Upwork Study Finds Employee Workloads Rising Despite Increased C-Suite Investment in Artificial Intelligence
Upwork's recent study reveals a significant disconnect between C-suite expectations and employee experiences regarding AI implementation in the workplace. 96% of C-suite leaders anticipate AI boosting productivity, yet 77% of employees report increased workloads due to AI. The study highlights that:
1. 71% of full-time employees are experiencing burnout, with 1 in 3 likely to quit in the next six months.
2. 47% of employees using AI are unsure how to achieve expected productivity gains.
3. Freelancers are more adept at leveraging AI for productivity, with 48% reporting high skill levels.
4. C-suite leaders utilizing freelancers report significant improvements in organizational agility, work quality, and innovation.
The research suggests that unlocking AI's full potential requires a fundamental shift in work organization and talent management strategies.
Un recente studio di Upwork rivela un significativo disallineamento tra le aspettative della direzione e le esperienze dei dipendenti riguardo l'implementazione dell'IA sul posto di lavoro. Il 96% dei leader aziendali si aspetta che l'IA aumenti la produttività, mentre il 77% dei dipendenti riporta un aumento dei carichi di lavoro a causa dell'IA. Lo studio evidenzia che:
1. Il 71% dei dipendenti a tempo pieno sta vivendo un esaurimento, con 1 su 3 che probabilmente lascerà il lavoro nei prossimi sei mesi.
2. Il 47% dei dipendenti che utilizza l'IA non è sicuro di come raggiungere i guadagni di produttività attesi.
3. I liberi professionisti sono più abili nell'utilizzare l'IA per la produttività, con il 48% che riporta elevati livelli di competenza.
4. I leader aziendali che utilizzano liberi professionisti riferiscono significativi miglioramenti in agilità organizzativa, qualità del lavoro e innovazione.
La ricerca suggerisce che per sbloccare il pieno potenziale dell'IA è necessaria una fondamentale ristrutturazione dell'organizzazione del lavoro e delle strategie di gestione dei talenti.
Un estudio reciente de Upwork revela una desconexión significativa entre las expectativas de la alta dirección y las experiencias de los empleados en relación con la implementación de la IA en el lugar de trabajo. El 96% de los líderes de la alta dirección anticipa que la IA aumentará la productividad, sin embargo, el 77% de los empleados reporta un incremento en las cargas de trabajo debido a la IA. El estudio destaca que:
1. El 71% de los empleados a tiempo completo está experimentando agotamiento, y 1 de cada 3 probablemente renunciará en los próximos seis meses.
2. El 47% de los empleados que usan IA no está seguro de cómo lograr las ganancias esperadas en productividad.
3. Los freelancers son más hábiles en aprovechar la IA para la productividad, con un 48% reportando altos niveles de habilidad.
4. Los líderes de la alta dirección que utilizan freelancers reportan mejoras significativas en agilidad organizacional, calidad del trabajo e innovación.
La investigación sugiere que desbloquear todo el potencial de la IA requiere un cambio fundamental en la organización del trabajo y las estrategias de gestión del talento.
업워크의 최근 연구는 직장에서의 AI 구현에 대한 C-suite의 기대와 직원 경험 간의 중대한 단절을 드러냅니다. C-suite 리더의 96%가 AI가 생산성을 높일 것이라고 예상합니다, 그럼에도 불구하고 77%의 직원이 AI로 인해 업무량이 증가했다고 보고합니다. 이 연구는 다음과 같은 내용을 강조합니다:
1. 정규직 직원의 71%가 소진을 겪고 있으며, 3명 중 1명은 앞으로 6개월 안에 퇴사할 가능성이 있습니다.
2. AI를 사용하고 있는 직원의 47%는 기대하는 생산성 향상을 달성하는 방법을 확신하지 못하고 있습니다.
3. 프리랜서는 생산성을 높이기 위해 AI를 활용하는 데 더 능숙하며, 그중 48%가 높은 기술 수준을 보고했습니다.
4. 프리랜서를 활용하는 C-suite 리더는 조직의 민첩성, 작업 품질 및 혁신에서 중요한 개선을 보고합니다.
연구는 AI의 전체 잠재력을 잠금 해제하기 위해서는 근본적인 작업 조직 및 인재 관리 전략의 변화가 필요하다고 제안합니다.
Une étude récente d'Upwork révèle un décalage significatif entre les attentes des dirigeants et les expériences des employés concernant l’implémentation de l’IA sur le lieu de travail. 96% des leaders de la direction s'attendent à ce que l'IA augmente la productivité, alors que 77% des employés signalent une augmentation de la charge de travail due à l’IA. L'étude met en lumière que :
1. 71% des employés à temps plein ressentent un épuisement professionnel, avec un sur trois qui est susceptible de démissionner au cours des six prochains mois.
2. 47% des employés utilisant l’IA ne savent pas comment atteindre les gains de productivité attendus.
3. Les travailleurs indépendants sont plus habiles à tirer parti de l’IA pour la productivité, 48% rapportant de hauts niveaux de compétence.
4. Les leaders de la direction utilisant des freelances signalent des améliorations significatives en termes d'agilité organisationnelle, de qualité du travail et d'innovation.
La recherche suggère que pour libérer tout le potentiel de l’IA, il est nécessaire de procéder à un changement fondamental de l’organisation du travail et des stratégies de gestion des talents.
Eine aktuelle Studie von Upwork zeigt eine erhebliche Diskrepanz zwischen den Erwartungen der Führungsebene und den Erfahrungen der Mitarbeiter bei der Implementierung von KI am Arbeitsplatz. 96% der Führungskräfte erwarten, dass KI die Produktivität steigert, während 77% der Mitarbeiter berichten, dass die Arbeitsbelastung durch KI zugenommen hat. Die Studie hebt hervor, dass:
1. 71% der Vollzeitbeschäftigten unter Burnout leiden, wobei jeder Dritte in den nächsten sechs Monaten wahrscheinlich kündigen wird.
2. 47% der Mitarbeiter, die KI nutzen, sind sich unsicher, wie sie die erwarteten Produktivitätsgewinne erzielen können.
3. Freiberufler sind geschickter darin, KI für die Produktivität zu nutzen; 48% berichten von hohen Fähigkeitsniveaus.
4. Führungskräfte, die Freiberufler nutzen, berichten von erheblichen Verbesserungen in der organisatorischen Agilität, Arbeitsqualität und Innovation.
Die Forschung legt nahe, dass zur Ausschöpfung des vollen Potenzials von KI ein grundlegender Wandel in der Arbeitsorganisation und den Strategien des Talentmanagements erforderlich ist.
- 96% of C-suite leaders expect AI to increase company productivity
- 85% of companies are already using AI tools
- 48% of freelancers report being 'somewhat' or 'highly' skilled at using AI
- 56% of freelancers do not struggle with client productivity demands
- C-suite leaders report doubling organizational agility (45%) and work quality (40%) by leveraging freelancers
- 35% of C-suite leaders report doubling full-time employee well-being and engagement through freelance talent integration
- 77% of employees report AI tools have increased their workload
- 71% of full-time employees are experiencing burnout
- 1 in 3 employees likely to quit their jobs in the next six months due to burnout or overwork
- 47% of employees using AI are unsure how to achieve expected productivity gains
- 40% of employees feel their company is asking too much regarding AI implementation
The introduction of AI in the workspace carries significant financial implications for companies like Upwork Inc. The study highlights a critical disconnection between C-suite expectations and employee experiences with AI. From a financial perspective, this means companies might not be realizing the anticipated return on investment (ROI) in AI technology. Increased employee workload and burnout rates could lead to higher turnover, which is costly due to recruitment and onboarding expenses. Furthermore, if AI fails to enhance productivity as expected, the financial benefits predicted by C-suite leaders might not materialize, leading to potential investor dissatisfaction and stock volatility.
From a market research standpoint, Upwork’s study sheds light on the evolving dynamics of AI adoption in the workplace. The data suggests a significant gap in understanding and deploying AI effectively, which poses a risk for companies heavily investing in these technologies. The disconnect between leadership expectations and employee realities might slow down AI integration, potentially impacting the overall market perception of AI’s viability in boosting productivity. This could influence investor confidence in AI-driven business models and alter market trends.
Technologically, the study suggests that current AI implementations are not meeting productivity goals. This may be due to a lack of proper integration strategies or insufficient training for employees. The high learning curve and inefficient use of AI tools indicate a need for better-designed systems and more intuitive user interfaces. For stakeholders, this emphasizes the importance of investing in comprehensive training programs and more user-friendly AI solutions to achieve the desired productivity improvements and reduce employee burnout.
Data reveals
SAN FRANCISCO, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Upwork Inc. (Nasdaq: UPWK), the world’s work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent, today released a new study from The Upwork Research Institute revealing that AI is increasing the workloads of full-time employees, hampering productivity, and contributing to employee burnout.
While business leaders are investing heavily in AI, the study shows that most organizations are currently failing to unlock the full productivity value of the technology. Despite
“Our research shows that introducing new technologies into outdated work models and systems is failing to unlock the full expected productivity value of AI,” said Kelly Monahan, managing director of The Upwork Research Institute. “While it's certainly possible for AI to simultaneously boost productivity and improve employee well-being, this outcome will require a fundamental shift in how we organize talent and work.”
Key findings from the report include:
- Workers are feeling the strain from rising productivity demands, with 1 in 3 full-time employees saying they will likely quit their jobs in the next six months:
81% of global C-suite leaders acknowledge they have increased demands on their workers in the past year. Consequently,71% of full-time employees are burned out, and65% report struggling with their employer’s demands on their productivity. Alarmingly, 1 in 3 employees say they will likely quit their jobs in the next six months due to burnout or being overworked. - C-suite leaders have high hopes that AI will help boost productivity, but employees are experiencing the opposite, with AI making their jobs harder:
96% of C-suite leaders expect the use of AI tools to increase their company’s overall productivity levels. Already,85% of companies are using AI, including39% mandating the use of AI tools and46% encouraging their use. However,77% of employees report that these tools have added to their workload. Employees report spending more time reviewing or moderating AI-generated content (39% ), investing more time learning how to use these tools (23% ), and being asked to do more work as a direct result of AI (21% ).
- For many workers, the path to achieving the productivity gains that employers expect is not clear: Nearly half (
47% ) of employees using AI say they have no idea how to achieve the productivity gains their employers expect, and40% feel their company is asking too much of them when it comes to AI. - Freelancers unlock productivity with AI, outpacing full-time employees: Nearly half (
48% ) of freelancers say they’re “somewhat” or “highly” skilled at using AI, and over a third (34% ) use AI tools at least 1-2 days per week. Additionally, more than half (56% ) of freelancers say they do not experience struggles keeping pace with productivity demands of clients, as compared to just35% of their full-time employee counterparts.
- Many C-suite leaders have doubled organizational agility as well as well-being and engagement among full-time employees as a result of bringing in freelance talent: C-suite leaders leveraging freelancers say they have at least doubled the following outcomes for their business: organizational agility (
45% ), quality of work being produced (40% ), innovation (39% ), scalability (39% ), revenue and bottom line (36% ), and efficiency (34% ). More than a third (35% ) report also doubling the level of well-being and engagement among their full-time employees as a result of bringing in freelance talent. Nearly half (48% ) of C-suite executives even report hiring freelancers to execute delayed AI projects over the past year.
“In order to reap the full productivity value of AI, leaders need to create an AI-enhanced work model,” Monahan continued. “This includes leveraging alternative talent pools that are AI-ready, co-creating measures of productivity with their workforces, and developing a deep understanding of and proficiency in implementing a skills-based approach to hiring and talent development. Only then will leaders be able to avoid the risk of losing critical workers and advance their innovation agenda.”
For full study findings and insights, visit: https://www.upwork.com/research/ai-enhanced-work-models.
For more research from The Upwork Research Institute, visit: https://www.upwork.com/research.
About the Survey
Research findings are based on a survey conducted by Walr, on behalf of Upwork and Workplace Intelligence, between April 16 and May 5, 2024. The survey targeted respondents in the U.S., UK, Australia, and Canada. In total, 2,500 global workers completed the survey, including 1,250 C-suite executives, 625 full-time, salaried employees, and 625 freelancers. The survey sampled a mix of male and female respondents, as well as a mix of respondents from different generations (Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers). All respondents were between the ages of 18-78, were required to have at least a high school diploma, and were required to use a laptop or computer for their work at least “sometimes.”
About Upwork
Upwork is the world’s work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent from across the globe. We serve everyone from one-person startups to large, Fortune 100 enterprises with a powerful, trust-driven platform that enables companies and talent to work together in new ways that unlock their potential. Our talent community earned over
Learn more at upwork.com and join us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.
Christine Kim

What percentage of C-suite leaders expect AI to boost productivity according to Upwork's study?
How has AI affected employee workloads based on Upwork's research?
What percentage of full-time employees are experiencing burnout according to the Upwork study?
How do freelancers compare to full-time employees in terms of AI skills and productivity, according to Upwork's findings?