5V Announces Plans to Construct Shuttle Train Receiver in Texas
5V, a new partnership between Five Rivers Cattle Feeding and Viserion Grain, has announced plans to build a state-of-the-art shuttle train receiver in Dalhart, Texas. The facility, connected to Union Pacific railroad, aims to address the expanding feed ingredients deficit in the Texas Panhandle region.
The project combines Five Rivers' regional presence with Viserion Grain's expertise in origination and merchandising. Union Pacific is investing over $10 million daily in infrastructure and technology to support agricultural supply chain logistics.
The facility is scheduled to begin operations in 2026 and will serve as a important supply source for the local feed sector, supporting cattle feeding, dairy production, and grain merchandising in the Texas Panhandle. Both partners are backed by Pinnacle Asset Management, a New York-based alternative asset management firm.
5V, una nuova partnership tra Five Rivers Cattle Feeding e Viserion Grain, ha annunciato piani per costruire un ricevitore di treni navetta all'avanguardia a Dalhart, Texas. La struttura, collegata alla ferrovia Union Pacific, mira a risolvere il crescente deficit di ingredienti per mangimi nella regione del Texas Panhandle.
Il progetto combina la presenza regionale di Five Rivers con l'esperienza di Viserion Grain nell'origine e nel merchandising. Union Pacific sta investendo oltre 10 milioni di dollari al giorno in infrastrutture e tecnologia per supportare la logistica della catena di approvvigionamento agricola.
La struttura è prevista per iniziare le operazioni nel 2026 e servirà come una fonte di approvvigionamento importante per il settore locale dei mangimi, sostenendo l'alimentazione del bestiame, la produzione di latte e il merchandising dei cereali nel Texas Panhandle. Entrambi i partner sono sostenuti da Pinnacle Asset Management, una società di gestione di asset alternativi con sede a New York.
5V, una nueva asociación entre Five Rivers Cattle Feeding y Viserion Grain, ha anunciado planes para construir un receptor de trenes lanzadera de última generación en Dalhart, Texas. La instalación, conectada a la línea ferroviaria Union Pacific, tiene como objetivo abordar el creciente déficit de ingredientes para piensos en la región del Texas Panhandle.
El proyecto combina la presencia regional de Five Rivers con la experiencia de Viserion Grain en la obtención y comercialización. Union Pacific está invirtiendo más de 10 millones de dólares diarios en infraestructura y tecnología para apoyar la logística de la cadena de suministro agrícola.
Se prevé que la instalación comience a operar en 2026 y servirá como una fuente de suministro importante para el sector local de piensos, apoyando la alimentación del ganado, la producción de lácteos y la comercialización de granos en el Texas Panhandle. Ambos socios cuentan con el respaldo de Pinnacle Asset Management, una firma de gestión de activos alternativos con sede en Nueva York.
5V, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding과 Viserion Grain 간의 새로운 파트너십이 텍사스 달하트에 최첨단 셔틀 기차 수신기를 건설할 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 시설은 유니온 퍼시픽 철도와 연결되어 있으며, 텍사스 팬핸들 지역의 사료 원료 부족 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
이 프로젝트는 Five Rivers의 지역적 존재와 Viserion Grain의 원산지 및 상업화 전문성을 결합합니다. 유니온 퍼시픽은 농업 공급망 물류를 지원하기 위해 인프라 및 기술에 매일 1천만 달러 이상을 투자하고 있습니다.
이 시설은 2026년에 운영을 시작할 예정이며, 텍사스 팬핸들 지역의 사료 부문에 중요한 공급원으로 작용하여, 가축 사료, 유제품 생산 및 곡물 상업화를 지원할 것입니다. 두 파트너는 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 대체 자산 관리 회사인 Pinnacle Asset Management의 지원을 받고 있습니다.
5V, un nouveau partenariat entre Five Rivers Cattle Feeding et Viserion Grain, a annoncé des projets de construction d'un récepteur de train navette de pointe à Dalhart, au Texas. L'installation, reliée au chemin de fer Union Pacific, vise à répondre au déficit croissant d'ingrédients pour aliments dans la région du Texas Panhandle.
Le projet combine la présence régionale de Five Rivers avec l'expertise de Viserion Grain en matière d'origine et de commercialisation. Union Pacific investit plus de 10 millions de dollars par jour dans les infrastructures et la technologie pour soutenir la logistique de la chaîne d'approvisionnement agricole.
L'installation devrait commencer ses opérations en 2026 et servira de source d'approvisionnement importante pour le secteur local des aliments, soutenant l'alimentation du bétail, la production laitière et la commercialisation des céréales dans le Texas Panhandle. Les deux partenaires sont soutenus par Pinnacle Asset Management, une société de gestion d'actifs alternatifs basée à New York.
5V, eine neue Partnerschaft zwischen Five Rivers Cattle Feeding und Viserion Grain, hat Pläne angekündigt, einen hochmodernen Shuttle-Zugempfänger in Dalhart, Texas, zu bauen. Die Einrichtung, die mit der Union Pacific Eisenbahn verbunden ist, zielt darauf ab, das wachsende Defizit an Futtermittelzutaten in der Region Texas Panhandle zu beheben.
Das Projekt kombiniert die regionale Präsenz von Five Rivers mit der Expertise von Viserion Grain in der Beschaffung und Vermarktung. Union Pacific investiert täglich über 10 Millionen Dollar in Infrastruktur und Technologie, um die Logistik der landwirtschaftlichen Lieferkette zu unterstützen.
Die Einrichtung soll im 2026 den Betrieb aufnehmen und wird eine wichtige Versorgungsquelle für den lokalen Futtermittelsektor sein, der die Rinderfütterung, die Milchproduktion und den Getreidehandel im Texas Panhandle unterstützt. Beide Partner werden von Pinnacle Asset Management, einer in New York ansässigen Firma für alternative Vermögensverwaltung, unterstützt.
- New shuttle train receiver facility addresses expanding feed ingredients deficit
- Strategic connection to Union Pacific Railroad enhances supply chain efficiency
- Creation of new jobs in Texas Panhandle
- Backed by established asset management firm Pinnacle
- Operations won't commence until 2026, indicating long wait for benefits
- Significant capital investment required for construction and infrastructure
Newly Formed Partnership Between Five Rivers Cattle Feeding and Viserion Grain to Enhance Local Feed Supply and Create Jobs in the Texas Panhandle
“This new facility aims to enhance local feed supply and elevate the region’s agricultural capabilities by tapping into the combined strengths of its founding partners,” said Mike Thoren, President and CEO of Fiver Rivers Cattle Feeding. “This development comes at a time when the deficit for feed ingredients is expanding, making this facility a game-changer for local consumers.”
Aaron Wiegand, CEO of Viserion International, stated, “This facility not only expands our network, but also supports the local agricultural community. We’re proud to partner with a premier cattle feeder to invest in the Texas Panhandle and create jobs.”
The new facility will be strategically connected to the Union Pacific, a vital player in agricultural supply chain logistics.
“The agriculture market is growing and Union Pacific is well positioned to take on volume, investing more than
Jason Kellman, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of Pinnacle, added, “We are pleased to continue our support of Viserion International and Five Rivers as they embark on this new partnership. The new facility that 5V will construct – which will utilize Viserion’s expertise in the grain industry and Five Rivers’ in cattle feeding – is an important investment in the Texas Panhandle community that we expect will enhance feed supply and create job opportunities.”
The shuttle train receiver is scheduled to commence operations in 2026 and will serve as a crucial supply source for the local feed sector. The Texas Panhandle is a major hub for cattle feeding, dairy production and grain merchandising, and this investment represents both a strategic business initiative and a commitment to the community’s economic growth. By empowering local agriculture, 5V seeks to help to pave the way for a sustainable future that benefits everyone involved.
About Viserion
Viserion International Holdco, LLC (“Viserion International”) is a global agricultural merchant based in
About Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, LLC
Five Rivers Cattle Feeding is the world’s largest cattle feeding company, with 13 feedyards in
About Pinnacle Asset Management, L.P.
Founded in 2003, Pinnacle Asset Management, L.P. is a private, alternative asset management firm focused on the global commodities markets with over
About Union Pacific
Union Pacific (NYSE: UNP) delivers the goods families and businesses use every day with safe, reliable and efficient service. Operating in 23 western states, the company connects its customers and communities to the global economy. Trains are the most environmentally responsible way to move freight, helping Union Pacific protect future generations. More information about Union Pacific is available at www.up.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250303734517/en/
Jonathan Gasthalter/Iain Hughes
Gasthalter & Co.
(212) 257-4170
Source: Pinnacle Asset Management, L.P.