Upbound Group’s Acima Leasing Files Lawsuit Challenging CFPB Regulatory Overreach

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Acima Leasing, a subsidiary of Upbound Group (NASDAQ: UPBD), has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in the Eastern District of Texas. The lawsuit aims to stop what Acima claims is the CFPB's illegal attempt to expand its authority beyond federal law limitations and override existing state regulations for the lease-to-own industry.

Acima argues that the CFPB lacks statutory authority to bring enforcement action against it, as its flexible lease-to-own transactions do not qualify as credit, loans, or financing under relevant federal statutes. The company asserts that its transactions are already comprehensively regulated by state laws and that the CFPB's efforts conflict with these regulations.

The lawsuit follows a previously disclosed CFPB investigation of Acima that began before Upbound's acquisition in 2021. Acima maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and a strong net promoter score of 70 for returning customers, highlighting the value of its lease-to-own solutions.

Acima Leasing, una filiale di Upbound Group (NASDAQ: UPBD), ha intentato una causa contro il Bureau per la Protezione Finanziaria dei Consumatori degli Stati Uniti (CFPB) nel Distretto Orientale del Texas. La causa mira a fermare quello che Acima afferma essere il tentativo illegale del CFPB di espandere la propria autorità oltre i limiti della legge federale e di sovrascrivere le normative statali esistenti per l'industria del leasing con riscatto.

Acima sostiene che il CFPB non ha l'autorità statutaria per intraprendere azioni di enforcement contro di essa, poiché le sue transazioni flessibili di leasing con riscatto non qualificano come credito, prestiti o finanziamenti secondo le leggi federali pertinenti. L'azienda afferma che le sue transazioni sono già ampiamente regolamentate dalle leggi statali e che gli sforzi del CFPB sono in conflitto con queste normative.

La causa segue un'indagine precedentemente rivelata del CFPB su Acima, iniziata prima dell'acquisizione di Upbound nel 2021. Acima mantiene un rating A+ con il Better Business Bureau e un forte punteggio di promoter netto di 70 per i clienti di ritorno, evidenziando il valore delle sue soluzioni di leasing con riscatto.

Acima Leasing, una subsidiaria de Upbound Group (NASDAQ: UPBD), ha presentado una demanda contra la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor de los EE. UU. (CFPB) en el Distrito Este de Texas. La demanda tiene como objetivo detener lo que Acima afirma es el intento ilegal del CFPB de ampliar su autoridad más allá de las limitaciones de la ley federal y anular las regulaciones estatales existentes para la industria de arrendamiento con opción de compra.

Acima argumenta que el CFPB carece de autoridad estatutaria para llevar a cabo acciones de ejecución en su contra, ya que sus transacciones flexibles de arrendamiento con opción de compra no califican como crédito, préstamos o financiamiento según las leyes federales relevantes. La empresa asegura que sus transacciones ya están reguladas de manera integral por las leyes estatales y que los esfuerzos del CFPB entran en conflicto con estas regulaciones.

La demanda sigue una investigación del CFPB sobre Acima que se reveló anteriormente y que comenzó antes de la adquisición de Upbound en 2021. Acima mantiene una calificación A+ con el Better Business Bureau y un fuerte puntaje de promotor neto de 70 para los clientes que regresan, destacando el valor de sus soluciones de arrendamiento con opción de compra.

Acima Leasing은 Upbound Group (NASDAQ: UPBD)의 자회사로서 미국 소비자 금융 보호국(CFPB)을 상대로 소송을 제기했습니다 텍사스 동부 지방법원에서. 이 소송은 Acima가 CFPB의 불법적인 권한 확대 시도를 중단시키기 위해 제기한 것입니다. 이는 연방법의 한계를 넘어주고 기존의 주 규제를 무시하는 것입니다.

Acima는 CFPB가 자신에 대해 집행 조치를 취할 법적 권한이 없다고 주장합니다. 왜냐하면 그들의 유연한 구매 옵션 리스 거래는 관련 연방법에 따라 신용, 대출, 또는 자금 지원으로 분류되지 않기 때문입니다. 이 회사는 자신들의 거래가 이미 주 법률에 의해 포괄적으로 규제되고 있고 CFPB의 노력은 이러한 규제와 충돌한다고 강조합니다.

이 소송은 Upbound의 2021년 인수 이전에 시작된 CFPB의 Acima에 대한 조사에 대한 것입니다. Acima는 Better Business Bureau로부터 A+ 등급을 유지하고 있으며 재구매 고객을 위한 강력한 넷 프로모터 점수가 70입니다. 이는 그들의 구매 옵션 리스 솔루션의 가치를 잘 보여줍니다.

Acima Leasing, une filiale d'Upbound Group (NASDAQ: UPBD), a déposé une plainte contre le Bureau de protection financière des consommateurs des États-Unis (CFPB) dans le district est du Texas. La plainte vise à stopper ce qu'Acima affirme être une tentative illégale du CFPB d'étendre son autorité au-delà des limites de la loi fédérale et de contourner les réglementations étatiques existantes pour l'industrie de la location-achat.

Acima soutient que le CFPB n'a pas d'autorité légale pour engager une action d'exécution contre elle, car ses transactions flexibles de location-achat ne répondent pas aux critères de crédit, de prêts ou de financement selon les lois fédérales pertinentes. L'entreprise fait valoir que ses transactions sont déjà entièrement régulées par les lois des États et que les efforts du CFPB entrent en conflit avec ces réglementations.

La plainte fait suite à une enquête précédemment divulguée du CFPB sur Acima, qui a commencé avant l'acquisition d'Upbound en 2021. Acima maintient une note A+ avec le Better Business Bureau et un fort score de promoteur net de 70 pour les clients de retour, soulignant la valeur de ses solutions de location-achat.

Acima Leasing, eine Tochtergesellschaft der Upbound Group (NASDAQ: UPBD), hat eine Klage gegen das US-Verbraucherschutzbüro (CFPB) im Eastern District of Texas eingereicht. Die Klage zielt darauf ab, das zu stoppen, was Acima als illegalen Versuch des CFPB bezeichnet, seine Autorität über die Grenzen des Bundesrechts hinaus zu erweitern und bestehende staatliche Regelungen für die Leasing-zu-Eigentum-Branche zu umgehen.

Acima argumentiert, dass das CFPB keine gesetzliche Autorität hat, um gegen sie durchzugreifen, da ihre flexiblen Leasing-zu-Eigentum-Transaktionen nicht als Kredit, Darlehen oder Finanzierung im Sinne der einschlägigen Bundesgesetze gelten. Das Unternehmen behauptet, dass seine Transaktionen bereits umfassend durch die staatlichen Gesetze geregelt sind und dass die Bemühungen des CFPB im Widerspruch zu diesen Regelungen stehen.

Die Klage folgt einer zuvor bekannt gegebenen Untersuchung des CFPB zu Acima, die vor der Übernahme durch Upbound im Jahr 2021 begonnen wurde. Acima hält eine A+-Bewertung beim Better Business Bureau und einen starken Nettopromotoren-Score von 70 für Rückkehrkunden, was den Wert ihrer Leasing-zu-Eigentum-Lösungen unterstreicht.

  • Acima maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau
  • Strong net promoter score of 70 for returning customers
  • Company's commitment to compliance with state laws and regulations
  • Ongoing CFPB investigation of Acima's business practices
  • Potential legal and regulatory challenges from CFPB enforcement action
  • Possible impact on business operations and reputation due to lawsuit

The lawsuit filed by Acima Leasing against the CFPB is a significant legal development in the lease-to-own industry. The crux of the complaint is that the CFPB is overstepping its regulatory authority as defined by federal law. This case could set a precedent for how lease-to-own businesses are regulated in the future. If Acima's challenge is successful, it might limit federal oversight and uphold state-level regulatory frameworks, which could benefit other companies in similar businesses. However, a loss could subject Acima and potentially other lease-to-own businesses to stricter federal regulations, increasing compliance costs and operational complexities.

Potential investors should watch this case closely as it progresses through the courts. Legal battles of this nature can be lengthy and costly, which may impact Upbound Group's financials in the short term. Furthermore, the outcome could have broader implications for the regulatory landscape of the lease-to-own industry, either reinforcing state-level control or expanding federal oversight.

From a financial perspective, the lawsuit introduces a level of uncertainty for Upbound Group, which owns Acima Leasing. Legal disputes can be expensive and time-consuming, diverting resources away from core business operations. Investors should be cautious about potential legal fees and the impact on earnings. Additionally, if the CFPB's regulatory reach is expanded, Acima may face new compliance costs, which could squeeze margins and profitability.

However, Acima's A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and a strong net promoter score indicate customer satisfaction and trust in their services. This goodwill could mitigate some negative financial impacts in the short term. Long-term investors should consider the broader market implications if Acima successfully defends its position, potentially benefiting from a more stable and predictable regulatory environment.

Acima Leasing's decision to file a lawsuit against the CFPB highlights the ongoing tension between federal and state regulatory authorities in the lease-to-own industry. This sector has historically been governed by state laws, which vary widely in their stringency and enforcement. The CFPB's attempt to assert authority over lease-to-own transactions could signal a shift towards more uniform federal oversight.

This regulatory uncertainty can affect market sentiment and investor confidence. Companies operating in the lease-to-own industry may need to reassess their compliance frameworks and operational strategies. If Acima's lawsuit leads to a legal precedent that limits the CFPB's reach, it could stabilize the regulatory environment, making it more attractive for investors. Conversely, a ruling in favor of the CFPB could impose new challenges and costs on the industry.

CFPB’s threatened enforcement action in previously disclosed investigation of Acima seeks to usurp long-standing state regulatory framework for lease-to-own businesses

PLANO, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Acima Leasing (“Acima”), one of the leading providers of lease-to-own solutions and a business of Upbound Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: UPBD) (“Upbound” or the “Company”), today filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (the “CFPB”) in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. Acima seeks to halt what it contends is the CFPB’s illegal attempt to expand its authority as limited by federal law and usurp the long-standing, comprehensive state regulatory framework governing the lease-to-own industry.

The lawsuit asserts that the CFPB does not have the statutory authority to bring its threatened enforcement action against Acima because its flexible lease-to-own transactions are not credit, loans or financing transactions as defined in the relevant federal statutes. The CFPB has been conducting an investigation of Acima that began prior to Upbound’s acquisition of Acima in 2021, as previously disclosed by Upbound. Acima’s complaint alleges that its transactions are already comprehensively regulated by state laws that specifically govern lease-to-own transactions across the United States and that the CFPB’s efforts to regulate these transactions and impose obligations on Acima that conflict with those under applicable state law are unauthorized under federal law. Acima filed this action reluctantly, ultimately concluding the CFPB was not prepared to settle with Acima on acceptable terms after its long-standing cooperation. Efforts to negotiate a resolution in good faith were met with the CFPB’s threat of imminent commencement of litigation, refusal to meet with Acima in person to discuss a potential resolution, and what Acima believes are unsupportable demands.

Acima maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and has a strong net promoter score of 70 for returning customers, demonstrating the value, simplicity and importance of Acima’s lease-to-own solutions to improve their quality of life.

“We are committed to full compliance with the laws of the many states in which we operate and will vigorously defend ourselves against the CFPB’s regulatory overreach,” said Mitchell Fadel, Chief Executive Officer of Upbound. “For more than 50 years, we have provided millions of customers with the opportunity to access quality brand-name products for their homes and families through flexible lease-to-own options, and we have done so while adhering to the highest standards of integrity and compliance. We remain dedicated to serving our customers with transparency and fairness, and to providing them with best-in-class solutions that improve their lives.”

About Upbound Group, Inc.

Upbound Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: UPBD) is an omni-channel platform company committed to elevating financial opportunity for all through innovative, inclusive, and technology-driven financial solutions that address the evolving needs and aspirations of consumers. The Company’s customer-facing operating units include industry-leading brands such as Rent-A-Center® and Acima® that facilitate consumer transactions across a wide range of store-based and digital retail channels, including over 2,300 company branded retail units across the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico. Upbound Group, Inc. is headquartered in Plano, Texas. For additional information about the Company, please visit our website

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among others, statements concerning the CFPB’s investigation and threatened enforcement action against Acima, Acima’s litigation, the potential outcome of the lawsuit and related matters. Such forward-looking statements are based on particular assumptions that our management has made in light of its experience and its perception of expected future developments and other factors that it believes are appropriate under the circumstances, and are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause or contribute to the material and adverse differences between actual and anticipated results include, but are not limited to, the inherent risks and uncertainties in the outcome of the lawsuit filed by Acima and the expected lawsuit to be filed by the CFPB in response thereto and other risks detailed from time to time in the reports filed by us with the SEC, including our most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, as may be updated by reports on Form 10-Q or Form 8-K filed thereafter. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this release. Except as required by law, we are not obligated to and do not undertake to, publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect any events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


FGS Global

Kelly Kimberly / Brandon Messina

Source: Upbound Group, Inc.


Why did Acima Leasing file a lawsuit against the CFPB?

Acima Leasing filed a lawsuit against the CFPB to challenge what it considers regulatory overreach. The company argues that the CFPB lacks statutory authority to regulate its lease-to-own transactions, which are already governed by state laws.

What is the main argument in Acima's lawsuit against the CFPB?

Acima's main argument is that its flexible lease-to-own transactions do not qualify as credit, loans, or financing under federal statutes, and therefore the CFPB does not have the authority to bring enforcement action against the company.

How might this lawsuit affect Upbound Group's stock (UPBD)?

The lawsuit could potentially impact Upbound Group's stock (UPBD) by creating uncertainty around regulatory compliance and potential financial implications. However, the exact effect on the stock price will depend on the outcome of the legal proceedings and any resulting changes to Acima's business model.

What is Acima Leasing's current standing with customers?

Acima Leasing maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and has a strong net promoter score of 70 for returning customers, indicating positive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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