Unitil Elects a New Member of the Board of Directors
Unitil (NYSE:UTL) has elected Jane Lewis-Raymond to its Board of Directors as part of normal succession planning ahead of upcoming retirements of directors reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75. Lewis-Raymond, currently principal of Hilltop Strategies, brings extensive experience as a natural gas utility executive with expertise in corporate governance, cybersecurity, and ESG programs. Her background includes roles as senior VP at Piedmont Natural Gas Company and VP of regulatory affairs at American Gas Association. She will stand for election by shareholders at the April 2025 annual meeting.
Unitil (NYSE:UTL) ha eletto Jane Lewis-Raymond nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione come parte della normale pianificazione per la successione in vista dei prossimi pensionamenti di direttori che raggiungono l'età obbligatoria di pensionamento di 75 anni. Lewis-Raymond, attualmente principale di Hilltop Strategies, porta un'esperienza vasta come dirigente nel settore del gas naturale, con competenze in governance aziendale, cybersecurity e programmi ESG. La sua carriera comprende ruoli come vicepresidente senior presso Piedmont Natural Gas Company e vicepresidente degli affari normativi presso l'American Gas Association. Si candiderà per l'elezione da parte degli azionisti nell'assemblea annuale di aprile 2025.
Unitil (NYSE:UTL) ha elegido a Jane Lewis-Raymond para su Junta Directiva como parte de la planificación normal de sucesión antes de los próximos jubilaciones de directores que alcanzan la edad de jubilación obligatoria de 75 años. Lewis-Raymond, actualmente directora de Hilltop Strategies, aporta una amplia experiencia como ejecutiva de servicios públicos de gas natural, con conocimientos en gobernanza corporativa, ciberseguridad y programas de ESG. Su trayectoria incluye roles como vicepresidenta senior en Piedmont Natural Gas Company y vicepresidenta de asuntos regulatorios en la Asociación Americana de Gas. Se presentará a la elección por parte de los accionistas en la reunión anual de abril de 2025.
Unitil (NYSE:UTL)는 이사들이 75세의 의무 은퇴 연령에 도달하는 것을 앞두고 정상적인 승계 계획의 일환으로 Jane Lewis-Raymond를 이사회에 선출했습니다. 현재 Hilltop Strategies의 대표인 Lewis-Raymond는 기업 거버넌스, 사이버 보안, ESG 프로그램에 대한 전문 지식을 가진 천연 가스 유틸리티 경영자로서의 폭넓은 경험을 갖추고 있습니다. 그녀의 경력은 Piedmont Natural Gas Company에서 수석 부사장, American Gas Association에서 규제 업무 부사장으로서의 역할을 포함합니다. 그녀는 2025년 4월의 연례 총회에서 주주들에 의해 선출될 것입니다.
Unitil (NYSE:UTL) a élu Jane Lewis-Raymond au sein de son Conseil d'Administration dans le cadre de la planification normale de la succession, en prévision des prochaines retraites de directeurs atteignant l'âge de retraite obligatoire de 75 ans. Lewis-Raymond, actuellement directrice de Hilltop Strategies, possède une vaste expérience en tant que dirigeante de services publics de gaz naturel, avec des compétences en gouvernance d'entreprise, cybersécurité et programmes ESG. Son parcours comprend des postes de vice-présidente senior chez Piedmont Natural Gas Company et de vice-présidente des affaires réglementaires à l'American Gas Association. Elle sera candidate à l'élection par les actionnaires lors de l'assemblée générale d'avril 2025.
Unitil (NYSE:UTL) hat Jane Lewis-Raymond als Teil der normalen Nachfolgeplanung in seinen Vorstand gewählt, bevor die nächsten Pensionierungen von Direktoren anstehen, die das verpflichtende Rentenalter von 75 Jahren erreichen. Lewis-Raymond, die derzeit die Leitung von Hilltop Strategies innehat, bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen als Führungskraft im Bereich Erdgasversorgungsunternehmen mit Fachkenntnissen in Unternehmensführung, Cybersicherheit und ESG-Programmen mit. Ihr Werdegang umfasst Positionen als Senior VP bei Piedmont Natural Gas Company und VP für regulatorische Angelegenheiten bei der American Gas Association. Sie wird sich bei der Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre im April 2025 zur Wahl stellen.
- Strategic board succession planning implemented ahead of mandatory retirements
- New director brings relevant industry expertise in natural gas utilities
- Addition of expertise in key areas: corporate governance, cybersecurity, and ESG
- None.
HAMPTON, N.H., Oct. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL) (unitil.com) today announced that its Board of Directors has elected Jane Lewis-Raymond to the Board. The addition of a new director is part of the Board’s normal succession planning process in anticipation of the upcoming retirements of directors reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75. Ms. Lewis-Raymond will stand for election to the Board by the shareholders of the Company at the next annual meeting of shareholders, which will be held in April 2025.
Ms. Lewis-Raymond is principal of Hilltop Strategies, LLC (“Hilltop”), which provides strategic consulting services to senior executives in a wide variety of industries. At Hilltop she brings vast experience as a natural gas utility executive, including deep knowledge of corporate governance, community relations, cybersecurity oversight, as well as data privacy, safety, and corporate ESG programs. Prior to Hilltop, Ms. Lewis-Raymond was a partner in the corporate and energy groups at the firm of Parker Poe Adams and Bernstein (“Parker Poe”). Prior to Parker Poe, she served as senior vice president and chief legal, compliance and external relations officer at Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. (“Piedmont”), which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Duke Energy. Prior to Piedmont, she held the position of vice president of regulatory affairs at the American Gas Association. Ms. Lewis-Raymond also currently serves on the Board of Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc. Ms. Lewis-Raymond earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and Politics and East Asian Language and Literature from the University of Maryland, and a J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law, Order of the Coif.
"We are delighted that Jane Lewis-Raymond will be joining the Unitil Board," said Thomas P. Meissner, Jr., Unitil’s chairman and chief executive officer. “Jane is a proven leader having served as an attorney and an executive in the natural gas industry for nearly three decades. She brings a broad portfolio of skills that will enhance and complement our Board’s existing skill set and strengthen our commitment to safety, growth and sustainability."
About Unitil Corporation
Unitil Corporation provides energy for life by safely and reliably delivering electricity and natural gas in New England. We are committed to the communities we serve and to developing people, business practices, and technologies that lead to the delivery of dependable, more efficient energy. Unitil Corporation is a public utility holding company with operations in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Together, Unitil’s operating utilities serve approximately 108,500 electric customers and 88,400 natural gas customers. For more information about our people, technologies, and community involvement please visit unitil.com.
For more information please contact:
Christopher Goulding – Investor Relations
Phone: 603-773-6466
Email: gouldingc@unitil.com
Alec O’Meara – External Affairs
Phone: 603-773-6404
Email: omeara@unitil.com

Who is the new board member elected to Unitil (UTL)?
When will Unitil (UTL) shareholders vote on Jane Lewis-Raymond's board position?
Why is Unitil (UTL) adding a new board member in October 2024?