Focus on Hispanic Community Fuels Success of Colorado Barbershop

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Durango Barber Salon, a Hispanic-owned business in Colorado Springs, has experienced significant growth with the support of U.S. Bank. Owners Luz and Juan Andrade followed their banker, Business Access Advisor Chio Scott, to U.S. Bank to expand their services to the local Hispanic community. The bank assisted them in improving their credit scores and opening multiple locations in Colorado Springs.

Juan Andrade expressed gratitude for U.S. Bank's continuous support, stating, "It's comforting to know that your bank is always trying to find ways to help you grow your business." The Andrades credit their success to the strong relationship built with U.S. Bank and their team of bankers, emphasizing the trust developed over time.

Il Durango Barber Salon, un business di proprietà ispanica a Colorado Springs, ha registrato una crescita significativa grazie al supporto di U.S. Bank. I proprietari Luz e Juan Andrade hanno seguito il loro bancario, il Consulente per l'Accesso Aziendale Chio Scott, presso U.S. Bank per ampliare i loro servizi alla comunità ispanica locale. La banca li ha assistiti nel migliorare i loro punteggi di credito e nell'aprire più sedi a Colorado Springs.

Juan Andrade ha espresso gratitudine per il continuo supporto di U.S. Bank, affermando: "È rassicurante sapere che la tua banca cerca sempre modi per aiutarti a far crescere la tua attività." Gli Andrade attribuiscono il loro successo alla forte relazione instaurata con U.S. Bank e il loro team di banchieri, sottolineando la fiducia sviluppata nel tempo.

Durango Barber Salon, un negocio de propiedad hispana en Colorado Springs, ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo con el apoyo de U.S. Bank. Los propietarios Luz y Juan Andrade siguieron a su banquero, el Asesor de Acceso Empresarial Chio Scott, al U.S. Bank para expandir sus servicios a la comunidad hispana local. El banco les ayudó a mejorar sus puntajes de crédito y abrir varias ubicaciones en Colorado Springs.

Juan Andrade expresó su agradecimiento por el continuo apoyo de U.S. Bank, afirmando: "Es reconfortante saber que tu banco siempre está buscando maneras de ayudarte a hacer crecer tu negocio." Los Andrade atribuyen su éxito a la fuerte relación construida con U.S. Bank y su equipo de banqueros, enfatizando la confianza desarrollada a lo largo del tiempo.

Durango Barber Salon은 콜로라도 스프링스에 위치한 히스패닉 소유의 사업으로, U.S. Bank의 지원 덕분에 상당한 성장을 경험했습니다. 소유자 루즈와 후안 안드라데는 비즈니스 접근 자문가인 치오 스콧을 따라 U.S. Bank로 이동하여 지역 히스패닉 커뮤니티에 대한 서비스를 확대했습니다. 은행은 그들이 신용 점수를 개선하는 데 도움을 주었고, 콜로라도 스프링스에 여러 지점을 여는 데 기여했습니다.

후안 안드라데는 U.S. Bank의 지속적인 지원에 감사의 마음을 전하면서 "당신의 은행이 항상 비즈니스를 성장시킬 수 있는 방법을 찾으려 노력하고 있다는 점이 편안하다"고 말했습니다. 안드라데는 그들의 성공을 U.S. Bank와 그들의 은행 팀과 구축한 강한 관계 덕분으로 여기며, 시간이 지남에 따라 발전한 신뢰를 강조했습니다.

Le Durango Barber Salon, une entreprise de propriété hispanique à Colorado Springs, a connu une croissance significative grâce au soutien de U.S. Bank. Les propriétaires Luz et Juan Andrade ont suivi leur banquier, le Conseiller en Accès aux Entreprises Chio Scott, chez U.S. Bank pour élargir leurs services à la communauté hispanique locale. La banque les a aidés à améliorer leurs cotes de crédit et à ouvrir plusieurs établissements à Colorado Springs.

Juan Andrade a exprimé sa gratitude pour le soutien continu de U.S. Bank, déclarant : "C'est réconfortant de savoir que votre banque cherche toujours des moyens de vous aider à faire croître votre entreprise." Les Andrade attribuent leur succès à la forte relation qu'ils ont bâtie avec U.S. Bank et leur équipe de banquiers, soulignant la confiance développée au fil du temps.

Der Durango Barber Salon, ein hispanisch geführtes Unternehmen in Colorado Springs, hat mit Unterstützung von U.S. Bank ein signifikantes Wachstum erlebt. Die Besitzer Luz und Juan Andrade folgten ihrem Bankberater, dem Business Access Advisor Chio Scott, zu U.S. Bank, um ihre Dienstleistungen in der lokalen hispanischen Gemeinschaft auszubauen. Die Bank half ihnen dabei, ihre Kreditwürdigkeit zu verbessern und mehrere Standorte in Colorado Springs zu eröffnen.

Juan Andrade drückte seine Dankbarkeit für die kontinuierliche Unterstützung von U.S. Bank aus und sagte: "Es ist beruhigend zu wissen, dass Ihre Bank immer nach Wegen sucht, Ihnen zu helfen, Ihr Unternehmen zu wachsen." Die Andrades führen ihren Erfolg auf die starke Beziehung zurück, die sie zu U.S. Bank und ihrem Team von Bankern aufgebaut haben, und betonen das Vertrauen, das im Laufe der Zeit gewachsen ist.

  • U.S. Bank helped Durango Barber Salon open multiple locations in Colorado Springs
  • The bank assisted the owners in improving their credit scores
  • U.S. Bank's support contributed to the business' growth and expansion of services
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 23, 2024 / U.S. Bank
Husband and wife owners of Durango Barber Salon worked with U.S. Bank to achieve their dreams

Originally published on U.S. Bank company blog

Durango Barber Salon is a Hispanic-owned business that has been serving Colorado Springs, Colorado, for over 20 years. The owners, Luz and Juan Andrade, followed their banker -- Business Access Advisor Chio Scott -- to U.S. Bank in the hopes of growing their business and expanding their services to the local Hispanic community.

Starting with improving their credit scores, U.S. Bank has helped Luz and Juan achieve that dream by opening multiple locations in Colorado Springs. They credit the business' growth to relationship forged with U.S. Bank and their team of bankers, one step at a time. 

"It's comforting to know that your bank is always trying to find ways to help you grow your business," Juan Andrade said. "U.S. Bank has always been there for us. The trust is there."

To learn more about the story behind Durango Barber Salon and how U.S. Bank helps Hispanic small businesses, watch the video above.

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How has U.S. Bank (USB) helped Durango Barber Salon grow its business?

U.S. Bank has helped Durango Barber Salon grow by assisting the owners in improving their credit scores and supporting them in opening multiple locations in Colorado Springs. The bank's continuous support and guidance have been important in expanding the business' services to the local Hispanic community.

What is the significance of Durango Barber Salon's relationship with U.S. Bank (USB)?

The relationship between Durango Barber Salon and U.S. Bank has been significant for the business' growth. The owners credit their success to the strong partnership forged with U.S. Bank and their team of bankers, emphasizing the trust developed over time and the bank's continuous efforts to help them grow their business.

How long has Durango Barber Salon been serving Colorado Springs?

Durango Barber Salon has been serving Colorado Springs, Colorado, for over 20 years. The Hispanic-owned business has a long-standing presence in the community and has expanded its services with the support of U.S. Bank.

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