Millionen und 1 Milliarde Dollar erzielen. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- 81% Adoptionsquote von mindestens einer Lösung für das Betriebskapital im Jahr 2024
- Die leistungsstärksten Unternehmen haben im Durchschnitt 11 Millionen Dollar an Zinsen und Gebühren eingespart
- 300% Effizienzsteigerung im Jahresvergleich
- 32% Anstieg der Nutzung von virtuellen Karten
- 58% der Top-Performer verbesserten ihre Betriebskapitalquoten
- 51% kürzere Cash-Conversion-Zyklen und 28% kürzere ausstehende Zahlungsfristen
- 62% des Betriebskapitals wurde für strategische Zwecke verwendet
- 21% Anstieg der Nettogewinnmargen bei den besten Performern

Die Umfrage, die 1.300 CFOs und Schatzmeister in 8 Branchen und 23 Ländern umfasst, hebt die Nachfrage nach maßgeschneiderten, branchenspezifischen Lösungen für das Betriebskapital und beziehungsorientiertem Banking unter den Wachstumsgesellschaften hervor.

  • 81% adoption rate of at least one working capital solution in 2024
  • Top-performing companies saved an average of $11 million in interest and fees
  • 300% year-over-year efficiency increase in working capital usage
  • 32% increase in virtual card usage
  • 58% of top performers improved working capital ratios
  • 51% shorter cash conversion cycles and 28% shorter days payable outstanding
  • 62% of working capital used for strategic purposes
  • 21% increase in net profit margins for top performers
  • 14% increase in working capital ratios for top performers
  • 90% of respondents reported negative consequences when working capital access was denied or took too long
  • Five out of eight industries cited lengthy approval processes and uncertainty about approval outcomes as significant obstacles


The Visa Growth Corporates Working Capital Index reveals significant improvements in working capital efficiency among mid-sized companies. Key highlights include:

  • An 81% adoption rate of at least one working capital solution in 2024
  • Top performers saved an average of $11 million in interest and fees, a 300% YoY efficiency increase
  • 32% YoY increase in virtual card usage, linked to better performance metrics
  • 58% of top performers improved working capital ratios
  • 21% increase in net profit margins for top performers

These findings suggest a growing trend towards optimizing working capital management, particularly through digital solutions like virtual cards. For Visa, this indicates potential revenue growth in its commercial payments segment. The increased adoption of working capital solutions and virtual cards could drive higher transaction volumes and fees for Visa. Additionally, the demand for tailored solutions presents an opportunity for Visa to expand its product offerings and strengthen relationships with financial institutions serving this market segment.

The survey results highlight several key trends in the Growth Corporates segment:

  • Increased focus on strategic use of working capital, with 62% of usage driven by strategic initiatives
  • Strong demand for industry-specific and personalized working capital solutions
  • Significant regional and industry variations in working capital optimization
  • High stakes associated with working capital access, with 90% reporting negative consequences when access is denied or delayed

These trends suggest a maturing market for working capital solutions among mid-sized companies. For Visa, this represents an opportunity to differentiate itself by offering more tailored products and leveraging its global network to address regional needs. The high reported negative impact of access to working capital also underscores the importance of this market segment and the potential for Visa to position itself as a critical partner in supporting business growth and resilience.

Top performing growth corporates surveyed saved an average of $11 million, with virtual card usage jumping 32%

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Visa (NYSE:V), a global leader in digital payments, announced the findings from its second annual global Growth Corporates Working Capital Index. The findings revealed an astounding increase in working capital usage and efficiency, with an 81% adoption rate of at least one working capital solution in 2024. Beyond increased adoption, top-performing companies1 saved an average of $11 million in interest and fees – a YoY efficiency increase of 300%.

The Index surveyed nearly 1,300 CFOs and Treasurers across 8 industry segments and 23 countries, all representing “Growth Corporates,” organizations that generate between $50 million and $1 billion in annual revenue.

Beyond the increased adoption of working capital solutions, virtual cards saw a particularly high uptick. These solutions offer flexible, on-demand working capital solutions that provide access to funds as corporate needs require. Virtual cards saw a 32% YoY increase in usage and were intrinsically linked to top-performing Index scores. Surveyed Growth Corporates who used virtual card solutions saw higher probability of reduced Days Payable Outstanding (DPO), strategic utilization of working capital, better cash flow predictability, more supplier integration into payment systems and early supplier payment.

The Index notably highlights that CFOs and Treasurers of Growth Corporate businesses want relationship-based banking and personalized working capital solutions tailored to their specific industry, spending habits and business needs. Five out of eight industries represented by survey respondents cited lengthy approval processes and uncertainty about approval outcomes as their most significant obstacles, as respondents expressed the need for bankers with both the lending experience and working knowledge of their industry and region to design working capital solutions that fit their business requirements. And the stakes are high: 90% of respondents reported negative consequences when working capital access was denied or took too long.

“Growth Corporates have unique needs and capabilities that often fall through the cracks between small businesses and enterprises,” said Lauren Hewings, Visa’s Head of Working Capital Solutioning. “This valuable segment, which really represents tomorrow’s enterprises, has historically lacked access to customized, industry-tailored products and solutions from their financial institutions; however, increasingly, they are demanding them from their financial institutions as they seek flexible, on-demand methods for optimizing cash flow to drive strategic growth.”

Additional key findings include:

  • More than half (58%) of top performers surveyed improved their working capital ratios, as evidenced by 51% shorter cash conversion cycles and 28% shorter days payable outstanding.
  • Strategic use cases drove 62% of working capital use. CFOs and Treasurers were 35% more likely to use solutions to invest in company assets and 37% more likely to have invested in organic growth and expansion, than last year.
  • Developing markets and specific industries experienced remarkable gains: North America’s agriculture sector saw a 17% Index surge, healthcare in Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC) led with 16% gains, and retail in Central Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMEA) witnessed a dramatic 26% increase in Index scores.
  • Top performers surveyed achieved a 21% increase in their net profit margins and a 14% increase in their working capital ratios.
  • Top-performing CFOs and Treasurers are three times more likely to use virtual cards next year than bottom performers. Virtual cards provide access as needed to pay suppliers early, which is often associated with more favorable pricing from key suppliers.

For more information about the Growth Corporates Working Capital Index, please visit:

About Visa Inc.

Visa (NYSE: V) is a world leader in digital payments, facilitating transactions between consumers, merchants, financial institutions and government entities across more than 200 countries and territories. Our mission is to connect the world through the most innovative, convenient, reliable and secure payments network, enabling individuals, businesses and economies to thrive. We believe that economies that include everyone everywhere, uplift everyone everywhere and see access as foundational to the future of money movement. Learn more at

1 Top performers are characterized by superior predictability in financing needs, which enables them to use financing more strategically than less efficient counterparts. Growth Corporates at the top of the Index are more likely to be in a stable financial position, either with the help of external working capital or without and are therefore the least likely to have needed financing for emergencies.

David Thum

Source: Visa Inc.


What is the adoption rate of working capital solutions according to Visa's Growth Corporates Working Capital Index?

According to Visa's Growth Corporates Working Capital Index, the adoption rate of at least one working capital solution in 2024 is 81%.

How much did top-performing companies save on average in interest and fees, as reported by Visa (V)?

Top-performing companies saved an average of $11 million in interest and fees, according to Visa's Growth Corporates Working Capital Index.

What was the year-over-year increase in virtual card usage reported in Visa's (V) Working Capital Index?

Visa's Growth Corporates Working Capital Index reported a 32% year-over-year increase in virtual card usage.

What percentage of top performers improved their working capital ratios according to Visa's (V) survey?

According to Visa's survey, 58% of top performers improved their working capital ratios.

What percentage of working capital was used for strategic purposes, as reported in Visa's (V) Growth Corporates Working Capital Index?

Visa's Growth Corporates Working Capital Index reported that 62% of working capital was used for strategic purposes.



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