Energy Fuels Acquires RadTran LLC as A Further Step Toward Addressing the Global Industry Need For Medical Radioisotopes in Emerging Cancer Treatments

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Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) has acquired RadTran , a company specializing in critical radioisotope separation. This strategic move aims to enhance Energy Fuels' capabilities in developing medical isotopes for cancer treatments. The acquisition, completed on August 16, 2024, is expected to address the global shortage of essential isotopes used in targeted alpha therapies (TAT).

The deal involves an initial payment of $1.5 million in cash and $1.5 million in Energy Fuels common shares, along with a 2% royalty on future radium sales. Additional payments of up to $14 million may be made based on performance milestones. Energy Fuels plans to produce R&D quantities of Ra-226 in 2024 and aims for commercial-scale production of Ra-226 and potentially Ra-228 by 2026-2028.

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) ha acquisito RadTran, un'azienda specializzata nella separazione di radioisotopi critici. Questa mossa strategica ha lo scopo di migliorare le capacità di Energy Fuels nello sviluppo di isotopi medici per trattamenti contro il cancro. L'acquisizione, completata il 16 agosto 2024, si prevede che affronti la carenza globale di isotopi essenziali utilizzati nelle terapie alfa mirate (TAT).

L'affare prevede un pagamento iniziale di $1,5 milioni in contante e $1,5 milioni in azioni ordinarie di Energy Fuels, insieme a una royalty del 2% sulle vendite future di radio. Ulteriori pagamenti fino a $14 milioni potrebbero essere effettuati in base a traguardi di rendimento. Energy Fuels prevede di produrre quantità di R&S di Ra-226 nel 2024 e mira a una produzione su scala commerciale di Ra-226 e potenzialmente Ra-228 entro il 2026-2028.

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) ha adquirido RadTran, una empresa especializada en la separación de radioisótopos críticos. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo mejorar las capacidades de Energy Fuels en el desarrollo de isótopos médicos para tratamientos contra el cáncer. La adquisición, completada el 16 de agosto de 2024, se espera que aborde la escasez global de isótopos esenciales utilizados en terapias alfa dirigidas (TAT).

El acuerdo involucra un pago inicial de $1,5 millones en efectivo y $1,5 millones en acciones ordinarias de Energy Fuels, junto con un royalty del 2% sobre las futuras ventas de radio. También se pueden realizar pagos adicionales de hasta $14 millones según hitos de desempeño. Energy Fuels planea producir cantidades de I+D de Ra-226 en 2024 y tiene como objetivo una producción a escala comercial de Ra-226 y potencialmente Ra-228 entre 2026 y 2028.

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR)가 RadTran을 인수했습니다. RadTran은 중요한 방사성 동위원소 분리에 전문화된 회사입니다. 이 전략적 결정은 암 치료를 위한 의료 동위원소 개발에서 Energy Fuels의 역량을 강화하기 위한 것입니다. 이번 인수는 2024년 8월 16일에 완료되었으며, 목표는 표적 알파 요법(TAT)에 사용되는 필수 동위원소의 전 세계적 부족 문제를 해결하는 것입니다.

이번 거래는 150만 달러의 현금 및 Energy Fuels의 일반 주식 150만 달러의 초기 지급과 함께 향후 라듐 판매에 대한 2% 로열티를 포함합니다. 성과 이정표에 따라 최대 1400만 달러의 추가 지급이 이루어질 수 있습니다. Energy Fuels는 2024년에 Ra-226의 연구 및 개발(R&D) 양을 생산할 계획이며, 2026-2028년 사이에 Ra-226과 잠재적으로 Ra-228의 상업 규모 생산을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) a acquis RadTran, une entreprise spécialisée dans la séparation de radioisotopes critiques. Ce mouvement stratégique vise à renforcer les capacités d'Energy Fuels dans le développement d'isotopes médicaux pour le traitement du cancer. L'acquisition, finalisée le 16 août 2024, devrait répondre à la pénurie mondiale d'isotopes essentiels utilisés dans les thérapies alpha ciblées (TAT).

L'accord comprend un paiement initial de 1,5 million de dollars en espèces et 1,5 million de dollars en actions ordinaires d'Energy Fuels, ainsi qu'une redevance de 2 % sur les ventes futures de radium. Des paiements additionnels pouvant aller jusqu'à 14 millions de dollars pourront être effectués selon les jalons de performance. Energy Fuels prévoit de produire des quantités de R&D de Ra-226 en 2024 et vise une production à l'échelle commerciale de Ra-226 et potentiellement de Ra-228 entre 2026 et 2028.

Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) hat RadTran übernommen, ein Unternehmen, das auf die Trennung kritischer Radioisotope spezialisiert ist. Dieser strategische Schritt zielt darauf ab, die Fähigkeiten von Energy Fuels im Bereich der Entwicklung medizinischer Isotope für die Krebsbehandlung zu verbessern. Die Übernahme, die am 16. August 2024 abgeschlossen wurde, soll den weltweiten Mangel an wesentlichen Isotopen, die in zielgerichteten Alpha-Therapien (TAT) verwendet werden, angehen.

Der Deal umfasst eine anfängliche Zahlung von 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar in bar und 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar in Stammaktien von Energy Fuels, sowie eine 2%-Royalties auf zukünftige Radiumverkäufe. Zusätzliche Zahlungen von bis zu 14 Millionen US-Dollar können basierend auf Leistungsmeilensteinen erfolgen. Energy Fuels plant, 2024 R&D-Mengen von Ra-226 zu produzieren, und strebt eine kommerzielle Produktion von Ra-226 und möglicherweise Ra-228 zwischen 2026 und 2028 an.

  • Acquisition enhances Energy Fuels' capabilities in medical isotope development
  • Potential to address global shortage of essential isotopes for cancer treatments
  • Opportunity to recover valuable isotopes from existing process streams
  • Plans for commercial-scale production of Ra-226 and Ra-228 by 2026-2028
  • Acquisition includes valuable intellectual property and expertise in radioisotope separation
  • Initial cash outlay of $1.5 million and $1.5 million in shares
  • Potential future payments of up to $14 million based on performance milestones
  • 2% royalty on future radium sales to be paid to RadTran owners
  • Commercial production dependent on securing sufficient offtake agreements and regulatory approvals

Energy Fuels' acquisition of RadTran is a strategic move to diversify its portfolio and tap into the lucrative medical isotope market. The deal structure, with $3 million upfront and up to $14 million in performance-based milestones, minimizes immediate financial impact while incentivizing success. The 2% royalty on future radium sales could provide a steady revenue stream if production scales up.

The company's plan to leverage existing facilities for R&D minimizes initial capital expenditure. However, investors should note that commercial-scale production in 2026-2028 may require significant investment. The potential to recycle existing process streams into valuable medical isotopes could improve overall operational efficiency and profitability.

This acquisition positions Energy Fuels to address a critical bottleneck in cancer treatment development. The global shortage of Ra-226 and Ra-228 is hindering the advancement of Targeted Alpha Therapies (TAT), a promising field in oncology. With over 30 clinical trials evaluating Ac-225, including some in phase 3, the demand for these isotopes is likely to grow significantly.

The company's ability to produce these rare isotopes could accelerate cancer research and potentially lead to breakthrough treatments. However, success depends on Energy Fuels' ability to scale production efficiently and meet pharmaceutical industry standards. The addition of Dr. Drera to the team brings valuable expertise in radioisotope separation, which could be a key differentiator in this specialized market.

The global radioisotope market is projected to grow substantially, driven by increasing cancer incidence and advancements in targeted therapies. Energy Fuels' entry into this space diversifies its revenue streams beyond uranium and rare earth elements, potentially reducing exposure to cyclical commodity markets.

The company's unique position as the only permitted and operating uranium mill in the U.S. gives it a competitive advantage in sourcing raw materials. However, success in this new venture will depend on Energy Fuels' ability to navigate the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry and secure long-term offtake agreements. The current shortage of medical isotopes presents both an opportunity and a challenge, as the company must rapidly scale production to meet urgent market needs.

Acquisition intended to enhance Energy Fuels' current capabilities and support announced plans for medical isotope development.

LAKEWOOD, Colo., Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSE American: UUUU) (TSX: EFR) ("Energy Fuels"), an industry leader in uranium and rare earth elements ("REE") production for the energy transition, today announces the August 16, 2024 acquisition (the "Acquisition") of RadTran LLC ("RadTran"), a private company specializing in the separation of critical radioisotopes, to further Energy Fuels' plans for development and production of medical isotopes used in cancer treatments. RadTran's expertise includes separation of radium-226 ("Ra-226") and radium-228 ("Ra-228") from uranium and thorium process streams. This strategic acquisition is expected to significantly enhance Energy Fuels' planned capabilities to address the global shortage of these essential isotopes used in emerging targeted alpha therapies ("TAT") for cancer treatment.

Mark Chalmers, President and CEO of Energy Fuels said, "With this Acquisition, we will be combining our unique processing capabilities at the White Mesa Mill, the only permitted and operating uranium mill in the United States, with over 40 years of chemical and metal separations experience, with RadTran's intellectual property and medical isotope experience in radionuclide separation and concentration, which we believe will position Energy Fuels to be a leader in this developing industry.

"Additionally, what I find exciting about this initiative is that Energy Fuels has the potential to recover valuable isotopes from its existing process streams, thereby recycling back into the market material that would otherwise be lost to disposal and repurposing it for use in producing life-saving cancer treatments.

"And our current R&D activities are being conducted using existing Mill facilities without the need for capital improvements of any significance. Capital development for future commercial production capabilities, upon successful production at the R&D level, would be expected to be supported by future offtake agreements for radium production."

Since July 2021, Energy Fuels and RadTran have been working under a Strategic Alliance Agreement to evaluate the feasibility of recovering Ra-226 and Ra-228 from existing uranium process streams at Energy Fuels' White Mesa Mill in Utah (the "Mill"). Recovered Ra-226 and Ra-228 would be made available to the pharmaceutical industry and others to enable the production of actinium-225 ("Ac-225"), lead-212 ("Pb-212") and potentially other leading medically attractive TAT isotopes. These isotopes are critical components in the development of targeted alpha therapies, which offer promising new treatments for various cancers. The global shortage of Ra-226 and Ra-228 currently presents itself as a significant barrier to the advancement and commercialization of these therapies. 

Energy Fuels received regulatory approval and licensing in 2023 for the concentration of R&D quantities of Ra-226 at the Mill and is currently completing engineering on its research and development ("R&D") pilot facility for Ra-226 production. During 2024, Energy Fuels plans to set up the first stages of the pilot facility and expects to produce R&D quantities of Ra-226 for testing by end-users of the product. Upon successful production of R&D quantities of Ra-226, Energy Fuels plans to develop capabilities at the Mill for the commercial-scale production of Ra-226 and potentially Ra-228 in 2026-2028, conditional on completion of engineering design, securing sufficient offtake agreements for final radium production, and receipt of all required regulatory approvals.

Under the Acquisition, the purchase price payable by Energy Fuels to the owners of RadTran consists of (all dollar amounts in US$): (i) on closing, $1.5 million in cash, $1.5 million in Energy Fuels common shares ("Common Shares") and the grant of a 2% royalty on future revenues from the sale of produced radium, as well as certain other contractual commitments; and up to an additional $14 million in cash and Common Shares based on the satisfaction of a number of performance-based milestones, including achieving initial production, securing suitable offtake agreements to justify commercial production and reaching commercial production.

In addition, as part of the Acquisition, Saleem Drera PhD, President and CEO of RadTran, will join Energy Fuels as Vice President of Radioisotopes, Radiological Systems, and Intellectual Property. In this role, Dr. Drera will lead Energy Fuels' efforts to integrate RadTran's proprietary technology, which includes a number of patents, pending patents, trade secrets and know-how relating to efficient separation of Ra-226 and Ra-228 from process streams, and drive innovation in the production of medical radioisotopes.

The demand for Ra-226 and Ra-228 is underscored by the extensive clinical research currently underway. More than 30 clinical trials are evaluating Ac-225, a product of Ra-226 and a crucial component of targeted alpha therapies, highlighting the urgent need for reliable isotope supply. Notably, several of these trials have reached final pre-approval stage (phase 3) targeting neuroendocrine tumors and leukemia, with many more earlier stage trials already initiated to address common cancers including prostate cancer.

Critically, a shortfall in Ac-225 production (for which Ra-226 is the limiting raw material), is now delaying trials and challenging the transition to full commercial and clinical availability of these drugs. Energy Fuels intends to step in to alleviate this supply bottleneck and support development of this important new class of life-saving cancer therapies.

Saleem Drera, President and CEO of RadTran, and now Vice President Radioisotopes, Radiological Systems and Intellectual Property of Energy Fuels, said, "At RadTran, we are proud to be a part of the Energy Fuels team. The White Mesa Mill's facilities, permits and licenses, and Energy Fuels' years of experience are Ideally suited to employ RadTran's Technology. Furthermore, we have been impressed with their successful endeavors to separate and concentrate uranium, vanadium and rare earth elements in a manner that adheres to the strictest standards of protection of human health, safety and the environment."


Energy Fuels is a leading US-based critical minerals company. The Company, as the leading producer of uranium in the United States, mines uranium and produces natural uranium concentrates that are sold to major nuclear utilities for the production of carbon-free nuclear energy. Energy Fuels recently began production of advanced rare earth element ("REE") materials, including mixed REE carbonate in 2021, and commenced production of commercial quantities of separated REEs in 2024. Energy Fuels also produces vanadium from certain of its projects, as market conditions warrant, and is evaluating the recovery of radionuclides needed for emerging cancer treatments. Its corporate offices are in Lakewood, Colorado, near Denver, and substantially all its assets and employees are in the United States. Energy Fuels holds two of America's key uranium production centers: the White Mesa Mill in Utah and the Nichols Ranch in-situ recovery ("ISR") Project in Wyoming. The White Mesa Mill is the only conventional uranium mill operating in the US today, has a licensed capacity of over 8 million pounds of U3O8 per year, and has the ability to produce vanadium when market conditions warrant, as well as REE products, from various uranium-bearing ores. The Nichols Ranch ISR Project is on standby and has a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds of U3O8 per year. The Company recently acquired the Bahia Project in Brazil, which is believed to have significant quantities of titanium (ilmenite and rutile), zirconium (zircon) and REE (monazite) minerals. In addition to the above production facilities, Energy Fuels also has one of the largest NI 43-101 compliant uranium resource portfolios in the US and several uranium and uranium/vanadium mining projects on standby and in various stages of permitting and development. The primary trading market for Energy Fuels' common shares is the NYSE American under the trading symbol "UUUU," and the Company's common shares are also listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the trading symbol "EFR." Energy Fuels' website is

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains certain "Forward Looking Information" and "Forward Looking Statements" within the meaning of applicable United States and Canadian securities legislation, which may include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: any expectation that the Company will maintain its position as a leading U.S.-based critical minerals company or as the leading producer of uranium in the U.S.; any expectation that the Company will complete engineering on its R&D pilot facility for the production of Ra-226 at the Mill, will set up the first stage of the pilot facility, and produce R&D quantities of Ra-226 at the Mill for testing by end-users of the product or at all; any expectation that the Company's evaluation of radioisotope recovery at the Mill will be successful; any expectation that the potential recovery of medical isotopes from any radioisotopes recovered at the Mill will be feasible; any expectation that any radioisotopes that can be recovered at the Mill will be sold on a commercial basis; any expectation that the Acquisition will significantly enhance Energy Fuels' capabilities to address the global shortage of the essential isotopes used in emerging TAT cancer treatments; any expectation that RadTran's technology will enable the efficient separation of Ra-226 and Ra-228 from process streams, or will transform them into valuable sources for medical use; any expectation that the development of TAT therapies will be successful or will offer promising new treatments for various cancers; any expectation that Energy Fuels will be or become at the forefront of the medical radioisotope supply chain; any expectation that any additional licensing for the R&D or commercial production of Ra-226, Ra-228 or any other radioisotopes at the Mill will be obtained on a timely basis or at all; any expectation as to the supply of or demand for Ra-226 and/or Ra-228 or any other isotopes; any expectation as to the successful approval or the timing of approval of any medical isotopes or TAT therapeutics; any expectation that Energy Fuels will step in to alleviate any supply bottlenecks or support development of TAT therapies; any expectation that Energy Fuels will be a leader in the supply of radioisotopes for TAT therapeutics; any expectation as to capital requirements for Energy Fuels' R&D and potential commercial radium production facilities; any expectation that future capital requirements will be supported by offtake agreements for radium production; and any expectation that Energy Fuels' operations will be or continue to be performed in a manner that adheres to the strictest standards for protection of human health, safety and the environment. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans," "expects," "does not expect," "is expected," "is likely," "budgets," "scheduled," "estimates," "forecasts," "intends," "anticipates," "does not anticipate," or "believes," or variations of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may," "could," "would," "might" or "will be taken," "occur," "be achieved" or "have the potential to." All statements, other than statements of historical fact, herein are considered to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements express or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include risks associated with: commodity prices and price fluctuations; engineering, construction, processing and mining difficulties, upsets and delays; permitting and licensing requirements and delays; changes to regulatory requirements; legal challenges; the availability of feed sources for the Mill; competition from other producers; public opinion; government and political actions; market factors, including future demand for radium; the ability of the Mill to recover radium or other radioisotopes at reasonable costs or at all; market prices and demand for medical isotopes; and the other factors described under the caption "Risk Factors" in the Company's most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is available for review on EDGAR at, on SEDAR+ at, and on the Company's website at Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company disclaims, other than as required by law, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, results, future events, circumstances, or if management's estimates or opinions should change, or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update the information in this communication, except as otherwise required by law.

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SOURCE Energy Fuels Inc.


What company did Energy Fuels (UUUU) acquire on August 16, 2024?

Energy Fuels (UUUU) acquired RadTran , a private company specializing in the separation of critical radioisotopes, on August 16, 2024.

What is the purpose of Energy Fuels' acquisition of RadTran?

The acquisition is intended to enhance Energy Fuels' capabilities in developing medical isotopes for cancer treatments and address the global shortage of essential isotopes used in targeted alpha therapies (TAT).

What are the financial terms of Energy Fuels' acquisition of RadTran?

Energy Fuels paid $1.5 million in cash and $1.5 million in common shares upfront, with a 2% royalty on future radium sales. Additional payments of up to $14 million may be made based on performance milestones.

When does Energy Fuels (UUUU) plan to start commercial production of Ra-226 and Ra-228?

Energy Fuels plans to develop capabilities for commercial-scale production of Ra-226 and potentially Ra-228 in 2026-2028, subject to engineering design completion, securing offtake agreements, and regulatory approvals.

How does the RadTran acquisition align with Energy Fuels' (UUUU) existing operations?

The acquisition combines Energy Fuels' processing capabilities at the White Mesa Mill with RadTran's expertise in radioisotope separation, potentially allowing Energy Fuels to recover valuable isotopes from existing process streams for use in cancer treatments.

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