USANA Named Top Manufacturer in Utah for Third Time
USANA Health Sciences has been named Manufacturer of the Year for the third consecutive year by the Utah Manufacturers Association in the mega-sized companies category. The company manufactures approximately 70% of its products in its FDA-registered facility, excluding Mainland China. USANA's manufacturing capabilities include high-speed tablet presses that can produce 60,000 to 500,000 tablets per hour while maintaining quality control. The facility is GMP certified by USP and NSF, with multiple products certified by The company's in-house manufacturing while maintaining high GMP standards has made it the most trusted health and wellness company among Olympic and professional athletes.
USANA Health Sciences è stata nominata Fabricante dell'Anno per il terzo anno consecutivo dall'Utah Manufacturers Association nella categoria delle grandi aziende. L'azienda produce circa il 70% dei suoi prodotti nella sua struttura registrata dalla FDA, escludendo la Cina continentale. Le capacità di produzione di USANA comprendono presse per compresse ad alta velocità in grado di produrre da 60.000 a 500.000 compresse all'ora mantenendo il controllo della qualità. La struttura è certificata GMP da USP e NSF, con più prodotti certificati da La produzione interna dell'azienda, mantenendo elevati standard GMP, l'ha resa la compagnia di salute e benessere più fidata tra atleti olimpici e professionisti.
USANA Health Sciences ha sido nombrada Fabricante del Año por tercer año consecutivo por la Asociación de Fabricantes de Utah en la categoría de grandes empresas. La compañía fabrica aproximadamente el 70% de sus productos en su instalación registrada por la FDA, excluyendo la China continental. Las capacidades de fabricación de USANA incluyen prensas de tabletas de alta velocidad que pueden producir entre 60,000 y 500,000 tabletas por hora, manteniendo el control de calidad. La instalación está certificada GMP por USP y NSF, con múltiples productos certificados por La fabricación interna de la empresa, mientras mantiene altos estándares de GMP, la ha convertido en la compañía de salud y bienestar más confiable entre atletas olímpicos y profesionales.
USANA Health Sciences는 유타 제조업 협회에서 대규모 기업 부문에서 3년 연속 올해의 제조업체로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 중국 본토를 제외하고 FDA에 등록된 시설에서 제품의 약 70%를 제조합니다. USANA의 제조 능력에는 품질 관리를 유지하면서 시간당 60,000에서 500,000개의 정제를 생산할 수 있는 고속 정제 프레스가 포함됩니다. 이 시설은 USP 및 NSF로부터 GMP 인증을 받았으며, ConsumerLab.com으로부터 인증된 여러 제품이 있습니다. 높은 GMP 기준을 유지하면서 기업의 내부 제조는 올림픽 및 전문 운동선수들 사이에서 가장 신뢰받는 건강 및 웰니스 회사로 자리매김하게 만들었습니다.
USANA Health Sciences a été nommée Fabricant de l'Année pour la troisième année consécutive par l'Association des Fabricants de l'Utah dans la catégorie des grandes entreprises. L'entreprise fabrique environ 70% de ses produits dans son installation enregistrée auprès de la FDA, à l'exception de la Chine continentale. Les capacités de fabrication de USANA comprennent des presses à comprimés à grande vitesse pouvant produire entre 60 000 et 500 000 comprimés par heure tout en maintenant un contrôle de qualité. L'installation est certifiée GMP par USP et NSF, avec plusieurs produits certifiés par La fabrication interne de l'entreprise, tout en maintenant des normes GMP élevées, en a fait l'entreprise de santé et de bien-être la plus fiable parmi les athlètes olympiques et professionnels.
USANA Health Sciences wurde zum dritten Mal in Folge als Hersteller des Jahres von der Utah Manufacturers Association in der Kategorie der Großunternehmen ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen produziert etwa 70% seiner Produkte in seiner von der FDA registrierten Einrichtung, mit Ausnahme von Festland-China. Die Herstellungskapazitäten von USANA umfassen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Tablettenpressen, die zwischen 60.000 und 500.000 Tabletten pro Stunde produzieren können, während sie die Qualitätskontrolle aufrechterhalten. Die Einrichtung ist GMP-zertifiziert von USP und NSF, mit mehreren Produkten, die von zertifiziert sind. Die interne Produktion des Unternehmens, während hohe GMP-Standards eingehalten werden, hat es zur vertrauenswürdigsten Gesundheits- und Wellnessfirma unter Olympioniken und Profisportlern gemacht.
- None.
- None.
To learn more about USANA and its commitment to quality, please visit
"Our manufacturing capabilities are one of our biggest differentiators as a company," said Jim Brown, CEO and president of USANA. "Our ability to manufacture the majority of our products in-house while maintaining extremely high Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards is a major selling point for our distributors, and a reason why we are trusted by more Olympic and professional athletes than any other health and wellness company."
The Utah Manufacturers Association (UMA) is the premier champion of manufacturing in
"USANA has a mission to manufacture high-quality products, and because we take pride in our manufacturing practices, we create products people trust," said Walter Noot, USANA's chief operating officer. "We are one of the few companies to manufacture almost
USANA manufactures its supplements, foods, powders, and select skincare products on-site. The most impressive machines on USANA's nutritional supplement manufacturing line are the high-speed tablet presses. Two of these seven presses can produce anywhere from 60,000 to 500,000 tablets per hour, all while checking for specific quality attributes. Each machine is equipped to customize or change the size and shape of each supplement.
USANA is an FDA-registered facility and is GMP certified by USP and NSF. Multiple USANA products have also been certified by third-party assessor over the years.
USANA (NYSE:USNA) prides itself on providing consumers with quality nutritional and lifestyle products. From its award-winning supplements to its innovative Celavive skincare and Active Nutrition lines, USANA has proven for over 30 years why it's a company you can trust. How about giving us a try? Shop at or learn more at
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