Banker Shares How an Employee Program Helped Him Find Confidence, Community

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U.S. Bank's Thrive Thursday program is fostering employee engagement and connection across the company. The weekly virtual sessions, attended by over 1,000 team members, feature presentations on various topics including wellbeing, professional growth, and business spotlights. The program has expanded to include in-person watch parties and additional sessions on different days due to high demand.

Donte Turnage, a client relationship consultant in Cincinnati, credits Thrive Thursday for helping him overcome initial nervousness and feel more connected to colleagues. The program encourages active participation, with attendees engaging in chat discussions and Q&A sessions. Program host Sam Gonsalves emphasizes that Thrive Thursday's success stems from its focus on employee-led development and fostering a sense of belonging within the company culture and strategy.

Il programma Thrive Thursday di U.S. Bank promuove l'engagement e la connessione tra i dipendenti dell'azienda. Le sessioni virtuali settimanali, a cui partecipano oltre 1.000 membri del team, presentano temi vari come il benessere, la crescita professionale e le vetrine aziendali. Il programma si è ampliato per includere watch party dal vivo e sessioni aggiuntive in diversi giorni a causa dell'elevata richiesta.

Donte Turnage, consulente per le relazioni con i clienti a Cincinnati, attribuisce a Thrive Thursday il merito di averlo aiutato a superare l'iniziale nervosismo e a sentirsi più connesso con i colleghi. Il programma incoraggia la partecipazione attiva, con i partecipanti che prendono parte a discussioni in chat e sessioni di domande e risposte. Il presentatore del programma, Sam Gonsalves, sottolinea che il successo di Thrive Thursday deriva dal suo focus sullo e dalla promozione di un senso di appartenenza all'interno della cultura e della strategia aziendale.

El programa Thrive Thursday de U.S. Bank está fomentando el compromiso y la conexión entre empleados en toda la empresa. Las sesiones virtuales semanales, a las que asisten más de 1,000 miembros del equipo, incluyen presentaciones sobre diversos temas, como el bienestar, el crecimiento profesional y los enfoques empresariales. El programa se ha expandido para incluir fiestas de visualización presenciales y sesiones adicionales en diferentes días debido a la alta demanda.

Donte Turnage, consultor de relaciones con clientes en Cincinnati, atribuye a Thrive Thursday el haberle ayudado a superar su nerviosismo inicial y a sentirse más conectado con sus colegas. El programa fomenta la participación activa, con los asistentes involucrándose en discusiones en el chat y sesiones de preguntas y respuestas. El presentador del programa, Sam Gonsalves, enfatiza que el éxito de Thrive Thursday proviene de su enfoque en el desarrollo liderado por empleados y en promover un sentido de pertenencia dentro de la cultura y la estrategia de la empresa.

U.S. Bank의 Thrive Thursday 프로그램은 회사 전반에 걸쳐 직원의 참여와 연결을 촉진하고 있습니다. 주간 가상 세션은 1,000명 이상의 팀원이 참석하며, 웰빙, 전문 성장 및 비즈니스 하이라이트와 같은 다양한 주제에 대한 발표가 포함됩니다. 이 프로그램은 높은 수요로 인해 대면 시청 파티와 다양한 날짜의 추가 세션을 포함하도록 확대되었습니다.

신시내티의 고객 관계 상담사인 Donte Turnage는 Thrive Thursday 덕분에 초기의 긴장을 극복하고 동료들과 더 연결된 기분을 느낄 수 있었다고 전합니다. 이 프로그램은 참석자들이 채팅 토론 및 Q&A 세션에 참여하도록 격려하여 적극적인 참여를 촉진합니다. 프로그램 진행자인 Sam Gonsalves는 Thrive Thursday의 성공이 직원 주도 개발에 초점을 맞추고 회사의 문화와 전략 내에서 소속감을 조성하는 것에서 비롯된다고 강조합니다.

Le programme Thrive Thursday de U.S. Bank favorise l'engagement et la connexion des employés à travers l'entreprise. Les sessions virtuelles hebdomadaires, auxquelles participent plus de 1.000 membres de l'équipe, comportent des présentations sur divers sujets, notamment le bien-être, la croissance professionnelle et les mises en avant d'entreprises. Le programme s'est élargi pour inclure des parties de visionnage en présentiel et des sessions supplémentaires à d'autres jours en raison d'une forte demande.

Donte Turnage, consultant en relations clients à Cincinnati, attribue à Thrive Thursday le fait de l'avoir aidé à surmonter son appréhension initiale et à se sentir plus connecté à ses collègues. Le programme encourage une participation active, les participants s'engageant dans des discussions en chat et des sessions de questions-réponses. L'animateur du programme, Sam Gonsalves, souligne que le succès de Thrive Thursday découle de son accent sur le développement dirigé par les employés et la création d'un sentiment d'appartenance au sein de la culture et de la stratégie de l'entreprise.

Das Thrive Thursday-Programm der U.S. Bank fördert das Engagement und die Verbindung der Mitarbeiter im gesamten Unternehmen. Die wöchentlichen virtuellen Sitzungen, an denen über 1.000 Teammitglieder teilnehmen, bieten Präsentationen zu verschiedenen Themen, darunter Wohlbefinden, berufliche Entwicklung und Unternehmenshighlights. Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage wurde das Programm erweitert, um persönliche Watch-Parts und zusätzliche Sitzungen an verschiedenen Tagen einzuschließen.

Donte Turnage, Kundenbeziehungsberater in Cincinnati, ist der Meinung, dass ihm Thrive Thursday geholfen hat, seine anfängliche Nervosität zu überwinden und sich stärker mit seinen Kollegen verbunden zu fühlen. Das Programm ermutigt zur aktiven Teilnahme, wobei die Teilnehmer sich an Chatdiskussionen und Q&A-Sitzungen beteiligen. Programmveranstalter Sam Gonsalves betont, dass der Erfolg von Thrive Thursday auf seinem Fokus auf mitarbeitergeführte Entwicklung und die Förderung eines Zugehörigkeitsgefühls innerhalb der Unternehmens kultur und Strategie beruht.

  • Increased employee engagement and connectivity across the company
  • Growing attendance with over 1,000 team members participating weekly
  • Expansion of the program to include in-person watch parties and additional sessions
  • Positive impact on employee confidence and sense of belonging
  • Employee-driven content and development opportunities
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / U.S. Bank:

The company's Thrive Thursday program helps connect team members to each other, U.S. Bank strategy and company culture

Donte Turnage, who works at the Hyde Park branch in Cincinnati, says the bank's Thrive Thursday program has helped him feel more connected with his colleagues.

Originally published on U.S. Bank company blog

When Donte Turnage started as a client relationship consultant at the Hyde Park Branch in Cincinnati two years ago, he was nervous and shy, he said.

On a teammate's recommendation, Turnage joined a Thrive Thursday session, a virtual space for U.S. Bank team members to gather weekly to network, learn about company culture and strategy, and understand how they fit into the bigger picture.

"I felt like less of a newcomer after that first session, and attending helped me get rid of those nerves," Turnage said. "Ever since then, Thrive Thursday has been an important part of my week. Regardless of what else is going on, I make it a point to attend."

Each session begins with a subject matter expert sharing a presentation on topics from wellbeing and professional growth to spotlights on various parts of the business.

But the featured speaker isn't the only contributor.

"The speakers are knowledgeable and passionate about their topics, and attendees are encouraged to participate in the chat throughout the sessions," Turnage said. "If you ask a question, the speaker or another participant may jump in to answer. It's a great way for team members from across the company to connect. We have a great sense of community."

This sense of community has helped drive program growth. More than 1,000 team members attend virtually each week and frequent participants asked for more events and ways to connect with each other.

Thrive Thursday program leaders have set up in-person watch parties for team members to gather and experience sessions together. Sessions are followed by a Q&A and networking, allowing attendees to meet new teammates from areas around the company.

While the name calls for sessions to be held on Thursdays, program managers have received an outpouring of requests for more topics and opportunities to learn. On select weeks, multiple topics are shared on different days.

The off-day sessions haven't decreased the attendance during regularly scheduled Thursday events, program managers said. Instead, the additional presentations are attracting as many as an additional 1,000 attendees.

Thrive Thursday host Sam Gonsalves said Thrive Thursday has been successful because she asks participants what they want to see next, as well as when and how they want to engage.

"We give team members the opportunity to lead their own development," Gonsalves said. "More than anything, we want them to feel a sense of belonging and connect to our company strategy, culture and each other."

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What is U.S. Bank's Thrive Thursday program?

Thrive Thursday is a weekly virtual program at U.S. Bank (USB) that connects employees, shares company culture and strategy, and offers learning opportunities on various topics such as wellbeing and professional growth.

How many U.S. Bank employees attend Thrive Thursday sessions?

Over 1,000 U.S. Bank team members attend the Thrive Thursday virtual sessions each week.

Has U.S. Bank expanded the Thrive Thursday program?

Yes, U.S. Bank has expanded Thrive Thursday to include in-person watch parties and additional sessions on different days due to high demand from employees.

How does Thrive Thursday benefit U.S. Bank employees?

Thrive Thursday helps U.S. Bank employees feel more connected to colleagues, understand company strategy and culture, and provides opportunities for networking and professional development.

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