Preserving Culture and Community in San Francisco’s Mission District

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U.S. Bank has been investing in San Francisco's Mission District for over two decades through its support of the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA). The Mission District, one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city, has been a hub for Latino and immigrant communities facing challenges due to rising living costs. MEDA, founded in 1973, aims to build prosperity and equity within the district.

U.S. Bank's support includes:

  • Philanthropic contributions to help MEDA operate and grow its programs
  • Over $5 million in financing to help MEDA purchase Plaza Adelante
  • Nearly $85 million in tax credits and construction loans for the Casa Adelante affordable housing project
  • A recent $1 million multiyear contribution to support MEDA's affordable housing program

These investments help preserve the culture and community of the Mission District, supporting services such as financial education, homeowner assistance, job training, and small business support.

U.S. Bank investe nel quartiere Mission di San Francisco da oltre due decenni, sostenendo l'agenzia Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA). Il quartiere Mission, uno dei più antichi della città, è stato un punto di riferimento per le comunità latine e per gli immigrati che affrontano sfide dovute all'aumento dei costi della vita. MEDA, fondata nel 1973, ha l'obiettivo di costruire prosperità ed equità all'interno del quartiere.

Il sostegno di U.S. Bank include:

  • Contributi filantropici per supportare MEDA nella gestione e nella crescita dei suoi programmi
  • Oltre 5 milioni di dollari di finanziamenti per aiutare MEDA ad acquistare Plaza Adelante
  • Quasi 85 milioni di dollari in crediti d'imposta e prestiti per la costruzione del progetto di edilizia abitativa accessibile Casa Adelante
  • Un recente contributo di 1 milione di dollari su più anni per sostenere il programma di edilizia abitativa accessibile di MEDA

Questi investimenti contribuiscono a preservare la cultura e la comunità del quartiere Mission, supportando servizi come l'educazione finanziaria, l'assistenza ai proprietari di casa, la formazione lavorativa e il supporto alle piccole imprese.

U.S. Bank ha estado invirtiendo en el barrio Mission de San Francisco durante más de dos décadas a través de su apoyo a la Agencia de Desarrollo Económico de Mission (MEDA). El barrio Mission, uno de los más antiguos de la ciudad, ha sido un centro para comunidades latinas e inmigrantes que enfrentan desafíos debido al aumento del costo de vida. MEDA, fundada en 1973, tiene como objetivo construir prosperidad y equidad dentro del distrito.

El apoyo de U.S. Bank incluye:

  • Contribuciones filantrópicas para ayudar a MEDA a operar y hacer crecer sus programas
  • Más de 5 millones de dólares en financiamiento para ayudar a MEDA a comprar Plaza Adelante
  • Casi 85 millones de dólares en créditos fiscales y préstamos de construcción para el proyecto de vivienda asequible Casa Adelante
  • Una reciente contribución de 1 millón de dólares por varios años para apoyar el programa de vivienda asequible de MEDA

Estas inversiones ayudan a preservar la cultura y la comunidad del barrio Mission, apoyando servicios como educación financiera, asistencia a propietarios de viviendas, capacitación laboral y apoyo a pequeñas empresas.

U.S. Bank는 Mission Economic Development Agency(MEDA)를 지원하며 20년 이상 샌프란시스코의 미션 지구에 투자해왔습니다. 미션 지구는 도시에서 가장 오래된 동네 중 하나로, 생활비 상승으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 라틴계와 이민자 커뮤니티의 중심지 역할을 해왔습니다. MEDA는 1973년에 설립되어 지구 내에서 번영과 형평성을 구축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

U.S. Bank의 지원 내용:

  • MEDA가 운영하고 프로그램을 성장시킬 수 있도록 돕는 자선 기부
  • MEDA가 Plaza Adelante를 구매할 수 있도록 지원하는 500만 달러 이상의 자금 지원
  • Casa Adelante의 저렴한 주택 프로젝트를 위한 8500만 달러에 달하는 세금 공제 및 건설 대출
  • MEDA의 저렴한 주택 프로그램을 지원하기 위한 최근의 100만 달러 다년 기부

이러한 투자는 미션 지구의 문화와 공동체를 보존하는 데 도움이 되며, 재정 교육, 주택 소유자 지원, 직업 교육 및 소규모 기업 지원과 같은 서비스를 지원합니다.

U.S. Bank investit dans le quartier Mission de San Francisco depuis plus de deux décennies en soutenant l'Agence de Développement Économique de Mission (MEDA). Le quartier Mission, l'un des plus anciens de la ville, est un centre pour les communautés latino et immigrées faisant face à des défis dus à la hausse du coût de la vie. MEDA, fondée en 1973, vise à construire la prospérité et l'équité au sein du quartier.

Le soutien de U.S. Bank comprend :

  • Contributions philanthropiques pour aider MEDA à fonctionner et à développer ses programmes
  • Plus de 5 millions de dollars de financement pour aider MEDA à acheter Plaza Adelante
  • Près de 85 millions de dollars en crédits d'impôt et prêts de construction pour le projet de logements abordables Casa Adelante
  • Une contribution récente d'un million de dollars sur plusieurs années pour soutenir le programme de logements abordables de MEDA

Ces investissements aident à préserver la culture et la communauté du quartier Mission, soutenant des services tels que l'éducation financière, l'assistance aux propriétaires, la formation professionnelle et le soutien aux petites entreprises.

U.S. Bank investiert seit über zwei Jahrzehnten im Mission District von San Francisco und unterstützt dabei die Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA). Der Mission District, eines der ältesten Stadtteile, ist ein Zentrum für lateinamerikanische und Einwanderergemeinschaften, die aufgrund steigender Lebenshaltungskosten vor Herausforderungen stehen. MEDA, gegründet im Jahr 1973, hat das Ziel, Wohlstand und Gerechtigkeit innerhalb des Stadtteils zu schaffen.

Die Unterstützung durch U.S. Bank umfasst:

  • Philanthropische Beiträge, um MEDA den Betrieb und das Wachstum ihrer Programme zu ermöglichen
  • Über 5 Millionen Dollar an Finanzierungen, um MEDA beim Kauf von Plaza Adelante zu unterstützen
  • Fast 85 Millionen Dollar an Steuergutschriften und Baukrediten für das Casa Adelante-Projekt für bezahlbaren Wohnraum
  • Einen kürzlich geleisteten Beitrag von 1 Million Dollar über mehrere Jahre zur Unterstützung von MEDAs Programm für bezahlbaren Wohnraum

Diese Investitionen helfen, die Kultur und Gemeinschaft des Mission District zu bewahren und unterstützen Dienstleistungen wie Finanzbildung, Unterstützung für Hauseigentümer, Berufsausbildung und Unterstützung für kleine Unternehmen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / U.S. Bank

U.S. Bank invests in historical neighborhood by supporting nonprofit MEDA

MEDA celebrated the grand opening of its Casa Adelante affordable housing development, which U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance helped finance, in 2022.

Originally published on U.S. Bank company blog

San Francisco's Mission District is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city and has been a hub for Latino and immigrant communities for decades. As the city evolved throughout the 20th century and the cost of living in the neighborhood rose, however, many residents and small businesses found it difficult to remain in the Mission. Enter the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA), which was founded in 1973 to help build prosperity and equity within the Mission District.

"The Mission District is home to many newcomers and Spanish-speaking Latino community members who have faced numerous challenges in a high-cost area such as San Francisco, which has one of the largest income gaps in the nation and has experienced high rates of displacement," MEDA CEO Luis Granados said. "Over the years, MEDA has stood by the Mission community through tough times-whether it was the displacement fueled by the dot-com boom, the 2008 Great Recession or the COVID-19 pandemic."

And for more than two decades, U.S. Bank has invested in the Mission District through its support of MEDA, helping the nonprofit maintain its home within the neighborhood and create opportunities for local residents and small businesses to flourish in the community they love.

"Neighborhoods like the Mission District are what keep San Francisco San Francisco," U.S. Bank Community Affairs Manager Leena Paxinos said. "It's a loss of culture if we don't invest in these communities."

MEDA's services range from financial education, homeowner assistance, rent relief, job training and placement to affordable housing development and small business support - all offered in English and Spanish and designed to help build intergenerational wealth within this dynamic, diverse community. Philanthropic support from U.S. Bank and the U.S. Bank Foundation over the years has helped the organization operate and grow its programming.

When MEDA found itself facing displacement from its headquarters location, U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance, a U.S. Bank subsidiary, provided critical financing totaling more than $5 million to help the organization purchase Plaza Adelante and remain in the Mission District. Plaza Adelante opened its doors in 2010 as a multi-tenant neighborhood resource center, with several small businesses joining the MEDA office in the building.

A few years later, recognizing the need for new affordable housing in the neighborhood, MEDA ventured into community real estate development. One project, which MEDA embarked upon with the Chinatown Community Development Corporation, was a 127-unit development at 2060 Folsom St., and Impact Finance delivered nearly $85 million in tax credits and construction loans to help see the project to completion and welcome families and transitional-age youth to their new homes. The project, called Casa Adelante, celebrated its grand opening in 2022.

"MEDA and their commitment to the Mission has been impressive to watch over the years. Their thoughtful approach to development in this neighborhood has included countless hours of visioning with community members and listening to the needs of longstanding residents," said Lisa Gutierrez, director of business development, affordable housing, for U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance. "MEDA's approach has helped drive new investment into this diverse community, all while preserving its history and culture and doing all they can to avoid the displacement of residents."

Recently, U.S. Bank announced a $1 million multiyear contribution to MEDA to offer additional support for its affordable housing community real estate program and help further the organization's vision of empowering a vibrant, thriving community in the heart of San Francisco.

"This is a catalytic investment in MEDA and will strengthen our ability to meet the emerging needs of our clients: small business entrepreneurs, families looking for permanent housing, students looking for youth leadership and academic support through the Mission Promise Neighborhood initiative, in which MEDA is the backbone agency," Granados said. "MEDA's relationship with U.S. Bank has been transformational and helps us support the dreams of our clients in the Mission District, San Francisco and the Bay Area."

Did you know?

In the 94110 ZIP code, where MEDA is located, the 2023 median household income was $165,712, and the market-rate rent in September 2023 was $3,834, according to the Bay Area Equity Atlas.

The average household income of MEDA's clients is $25,000 per year, which places market-rate rental units and homeownership opportunities out of reach for the majority of the residents it serves. Affordable housing programs play an important role in helping low- to moderate-income residents find secure housing in the Mission District.

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How is U.S. Bank supporting the Mission District in San Francisco?

U.S. Bank is supporting the Mission District through its partnership with MEDA, providing philanthropic contributions, financing for property acquisition, tax credits and construction loans for affordable housing projects, and a recent $1 million multiyear contribution to support MEDA's affordable housing program.

What is MEDA and how does it help the Mission District community?

MEDA (Mission Economic Development Agency) is a nonprofit founded in 1973 that helps build prosperity and equity in the Mission District. It offers services like financial education, homeowner assistance, job training, affordable housing development, and small business support in English and Spanish.

What specific projects has U.S. Bank supported in the Mission District?

U.S. Bank has supported several projects in the Mission District, including providing over $5 million in financing to help MEDA purchase Plaza Adelante and nearly $85 million in tax credits and construction loans for the Casa Adelante affordable housing project.

How does affordable housing impact the Mission District community?

Affordable housing is important in the Mission District, where the average household income of MEDA's clients is $25,000 per year, making market-rate rentals and homeownership out of reach for many residents. Affordable housing programs help low to moderate-income residents secure housing in the neighborhood.

What is the significance of U.S. Bank's recent $1 million contribution to MEDA?

U.S. Bank's recent $1 million multiyear contribution to MEDA will support its affordable housing community real estate program and help further the organization's vision of empowering a vibrant, thriving community in the heart of San Francisco.

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