Utz Launches New Crunch & Flavor Campaign
Utz®, a leading U.S. salty snack brand, has launched a new advertising campaign called 'Crunch & Flavor Over Everything'. The campaign celebrates Utz's 100-year legacy of crafting snacks with unmatched taste and texture using family-owned recipes and quality ingredients. It introduces a Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer who embodies Utz's commitment to delivering the perfect blend of satisfying crunch and mouthwatering flavor in every snack.
The campaign highlights Utz's use of quality ingredients, treasured family recipes, and a crafted process perfected over generations to ensure the right amount of crunch in every bite. Utz Brands, Inc. Marketing Director Amber McGrogan emphasized the company's ongoing commitment to quality and care in making their snacks uniquely satisfying. The campaign was brought to life by The Sasha Group, Utz's creative brand partner.
Utz®, un marchio leader di snack salati negli Stati Uniti, ha lanciato una nuova campagna pubblicitaria chiamata 'Crunch & Flavor Over Everything'. La campagna celebra il secolo di eredità di Utz nella creazione di snack dal gusto e dalla consistenza impareggiabili, utilizzando ricette di famiglia e ingredienti di alta qualità. Introduce un Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer che incarna l'impegno di Utz nel fornire la perfetta miscela di croccantezza soddisfacente e sapore delizioso in ogni snack.
La campagna mette in evidenza l'uso da parte di Utz di ingredienti di qualità, ricette di famiglia stimate e un processo artigianale perfezionato nel corso delle generazioni per garantire la giusta quantità di croccantezza in ogni morso. Il Direttore Marketing di Utz Brands, Inc., Amber McGrogan, ha sottolineato l'impegno continuo dell'azienda per la qualità e la cura nel realizzare snack unici e soddisfacenti. La campagna è stata realizzata da The Sasha Group, partner creativo del marchio Utz.
Utz®, una marca líder de snacks salados en EE. UU., ha lanzado una nueva campaña publicitaria llamada 'Crunch & Flavor Over Everything'. La campaña celebra el legado de 100 años de Utz en la elaboración de snacks con un sabor y una textura inigualables utilizando recetas familiares e ingredientes de calidad. Introduce un Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer que personifica el compromiso de Utz de ofrecer la mezcla perfecta de crujiente satisfactorio y sabor delicioso en cada snack.
La campaña resalta el uso de ingredientes de calidad por parte de Utz, recetas familiares muy valoradas y un proceso artesanal perfeccionado a lo largo de generaciones para garantizar la cantidad justa de crujido en cada bocado. Amber McGrogan, Directora de Marketing de Utz Brands, Inc., enfatizó el compromiso continuo de la empresa con la calidad y el cuidado al hacer que sus snacks sean especialmente satisfactorios. La campaña fue realizada por The Sasha Group, el socio creativo de la marca Utz.
Utz®는 미국의 유명한 짭짤한 스낵 브랜드로, 'Crunch & Flavor Over Everything'라는 새로운 광고 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 이 캠페인은 Utz가 가족 소유의 레시피와 고급 재료를 사용하여 독보적인 맛과 식감을 가진 스낵을 만든 100년의 유산을 기념합니다. Utz의 약속을 구현하는 Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer가 소개되어 각 스낵에서 만족스러운 바삭함과 군침 도는 맛을 완벽하게 혼합해야 한다는 의지를 드러냅니다.
이 캠페인은 Utz가 품질 좋은 재료, 소중히 여기는 가족 레시피, 그리고 세대를 거쳐 완성된 공정 과정을 사용하여 각 한 입에서 적절한 바삭함을 보장하고 있음을 강조합니다. Utz Brands, Inc.의 마케팅 이사인 Amber McGrogan은 자사의 스낵을 독특하게 만족스럽게 만들기 위한 품질과 관리에 대한 지속적인 노력을 강조했습니다. 이 캠페인은 Utz의 창의적인 브랜드 파트너인 The Sasha Group에 의해 구현되었습니다.
Utz®, une marque américaine leader dans le secteur des snacks salés, a lancé une nouvelle campagne publicitaire intitulée 'Crunch & Flavor Over Everything'. Cette campagne célèbre l'héritage de 100 ans de Utz dans la création de snacks au goût et à la texture inégalés, en utilisant des recettes familiales et des ingrédients de qualité. Elle présente un Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer qui incarne l'engagement de Utz à offrir le parfait mélange de croustillant satisfaisant et de saveur alléchante dans chaque snack.
La campagne met en avant l'utilisation par Utz d'ingrédients de qualité, de recettes familiales précieuses et d'un processus artisanal perfectionné au fil des générations pour garantir la bonne quantité de croustillant à chaque bouchée. Amber McGrogan, Directrice Marketing d'Utz Brands, Inc., a souligné l'engagement continu de l'entreprise envers la qualité et le soin apporté à la fabrication de snacks qui sont particulièrement satisfaisants. La campagne a été réalisée par The Sasha Group, partenaire créatif de la marque Utz.
Utz®, eine führende Marke für salzige Snacks in den USA, hat eine neue Werbekampagne mit dem Titel 'Crunch & Flavor Over Everything' gestartet. Die Kampagne feiert das 100-jährige Erbe von Utz, Snacks mit unvergleichlichem Geschmack und Textur nach Familienrezepten und hochwertigen Zutaten herzustellen. Sie führt einen Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer ein, der das Engagement von Utz verkörpert, in jedem Snack die perfekte Mischung aus zufriedenstellendem Crunch und münd-wässerndem Geschmack zu bieten.
Die Kampagne hebt die Verwendung von hochwertigen Zutaten, geschätzten Familienrezepten und einen über Generationen perfektionierten Prozess hervor, um in jedem Bissen den richtigen Crunch zu gewährleisten. Amber McGrogan, Marketingdirektorin von Utz Brands, Inc., betonte das fortwährende Engagement des Unternehmens für Qualität und Sorgfalt, um ihre Snacks einzigartig befriedigend zu machen. Die Kampagne wurde von The Sasha Group, dem kreativen Markenpartner von Utz, ins Leben gerufen.
- Launch of new 'Crunch & Flavor Over Everything' advertising campaign to promote brand awareness
- Emphasis on 100-year legacy and family-owned recipes to strengthen brand identity
- Introduction of Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer character to personify brand commitment
- None.
New campaign celebrates Utz’s family-crafted process to deliver crunch and flavor over everything!

Utz® launches a new advertising campaign that puts the spotlight on its signature crunch and flavors. Source: Utz Brands, Inc.
For over 100 years, Utz has been crafting snacks that deliver unmatched taste and texture using family-owned recipes and quality ingredients. The new “Crunch & Flavor Over Everything” campaign celebrates this legacy, introducing a Chief Crunch & Flavor Officer who embodies Utz’s goal of ensuring that every Utz snack offers the perfect blend of satisfying crunch and mouthwatering flavor.
- Unmatched Flavor: Utz uses quality ingredients and treasured family recipes in its quest for the most flavorful snacks.
- Crafted Crunch: Utz uses a crafted process perfected over generations to deliver the right amount of crunch in every bite.
“We’ve introduced many new and innovative flavors and forms to our snack lineup over the last century. The ‘Crunch & Flavor Over Everything’ campaign highlights our ongoing commitment to the quality and care that make every Utz snack uniquely satisfying,” said Utz Brands, Inc., Marketing Director Amber McGrogan. “As our creative brand partner, The Sasha Group helped bring this campaign to life in a fun and engaging way for both new and loyal fans.”
To check out the latest Utz campaign, visit Utz on Instagram. To discover what Utz is all about, visit the Utz website or connect on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
About Utz Brands, Inc.
Utz Brands, Inc. (NYSE: UTZ) manufactures a diverse portfolio of savory snacks through popular brands, including Utz®, On The Border® Chips & Dips, Zapp’s®, and Boulder Canyon®, among others.
After a century with a strong family heritage, Utz continues to have a passion for exciting and delighting consumers with delicious snack foods made from top-quality ingredients. Utz's products are distributed nationally through grocery, mass merchandisers, club, convenience, drug, and other channels. Based in
Utz® launches a new advertising campaign that puts the spotlight on its signature crunch and flavors.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240924636328/en/
SPM Communications
Agency Media Contact
Ashley Lennington
Utz Brands, Inc.
Kevin Brick
Kevin Powers
Source: Utz Brands, Inc.