UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico invests $250,000 to provide integrated health care services to K-12 students

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UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico has announced a $250,000 investment in school-based health care provider Goodside Health to expand access to integrated physical and behavioral health care services to 50 New Mexico schools. The collaboration aims to address provider shortages and improve access to care for K-12 students.

Key points:

  • Cibola County Schools and Bloomfield School District will be the first to offer these services
  • Services include health screenings, well-child events, and virtual acute and primary care
  • Participating schools pay no start-up costs, and services are available regardless of insurance status
  • The initiative is part of UnitedHealthcare's larger commitment to expand access to primary care and mental health services in schools across the US

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan del New Mexico ha annunciato un investimento di 250.000 dollari nel fornitore di assistenza sanitaria scolastica Goodside Health per ampliare l'accesso a servizi integrati di assistenza sanitaria fisica e comportamentale in 50 scuole del New Mexico. La collaborazione mira ad affrontare la carenza di fornitori e a migliorare l'accesso all'assistenza per gli studenti dalla K-12.

Punti chiave:

  • Le scuole della Contea di Cibola e il Distretto Scolastico di Bloomfield saranno le prime a offrire questi servizi
  • I servizi includono screening sanitari, eventi di benessere infantile e cure acute e primarie virtuali
  • Le scuole partecipanti non pagano costi di avviamento e i servizi sono disponibili indipendentemente dallo stato assicurativo
  • L'iniziativa fa parte del più ampio impegno di UnitedHealthcare per espandere l'accesso alle cure primarie e ai servizi di salute mentale nelle scuole di tutto il paese

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan de Nuevo México ha anunciado una inversión de 250,000 dólares en el proveedor de atención médica escolar Goodside Health para expandir el acceso a servicios integrados de atención física y de salud conductual en 50 escuelas de Nuevo México. La colaboración tiene como objetivo abordar la escasez de proveedores y mejorar el acceso a la atención para estudiantes de K-12.

Puntos clave:

  • Las escuelas del Condado de Cibola y el Distrito Escolar de Bloomfield serán las primeras en ofrecer estos servicios
  • Los servicios incluyen exámenes de salud, eventos de bienestar infantil y atención primaria y aguda virtual
  • Las escuelas participantes no pagan costos iniciales y los servicios están disponibles independientemente del estado del seguro
  • La iniciativa forma parte del compromiso más amplio de UnitedHealthcare de expandir el acceso a servicios de atención primaria y salud mental en las escuelas de todo Estados Unidos

유나이티드헬스케어 커뮤니티 플랜 뉴 멕시코는 25만 달러의 투자를 학교 기반 건강 관리 제공업체인 굿사이드 헬스에 발표하여 뉴 멕시코의 50개 학교에서 통합 신체 및 행동 건강 관리 서비스의 접근을 확대합니다. 이 협력은 제공자의 부족 문제를 해결하고 K-12 학생들의 치료 접근성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

주요 사항:

  • 시볼라 카운티 학교와 블룸필드 학군이 이 서비스를 처음으로 제공할 것입니다.
  • 서비스에는 건강 검진, 아동 복지 이벤트, 가상 급성 및 1차 진료가 포함됩니다.
  • 참여 학교는 초기 비용을 지불하지 않으며 서비스는 보험 상태와 상관없이 제공됩니다.
  • 이 이니셔티브는 미국 전역의 학교에서 1차 건강 관리 및 정신 건강 서비스에 대한 접근을 확대하려는 유나이티드헬스케어의 더 큰 약속의 일환입니다.

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan du Nouveau-Mexique a annoncé un investissement de 250 000 dollars dans le fournisseur de soins de santé scolaire Goodside Health pour élargir l'accès à des services intégrés de santé physique et comportementale dans 50 écoles du Nouveau-Mexique. La collaboration vise à remédier aux pénuries de fournisseurs et à améliorer l'accès aux soins pour les étudiants de la K-12.

Points clés :

  • Les écoles du comté de Cibola et le district scolaire de Bloomfield seront les premières à offrir ces services
  • Les services incluent des dépistages de santé, des événements de bien-être infantile et des soins primaires et aigus virtuels
  • Les écoles participantes ne paient aucun coût de démarrage et les services sont disponibles indépendamment de l'état d'assurance
  • L'initiative fait partie de l'engagement plus large de UnitedHealthcare d'élargir l'accès aux soins primaires et aux services de santé mentale dans les écoles à travers les États-Unis

Der UnitedHealthcare Community Plan von New Mexico hat eine Investition von 250.000 Dollar in den schulbasierten Gesundheitsdienstleister Goodside Health angekündigt, um den Zugang zu integrierten physischen und psychologischen Gesundheitsdiensten für 50 Schulen in New Mexico zu erweitern. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Engpässe bei Anbietern zu beheben und den Zugang zur Versorgung für K-12-Schüler zu verbessern.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Die Schulen im Cibola County und im Bloomfield School District werden die ersten sein, die diese Dienstleistungen anbieten
  • Die Dienstleistungen umfassen Gesundheitsuntersuchungen, Kinderwohlfahrt-Veranstaltungen sowie virtuelle akute und primäre Versorgung
  • Teilnehmende Schulen zahlen keine Startkosten und die Dienste sind unabhängig vom Versicherungsstatus verfügbar
  • Die Initiative ist Teil des umfassenderen Engagements von UnitedHealthcare, den Zugang zu primären Gesundheits- und psychischen Gesundheitsdiensten in Schulen im ganzen Land zu erweitern
  • Expansion of health care services to 50 New Mexico schools, potentially improving student health outcomes
  • No start-up costs for participating schools, making the program more accessible
  • Services available to all students regardless of health insurance status, promoting health equity
  • Collaboration with local health departments to identify schools in areas with care barriers and provider shortages
  • Potential to reduce emergency room visits and improve school attendance
  • None.

This investment by UnitedHealthcare is a strategic move to address critical healthcare gaps in New Mexico's education system. By targeting 50 schools in areas with provider shortages, they're tackling a significant public health issue. The $250,000 investment, while modest in scale, could have a multiplier effect by improving both health outcomes and academic performance.

The collaboration with Goodside Health is particularly noteworthy as it integrates physical and behavioral health services, addressing the often-overlooked mental health needs of students. The no-cost model for schools and universal eligibility for students regardless of insurance status are important for maximizing impact and equity.

However, the long-term sustainability and scalability of this model remain uncertain. It will be essential to monitor the program's outcomes and cost-effectiveness to determine its potential for broader implementation across the state and beyond.

This initiative represents a significant shift in how we approach student well-being and academic success. By bringing healthcare directly into schools, UnitedHealthcare and Goodside Health are addressing a critical intersection between health and education. The focus on both physical and behavioral health is particularly important, as mental health issues can severely impact learning outcomes.

The program's potential to improve attendance and reduce barriers for parents is promising. However, its success will largely depend on effective integration with existing school systems and curricula. It's important to ensure that these health services complement rather than disrupt the educational process.

The targeted approach, starting with districts facing provider shortages, is commendable. Yet, we must also consider the equity implications for schools not included in this initial rollout. Monitoring and evaluating the program's impact on both health and educational metrics will be vital for justifying potential expansion.

From a financial perspective, UnitedHealthcare's $250,000 investment in school-based healthcare is a relatively low-cost initiative with potentially high returns. By focusing on preventive care and early intervention, this program could significantly reduce long-term healthcare costs for both the company and the broader healthcare system.

The strategy aligns well with the growing trend of value-based care models, which prioritize outcomes over volume of services. If successful, this approach could lead to reduced emergency room visits and hospitalizations, translating to cost savings for UnitedHealthcare.

However, investors should note that the immediate financial impact on UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) is likely to be minimal given the company's size. The real value lies in the potential for scaling this model if it proves effective, which could lead to new revenue streams and market expansion opportunities in the education sector.

Collaboration with school health provider Goodside Health to provide integrated physical and behavioral health to 50 K-12 schools in New Mexico

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico today announced a $250,000 investment in school-based health care provider Goodside Health to expand access to integrated physical and behavioral health care services to 50 New Mexico schools.

Grants Cibola County Schools – which serves more than 3,000 students across 12 schools – and Bloomfield School District – which serves more than 2,500 students across seven schools – will be the first districts to offer school-based health care services this school year as part of the collaboration. Both districts are located in communities with provider shortages1.

“Expanding access to primary care and mental health services for our school children is vital to building a healthier New Mexico,” said Andrew Peterson, CEO, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico. “This collaboration helps students access the care they need, where they are, to help maintain their health and succeed in the classroom.”

Participating schools pay no start-up costs and students from participating schools are eligible to receive services, regardless of health insurance status. This funding will enable Goodside Health to provide school-based health care services including:

  • Physical and behavioral health screenings, as well as referrals for follow-up care and social care services.
  • Well-child events offering sports physicals, annual well-child visits and state-mandated screenings.
  • Virtual acute care and primary care.

"We are thrilled to offer integrated health care services to schools in New Mexico, responding to the critical demand for enhanced pediatric care throughout the state," said Peter Morrison, Chief Strategy Officer, Goodside Health. “By delivering high-quality care directly to students, we eliminate common social barriers faced by many New Mexican families, simplifying access to health care which results in improved health and academic outcomes.”

Goodside Health, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico, the New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth) and the New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care are collaborating to identify schools in communities that have barriers to care, provider shortages and low well-child visit rates for participation in the program.

“Through this collaboration, we are helping to advance health equity in our community and surrounding areas. This program will allow us to bridge the gap between social drivers of health and social determinants of learning that will influence and affect the health and well-being of our students and children," said Kevin Summers, superintendent, Bloomfield School District.

School-based health care services promote improved attendance, attention and learning among students and help reduce barriers for parents that may not be able to easily access transportation or leave work for appointments. According to NMHealth, 29% of students have only received care from their school-based health center, and 32% of students would have gone to an urgent care or emergency room if not for a school-based health center.

This collaboration is part of a multimillion-dollar commitment from UnitedHealthcare to expand access to primary care and mental health services in schools across the United States. UnitedHealthcare serves more than 250,000 members enrolled in employer-sponsored, individual, Medicare and Medicaid plans in New Mexico, with a network of over 40 hospitals and 11,000 physicians and other care providers statewide.

About UnitedHealthcare

UnitedHealthcare is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives and making the health system work better for everyone by simplifying the health care experience, meeting consumer health and wellness needs, and sustaining trusted relationships with care providers. In the United States, UnitedHealthcare offers the full spectrum of health benefit programs for individuals, employers, and Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, and contracts directly with more than 1.7 million physicians and care professionals, and 7,000 hospitals and other care facilities nationwide. The company also provides health benefits and delivers care to people through owned and operated health care facilities in South America. UnitedHealthcare is one of the businesses of UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH), a diversified health care company. For more information, visit UnitedHealthcare at or follow UnitedHealthcare on LinkedIn.

About Goodside Health

Goodside Health is advancing the delivery of pediatric care by partnering with communities to provide access to physical and mental health services at school, at home, and in the clinic. Relentless advocates for expanding access to care and promoting health equity, Goodside Health leverages a whole-child approach to care and lives its mission of closing gaps in children’s health care through innovation and execution. To learn more about Goodside Health, please visit or follow @GoodsideHealth on social media.


Jon Fenech

(763) 361-1127

Source: UnitedHealthcare


How much is UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico investing in school-based health care?

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico is investing $250,000 in school-based health care provider Goodside Health to expand access to integrated physical and behavioral health care services in New Mexico schools.

How many schools in New Mexico will benefit from UnitedHealthcare's investment in school-based health care?

The investment aims to provide integrated physical and behavioral health care services to 50 New Mexico schools.

Which school districts will be the first to offer UnitedHealthcare's school-based health care services in New Mexico?

Cibola County Schools and Bloomfield School District will be the first to offer school-based health care services as part of this collaboration.

What types of health services will be provided in New Mexico schools through UnitedHealthcare's investment?

The services include physical and behavioral health screenings, well-child events offering sports physicals and annual check-ups, and virtual acute care and primary care.

Is UnitedHealthcare's school-based health care program in New Mexico part of a larger initiative?

Yes, this collaboration is part of a multimillion-dollar commitment from UnitedHealthcare (UNH) to expand access to primary care and mental health services in schools across the United States.



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