Meet the Cleveland Retailer in the Business of ‘Everything Involved in Fashion’

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Dru Christine Fabrics & Design, owned by Andrea "Dru" Thompson, is a versatile fashion hub in downtown Cleveland. The store offers a wide range of clothing and serves as a studio for sewing classes, wig making, and fashion design workshops for both adults and children. Thompson, a U.S. Bank customer since 2002, has expanded her relationship to include business banking services. With guidance from U.S. Bank Business Access Advisor Norlynn Story, Thompson recently completed a financial literacy course, leading to improved financial outcomes for her small business. Thompson praised U.S. Bank for recognizing and supporting her as a small business owner, emphasizing the personal value of her enterprise despite its size.

Dru Christine Fabrics & Design, di proprietà di Andrea "Dru" Thompson, è un centro di moda versatile nel centro di Cleveland. Il negozio offre una ampia gamma di abbigliamento e funge da studio per corsi di cucito, creazione di parrucche e workshop di design della moda sia per adulti che per bambini. Thompson, cliente di U.S. Bank dal 2002, ha ampliato la sua relazione per includere servizi bancari per le imprese. Con la guida di Norlynn Story, consulente per le imprese di U.S. Bank, Thompson ha recentemente completato un corso di educazione finanziaria, che ha portato a risultati finanziari migliorati per la sua piccola impresa. Thompson ha elogiato U.S. Bank per aver riconosciuto e sostenuto il suo ruolo di imprenditrice, sottolineando il valore personale della sua attività nonostante le sue dimensioni.

Dru Christine Fabrics & Design, propiedad de Andrea "Dru" Thompson, es un centro de moda versátil en el centro de Cleveland. La tienda ofrece una amplia variedad de ropa y también funciona como estudio para clases de costura, elaboración de pelucas y talleres de diseño de moda tanto para adultos como para niños. Thompson, cliente de U.S. Bank desde 2002, ha ampliado su relación para incluir servicios de banca de negocios. Con la orientación del Asesor de Acceso Empresarial de U.S. Bank, Norlynn Story, Thompson completó recientemente un curso de educación financiera, lo que ha llevado a mejores resultados financieros para su pequeña empresa. Thompson elogió a U.S. Bank por reconocer y apoyar su papel como propietaria de una pequeña empresa, enfatizando el valor personal de su negocio a pesar de su tamaño.

Dru Christine Fabrics & Design는 Andrea "Dru" Thompson이 소유하며, 클리블랜드 시내에 위치한 다재다능한 패션 허브입니다. 이 상점은 다양한 의류를 제공하고, 성인과 아동을 위한 재봉 수업, 가발 제작 및 패션 디자인 워크숍을 위한 스튜디오 역할도 합니다. Thompson은 2002년부터 U.S. Bank 고객으로, 비즈니스 뱅킹 서비스까지 관계를 확대했습니다. U.S. Bank 비즈니스 액세스 어드바이저 Norlynn Story의 안내를 받아 Thompson은 최근에 재정 교육 과정을 마치게 되어, 그녀의 작은 비즈니스의 재정적 결과가 개선되었습니다. Thompson은 U.S. Bank가 작은 비즈니스 소유자로서 그녀를 인정하고 지원해 준 것에 대해 칭찬하며, 사업의 규모에 관계없이 그녀의 사업의 개인적인 가치를 강조했습니다.

Dru Christine Fabrics & Design, propriété d'Andrea "Dru" Thompson, est un centre de mode polyvalent dans le centre-ville de Cleveland. La boutique propose une large gamme de vêtements et sert de studio pour des cours de couture, de fabrication de perruques et des ateliers de design de mode pour adultes et enfants. Thompson, cliente de la U.S. Bank depuis 2002, a élargi sa relation pour inclure des services bancaires aux entreprises. Avec les conseils de Norlynn Story, conseiller en accès aux affaires de la U.S. Bank, Thompson a récemment terminé un cours de littératie financière, ce qui a conduit à de meilleurs résultats financiers pour sa petite entreprise. Thompson a salué la U.S. Bank pour avoir reconnu et soutenu son rôle de propriétaire de petite entreprise, en soulignant la valeur personnelle de son entreprise, malgré sa taille.

Dru Christine Fabrics & Design, im Besitz von Andrea "Dru" Thompson, ist ein vielseitiges Modezentrum im Zentrum von Cleveland. Das Geschäft bietet eine breite Palette an Kleidung an und dient als Studio für Schneiderkurse, Perückenherstellung und Mode-Design-Workshops für Erwachsene und Kinder. Thompson, eine Kundin von U.S. Bank seit 2002, hat ihre Beziehung erweitert, um Geschäftsbankdienstleistungen in Anspruch zu nehmen. Mit der Unterstützung von U.S. Bank Business Access Advisor Norlynn Story hat Thompson kürzlich einen Finanzbildungskurs abgeschlossen, was zu besseren finanziellen Ergebnissen für ihr kleines Unternehmen geführt hat. Thompson lobte U.S. Bank dafür, dass sie sie als Kleinunternehmerin anerkannt und unterstützt haben, und betonte den persönlichen Wert ihres Unternehmens, trotz seiner Größe.

  • U.S. Bank provides personalized business banking services to small enterprises
  • U.S. Bank offers financial literacy courses to help improve small business outcomes
  • Long-term customer relationship since 2002 demonstrates customer loyalty
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / U.S. Bank
Dru Christine Fabrics & Design offers clothing and sewing classes for adults and kids alike

Originally published on U.S. Bank company blog

Dru Christine Fabrics & Design is a one-stop shop for all things fashion in downtown Cleveland. Owned and operated by Andrea "Dru" Thompson, the shop is not only a broad variety clothing store, but also serves as a studio for adults and kids sewing classes, wig making, fashion design, and creative workshops.

Dru opened a personal account with U.S. Bank back in 2002, and through her friendship with Norlynn Story, U.S. Bank Business Access Advisor, she now does all her business banking with U.S. Bank as well. With Norlynn's guidance, Dru recently participated in a financial literacy course that has already paid off with better financial results for her small business.

"Looking at a bank you think it's this huge thing that's not going to help this little small business," said Thompson. "What Norlynn did made it feel like U.S. Bank does see me as a business owner. You know, I'm a small business owner, not a million-dollar business. But to me it's a million dollars."

To learn more about Dru Christine Fabrics & Design, check out the video above.

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What services does Dru Christine Fabrics & Design offer in Cleveland?

Dru Christine Fabrics & Design in Cleveland offers a broad variety of clothing, sewing classes for adults and kids, wig making services, fashion design workshops, and creative classes.

How has U.S. Bank (USB) supported Dru Christine Fabrics & Design?

U.S. Bank has supported Dru Christine Fabrics & Design by providing personal and business banking services, offering financial literacy courses, and providing guidance through a Business Access Advisor, which has led to better financial results for the small business.

When did Dru Thompson start banking with U.S. Bank (USB)?

Dru Thompson opened a personal account with U.S. Bank in 2002 and later expanded to business banking services with the bank.

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