TDWP Announces Deal with Summit Next Gen and Provides a Strategic Update

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Texas Deepwater Partners (TDWP) has closed a deal with Summit Next Gen to sell 60 acres on the Houston Ship Channel for constructing the first at-scale ethanol-to-jet fuel (ETJ) facility producing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Summit Next Gen also purchased an exclusive option for an additional 40 acres for future expansion. TDWP will build, own, and operate a deepwater dock to support Summit's plant operations, underpinned by a long-term terminal services agreement.

The partnership aims to contribute significantly to the growing global SAF demand, with the facility expected to reach FID by mid-2025 and commence operations in 2027. This collaboration marks TDWP's first step in developing an energy transition hub, positioning the company to support sustainable industrial development in the renewable energy sector.

Texas Deepwater Partners (TDWP) ha concluso un accordo con Summit Next Gen per vendere 60 acri sul Canale Navale di Houston per la costruzione della prima struttura su larga scala di conversione dell'etanolo in carburante per jet (ETJ) che produrrà carburante per aviazione sostenibile (SAF). Summit Next Gen ha anche acquistato un'opzione esclusiva per ulteriori 40 acri per una futura espansione. TDWP costruirà, possiederà e gestirà un molo di acque profonde a supporto delle operazioni dell’impianto di Summit, sostenuto da un contratto a lungo termine per i servizi terminali.

La partnership mira a contribuire in modo significativo alla crescente domanda globale di SAF, con l'impianto che si prevede raggiunga il FID entro metà del 2025 e avviare le operazioni nel 2027. Questa collaborazione segna il primo passo di TDWP nello sviluppo di un hub di transizione energetica, posizionando l'azienda per supportare lo sviluppo industriale sostenibile nel settore delle energie rinnovabili.

Texas Deepwater Partners (TDWP) ha cerrado un acuerdo con Summit Next Gen para vender 60 acres en el Canal de Navegación de Houston para construir la primera instalación a gran escala de conversión de etanol a combustible para aviones (ETJ) que producirá combustible de aviación sostenible (SAF). Summit Next Gen también adquirió una opción exclusiva para otros 40 acres para futuras expansiones. TDWP construirá, poseerá y operará un muelle de aguas profundas para apoyar las operaciones de la planta de Summit, respaldado por un contrato de servicios terminales a largo plazo.

La asociación tiene como objetivo contribuir significativamente a la creciente demanda global de SAF, con la instalación que se espera alcance el FID a mediados de 2025 y comience operaciones en 2027. Esta colaboración marca el primer paso de TDWP en el desarrollo de un hub de transición energética, posicionando a la empresa para apoyar el desarrollo industrial sostenible en el sector de energías renovables.

텍사스 딥워터 파트너스(TDWP)는 서밋 넥스트 젠(Summit Next Gen)과 협력하여 휴스턴 항로에 60에이커의 토지를 판매하는 계약을 체결했습니다. 이곳에는 최초의 대규모 에탄올-제트 연료(ETJ) 시설이 건설되어 지속 가능한 항공 연료(SAF)를 생산할 예정입니다. 서밋 넥스트 젠은 향후 확장을 위해 추가 40에이커에 대한 독점 옵션도 구매했습니다. TDWP는 서밋의 공장 운영을 지원하기 위해 깊은 수심의 부두를 건설, 소유 및 운영할 것입니다. 이는 장기 터미널 서비스 계약에 의해 뒷받침됩니다.

이번 파트너십은 증가하는 글로벌 SAF 수요에 significante하게 기여하는 것을 목표로 하며, 시설은 2025년 중반까지 FID에 도달할 것으로 기대되며 2027년에 운영을 시작할 예정입니다. 이 협력은 TDWP가 에너지 전환 허브를 개발하는 첫 번째 발걸음으로, 재생 가능 에너지 분야에서 지속 가능한 산업 개발을 지원할 수 있는 위치에 회사를 두고 있습니다.

Texas Deepwater Partners (TDWP) a conclu un accord avec Summit Next Gen pour vendre 60 acres le long du Houston Ship Channel pour construire la première installation à grande échelle de conversion de l'éthanol en carburant pour aviation (ETJ) produisant du carburant aviation durable (SAF). Summit Next Gen a également acquis une option exclusive pour 40 acres supplémentaires pour une future expansion. TDWP construira, possédera et exploitera un quai en eau profonde pour soutenir les opérations de l'usine de Summit, soutenu par un contrat de services terminal à long terme.

Le partenariat vise à contribuer de manière significative à la demande mondiale croissante de SAF, l'installation devant atteindre le FID d'ici mi-2025 et commencer ses opérations en 2027. Cette collaboration marque le premier pas de TDWP dans le développement d'un pôle de transition énergétique, positionnant l'entreprise pour soutenir le développement industriel durable dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables.

Texas Deepwater Partners (TDWP) hat einen Vertrag mit Summit Next Gen abgeschlossen, um 60 Acres am Houston Ship Channel zu verkaufen, um die erste groß angelegte Ethanol-zu-Kraftstoff-für-Jets (ETJ)-Anlage zu bauen, die nachhaltigen Flugkraftstoff (SAF) produziert. Summit Next Gen erwarb auch eine exklusive Option für zusätzliche 40 Acres für zukünftige Erweiterungen. TDWP wird einen Tiefwasseranleger bauen, besitzen und betreiben, um die Betriebsabläufe von Summit zu unterstützen, was durch einen langfristigen Terminaldienstleistungsvertrag gestützt wird.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, einen erheblichen Beitrag zur wachsenden globalen SAF-Nachfrage zu leisten, wobei die Anlage voraussichtlich bis Mitte 2025 den FID erreichen und 2027 den Betrieb aufnehmen wird. Diese Zusammenarbeit markiert den ersten Schritt von TDWP zur Entwicklung eines Energie-Transitionszentrums und positioniert das Unternehmen zur Unterstützung einer nachhaltigen industriellen Entwicklung im Bereich erneuerbarer Energien.

  • Sale of 60 acres on the Houston Ship Channel to Summit Next Gen
  • Long-term terminal services agreement with Summit Next Gen
  • Potential for additional transportation methods to enhance plant efficiency
  • Positioning as a major alternative energy industrial hub
  • None.

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- On September 13, 2024, Texas Deepwater Partners LLC (“TDWP”) closed the sale of 60 acres on the Houston Ship Channel to Summit Next Gen LLC (“Summit Next Gen”). Summit Next Gen acquired the property from TDWP to construct the first at-scale ethanol-to-jet fuel (ETJ) facility that will produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Summit has also purchased an exclusive option on an incremental 40 acres to support plant expansion for future SAF demand growth.

In collaboration with Summit Next Gen, TDWP will build, own, and operate a dock capable of handling deepwater vessels and barges. The dock, and associated infrastructure will support Summit’s plant by unloading waterborne feedstock and loading finished products for transportation to end markets. Summit Next Gen will underpin the dock development with a long-term terminal services agreement with TDWP. In addition, both companies are jointly discussing the inclusion of additional transportation methods that could further enhance the capabilities and efficiency of Summit Next Gen’s new plant.

This partnership marks a major milestone in the renewable energy and sustainable transportation sectors, with the facility expected to significantly contribute to the growing global SAF demand. The collaboration between TDWP and Summit Next Gen underscores the importance of developing innovative infrastructure and transportation solutions to ensure the viability of future low carbon energy projects. The plant and associated dock infrastructure is positioned to reach FID by mid-year 2025 and commence operations in 2027.

David Dunning, Senior Vice President of TDWP said, “We are excited about the opportunity to work with Summit Next Gen, and by extension Summit Ag. We view them as a first mover with a clear vision in the SAF market, making them an ideal partner. We will continue exploring opportunities to enhance their project through TDWP’s multi-modal capabilities. This project represents TDWP’s first step in building an energy transition hub and we look forward to moving this project forward.”

Robert Halpin, CEO of Summit Next Gen said, Summit Next Gen’s developing partnership with TDWP adds a competitive edge to our project to develop the first at-scale ETJ SAF production facility. Securing a site that has the connectivity our project needs allows us to aggressively pursue commercial discussions and advance the project forward, ultimately creating value for all stakeholders in the project.”

This transaction marks the first step in TDWP’s plans to develop into a major alternative energy industrial hub. By providing vital infrastructure and logistics support to the growing renewable energy sector, TDWP is well positioned to support the future of sustainable industrial development.

About TDWP

Texas Deepwater Partners, a joint venture between Pinto Realty and USD Group, is a development company headquartered in Houston, Texas. The company’s primary asset is its waterfront property along the north side of the Houston Ship Channel. This asset has land available for development with permits in hand, including permits for deepwater and barge docks. The company operates a highly active rail services business served by the UP, BNSF, and CPKC via the PTRA within this same footprint, offering rail storage in transit, bulk and liquid transloading, ISO tank depot services, and other logistical services.

About Summit Next Gen

Summit Next Gen is a sustainable aviation fuel production platform established to develop, construct and operate the world's largest ethanol to jet SAF production facility located on the Houston Ship Channel. Summit Next Gen is a portfolio company of Summit Ag Investors, the investment management arm of Summit Agricultural Group.

About Summit Agricultural Group

Summit Agricultural Group is a diversified agribusiness operator and investment manager with operations in the United States and Brazil. Summit deploys capital across the agricultural supply chain with a particular focus at the intersection of agriculture and renewable energy. For more information, visit:

David Dunning

Senior Vice President


Source: USD Partners LP


What is the purpose of the TDWP and Summit Next Gen deal?

The deal involves the sale of 60 acres on the Houston Ship Channel for Summit Next Gen to construct the first at-scale ethanol-to-jet fuel (ETJ) facility producing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

When is the Summit Next Gen SAF facility expected to begin operations?

The SAF facility is expected to commence operations in 2027, with the Final Investment Decision (FID) targeted for mid-2025.

What role will TDWP play in the Summit Next Gen project?

TDWP will build, own, and operate a deepwater dock to support Summit's plant by handling feedstock unloading and finished product loading for transportation to end markets.

How does this deal impact TDWP's future plans?

This transaction marks TDWP's first step in developing into a major alternative energy industrial hub, positioning the company to support sustainable industrial development in the renewable energy sector.



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