USANA-Sponsored Olympic and Paralympic Athletes Take Home 99 Combined Medals
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. celebrates the outstanding performance of its sponsored athletes at the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. The 265 USANA-sponsored athletes secured an impressive total of 99 medals, including 40 Gold, 33 Silver, and 26 Bronze.
Notable achievements include USA Swimming's 28 medals and China National Sports Training Center's success across multiple disciplines. Individual USANA athlete medalists like Alex Portal (Para Swimming, France) and Jessica Long (Para Swimming, USA) also contributed significantly to the medal count.
USANA's Chief Commercial Officer, Brent Neidig, expressed pride in the athletes' performance and looks forward to their participation in future Olympic and Paralympic events.
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. celebra l'eccezionale performance dei suoi atleti sponsorizzati ai Giochi Olimpici e Paralimpici Estivi del 2024 a Parigi. I 265 atleti sponsorizzati da USANA hanno ottenuto un totale impressionante di 99 medaglie, comprese 40 d'oro, 33 d'argento e 26 di bronzo.
Tra i risultati notevoli rientrano le 28 medaglie della squadra di nuoto degli Stati Uniti e il successo del Centro Nazionale di Allenamento Sportivo della Cina in diverse discipline. Atleti individuali sponsorizzati da USANA come Alex Portal (nuoto paralimpico, Francia) e Jessica Long (nuoto paralimpico, Stati Uniti) hanno anche contribuito in modo significativo al conteggio delle medaglie.
Il Chief Commercial Officer di USANA, Brent Neidig, ha espresso orgoglio per le performance degli atleti e attende con interesse la loro partecipazione a futuri eventi olimpici e paralimpici.
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. celebra el destacado desempeño de sus atletas patrocinados en los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de Verano de 2024 en París. Los 265 atletas patrocinados por USANA lograron un impresionante total de 99 medallas, incluyendo 40 de oro, 33 de plata y 26 de bronce.
Los logros notables incluyen las 28 medallas de natación de EE. UU. y el éxito del Centro Nacional de Entrenamiento Deportivo de China en múltiples disciplinas. Atletas individuales patrocinados por USANA como Alex Portal (natación paralímpica, Francia) y Jessica Long (natación paralímpica, EE. UU.) también contribuyeron significativamente al conteo de medallas.
Brent Neidig, Director Comercial de USANA, expresó su orgullo por el desempeño de los atletas y espera con ansias su participación en futuros eventos olímpicos y paralímpicos.
USANA Health Sciences, Inc.는 2024년 파리 여름 올림픽 및 패럴림픽에서 후원하는 운동선수들의 뛰어난 성과를 축하합니다. 265명의 USANA 후원 선수들은 99개의 메달을 획득했으며, 그 중 금메달 40개, 은메달 33개, 동메달 26개입니다.
주목할 만한 성과로는 미국 수영팀의 28개 메달과 중국 국가 스포츠 훈련 센터의 성공이 여러 종목에서 포함됩니다. 알렉스 포탈 (프랑스, 패럴림픽 수영)과 제시카 롱 (미국, 패럴림픽 수영)과 같은 개별 USANA 선수들도 메달 수에 크게 기여했습니다.
USANA의 최고 상업 책임자인 브렌트 네이딕은 선수들의 성과에 자부심을 표하며, 향후 올림픽 및 패럴림픽 행사에서의 그들의 참여를 기대하고 있습니다.
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. célèbre les performances exceptionnelles de ses athlètes sponsorisés lors des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques d'été de 2024 à Paris. Les 265 athlètes sponsorisés par USANA ont remporté un total impressionnant de 99 médailles, incluant 40 médailles d'or, 33 d'argent et 26 de bronze.
Les réalisations notables incluent les 28 médailles de l'équipe de natation des États-Unis et le succès du Centre National d'Entraînement Sportif de Chine dans plusieurs disciplines. Des athlètes individuels sponsorisés par USANA, tels que Alex Portal (natation paralympique, France) et Jessica Long (natation paralympique, États-Unis), ont également contribué de manière significative au décompte des médailles.
Brent Neidig, directeur commercial de USANA, a exprimé sa fierté pour les performances des athlètes et attend avec impatience leur participation aux futurs événements olympiques et paralympiques.
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. feiert die hervorragenden Leistungen seiner gesponserten Athleten bei den Sommer-Olympischen und Paralympischen Spielen 2024 in Paris. Die 265 USANA-gesponserten Athleten sicherten sich insgesamt beeindruckende 99 Medaillen, darunter 40 Gold-, 33 Silber- und 26 Bronzemedaillen.
Bemerkenswerte Erfolge umfassen die 28 Medaillen des US-Schwimmteams und den Erfolg des Nationalen Sporttrainingszentrums Chinas in mehreren Disziplinen. Einzelne USANA-Athleten wie Alex Portal (Para-Schwimmen, Frankreich) und Jessica Long (Para-Schwimmen, USA) trugen ebenfalls erheblich zur Medaillenzählung bei.
Brent Neidig, der Chief Commercial Officer von USANA, drückte seinen Stolz auf die Leistungen der Athleten aus und freut sich auf ihre Teilnahme an zukünftigen Olympischen und Paralympischen Veranstaltungen.
- None.
- None.
40 Gold, 33 Silver, and 26 Bronze won
For more information about USANA and why it is one of the most trusted brands among Olympic and Paralympic athletes, click here.
"I am beyond proud of all our USANA Athletes who won and competed at the Paris Olympics and Paralympics," said Brent Neidig, USANA's chief commercial officer. "With 99 combined medals, USANA Athletes delivered an all-time performance and showed why the best of the best choose USANA. We look forward to seeing a lot of these athletes again at the
USANA partners with both individual athletes and national sporting organizations/teams.*
Medal-winning Summer Olympic Teams and Organizations Partnered with USANA:
USA Swimming- 8 Gold, 13 Silver, and 7 Bronze medals
USA Wrestling- 2 Gold, 2 Silver, and 3 Bronze medals
- China National Sports Training Center
- Artistic Swimming
- 2 Gold medals
- Athletics
- 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze medals
- Badminton
- 2 Gold and 3 Silver medals
- Diving
- 8 Gold, 2 Silver, and 1 Bronze medal
- Gymnastics
- 2 Gold, 5 Silver, and 2 Bronze medals
- Swimming
- 2 Gold, 3 Silver, and 7 Bronze medals
- Table Tennis
- 5 Gold and 1 Silver medal
- Weightlifting
- 4 Gold medals
- Artistic Swimming
Individual USANA Athlete medalists:
- Alex Portal—Para Swimming,
France - 3 Silver and 1 Bronze medal – 5 career Paralympic medals
- Brooks Curry—Swimming,
USA - 1 Silver medal – 2 career Olympic medals
- Cheah Liek Hou—Para Badminton,
Malaysia - 1 Gold medal – 2 career Paralympic medals
- Christella Garcia—Para Judo,
USA - 1 Bronze medal – 2 career Paralympic medals
- Jeon Ji-hee—Table Tennis,
Korea - 1 Bronze medal – 1 career Olympic medal
- Jessica Long—Para Swimming,
USA - 2 Gold medals – 31 career Paralympic medals
- Kim Won-Jin—Judo,
Korea - 1 Bronze medal – 1 career Olympic medal
*The featured athletes are either Associates or dedicated product users who have received complimentary USANA products and/or compensation for their partnership. |
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