U.S. Bank Goals Coaches Offer Advice To Help College Students Hit Their Targets

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U.S. Bank goals coaches offer advice to help college students achieve their targets. The coaches focus on key areas:

  • Setting goals: Evaluate current situation, set personal, professional, and financial goals with deadlines.
  • Utilizing resources: Use academic counselors, financial aid advisors, and goals coaches as accountability partners.
  • Time management: Prioritize tasks, create schedules, and focus on critical activities.
  • Managing finances: Create budget plans, categorize spending, build savings, and manage credit effectively.
  • Maintaining a positive mindset: Learn from past mistakes, appreciate the present, and focus on personal growth.

Coaches emphasize the importance of specific, measurable goals, effective resource utilization, and maintaining a balanced approach to academic, social, and personal responsibilities.

I coach di U.S. Bank offrono consigli per aiutare gli studenti universitari a raggiungere i loro obiettivi. I coach si concentrano su aree chiave:

  • Impostazione degli obiettivi: Valutare la situazione attuale, fissare obiettivi personali, professionali e finanziari con scadenze.
  • Utilizzo delle risorse: Utilizzare consiglieri accademici, consulenti per le sovvenzioni e coach per obiettivi come partner di responsabilità.
  • Gestione del tempo: Dare priorità alle attività, creare programmi e concentrarsi su attività fondamentali.
  • Gestione delle finanze: Creare piani di budget, categorizzare le spese, costruire risparmi e gestire efficacemente il credito.
  • Mantenere una mentalità positiva: Imparare dagli errori passati, apprezzare il presente e concentrarsi sulla crescita personale.

I coach enfatizzano l'importanza di obiettivi specifici e misurabili, un utilizzo efficace delle risorse e il mantenimento di un approccio equilibrato alle responsabilità accademiche, sociali e personali.

Los entrenadores de U.S. Bank ofrecen asesoramiento para ayudar a los estudiantes universitarios a alcanzar sus objetivos. Los entrenadores se centran en áreas clave:

  • Establecimiento de objetivos: Evaluar la situación actual, establecer metas personales, profesionales y financieras con plazos definidos.
  • Utilización de recursos: Usar consejeros académicos, asesores de ayuda financiera y entrenadores de objetivos como socios de responsabilidad.
  • Gestión del tiempo: Priorizar tareas, crear horarios y enfocarse en actividades críticas.
  • Gestión de finanzas: Crear planes de presupuesto, clasificar gastos, construir ahorros y manejar el crédito de forma efectiva.
  • Mantener una mentalidad positiva: Aprender de errores pasados, apreciar el presente y centrarse en el crecimiento personal.

Los entrenadores enfatizan la importancia de tener objetivos específicos y medibles, de utilizar eficazmente los recursos y de mantener un enfoque equilibrado hacia las responsabilidades académicas, sociales y personales.

U.S. Bank의 코치는 대학생들이 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 조언을 제공합니다. 코치는 다음과 같은 주요 분야에 집중합니다:

  • 목표 설정: 현재 상황 평가, 개인적, 직업적 및 재정적 목표를 세우고 기한 설정.
  • 자원 활용: 학업 상담가, 재정 지원 상담원 및 목표 코치를 책임 파트너로 활용.
  • 시간 관리: 작업의 우선순위를 정하고, 일정을 만들며, 중요한 활동에 집중.
  • 재정 관리: 예산 계획 수립, 지출 분류, 저축 구축 및 신용 효과적으로 관리.
  • 긍정적인 사고 유지: 과거의 실수에서 배우고, 현재를 소중히 여기며, 개인 성장에 집중.

코치는 특정하고 측정 가능한 목표, 효과적인 자원 활용, 학업, 사회 및 개인 책임에 대한 균형 잡힌 접근의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Les coachs de U.S. Bank offrent des conseils pour aider les étudiants à l'université à atteindre leurs objectifs. Les coachs se concentrent sur des domaines clés :

  • Fixation d'objectifs: Évaluer la situation actuelle, définir des objectifs personnels, professionnels et financiers avec des délais.
  • Utilisation des ressources: Utiliser des conseillers académiques, des conseillers d'aide financière et des coachs d'objectifs comme partenaires de responsabilité.
  • Gestion du temps: Prioriser les tâches, créer des plannings et se concentrer sur des activités critiques.
  • Gestion des finances: Établir des plans de budget, catégoriser les dépenses, constituer des économies et gérer le crédit efficacement.
  • Maintien d'une mentalité positive: Apprendre des erreurs passées, apprécier le présent et se concentrer sur la croissance personnelle.

Les coachs soulignent l'importance d'objectifs spécifiques et mesurables, d'une utilisation efficace des ressources et du maintien d'une approche équilibrée des responsabilités académiques, sociales et personnelles.

Die Coaches der U.S. Bank bieten Ratschläge an, um Hochschüler dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Die Coaches konzentrieren sich auf folgende Schlüsselbere Bereiche:

  • Ziele setzen: Aktuelle Situation bewerten, persönliche, berufliche und finanzielle Ziele mit Fristen festlegen.
  • Ressourcen nutzen: Akademische Berater, Finanzhilfsberater und Ziel-Coaches als Verantwortlichkeitspartner nutzen.
  • Zeitmanagement: Aufgaben priorisieren, Zeitpläne erstellen und sich auf kritische Aktivitäten konzentrieren.
  • Finanzen verwalten: Budgetpläne erstellen, Ausgaben kategorisieren, Ersparnisse aufbauen und Kredite effektiv verwalten.
  • Positives Mindset erhalten: Aus vergangenen Fehlern lernen, die Gegenwart schätzen und sich auf persönliches Wachstum konzentrieren.

Die Coaches betonen die Bedeutung von spezifischen, messbaren Zielen, effektiver Ressourcennutzung und einem ausgewogenen Ansatz für akademische, soziale und persönliche Verantwortlichkeiten.

  • None.
  • None.

The coaches cover topics today's students are asking about the most

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / U.S. Bank

Holly Kierstead

Originally published on U.S. Bank company blog

While U.S. Bank has goals coaches who serve clients at all stages in life, some coaches focus on helping students at colleges and universities across the country. With the new school year getting into swing, here are tips from those coaches on dealing with the topics students raise with them the most.

Setting goals

When setting goals, it's good to start by evaluating where you currently are in life and, from there, set personal, professional and financial goals along with dates to achieve those goals, said goals coach Holly Kierstead.

"For example, if you're a freshman in college, your goals could be to learn what study habits work for me, actively meet new people and start a budget," she said. "A graduating senior's goals could be to discover myself, prepare my resume and cover letter, and grow my money."

It's important to make the goals well-defined, said goals coach Barry Saeger.

"By setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound, you can be more intentional with your future plans," Saeger said.

Utilizing resources

To help achieve the goals you set, it's helpful to use the tools at your disposal, Saeger said.

"Your academic counselors, financial aid advisors, even a goals coach are wanting you to succeed in achieving your academic goals," he said. "Use these resources as your accountability partners in accomplishing what you need to get done and take ownership of your future."

Some students may be hesitant to ask for help, and they need to put that hesitation aside, Kierstead said.

"Don't be afraid to ask or reach out for help and be honest," she said. "Whether it is related to class content you are not understanding, your finances or something personal that is weighing on you, speak up and reach out to someone for help."

Time management

Many things can compete for a college student's time and attention, and managing time effectively is crucial in balancing academic, social and personal responsibilities, goals coach Haitham Suleiman said.

"We start with having the client list all their tasks and deadlines, then have them prioritize them based on importance and urgency, focusing on the most critical tasks first to complete," he said. "Then they work on creating a schedule by using either a planner or digital calendar so they can map out their day, week and month to allocate specific time needed for each task."

Goals coach Timothy Klecker said that, like many people, he struggled to manage time efficiently in his early adult years.

"Recognizing that you may have issues with time management is often a symptom of a larger issues, such as procrastination, excessive distractions and possibly lack of future vision for the direction one wants their life to go," Klecker said. "Each of us has the same 24 hours in a day and what matters is what you do with that time to focus most productively toward a centralized goal."

Managing finances

Suleiman said he often works with college students to create a budget plan.

"They will list all income and expenses for a month to get a clear picture of where their money is going," he said. "Once they have a baseline, they should work on categorizing their spending into needs, like rent, grocery and utilities, and wants, like dining out, entertainment and shopping. After that, they can start allocating specific amounts of money to each category and start building a savings plan for a rainy day."

Learning to manage credit effectively is very important, Klecker said.

"As you enter the early stages of adulthood, take the time to learn the ins and outs of debt management," he said. "The temptation to buy now and pay later may feel like a relief, but over time and without the proper frame of mind, it can become all too easy to find yourself underwater just when your lives are really beginning to take off."

Saeger said it's especially important to be mindful of social spending such as eating out, having food delivered or doing activities with friends.

"Consider giving yourself a weekly allowance that can be used for experiences you enjoy, but still fits within your budget," he said. "By establishing a planned amount of dollars for entertainment, you can still have fun while not placing additional stress on your bank account."

The right mindset

Setting goals and making a plan aren't the only ingredients in achieving them, said goals coach Tamra Clark Champion.

"The single most important gift you can give yourself - past, present, and future - is a positive mindset," she said.

"For the past, consider the lessons you have gleaned from your mistakes or failures," Clark Champion said. "In the present, appreciate where you are, what you have, and all you are becoming. When you think about the future, focus more on who you want to be rather than what you want to achieve. Your life is what you make it in every moment."

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What advice do U.S. Bank goals coaches offer to college students?

U.S. Bank goals coaches offer advice on setting specific goals, utilizing available resources, managing time effectively, creating budget plans, and maintaining a positive mindset to help college students achieve their targets.

How can college students better manage their finances according to U.S. Bank goals coaches?

U.S. Bank goals coaches advise college students to create budget plans, categorize spending into needs and wants, allocate specific amounts to each category, build savings, manage credit effectively, and be mindful of social spending.

What time management tips do U.S. Bank goals coaches provide for college students?

U.S. Bank goals coaches recommend listing and prioritizing tasks based on importance and urgency, creating schedules using planners or digital calendars, and focusing on critical tasks first to manage time effectively.

How can college students set effective goals according to U.S. Bank coaches?

U.S. Bank coaches advise students to evaluate their current situation, set personal, professional, and financial goals with specific deadlines, and ensure goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

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