11 USANA Products Now Listed on Prestigious Prescribers' Digital Reference®

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USANA Health Sciences, Inc. announces that 11 of its products have been listed in the prestigious Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR). This inclusion adds credibility to USANA's product quality and provides supplemental facts directly to prescribers. The listed products include BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex, and Vita Antioxidant.

Brent Neidig, USANA's chief commercial officer, expressed excitement about the listing, noting its positive impact on distributors' business growth and customer engagement. The PDR, formerly known as the Physicians' Desk Reference®, is a important resource for drug-prescribing information, offering providers digital access to trusted data.

Dr. Rob Sinnott, USANA's chief science officer, highlighted the benefit of getting product information to prescribers, especially for customers who are prescribers themselves, calling it a win for USANA.

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. annuncia che 11 dei suoi prodotti sono stati elencati nel prestigioso Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR). Questa inclusione aggiunge credibilità alla qualità dei prodotti USANA e fornisce informazioni supplementari direttamente ai prescrittori. I prodotti elencati includono BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex e Vita Antioxidant.

Brent Neidig, responsabile commerciale di USANA, ha espresso entusiasmo per l'inserimento, notando il suo impatto positivo sulla crescita del business dei distributori e sul coinvolgimento dei clienti. Il PDR, precedentemente noto come Physicians' Desk Reference®, è una risorsa importante per le informazioni sulla prescrizione di farmaci, offrendo ai fornitori accesso digitale a dati affidabili.

Dr. Rob Sinnott, responsabile scientifico di USANA, ha sottolineato il vantaggio di fornire informazioni sui prodotti ai prescrittori, soprattutto per i clienti che sono stati prescrittori stessi, definendolo una vittoria per USANA.

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. anuncia que 11 de sus productos han sido incluidos en el prestigioso Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR). Esta inclusión añade credibilidad a la calidad de los productos de USANA y proporciona datos suplementarios directamente a los prescriptores. Los productos enumerados incluyen BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex y Vita Antioxidant.

Brent Neidig, director comercial de USANA, expresó su entusiasmo por la inclusión, señalando su impacto positivo en el crecimiento empresarial de los distribuidores y la participación de los clientes. El PDR, anteriormente conocido como Physicians' Desk Reference®, es un recurso importante para la información sobre la prescripción de medicamentos, ofreciendo a los proveedores acceso digital a datos confiables.

Dr. Rob Sinnott, director científico de USANA, destacó el beneficio de llevar información sobre productos a los prescriptores, especialmente para los clientes que son prescriptores ellos mismos, llamándolo una victoria para USANA.

USANA Health Sciences, Inc.는 11개의 제품이 권위 있는 Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR)에 등재되었다고 발표했습니다. 이러한 등재는 USANA 제품 품질에 대한 신뢰성을 높이고, 처방자에게 직접 보완 정보를 제공합니다. 나열된 제품에는 BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex 및 Vita Antioxidant가 포함됩니다.

Brent Neidig USANA의 최고 상업 책임자는 이 등재에 대한 기대감을 표하며, 유통업체의 비즈니스 성장과 고객 참여에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다고 언급했습니다. PDR은 이전에 Physicians' Desk Reference®로 알려졌던 의약품 처방 정보의 중요한 자원으로, 제공자들에게 신뢰할 수 있는 데이터에 대한 디지털 접근을 제공합니다.

Dr. Rob Sinnott USANA의 최고 과학 책임자는 특히 고객이 스스로 처방권자인 경우, 처방자에게 제품 정보를 제공하는 이점을 강조하며, 이것은 USANA에게 승리라고 말했습니다.

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. annonce que 11 de ses produits ont été inscrits dans le prestigieux Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR). Cette inclusion ajoute de la crédibilité à la qualité des produits USANA et fournit des informations supplémentaires directement aux prescripteurs. Les produits listés comprennent BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex et Vita Antioxidant.

Brent Neidig, directeur commercial de USANA, a exprimé son enthousiasme concernant cette inscription, soulignant son impact positif sur la croissance des affaires des distributeurs et l'engagement des clients. Le PDR, anciennement connu sous le nom de Physicians' Desk Reference®, est une ressource importante pour les informations sur la prescription de médicaments, offrant aux fournisseurs un accès numérique à des données fiables.

Dr. Rob Sinnott, directeur scientifique de USANA, a souligné l'avantage d'apporter des informations sur les produits aux prescripteurs, en particulier pour les clients qui sont eux-mêmes prescripteurs, le qualifiant de victoire pour USANA.

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. gibt bekannt, dass 11 ihrer Produkte im angesehenen Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR) gelistet sind. Diese Aufnahme verleiht der Produktqualität von USANA Glaubwürdigkeit und stellt den Verschreibern ergänzende Informationen direkt zur Verfügung. Zu den gelisteten Produkten gehören BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex und Vita Antioxidant.

Brent Neidig, der Geschäftsführer von USANA, äußerte seine Begeisterung über die Listung und bemerkte deren positive Auswirkungen auf das Geschäftswachstum der Verteiler und das Kundenengagement. Der PDR, früher bekannt als Physicians' Desk Reference®, ist eine wichtige Ressource für Informationen zur Arzneimittelverschreibung, die Anbietern digitalen Zugriff auf vertrauenswürdige Daten bietet.

Dr. Rob Sinnott, der wissenschaftliche Leiter von USANA, hob den Vorteil hervor, Produktinformationen an Verschreiber zu bringen, insbesondere für Kunden, die selbst Verschreiber sind, und bezeichnete dies als einen Gewinn für USANA.

  • 11 USANA products listed in the prestigious Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR)
  • Increased credibility and validation for USANA's product quality
  • Potential for business growth and improved customer engagement for USANA distributors
  • Direct access to USANA product information for healthcare providers
  • None.

SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- USANA Health Sciences, Inc. is proud to announce that the Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR) has recently included 11 of USANA's products to their list of trusted drugs and supplements. This recognition adds further credibility to the world-renowned quality of USANA's products while placing supplemental facts directly in the hands of prescribers.

Products listed in the PDR include; BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex, and Vita Antioxidant.

For more information about these and other USANA products, visit here.

"I couldn't be more excited about having our products listed on the Prescribers' Digital Reference®," said Brent Neidig, USANA's chief commercial officer. "Our Distributors rely on us to provide them with the best products possible, along with validation of those products, which makes it easier for them to grow their USANA business and to share with customers all over the world. Being included in the PDR has already resulted in an overwhelmingly positive reaction from our Distributors, health practitioners, and customers."

Formerly known as the Physicians' Desk Reference®, the Prescribers' Digital Reference® is a vital resource for current, trusted, and credible drug-prescribing information and gives providers unprecedented, anytime access to prescribing information in convenient digital tools.

"Getting our product information in the hands of prescribers is a huge benefit to USANA and adds even more credibility to the quality of our products," said Dr. Rob Sinnott, USANA's chief science officer. "With a number of customers who are already prescribers, it's a helpful tool for them in their practice. This is certainly a win for USANA all around."

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Which USANA products are now listed in the Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR)?

The USANA products listed in the PDR include BiOmega, CoQuinone 30, Core Minerals, HealthPak, Hepasil DTX, MagneCal D, USANA Probiotic, Procosa, Proflavanol C100, Visionex, and Vita Antioxidant.

How does the PDR listing benefit USANA (USNA) and its distributors?

The PDR listing adds credibility to USANA's products, makes it easier for distributors to grow their business, and provides direct access to product information for healthcare providers, potentially leading to increased sales and customer trust.

What is the significance of the Prescribers' Digital Reference® for USANA (USNA)?

The PDR is a vital resource for trusted drug-prescribing information. USANA's inclusion in this reference adds credibility to their products and puts their supplemental facts directly in the hands of prescribers, potentially increasing product recognition and sales.

Who are the key USANA (USNA) executives mentioned in relation to the PDR listing announcement?

The key executives mentioned are Brent Neidig, USANA's chief commercial officer, who expressed excitement about the listing, and Dr. Rob Sinnott, USANA's chief science officer, who highlighted the benefits of getting product information to prescribers.

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