SEEDS Academy and Visa Partner to Empower Youth and Promote Sustainability Through Innovative Online Courses

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SEEDS Academy and Visa have partnered to empower youth and promote sustainability through innovative online courses. This collaboration aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Kuwait Vision 2035. The partnership offers free online courses focused on the circular economy, targeting participants in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Key courses include 'Fundamentals of Circular Economy', 'Circular Business Models', and 'Sustainable Supply Chains'. These are offered in Arabic with English subtitles. The initiative aims to equip young individuals with practical knowledge and tools to apply circular economy principles in their personal and professional lives.

This partnership also highlights Visa's commitment to supporting women entrepreneurs in the Gulf region, fostering an inclusive and sustainable digital economy.

SEEDS Academy e Visa hanno stretto una collaborazione per dare potere ai giovani e promuovere la sostenibilità attraverso corsi online innovativi. Questa collaborazione si allinea con gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite e con la Visione del Kuwait 2035. Il partenariato offre corsi online gratuiti incentrati sull'economia circolare, rivolgendosi a partecipanti nella regione del Medio Oriente e Nord Africa.

I corsi chiave includono 'Fondamenti di Economia Circolare', 'Modelli di Business Circolari' e 'Catene di Fornitura Sostenibili'. Questi corsi sono offerti in arabo con sottotitoli in inglese. L'iniziativa mira a dotare i giovani di conoscenze pratiche e strumenti per applicare i principi dell'economia circolare nella loro vita personale e professionale.

Questa collaborazione sottolinea anche l'impegno di Visa nel supportare imprenditrici donne nella regione del Golfo, promuovendo un'economia digitale inclusiva e sostenibile.

SEEDS Academy y Visa se han asociado para empoderar a los jóvenes y promover la sostenibilidad a través de cursos en línea innovadores. Esta colaboración se alinea con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU y con la Visión de Kuwait 2035. La asociación ofrece cursos en línea gratuitos enfocados en la economía circular, dirigidos a participantes en la región de Medio Oriente y África del Norte.

Los cursos clave incluyen 'Fundamentos de Economía Circular', 'Modelos de Negocio Circulares' y 'Cadenas de Suministro Sostenibles'. Estos cursos se ofrecen en árabe con subtítulos en inglés. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo equipar a los jóvenes con conocimientos prácticos y herramientas para aplicar los principios de la economía circular en sus vidas personales y profesionales.

Esta asociación también destaca el compromiso de Visa para apoyar a emprendedoras en la región del Golfo, fomentando una economía digital inclusiva y sostenible.

SEEDS AcademyVisa가 협력하여 청소년을 지원하고 혁신적인 온라인 과정을 통해 지속 가능성을 촉진하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 UN 지속 가능 개발 목표쿠웨이트 비전 2035와 일치합니다. 이 파트너십은 중동 및 북아프리카 지역의 참가자를 대상으로 하는 무료 온라인 강좌를 제공합니다.

주요 강좌로는 '순환 경제의 기초', '순환 비즈니스 모델' 및 '지속 가능한 공급망'이 있습니다. 이 과정은 아랍어로 제공되며 영어 자막이 제공됩니다. 이 이니셔티브는 청년들이 그들의 개인 및 직업 생활에서 순환 경제 원칙을 적용할 수 있는 실용적인 지식과 도구를 갖추는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 파트너십은 또한 Visa가 걸프 지역의 여성 기업가를 지원하겠다는 의지를 강조하며, 포괄적이고 지속 가능한 디지털 경제를 촉진합니다.

SEEDS Academy et Visa se sont associés pour autonomiser les jeunes et promouvoir la durabilité à travers des cours en ligne innovants. Cette collaboration s'aligne sur les Objectifs de Développement Durable de l'ONU et sur la Vision du Koweït 2035. Le partenariat propose des cours en ligne gratuits axés sur l'économie circulaire, visant les participants dans la région du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord.

Les cours clés comprennent 'Fondements de l'Économie Circulaire', 'Modèles Économiques Circulaires' et 'Chaînes d'Approvisionnement Durables'. Ceux-ci sont offerts en arabe avec des sous-titres en anglais. L'initiative vise à doter les jeunes de connaissances pratiques et d'outils pour appliquer les principes de l'économie circulaire dans leur vie personnelle et professionnelle.

Ce partenariat met également en avant l'engagement de Visa à soutenir les entrepreneuses dans la région du Golfe, favorisant une économie numérique inclusive et durable.

SEEDS Academy und Visa haben eine Partnerschaft geschlossen, um Jugendliche zu stärken und Nachhaltigkeit durch innovative Online-Kurse zu fördern. Diese Zusammenarbeit steht im Einklang mit den UN-Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung und der Kuwait Vision 2035. Die Partnerschaft bietet kostenlose Online-Kurse, die sich auf die zirkuläre Wirtschaft konzentrieren und Teilnehmer in der Region Naher Osten und Nordafrika ansprechen.

Wichtige Kurse sind 'Grundlagen der Zirkulären Wirtschaft', 'Zirkuläre Geschäftsmodelle' und 'Nachhaltige Lieferketten'. Diese werden in Arabisch mit englischen Untertiteln angeboten. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, jungen Menschen praktische Kenntnisse und Werkzeuge zu vermitteln, um Prinzipien der zirkulären Wirtschaft in ihrem persönlichen und beruflichen Leben anzuwenden.

Diese Partnerschaft hebt auch das Engagement von Visa hervor, unterstützende Unternehmerinnen in der Golfregion zu fördern und eine inklusive und nachhaltige digitale Wirtschaft zu schaffen.

  • None.
  • None.

KUWAIT CITY, Sept. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SEEDS Academy is proud to announce its partnership with digital payment leader, Visa, aimed at empowering youth and advancing sustainability in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Kuwait Vision 2035. The partnership also highlights Visa's commitment to supporting women entrepreneurs in the Gulf to take the next step in their business journeys.

Designed to equip young individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today's rapidly evolving global landscape, the partnership will pioneer a series of free online courses focused on the circular economy. By adopting the principles of the circular economy, the partnership with Visa represents a bold step forward in the journey to educate participants on the practical foundations of sustainable development and empower them to become effective agents of change in their communities to build a more resilient future for generations to come.

SEEDS Academy, a Kuwait-based educational institution, is dedicated to advancing sustainability education in the Middle East and North Africa region. The academy specializes in providing innovative courses and training programs tailored to the needs of youth, professionals, and organizations. Through a unique blend of digital and interactive learning, we aim to equip learners with the essential knowledge and tools to become informed leaders, capable of driving positive change in their communities.

As part of our strategic partnership, SEEDS Academy offers a suite of specialized courses titled: 'Fundamentals of Circular Economy,' 'Circular Business Models,' and 'Sustainable Supply Chains.' These courses are designed to equip young individuals with the practical knowledge and tools necessary to effectively apply circular economy principles in their personal and professional journeys. The courses specifically target participants in the Middle East and North Africa region and are offered in Arabic with English subtitles to facilitate understanding and broaden reach.

"At SEEDS Academy, we are dedicated to supporting the United Nations SDGs and the Kuwait Vision 2035, by providing accessible and inclusive education opportunities for all," said Ghanima Almutawa, CEO at SEEDS Academy. "By empowering local youth with the knowledge and skills needed to address pressing environmental challenges, we are laying the foundation for a more green and prosperous future."

"Visa is committed to creating a digital economy for everyone, everywhere. An economy that is digital and inclusive is one that is also sustainable – it promotes efficient use of resources, fosters innovation in sustainable technologies, and provides access to more individuals and businesses to make a positive difference. That's why we are delighted to partner with SEEDS Academy on this important initiative and to contribute to the Kuwait government's efforts towards sustainability and an inclusive future," said Carl Manlan, Visa's VP and Head of Inclusive Impact & Sustainability for the CEMEA region.

For more information about SEEDS Academy and the upcoming online courses in partnership with Visa, please visit or contact


About SEEDS Academy
SEEDS Academy is a specialized educational institution in the field of sustainability, dedicated to advanced educational programs to youth, professionals, and organizations seeking to expand their understanding and application of sustainability principles. Through innovative teaching strategies and effective strategic partnerships, SEEDS Academy aims to drive positive and sustainable change to cultivate a new generation of leaders equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to address current environmental challenges, enabling them to lead environmental and developmental initiatives efficiently and effectively.

About Visa
Visa (NYSE: V) is a world leader in digital payments, facilitating transactions between consumers, merchants, financial institutions and government entities across more than 200 countries and territories. Our mission is to connect the world through the most innovative, convenient, reliable and secure payments network, enabling individuals, businesses and economies to thrive. We believe that economies that include everyone everywhere, uplift everyone everywhere and see access as foundational to the future of money movement. Learn more at About VisaVisa CEMEA Blog and @VisaCEMEA.

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What is the partnership between SEEDS Academy and Visa (V) about?

The partnership between SEEDS Academy and Visa (V) aims to empower youth and promote sustainability through free online courses focused on the circular economy, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals and Kuwait Vision 2035.

What courses are offered through the SEEDS Academy and Visa (V) partnership?

The partnership offers three main courses: 'Fundamentals of Circular Economy', 'Circular Business Models', and 'Sustainable Supply Chains'. These courses are free and designed to equip participants with practical knowledge of circular economy principles.

Who is the target audience for the SEEDS Academy and Visa (V) online courses?

The online courses target young individuals in the Middle East and North Africa region, aiming to equip them with knowledge and skills to address environmental challenges and become agents of change in their communities.

In what languages are the SEEDS Academy and Visa (V) partnership courses available?

The courses are offered in Arabic with English subtitles to facilitate understanding and broaden reach across the Middle East and North Africa region.

How does the SEEDS Academy and Visa (V) partnership support women entrepreneurs?

The partnership highlights Visa's commitment to supporting women entrepreneurs in the Gulf region, helping them take the next step in their business journeys as part of creating an inclusive and sustainable digital economy.



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