USANA Executive Chairman Kevin Guest Shares 7 Steps to Soar Like Olympians
USANA Health Sciences (NYSE:USNA) Executive Chairman Kevin Guest shares insights from his bestseller, 'All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony', drawing parallels between Olympic athletes and success in personal and professional life. Guest outlines seven practical steps to achieve success, inspired by elite athletes:
1. Set clear goals
2. Commit to continuous improvement
3. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity
4. Cultivate a winning mindset
5. Build a supportive network
6. Maintain physical and mental well-being
7. Celebrate progress
USANA, a global leader in health and wellness products, sponsors thousands of elite athletes and values excellence and well-being. The company's nutritional products undergo rigorous testing to support body, mind, and spirit.
Il presidente esecutivo di USANA Health Sciences (NYSE:USNA), Kevin Guest, condivide spunti dal suo bestseller, 'Tutte le Ragioni Giuste: 12 Principi Eterne per Vivere una Vita in Armonia', tracciando paralleli tra atleti olimpici e il successo nella vita personale e professionale. Guest delinea sette passi pratici per raggiungere il successo, ispirati da atleti d'élite:
1. Stabilire obiettivi chiari
2. Impegnarsi per un miglioramento continuo
3. Accogliere il fallimento come un'opportunità di apprendimento
4. Coltivare una mentalità vincente
5. Costruire una rete di supporto
6. Mantenere il benessere fisico e mentale
7. Celebrare i progressi
USANA, leader globale nei prodotti per la salute e il benessere, sponsorizza migliaia di atleti d'élite e attribuisce valore all'eccellenza e al benessere. I prodotti nutrizionali dell'azienda subiscono rigorosi test per sostenere corpo, mente e spirito.
El presidente ejecutivo de USANA Health Sciences (NYSE:USNA), Kevin Guest, comparte ideas de su bestseller, 'Todas las Razones Correctas: 12 Principios Eternos para Vivir una Vida en Armonía', trazando paralelismos entre los atletas olímpicos y el éxito en la vida personal y profesional. Guest esboza siete pasos prácticos para alcanzar el éxito, inspirados en atletas de élite:
1. Establecer objetivos claros
2. Comprometerse a la mejora continua
3. Aceptar el fracaso como una oportunidad de aprendizaje
4. Cultivar una mentalidad ganadora
5. Construir una red de apoyo
6. Mantener el bienestar físico y mental
7. Celebrar los progresos
USANA, líder global en productos de salud y bienestar, patrocina a miles de atletas de élite y valora la excelencia y el bienestar. Los productos nutricionales de la empresa pasan por pruebas rigurosas para apoyar el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu.
USANA Health Sciences (NYSE:USNA)의 회장인 Kevin Guest는 그의 베스트셀러 '모든 올바른 이유: 조화로운 삶을 위한 12가지 영원한 원칙'에서 통찰을 공유하며 올림픽 선수들과 개인 및 직업적 성공 간의 유사점을 그립니다. Guest는 엘리트 선수들에게서 영감을 받아 성공을 달성하기 위한 7가지 실용적인 단계를 설명합니다:
1. 분명한 목표 설정
2. 지속적인 개선에 대한 헌신
3. 실패를 학습의 기회로 수용
4. 승리하는 사고방식 개발
5. 지지 네트워크 구축
6. 신체적 및 정신적 웰빙 유지
7. 진행 상황 축하하기
USANA는 건강 및 웰빙 제품의 글로벌 리더로서 수천 명의 엘리트 선수들을 후원하며, 우수성과 웰빙을 중요시합니다. 회사의 영양 제품은 신체, 정신 및 영혼을 지원하기 위해 엄격한 테스트를 거칩니다.
Kevin Guest, président exécutif de USANA Health Sciences (NYSE:USNA), partage des réflexions tirées de son bestseller, 'Toutes les Bonnes Raisons: 12 Principes Intemporels pour Vivre une Vie en Harmonie', en établissant des parallèles entre les athlètes olympiques et le succès dans la vie personnelle et professionnelle. Guest expose sept étapes pratiques pour atteindre le succès, inspirées des athlètes d'élite :
1. Fixer des objectifs clairs
2. S'engager dans une amélioration continue
3. Accepter l'échec comme une opportunité d'apprentissage
4. Cultiver un état d'esprit gagnant
5. Construire un réseau de soutien
6. Maintenir le bien-être physique et mental
7. Célébrer les progrès
USANA, un leader mondial dans les produits de santé et de bien-être, sponsorise des milliers d'athlètes d'élite et valorise l'excellence et le bien-être. Les produits nutritionnels de l'entreprise subissent des tests rigoureux pour soutenir le corps, l'esprit et l'âme.
Kevin Guest, der Executive Chairman von USANA Health Sciences (NYSE:USNA), teilt Erkenntnisse aus seinem Bestseller, 'Alle richtigen Gründe: 12 zeitlose Prinzipien für ein Leben in Harmonie', und zieht Parallelen zwischen Olympiatleten und Erfolg im persönlichen und beruflichen Leben. Guest umreißt sieben praktische Schritte zum Erfolg, inspiriert von Eliteathleten:
1. Klare Ziele setzen
2. Sich kontinuierlicher Verbesserung verpflichten
3. Misserfolge als Lernmöglichkeiten akzeptieren
4. Eine Siegermentalität kultivieren
5. Ein unterstützendes Netzwerk aufbauen
6. Körperliche und geistige Gesundheit aufrechterhalten
7. Fortschritte feiern
USANA, ein globaler Marktführer für Gesundheits- und Wellnessprodukte, sponsert Tausende von Eliteathleten und legt Wert auf Exzellenz und Wohlbefinden. Die Nahrungsergänzungsmittel des Unternehmens durchlaufen strenge Tests, um Körper, Geist und Seele zu unterstützen.
- USANA sponsors thousands of elite athletes, potentially enhancing brand visibility and credibility
- Executive Chairman Kevin Guest's book 'All the Right Reasons' contributes to charitable causes, with each purchase providing 40 meals to hungry children
- USANA operates in 25 countries, indicating a strong global presence
- None.
"Today's elite athlete shows tremendous discipline, resilience, determination and grit, all traits that develop winners in life," Guest said.
In his bestseller, All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, Guest shares qualities that bring harmony and success.
"So much of life comes down to understanding your passion and having the willingness and grit to turn it into something great," he said. "It's easy to dream. The hard part is doing the work. The hard part is developing the grit."
As sponsor of thousands of elite athletes, USANA Health Sciences values excellence and well-being. Its top-tier nutritional products undergo rigorous testing, nurturing body, mind and spirit.
"Thinking about the Olympics, I'm inspired by the remarkable dedication and persistence of these athletes," Guest said. "Their relentless pursuit of excellence gives us valuable lessons that can be applied in our own lives."
Drawing inspiration from these elite competitors, Guest shares seven practical steps to achieve success:
- Set Clear Goals: Define career and personal objectives with specific, measurable goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain focus and direction.
- Commit to Continuous Improvement: Constantly refine your skills; similarly, invest in lifelong learning. Attend workshops, seek mentorship, and stay updated with industry trends to stay ahead of the curve.
- Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: View setbacks as opportunities for growth. Reflect on failures, identify lessons learned, and apply them to improve future performance.
- Cultivate a Winning Mindset: A positive mental attitude is crucial for success. Stay optimistic, focus on your strengths, and visualize achievements. This mindset will propel one forward, even in challenging times.
- Build a Supportive Network: Rely on coaches, teammates and supporters. Be surrounded with individuals who encourage and motivate. Networking can provide valuable advice, opportunities and emotional support.
- Maintain Physical and Mental Well-being: Prioritize health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and mindfulness practices contribute to sustained energy and focus.
- Celebrate Progress: Celebrate every milestone, big or small. Recognize and reward achievements along the way to stay motivated and appreciate the upward journey.
"By implementing these steps, you can channel the determination into your own pursuits and achieve higher levels in both your career and personal life," he said. "In my global travels, I've seen that the road to success is paved with continual effort, resilience and an unwavering belief in your own potential."
All proceeds for All the Right Reasons go to feeding hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals. For more information, visit
USANA Health Sciences, a global leader in health and wellness products, has long recognized the importance of social wellness in building a successful business. From its founding in 1992, USANA has focused on clear and concise communication to build trust with its customers and distributors in 25 countries. Visit to learn more.
Tim Brown, Candid Communications
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