Impact Finance and Latino-Focused CDFI Collaborate To Close Opportunity Gaps

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U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance has made significant investments in Raza Development Fund (RDF), the largest national, Latino-focused Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). Recent investments include:

1. A $2 million equity-equivalent investment to fund community health centers in Latino neighborhoods across California.

2. A $10 million Racial Equity Direct Purchase Bond to support RDF lending programs in California.

3. A $100,000 grant for RDF's 25th anniversary, a Latino Leadership Summit, and a study of Latino-led CDFIs.

These investments aim to close wealth and opportunity gaps in Latino and under-resourced communities. RDF focuses on health, education, affordable housing, climate resilience, homeownership, and entrepreneurship. The collaboration between U.S. Bank and RDF exemplifies the power of partnerships in advancing economic opportunity and creating lasting, positive change in underserved communities.

U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance ha effettuato investimenti significativi nel Raza Development Fund (RDF), la più grande Istituzione Finanziaria di Sviluppo Comunitario (CDFI) nazionale focalizzata sulla comunità latina. Gli investimenti recenti includono:

1. Un investimento di equity equivalenti di 2 milioni di dollari per finanziare i centri di salute comunitari nei quartieri latino-americani della California.

2. Un obbligazione di acquisto diretto per l'equità razziale di 10 milioni di dollari per supportare i programmi di prestito del RDF in California.

3. Un contributo di 100.000 dollari per il 25° anniversario del RDF, un Summit di Leadership Latina e uno studio sulle CDFI guidate dai latini.

Questi investimenti mirano a colmare il divario di ricchezza e opportunità nelle comunità latine e sotto-sostenute. RDF si concentra su salute, educazione, abitazioni accessibili, resilienza climatica, proprietà di casa e imprenditorialità. La collaborazione tra U.S. Bank e RDF esemplifica il potere delle partnership nel promuovere opportunità economiche e creare cambiamenti positivi duraturi nelle comunità svantaggiate.

U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance ha realizado inversiones significativas en Raza Development Fund (RDF), la mayor Institución Financiera de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDFI) enfocada en la comunidad latina a nivel nacional. Las inversiones recientes incluyen:

1. Una inversión equivalente a capital de 2 millones de dólares para financiar centros de salud comunitarios en vecindarios latinos en California.

2. Un bono de compra directa de equidad racial de 10 millones de dólares para apoyar los programas de préstamo de RDF en California.

3. Una subvención de 100.000 dólares por el 25º aniversario de RDF, una Cumbre de Liderazgo Latino y un estudio sobre las CDFI dirigidas por latinos.

Estas inversiones tienen como objetivo cerrar las brechas de riqueza y oportunidades en las comunidades latinas y desfavorecidas. RDF se centra en la salud, la educación, la vivienda asequible, la resiliencia climática, la propiedad de vivienda y el emprendimiento. La colaboración entre U.S. Bank y RDF ejemplifica el poder de las asociaciones para avanzar en la oportunidad económica y crear un cambio positivo y duradero en las comunidades desatendidas.

U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance는 국가 최대의 라틴계 커뮤니티 개발 금융 기관(CDFI)인 Raza Development Fund (RDF)에 상당한 투자를 했습니다. 최근 투자 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 200만 달러의 자본 동등 투자로 캘리포니아의 라틴계 지역사회 건강 센터를 지원합니다.

2. 캘리포니아의 RDF 대출 프로그램을 지원하기 위한 1천만 달러의 인종 평등 직접 구매 채권

3. RDF의 25주년 기념, 라틴 리더십 정상 회담 및 라틴계 CDFI 연구를 위한 10만 달러 기부

이러한 투자는 라틴계 및 자원 부족 지역 사회의 부와 기회 격차를 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. RDF는 건강, 교육, 저렴한 주택, 기후 회복력, 주택 소유 및 기업가 정신에 중점을 두고 있습니다. U.S. Bank와 RDF 간의 협력은 경제적 기회를 촉진하고 소외된 지역 사회에 지속적이고 긍정적인 변화를 창출하는 파트너십의 힘을 입증합니다.

U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance a réalisé des investissements significatifs dans le Raza Development Fund (RDF), la plus grande Institution Financière de Développement Communautaire (CDFI) nationale axée sur la communauté latino. Les investissements récents comprennent :

1. Un investissement équivalent en capital de 2 millions de dollars pour financer des centres de santé communautaires dans les quartiers latinos en Californie.

2. Une obligation d'achat direct pour l'équité raciale de 10 millions de dollars pour soutenir les programmes de prêt de RDF en Californie.

3. Une subvention de 100 000 dollars pour le 25e anniversaire de RDF, un sommet sur le leadership latino et une étude sur les CDFI dirigées par des latinos.

Ces investissements visent à combler les écarts de richesse et d'opportunités dans les communautés latinos et sous-resources. RDF se concentre sur la santé, l'éducation, le logement abordable, la résilience climatique, la propriété et l'entrepreneuriat. La collaboration entre U.S. Bank et RDF illustre la puissance des partenariats pour faire progresser les opportunités économiques et créer un changement positif et durable dans les communautés défavorisées.

U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance hat erheblich in den Raza Development Fund (RDF) investiert, die größte auf die Latino-Gemeinschaft fokussierte Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) in den USA. Zu den jüngsten Investitionen gehören:

1. Eine 2 Millionen Dollar-equivalente Eigenkapitalinvestition, um Gesundheitszentren in Latino-Vierteln in Kalifornien zu finanzieren.

2. Eine 10 Millionen Dollar direkte Kaufanleihe für Rassengleichheit, um RDF-Kreditprogramme in Kalifornien zu unterstützen.

3. Ein Grant von 100.000 Dollar zum 25. Jahrestag von RDF, einem Latino Leadership Summit und einer Studie über von Latinos geleitete CDFIs.

Diese Investitionen zielen darauf ab, die Vermögens- und Chancenlücken in Latino- und ressourcenarmen Gemeinschaften zu schließen. RDF konzentriert sich auf Gesundheit, Bildung, bezahlbaren Wohnraum, Klimaanpassung, Eigenheim und Unternehmertum. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen U.S. Bank und RDF veranschaulicht die Kraft von Partnerschaften zur Förderung wirtschaftlicher Chancen und zur Schaffung eines nachhaltigen, positiven Wandels in unterversorgten Gemeinschaften.

  • U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance provided a $2 million equity-equivalent investment to fund community health centers in Latino neighborhoods
  • U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance and RDF closed on a $10 million Racial Equity Direct Purchase Bond to support RDF lending programs
  • U.S. Bank provided a $100,000 grant to support RDF's 25th anniversary and related initiatives
  • The partnership aims to close wealth and opportunity gaps in Latino and under-resourced communities
  • U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance committed $534 million in loans to CDFIs and community development intermediaries last year
  • None.


U.S. Bancorp's Impact Finance division is making significant strides in community development through its partnership with Raza Development Fund (RDF), the largest Latino-focused CDFI. The recent $2 million equity-equivalent investment and $10 million Racial Equity Direct Purchase Bond demonstrate a substantial commitment to addressing wealth and opportunity gaps in underserved communities.

These investments, totaling over $12 million, are strategically aligned with U.S. Bank's ESG initiatives and community development goals. By supporting RDF's Comunidad Sana Fund and various lending programs, U.S. Bank is positioning itself as a leader in socially responsible banking. This approach not only enhances the bank's reputation but also potentially opens new market opportunities in underserved communities.

While the direct financial impact on U.S. Bank's bottom line may be in the short term, the long-term benefits of community goodwill, expanded customer base and regulatory compliance with Community Reinvestment Act requirements could prove valuable. Investors should view these initiatives as part of a broader strategy to secure sustainable growth and mitigate risks associated with changing demographics and increasing focus on social responsibility in the banking sector.

The collaboration between U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance and Raza Development Fund represents a significant step forward in addressing systemic inequalities within Latino communities. By focusing on critical areas such as health, education and affordable housing, this partnership is tackling root causes of economic disparity.

The $2 million investment in the Comunidad Sana Fund is particularly noteworthy, as it targets health equity - a important factor in community well-being and economic productivity. Expanding access to quality healthcare through Federally Qualified Health Centers can lead to improved health outcomes, reduced healthcare costs and increased economic participation in Latino communities.

Moreover, the $10 million Racial Equity Direct Purchase Bond demonstrates a comprehensive approach to community development, extending beyond health to support various lending programs. This diversified strategy increases the likelihood of creating sustainable, positive change across multiple sectors of underserved communities.

The long-term impact of these investments could be substantial, potentially leading to improved economic indicators, reduced social service costs and increased economic activity in target communities - all of which could indirectly benefit U.S. Bank's operations in these areas.

Recent investments with Raza Development Fund total more than $12 million

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / U.S. Bank
Originally published on U.S. Bank company blog

Last month, U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance provided a $2 million equity-equivalent investment (EQ2) in Raza Development Fund (RDF) to help fund community health centers in Latino neighborhoods across the state of California. The partnership was one of many investments - ranging from New Market Tax Credits transactions to successful expansions of financial solutions across various U.S. Bank business lines - that Impact Finance has made in the past six years in RDF, the largest national, Latino-focused Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).

Mural on the side of RDF's headquarters in Phoenix that features elements representing Latino culture and the South Phoenix community.

"This transformative investment in Comunidad Sana, our health equity initiative, not only allows us to expand our reach but also strengthens the essential work of community health centers. These centers are lifelines in underserved communities, providing critical health services and ensuring that quality care is accessible to all. By deepening our commitment to health equity, we are fostering healthier communities, reducing disparities, and laying the foundation for long-term, systemic change," said President & CEO Annie Donovan.

Driven by a mission to close wealth and opportunity gaps in Latino and other under-resourced communities across the United States, RDF provides financial solutions to community-based organizations focused on health, education, affordable housing, climate resilience, homeownership and entrepreneurship.

In addition to the EQ2 investment to support Raza's Comunidad Sana Fund, which plans to deploy capital to Federally Qualified Health Centers and other community health centers in Latino communities across the state of California, Impact Finance and RDF in August 2024 closed on a $10 million Racial Equity Direct Purchase Bond through U.S. Bank's Impact Capital Program that will help support RDF lending programs within the state of California.

"RDF values U.S. Bank as a key partner and strong supporter of our mission," said Donovan. "Our collaboration encompasses various forms of financial support, knowledge sharing and strategic partnerships. Our relationship with U.S. Bank exemplifies the power of these collaborations. Through shared values and a commitment to advancing economic opportunity, we've built a partnership that allows us to amplify our collective impact."

Lastly, through U.S. Bank's Community Development Entity, Impact Finance provided RDF a $100,000 grant to support the organization's upcoming 25th anniversary, a two-day Latino Leadership Summit to be held in Los Angeles, and a landscape study of Latino-led and Latino-serving CDFIs.

"These recent opportunities help expand the existing relationship between U.S. Bank and RDF, and more importantly help support the mission for the largest Latino-focused CDFI in the country," said U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance Vice President Garrett Murdock.

CDFIs play a critical role in bringing investment and resources to underserved communities and to organizations that may not have access to traditional financing. Last year, Impact Finance committed $534 million in loans to CDFIs and other community development intermediaries.

"We are proud of the longstanding partnership with U.S. Bank. Over the years, U.S. Bank has been a trusted ally in supporting our mission and innovation, and together we continue to deliver exceptional financial solutions that make capital available to our underserved communities," said RDF Chief Financial Officer Tony Lopez. "U.S. Bank has taken the time to understand our mission and connect with our team and the communities we serve. This strong relationship has not only empowered RDF to be a responsible steward of capital but also created impactful opportunities that benefit the people and communities at the heart of our work."

Combining the financial strength and expertise of institutions like U.S. Bank with the deep local knowledge and mission-driven focus of CDFIs, helps create lasting, positive change, Donovan said.

"Together, we're shaping a future where opportunity and financial inclusion are accessible to all," she said.

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What recent investments has U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance made in Raza Development Fund (RDF)?

U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance recently made three significant investments in RDF: a $2 million equity-equivalent investment for community health centers, a $10 million Racial Equity Direct Purchase Bond for lending programs, and a $100,000 grant for RDF's 25th anniversary and related initiatives.

What is the focus of Raza Development Fund (RDF)?

RDF is the largest national, Latino-focused Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). It focuses on providing financial solutions to community-based organizations in areas such as health, education, affordable housing, climate resilience, homeownership, and entrepreneurship in Latino and under-resourced communities.

How much did U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance commit to CDFIs and community development intermediaries last year?

Last year, U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance committed $534 million in loans to CDFIs and other community development intermediaries.

What is the purpose of the $2 million equity-equivalent investment from U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance to RDF?

The $2 million equity-equivalent investment is intended to help fund community health centers in Latino neighborhoods across the state of California through RDF's Comunidad Sana Fund.

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