Union Pacific and National Conference of Firemen & Oilers Reach Tentative Agreement
Union Pacific Railroad and the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) have reached a tentative agreement ahead of the current deal's July 1 expiration. The new five-year agreement includes several key benefits for workers:
- Wage increases
- Additional vacation time
- Health and welfare benefits
- Minor work rule changes
Union Pacific CEO Jim Vena emphasized that the agreement will enable focus on future growth and customer service delivery. NCFO President Michael Pistone acknowledged the collaborative effort of Union Pacific's Labor Relations and Mechanical teams in reaching this agreement.
Union Pacific Railroad e la National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) hanno raggiunto un accordo provvisorio prima della scadenza dell'attuale contratto il 1° luglio. Il nuovo accordo quinquennale include diversi benefici chiave per i lavoratori:
- Aumenti salariali
- Ulteriori giorni di ferie
- Benefici per la salute e il benessere
- Piccole modifiche alle regole lavorative
Il CEO di Union Pacific, Jim Vena, ha sottolineato che l'accordo permetterà di concentrarsi sulla crescita futura e sulla qualità del servizio al cliente. Il presidente della NCFO, Michael Pistone, ha riconosciuto l'impegno collaborativo dei team delle Relazioni Sindacali e Meccanici di Union Pacific nel raggiungere questo accordo.
Union Pacific Railroad y la National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) han alcanzado un acuerdo tentativo antes de la expiración del contrato actual el 1 de julio. El nuevo acuerdo de cinco años incluye varios beneficios clave para los trabajadores:
- Aumentos salariales
- Tiempo adicional de vacaciones
- Beneficios de salud y bienestar
- Cambios menores en las reglas laborales
El CEO de Union Pacific, Jim Vena, enfatizó que el acuerdo permitirá centrarse en el crecimiento futuro y en la entrega del servicio al cliente. El presidente de la NCFO, Michael Pistone, reconoció el esfuerzo colaborativo de los equipos de Relaciones Laborales y Mecánicos de Union Pacific para alcanzar este acuerdo.
유니온 퍼시픽 철도와 전국 소방관 및 기름 노동자 회의(NCFO)가 현재 계약의 7월 1일 만료를 앞두고 잠정 합의에 도달했습니다. 새로운 5년 계약에는 근로자를 위한 여러 주요 혜택이 포함되어 있습니다:
- 임금 인상
- 추가 휴가
- 건강 및 복지 혜택
- 작업 규칙의 소규모 변경
유니온 퍼시픽의 CEO인 짐 베나(Jim Vena)는 이 합의가 미래의 성장과 고객 서비스 제공에 집중할 수 있도록 할 것이라고 강조했습니다. NCFO의 회장인 마이클 피스톤(Michael Pistone)은 이 합의에 도달하기 위해 유니온 퍼시픽의 노동 관계 및 기계 팀의 협력 노력을 인정했습니다.
Union Pacific Railroad et la National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) ont atteint un accord provisoire avant l'expiration de l'accord actuel le 1er juillet. Le nouvel accord de cinq ans comprend plusieurs avantages clés pour les travailleurs :
- Augmentations de salaire
- Temps de vacances supplémentaires
- Avantages en matière de santé et de bien-être
- Changements mineurs des règles de travail
Le PDG de Union Pacific, Jim Vena, a souligné que l'accord permettra de se concentrer sur la croissance future et la qualité du service client. Le président de la NCFO, Michael Pistone, a reconnu l'effort collaboratif des équipes des Relations de Travail et Mécanique de Union Pacific pour parvenir à cet accord.
Union Pacific Railroad und die National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) haben eine vorläufige Vereinbarung vor dem Ablauf des aktuellen Vertrags am 1. Juli getroffen. Die neue fünfjährige Vereinbarung umfasst mehrere wichtige Vorteile für die Arbeitnehmer:
- Lohnerhöhungen
- Zusätzliche Urlaubstage
- Gesundheits- und Sozialleistungen
- Kleinere Änderungen der Arbeitsregeln
Der CEO von Union Pacific, Jim Vena, betonte, dass die Vereinbarung es ermöglichen wird, sich auf zukünftiges Wachstum und die Bereitstellung von Kundenservice zu konzentrieren. Der Präsident der NCFO, Michael Pistone, erkannte die kooperative Anstrengung der Arbeitsbeziehungen und der Mechanik-Teams von Union Pacific an, die zu dieser Vereinbarung geführt hat.
- Proactive labor agreement reached before current contract expiration
- Five-year term provides long-term labor stability
- Agreement includes comprehensive benefits package with wage increases
- Additional labor costs due to wage increases and enhanced benefits
Tentative Agreement Reached Ahead of Current Deal’s Expiration
“Today's agreement will allow all of us, as railroaders, to focus on the future, growing together and providing the service we sold to our customers,” said Union Pacific CEO Jim Vena. “I want to thank the NCFO leadership for working together through these negotiations.”
Union Pacific and NCFO reached the tentative agreement before the current one expires July 1.
“I want to thank Union Pacific’s Labor Relations and Mechanical teams for their hard work on this agreement,” said NCFO President Michael Pistone. “We need to continue to look at ways to work together, so the NCFO members and Union Pacific can continue to progress into the future.”
Union Pacific (NYSE: UNP) delivers the goods families and businesses use every day with safe, reliable and efficient service. Operating in 23 western states, the company connects its customers and communities to the global economy. Trains are the most environmentally responsible way to move freight, helping Union Pacific protect future generations. More information about Union Pacific is available at www.up.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250319200056/en/
Union Pacific Media Contact: Kristen South at 402-544-5034 or media@up.com
Source: Union Pacific