USANA Kids Eat Celebrates 5 Years Making a Difference in Utah with Holiday Donation Drive
USANA Kids Eat marks its 5th anniversary with a significant holiday donation drive, distributing 5,028 bags containing 201,120 meals to 55 schools across Utah. The initiative, which began in December 2019 when USANA Foundation acquired KidsEat!Utah, addresses food insecurity among local schoolchildren during holiday breaks.
Since its inception, the program has served over 6,000 children across 110 schools, distributing 265,699 bags totaling 2,429,605 meals. The recent holiday drive saw participation from volunteers including USANA's executive team, employees, and their families. Each holiday bag provides 40 meals to families from Ogden to Payson, Utah.
With one in six Utah children at risk of hunger, USANA Kids Eat continues its mission to combat food insecurity through year-round food packs and special holiday initiatives.
USANA Kids Eat festeggia il suo 5° anniversario con una significativa iniziativa di donazione durante le festività, distribuendo 5.028 sacchetti contenenti 201.120 pasti a 55 scuole in tutto lo Utah. L'iniziativa, iniziata nel dicembre 2019 quando la USANA Foundation ha acquisito KidsEat!Utah, affronta l'insicurezza alimentare tra i bambini delle scuole locali durante le pause natalizie.
Fin dalla sua creazione, il programma ha servito oltre 6.000 bambini in 110 scuole, distribuendo 265.699 sacchetti per un totale di 2.429.605 pasti. La recente iniziativa festiva ha visto la partecipazione di volontari tra cui il team esecutivo di USANA, dipendenti e le loro famiglie. Ogni sacchetto festivo fornisce 40 pasti a famiglie da Ogden a Payson, Utah.
Con uno ogni sei bambini dello Utah a rischio di fame, USANA Kids Eat continua la sua missione per combattere l'insicurezza alimentare attraverso pacchi alimentari disponibili tutto l'anno e iniziative speciali durante le festività.
USANA Kids Eat celebra su 5° aniversario con una importante campaña de donación navideña, distribuyendo 5,028 bolsas que contienen 201,120 comidas a 55 escuelas en todo Utah. La iniciativa, que comenzó en diciembre de 2019 cuando la Fundación USANA adquirió KidsEat!Utah, aborda la inseguridad alimentaria entre los escolares locales durante las vacaciones.
Desde su inicio, el programa ha atendido a más de 6,000 niños en 110 escuelas, distribuyendo 265,699 bolsas que suman un total de 2,429,605 comidas. La reciente campaña navideña contó con la participación de voluntarios, incluyendo al equipo ejecutivo de USANA, empleados y sus familias. Cada bolsa navideña proporciona 40 comidas a familias desde Ogden hasta Payson, Utah.
Con uno de cada seis niños de Utah en riesgo de hambre, USANA Kids Eat continúa su misión de combatir la inseguridad alimentaria mediante paquetes de alimentos durante todo el año y iniciativas especiales en las fiestas.
USANA Kids Eat는 5주년을 기념하여 중요한 명절 기부 캠페인을 진행하며, 유타주 55개 학교에 201,120끼의 식사가 담긴 5,028개의 가방을 배포했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 2019년 12월 USANA 파운데이션이 KidsEat!Utah를 인수하면서 시작되었으며, 겨울 방학 동안 지역 학교 아동들의 식량 불안 문제를 해결합니다.
출범 이래로 이 프로그램은 110개 학교에서 6,000명 이상의 아동을 지원하며, 총 2,429,605끼에 해당하는 265,699개의 가방을 배포했습니다. 최근 명절 캠페인에는 USANA의 경영진, 직원 및 그 가족을 포함한 자원봉사자들이 참여했습니다. 각 명절 가방은 유타주 오그던에서 페이슨에 이르는 가정에 40끼의 식사를 제공합니다.
유타주에서 여섯 명 중 하나의 어린이가 배고픔의 위험에 처한 가운데, USANA Kids Eat는 연중 내내 식량 패키지 및 특별한 명절 이니셔티브를 통해 식량 불안을 해결하기 위한 사명을 지속하고 있습니다.
USANA Kids Eat célèbre son 5ème anniversaire avec une chaînon significatif de dons pour les fêtes, distribuant 5.028 sacs contenant 201.120 repas à 55 écoles dans l'Utah. L'initiative, qui a commencé en décembre 2019 lorsque la USANA Foundation a acquis KidsEat!Utah, vise à lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire parmi les écoliers locaux pendant les vacances.
Depuis son lancement, le programme a servit plus de 6.000 enfants dans 110 écoles, distribuant 265.699 sacs pour un total de 2.429.605 repas. La récente campagne des fêtes a vu la participation de bénévoles, y compris l'équipe exécutive de USANA, les employés et leurs familles. Chaque sac de fête fournit 40 repas aux familles de Ogden à Payson, Utah.
Avec un enfant sur six dans l'Utah à risque de faim, USANA Kids Eat continue sa mission de lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire à travers des paquets alimentaires tout au long de l'année et des initiatives spéciales pendant les fêtes.
USANA Kids Eat feiert sein 5-jähriges Jubiläum mit einer bedeutenden Spendenaktion zur Feiertagszeit und verteilt 5.028 Taschen mit 201.120 Mahlzeiten an 55 Schulen in Utah. Die Initiative, die im Dezember 2019 begann, als die USANA Foundation KidsEat!Utah übernahm, zielt darauf ab, die Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit unter örtlichen Schulkindern während der Ferien zu bekämpfen.
Seit seiner Gründung hat das Programm über 6.000 Kinder in 110 Schulen unterstützt und insgesamt 265.699 Taschen mit 2.429.605 Mahlzeiten verteilt. Die jüngste Feiertagsaktion sah die Teilnahme von Freiwilligen, einschließlich des Führungsteams von USANA, Angestellten und ihren Familien. Jede Feiertagstasche bietet 40 Mahlzeiten für Familien von Ogden bis Payson, Utah.
Da eines von sechs Kindern in Utah von Hunger bedroht ist, setzt USANA Kids Eat seine Mission fort, die Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit durch ganzjährige Essenspakete und spezielle Feiertagsinitiativen zu bekämpfen.
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More than 5,000 bags of food distributed to local schools
Volunteers packed a total of 5,028 bags—which means 201,120 meals were delivered to 55 schools from
For more information on USANA Kids Eat, please visit
"A staggering one in six kids in
In 2019, the USANA Foundation acquired local charity KidsEat!Utah to expand and bolster the work they were doing in the community. Since then, USANA Kids Eat has served and empowered more than 6,000 kids across the valley, served 110 schools, and handed out 265,699 bags, equaling 2,429,605 meals.
"Being a part of USANA Kids Eat over these years has been so special to me," Michelle added. "Helping more than 6,000 kids by providing them with over two million meals in just five years is astonishing. None of this would be possible without our amazing donors, sponsors, and volunteers who have dedicated so much to help us fight food insecurity in
"Community is one of USANA's core values, and the impact USANA Kids Eat has made on children and their families in our
About USANA Kids Eat
Established in 2019, the USANA® Foundation, seeing a local need, acquired KidsEat!Utah to form USANA® Kids Eat. Providing backpacks filled with food for at-risk youth to schools and organizations along the Wasatch Front, the Foundation provides a global reach to make a strong, local impact.
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