United Therapeutics Publishes its 2024 Corporate Responsibility and Public Benefit Report Highlighting its Progress Toward a Future Where No Patient Gets Left Behind—Ever

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United Therapeutics (UTHR) has released its 2024 Corporate Responsibility and Public Benefit Report, highlighting progress towards its public benefit goals in FY 2023. As a public benefit , UTHR focuses on developing novel pharmaceutical therapies and technologies to expand transplantable organ availability. Key achievements include:

- Serving over 14,500 patients, with 100+ benefiting from ex vivo lung perfusion service
- Patient assistance program helping 32,000+ patients access treatments since 2010
- 90%+ employee satisfaction as a Great Place to Work since 2018
- 26% of properties LEED certified, including LEED Platinum Unisphere building
- Maintaining 7-MW capacity onsite solar fields

The company emphasizes balancing patient needs, employee welfare, and environmental sustainability in its operations.

United Therapeutics (UTHR) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Responsabilità Aziendale e il Beneficio Pubblico 2024, evidenziando i progressi verso i suoi obiettivi di beneficio pubblico nell'anno fiscale 2023. Come beneficio pubblico, UTHR si concentra sullo sviluppo di nuove terapie e tecnologie farmaceutiche per aumentare la disponibilità di organi trapiantabili. I principali risultati includono:

- Oltre 14.500 pazienti serviti, con oltre 100 beneficiari del servizio di perfusione polmonare ex vivo
- Programma di assistenza ai pazienti che ha aiutato oltre 32.000 pazienti ad accedere ai trattamenti dal 2010
- Oltre il 90% di soddisfazione dei dipendenti come Great Place to Work dal 2018
- Il 26% delle proprietà è certificato LEED, incluso l'edificio LEED Platinum Unisphere
- Mantenimento di campi solari onsite con una capacità di 7 MW

L'azienda sottolinea l'importanza di bilanciare le esigenze dei pazienti, il benessere dei dipendenti e la sostenibilità ambientale nelle proprie operazioni.

United Therapeutics (UTHR) ha presentado su Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa y Beneficio Público 2024, destacando los avances hacia sus objetivos de beneficio público en el año fiscal 2023. Como beneficio público, UTHR se enfoca en desarrollar nuevas terapias y tecnologías farmacéuticas para aumentar la disponibilidad de órganos transplantables. Los logros clave incluyen:

- Más de 14,500 pacientes atendidos, de los cuales más de 100 se beneficiaron del servicio de perfusión pulmonar ex vivo
- Programa de asistencia para pacientes que ha ayudado a más de 32,000 pacientes a acceder a tratamientos desde 2010
- Más del 90% de satisfacción de los empleados como un Gran Lugar para Trabajar desde 2018
- El 26% de las propiedades tiene certificación LEED, incluyendo el edificio Unisphere con certificación LEED Platinum
- Mantenimiento de campos solares en el sitio con una capacidad de 7 MW

La empresa enfatiza la importancia de equilibrar las necesidades de los pacientes, el bienestar de los empleados y la sostenibilidad ambiental en sus operaciones.

United Therapeutics (UTHR)는 2024년 기업 책임 및 공익 보고서를 발표하며 2023 회계연도 공익 목표를 향한 진전을 강조했습니다. 공익을 위해 UTHR은 이식 가능한 장기 가용성을 확대하기 위해 새로운 제약 치료법과 기술을 개발하는 데 집중하고 있습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 14,500명 이상의 환자 서비스 제공, 이 중 100명 이상이 외부 폐 관류 서비스의 혜택을 받음
- 2010년 이후 32,000명 이상의 환자가 치료에 접근할 수 있도록 돕는 환자 지원 프로그램
- 2018년 이후 '일하기 좋은 회사'로서 90% 이상의 직원 만족도
- 26%의 부동산이 LEED 인증, LEED Platinum 인증을 받은 유니버시티 빌딩 포함
- 7MW 용량의 현장 태양광 발전소 유지

회사는 운영에서 환자의 요구, 직원 복지 및 환경 지속 가능성 간의 균형을 강조합니다.

United Therapeutics (UTHR) a publié son Rapport sur la responsabilité sociétale et le bénéfice public 2024, mettant en évidence les progrès réalisés vers ses objectifs de bénéfice public pour l'exercice 2023. En tant qu'organisation à but d'intérêt public, UTHR se concentre sur le développement de nouvelles thérapies et technologies pharmaceutiques pour accroître la disponibilité des organes transplantables. Les principales réalisations incluent :

- Plus de 14 500 patients servis, avec plus de 100 bénéficiaires du service de perfusion pulmonaire ex vivo
- Programme d'assistance aux patients ayant aidé plus de 32 000 patients à accéder aux traitements depuis 2010
- Plus de 90% de satisfaction des employés en tant que Great Place to Work depuis 2018
- 26% des propriétés certifiées LEED, y compris le bâtiment Unisphere certifié LEED Platinum
- Maintien de champs solaires sur site avec une capacité de 7 MW

L'entreprise souligne l'importance de trouver un équilibre entre les besoins des patients, le bien-être des employés et la durabilité environnementale dans ses opérations.

United Therapeutics (UTHR) hat seinen Bericht über Unternehmensverantwortung und öffentlichen Nutzen 2024 veröffentlicht, der die Fortschritte in Richtung seiner Ziele für den öffentlichen Nutzen im Geschäftsjahr 2023 hervorhebt. Als Unternehmen zum öffentlichen Nutzen konzentriert sich UTHR auf die Entwicklung neuartiger pharmazeutischer Therapien und Technologien zur Erweiterung der Verfügbarkeit transplantierbarer Organe. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

- Über 14.500 Patienten versorgt, davon über 100, die vom ex vivo Lungenperfusionsservice profitieren
- Patientenhilfeprogramm, das seit 2010 über 32.000 Patienten den Zugang zu Behandlungen erleichtert hat
- Über 90% Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit als Great Place to Work seit 2018
- 26% der Immobilien sind LEED-zertifiziert, einschließlich des LEED Platinum zertifizierten Unisphere-Gebäudes
- Erhaltung von Solarfeldern vor Ort mit einer Kapazität von 7 MW

Das Unternehmen betont die Balance zwischen den Bedürfnissen der Patienten, dem Wohl der Mitarbeiter und der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit in seinen Betrieben.

  • Served over 14,500 patients in 2023, including 100+ through ex vivo lung perfusion service
  • Patient assistance program has helped 32,000+ patients access treatments since 2010
  • Consistently high employee satisfaction with 90%+ agreeing it's a Great Place to Work since 2018
  • 26% of properties are LEED certified, including LEED Platinum Unisphere building
  • Maintains 7-MW capacity onsite solar fields for renewable energy use
  • None.

United Therapeutics' 2024 Corporate Responsibility report, while highlighting positive aspects, lacks substantial financial data to significantly impact investor decisions. The company's service to 14,500 patients and its patient assistance program aiding 32,000 patients since 2010 demonstrate market penetration but don't provide revenue insights. The LEED Gold certification for its Phase Five Warehouse and 26% of properties being LEED certified show commitment to sustainability, which could lead to long-term cost savings. However, without specific financial metrics or forward-looking statements, the impact on stock value remains The focus on organ manufacturing as a "revolutionary wave of growth" is intriguing but lacks concrete financial projections, making it difficult to assess its potential impact on the company's future performance.

United Therapeutics' progress in expanding access to transplantable organs is noteworthy. The company's centralized ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) service benefited over 100 patients in 2023 and more than 400 since launch, indicating growing adoption of this innovative technology. This advancement could potentially increase the pool of viable organs for transplantation, addressing a critical need in healthcare. The mention of "organ manufacturing work" as the next growth area is particularly exciting from a medical research perspective. If successful, this could revolutionize organ transplantation, significantly reducing waiting times and improving patient outcomes. However, the report lacks specific details on research milestones or timelines for this ambitious project, making it challenging to assess its near-term impact on the company's scientific standing or market position.

Report available at

SILVER SPRING, Md. & RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- United Therapeutics Corporation (Nasdaq: UTHR), a public benefit corporation (PBC), today announced the release of its 2024 Corporate Responsibility and Public Benefit Report (Report) covering its FY 2023 progress toward its public benefit goals and objectives and summarizing its efforts to advance the interests of patients and other stakeholders.

“Our 2023 financial performance helps set us up for the next revolutionary wave of growth ahead—our organ manufacturing work, which you will read more about in this Report,” said Christopher Causey, Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee of the United Therapeutics Board of Directors. “Still, we have seen the research demonstrating the connections between patient health and ecosystem health, which is why we maintain our site net zero energy goal for all new construction, where feasible, and invest in groundbreaking green building efforts like our Phase Five LEED Gold certified warehouse in North Carolina. One of the things that I so value about this company is our commitment to walk the talk.”

As a PBC, United Therapeutics is obligated to report its progress toward its public benefit purpose—to provide a brighter future for patients through the development of novel pharmaceutical therapies, and technologies that expand the availability of transplantable organs. It pursues this purpose alongside its obligations to balance the interests of its other stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, the environment, and the local communities in which it operates.

United Therapeutics aligns its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) priorities and performance with its PBC goals. The following are some highlights from this year’s Report:

  • The company served more than 14,500 patients, including more than 100 benefiting from its centralized ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) service in 2023, and more than 400 since service launch;
  • Its patient assistance program has enabled more than 32,000 patients secure access to treatments since 2010;
  • More than 90 percent of its employees agree, year-after-year since 2018, that United Therapeutics is a Great Place to Work;
  • With the LEED Gold certification of its Phase Five Warehouse, approximately 26% of United Therapeutics’ properties are LEED certified, including its LEED Platinum site net zero commercial building called the Unisphere;
  • United Therapeutics remains a steadfast contributor to, and consumer of, renewable power through the 7-MW capacity onsite solar fields it maintains on its properties.

“Patient needs drive everything we do at UT,” said James Edgemond, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of United Therapeutics. “As Chris notes, we believe in the links across issues, which is why our PBC goals align with our patients, our people, and our planet. We manage the balance across our resources—human, financial, and environmental—to achieve better, long-lasting outcomes.”

Alongside the publication of this Report, United Therapeutics also announced the launch of its updated corporate responsibility website. This site includes two new sections: Reports and Other Resources, which links to documents of interest to stakeholders including topic overviews, policies, and more, and Impact Stories, which showcases the creative spark indicative of UT employees.

Find the full report at

United Therapeutics: Enabling Inspiration

At United Therapeutics, our vision and mission are one. We use our enthusiasm, creativity, and persistence to innovate for the unmet medical needs of our patients and to benefit our other stakeholders. We are bold and unconventional. We have fun; we do good. We are the first publicly traded biotech or pharmaceutical company to take the form of a public benefit corporation. Our public benefit purpose is to provide a brighter future for patients through (a) the development of novel pharmaceutical therapies; and (b) technologies that expand the availability of transplantable organs.

You can learn more about what it means to be a PBC here:

Forward-looking Statements

Statements included in this press release that are not historical in nature are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include, among others, statements regarding progress toward achieving our public benefit purpose and furthering the interests of other stakeholders (including employees, shareholders, the environment, and local communities in which we operate): our progress toward a future where no patient gets left behind; our next revolutionary wave of growth ahead—our organ manufacturing work; our efforts to steward our resources — human, financial, and environmental — to get better, long-lasting outcomes; our net zero energy goal for all new construction, where feasible; our commitment to taking meaningful, evidence-based actions; and our goals of innovating for the unmet medical needs of our patients and to benefit our other stakeholders and furthering our public benefit purpose of developing novel pharmaceutical therapies and technologies that expand the availability of transplantable organs. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, such as those described in our periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results. Consequently, such forward-looking statements are qualified by the cautionary statements, cautionary language and risk factors set forth in our periodic reports and documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and Current Reports on Form 8-K. We claim the protection of the safe harbor contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for forward-looking statements. We are providing this information as of September 10, 2024, and assume no obligation to update or revise the information contained in this press release whether as a result of new information, future events, or any other reason.

Catherine Sheehy at (240) 398-3504 (sustainability)

Dewey Steadman at (202) 919-4097 (investors/media)

Source: United Therapeutics Corporation


What are the key highlights of United Therapeutics' (UTHR) 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report?

Key highlights include serving over 14,500 patients, helping 32,000+ patients access treatments through their assistance program since 2010, maintaining 90%+ employee satisfaction since 2018, achieving LEED certification for 26% of properties, and maintaining 7-MW capacity onsite solar fields.

How many patients did United Therapeutics (UTHR) serve in 2023?

United Therapeutics served more than 14,500 patients in 2023, including over 100 benefiting from its centralized ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) service.

What percentage of United Therapeutics' (UTHR) properties are LEED certified?

Approximately 26% of United Therapeutics' properties are LEED certified, including the LEED Platinum site net zero commercial building called the Unisphere.

How does United Therapeutics (UTHR) contribute to renewable energy?

United Therapeutics contributes to and consumes renewable power through 7-MW capacity onsite solar fields maintained on its properties.

United Therapeutics Corp


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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America