Kansas City Father Invests in His Family’s Future Through Homeownership

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Elijah Rush, a Kansas City resident, purchased his first home in 2023 using the U.S. Bank American Dream home loan. This loan program, available in 26 states, offers downpayment assistance, low down payment options, and additional funds for closing costs or repairs. Rush worked with Marla Dickinson, a mortgage loan originator at U.S. Bank, for over a year to become mortgage-ready.

The process involved building credit, creating a savings plan, and attending a homebuyer education class. Rush's journey highlights the importance of financial education and the potential for first-time homebuyers to achieve their goals. He views homeownership as an investment in his family's future and a step towards building generational wealth.

Elijah Rush, un residente di Kansas City, ha acquistato la sua prima casa nel 2023 utilizzando il mutuo U.S. Bank American Dream. Questo programma di prestito, disponibile in 26 stati, offre assistenza per il pagamento iniziale, opzioni di pagamento iniziale basse e fondi aggiuntivi per le spese di chiusura o le riparazioni. Rush ha collaborato con Marla Dickinson, un originatore di prestiti ipotecari presso U.S. Bank, per oltre un anno per diventare pronto per il mutuo.

Il processo ha comportato la costruzione del credito, la creazione di un piano di risparmio e la partecipazione a un corso di educazione per acquirenti di case. Il percorso di Rush evidenzia l'importanza dell'educazione finanziaria e il potenziale per i neofiti acquirenti di case di raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Considera la proprietà di una casa come un investimento nel futuro della sua famiglia e un passo verso la costruzione di una ricchezza generazionale.

Elijah Rush, un residente de Kansas City, compró su primera casa en 2023 utilizando el préstamo U.S. Bank American Dream. Este programa de préstamos, disponible en 26 estados, ofrece asistencia para el pago inicial, opciones de pago inicial bajo y fondos adicionales para costos de cierre o reparaciones. Rush trabajó con Marla Dickinson, una originadora de préstamos hipotecarios en U.S. Bank, durante más de un año para estar preparado para la hipoteca.

El proceso incluyó construcción de crédito, creación de un plan de ahorros y asistencia a un curso de educación para compradores de vivienda. El viaje de Rush resalta la importancia de la educación financiera y el potencial para que los compradores de vivienda por primera vez logren sus metas. Ve la propiedad de una vivienda como una inversión en el futuro de su familia y un paso hacia la construcción de riqueza generacional.

엘리야 러쉬, 캔자스 시티에 거주하는 그는 2023년에 미국 뱅크 아메리칸 드림 주택 대출을 통해 첫 집을 구매했습니다. 이 대출 프로그램은 26개 주에서 제공되며, 계약금 지원, 낮은 계약금 옵션 및 마감 비용이나 수리를 위한 추가 자금을 제공합니다. 러쉬는 마를라 디킨슨과 함께 1년 이상 협력하여 모기지 준비를 마쳤습니다.

이 과정에는 신용 구축, 저축 계획 수립 및 주택 구매자 교육 수업 참석이 포함되었습니다. 러쉬의 여정은 재정 교육의 중요성과 첫 주택 구매자들이 목표를 달성할 수 있는 잠재력을 강조합니다. 그는 주택 소유를 가족의 미래에 대한 투자로 보고, 세대 간 부를 건설하는 단계로 생각합니다.

Elijah Rush, résident de Kansas City, a acheté sa première maison en 2023 en utilisant le prêt U.S. Bank American Dream. Ce programme de prêt, disponible dans 26 États, offre une aide pour l'apport initial, des options de faible apport et des fonds supplémentaires pour les frais de clôture ou les réparations. Rush a travaillé avec Marla Dickinson, une originaire de prêts hypothécaires chez U.S. Bank, pendant plus d'un an pour être prêt pour son prêt hypothécaire.

Le processus a impliqué la construction de son crédit, la création d'un plan d'épargne et la participation à un cours d'éducation pour les acheteurs de maisons. Le parcours de Rush met en lumière l'importance de l'éducation financière et le potentiel pour les primo-accédants d'atteindre leurs objectifs. Il considère la propriété d'une maison comme un investissement dans l'avenir de sa famille et une étape vers la construction d'une richesse générationnelle.

Elijah Rush, ein Einwohner von Kansas City, kaufte 2023 sein erstes Zuhause mit dem U.S. Bank American Dream Hypothekendarlehen. Dieses Darlehensprogramm, das in 26 Bundesstaaten verfügbar ist, bietet Unterstützung beim Eigenkapital, niedrige Eigenkapitaloptionen und zusätzliche Mittel für Abschlusskosten oder Reparaturen. Rush arbeitete über ein Jahr lang mit Marla Dickinson, einer Hypothekendarlehensinitiatorin bei U.S. Bank, um bereit für die Hypothek zu werden.

Der Prozess umfasste den Aufbau von Kredit, die Erstellung eines Sparplans und die Teilnahme an einem Bildungskurs für Käufer von Eigenheimen. Rushs Reise hebt die Bedeutung von finanzieller Bildung und das Potenzial für Erstkäufer von Eigenheimen hervor, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Er sieht den Hausbesitz als eine Investition in die Zukunft seiner Familie und als einen Schritt in Richtung des Aufbaus von Generationenvermögen.

  • U.S. Bank's American Dream home loan program assists first-time homebuyers in 26 states
  • The program offers downpayment assistance and allows for as little as 3% down payment
  • U.S. Bank provides additional assistance funds for closing costs or required repairs
  • U.S. Bank pays for the mortgage insurance in this program
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / U.S. Bank
Through the American Dream home loan, Elijah Rush purchased his home in 2022

Originally published on U.S. Bank company blog

Inside his home in Kansas City, Elijah Rush thinks a lot about the future he wants for his wife, two children and baby on the way. In fact, the home he purchased in 2023 represents one of the biggest steps forward in building wealth and providing his loved ones with a place to call home, he said.

"When I think about building wealth, it's about my children and thinking about their future," said Rush, who started thinking about his financial journey at age 16. "I remember starting to think about my future, how I was going to live my life and, if I had children, how would they live and would they be okay? I thought a lot about what I went through in my adolescence with my parents who are long-time renters, and I wanted something more."

Wealth building, particularly the benefits of homeownership, was something Rush was particularly focused on, but he needed help getting started. So, one day in 2022, he walked into his neighborhood U.S. Bank branch and met Marla Dickinson, a mortgage loan originator who said she finds particular joy in helping first-time homebuyers on their journey to buying a home.

"When I first met him, I thought Elijah was looking to break barriers, that he was eager for knowledge and looking for a person who's going to help guide him," Dickinson said. "Everyone starts their homebuying journey at a different place - and Elijah had so many questions about the process I was happy to answer."

Dickinson and Rush worked together for more than a year to help him become mortgage-ready. Through this process, they worked on building credit, putting a savings plan in place and more.

After finding a home he wanted to make an offer on, and as part of this, Rush attended a homebuyer education class hosted by Dickinson. After that session, Rush came back to the branch and asked if he could ask the seller of a home to cover closing costs. Dickinson said yes, and Rush negotiated the cost to be covered so he could buy the house that is now his.

"That moment stands out to me," Dickinson said. "Even today, I talk about him with prospective homebuyers to say that if you are intentional and you are putting your all into learning about the resources out there, anything is possible."

Rush qualified for and used the U.S. Bank American Dream home loan, created to help buyers overcome the thresholds to homeownership. The American Dream mortgage is available to qualified buyers in 26 states, providing downpayment assistance, the option to put as little as 3% down, additional assistance funds that can be used toward closing costs or required repairs, and mortgage insurance paid for by U.S. Bank.

Looking back on this process and reflecting on where he is today, Rush said "there's less stress and more understanding about finances. I know how to maneuver with money, comprehend what is going on and look toward the future."

As for what the future holds, Rush is building a fruit and vegetable garden at his home to help feed his family, he said, and has dreams of being a farmer to provide for his loved ones and community.

"Owning a home is investing in me and my family, and for people who are just starting the homebuying process - it's okay for it take time to be in a place to buy," Rush said. "Now I know my money is going toward investing in a home to pass on to my kids and build generational wealth for them."

For more about Rush's story, watch the video above.

Elijah Rush in his home in Kansas City.

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What is the U.S. Bank American Dream home loan program?

The U.S. Bank American Dream home loan is a program designed to help first-time homebuyers overcome barriers to homeownership. It offers downpayment assistance, low down payment options (as little as 3%), additional funds for closing costs or repairs, and mortgage insurance paid by U.S. Bank.

How long did it take Elijah Rush to become mortgage-ready with U.S. Bank (USB)?

Elijah Rush worked with U.S. Bank mortgage loan originator Marla Dickinson for over a year to become mortgage-ready. This process involved building credit, creating a savings plan, and attending homebuyer education classes.

In which year did Elijah Rush purchase his home using the U.S. Bank (USB) American Dream loan?

Elijah Rush purchased his home in Kansas City in 2023 using the U.S. Bank American Dream home loan.

How many states offer the U.S. Bank (USB) American Dream home loan program?

The U.S. Bank American Dream home loan program is available to qualified buyers in 26 states.

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