UnitedHealthcare Commits $335,000 to Idaho Organizations To Expand Health Care Workforce and Access To Care

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UnitedHealthcare has announced a $335,000 commitment to Idaho organizations aimed at expanding health care workforce and access to care. The funding will support various initiatives, including:

- Training 500 Direct Care Workers on Alzheimer's essentials
- Expanding rural transportation options
- Increasing access to assistive technologies and durable medical equipment
- Supporting diabetes prevention programs for older adults in Hispanic or American Indian communities
- Enhancing caregiver support services
- Increasing health care access for Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
- Implementing regional health plans and promoting resource connectivity

These efforts aim to address challenges such as food insecurity, diabetes prevalence, and shortages in primary care physicians and mental health providers in Idaho.

UnitedHealthcare ha annunciato un a favore di organizzazioni in Idaho, volto a espandere la forza lavoro sanitaria e l'accesso alle cure. I finanziamenti supporteranno varie iniziative, tra cui:

- Formazione di 500 Operatori Diretti nella cura dei pazienti sulle nozioni fondamentali dell'Alzheimer
- Espansione delle opzioni di trasporto rurale
- Aumento dell'accesso a tecnologie assistive e attrezzature mediche durevoli
- Supporto ai programmi di prevenzione del diabete per gli anziani nelle comunità ispaniche o dei nativi americani
- Miglioramento dei servizi di supporto per i caregiver
- Aumento dell'accesso alle cure per le Tribù Shoshone-Bannock
- Implementazione di piani sanitari regionali e promozione della connettività delle risorse

Questi sforzi mirano ad affrontare sfide come l'insicurezza alimentare, la prevalenza del diabete e la carenza di medici di base e fornitori di salute mentale in Idaho.

UnitedHealthcare ha anunciado un compromiso de $335,000 con organizaciones de Idaho para expandir la fuerza laboral de atención médica y el acceso a la atención. La financiación apoyará diversas iniciativas, incluyendo:

- Capacitación de 500 Trabajadores de Cuidado Directo sobre lo esencial del Alzheimer
- Expansión de opciones de transporte en zonas rurales
- Aumento del acceso a tecnologías asistivas y equipos médicos duraderos
- Apoyo a programas de prevención de diabetes para adultos mayores en comunidades hispanas o nativas americanas
- Mejora de los servicios de apoyo a cuidadores
- Aumento del acceso a la atención médica para las Tribus Shoshone-Bannock
- Implementación de planes de salud regionales y promoción de la conectividad de recursos

Estos esfuerzos tienen como objetivo abordar desafíos como la inseguridad alimentaria, la prevalencia de la diabetes y la escasez de médicos de atención primaria y proveedores de salud mental en Idaho.

UnitedHealthcare는 아이오와 주의 조직을 지원하기 위해 $335,000의 약속을 발표했습니다. 이 자금은 의료 인력 확장과 치료 접근성을 목표로 하며, 다양한 이니셔티브를 지원할 것입니다. 이러한 이니셔티브에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

- 알츠하이머 필수 사항에 대한 500명의 직접 관리 직원 교육
- 농촌 교통 옵션 확대
- 보조 기술 및 내구성 있는 의료 장비에 대한 접근성 증가
- 히스패닉 및 아메리카 인디언 커뮤니티의 노인들을 위한 당뇨병 예방 프로그램 지원
- 간병인 지원 서비스 강화
- 쇼쇼네-배녹 부족을 위한 의료 접근성 증가
- 지역 건강 계획 구현 및 자원 연결성 촉진

이러한 노력은 아이오와 주에서의 식량 불안정, 당뇨병 유병률, 1차 진료 의사 및 정신 건강 제공자의 부족과 같은 문제를 해결하는 데 목적이 있습니다.

UnitedHealthcare a annoncé un engagement de 335 000 $ envers des organisations de l'Idaho afin d'étendre la main-d'œuvre dans le secteur de la santé et d'améliorer l'accès aux soins. Ce financement soutiendra diverses initiatives, notamment :

- Formation de 500 travailleurs directs sur les principes de base d'Alzheimer
- Extension des options de transport en milieu rural
- Augmentation de l'accès aux technologies d'assistance et aux équipements médicaux durables
- Soutien aux programmes de prévention du diabète pour les personnes âgées dans les communautés hispaniques ou amérindiennes
- Renforcement des services de soutien aux aidants
- Accroissement de l'accès aux soins de santé pour les tribus Shoshone-Bannock
- Mise en œuvre de plans de santé régionaux et promotion de la connectivité des ressources

Ces efforts visent à relever des défis tels que l'insécurité alimentaire, la prévalence du diabète et le manque de médecins généralistes et de professionnels de la santé mentale dans l'Idaho.

UnitedHealthcare hat ein Engagement in Höhe von 335.000 $ zur Unterstützung von Organisationen in Idaho angekündigt, um die Gesundheitsarbeitskräfte und den Zugang zur Versorgung auszubauen. Die Mittel werden verschiedene Initiativen unterstützen, darunter:

- Schulung von 500 Direktpflegekräften zu den Grundlagen von Alzheimer
- Erweiterung der Transportmöglichkeiten im ländlichen Raum
- Verbesserung des Zugangs zu Hilfstechnologien und langlebiger medizinischer Ausrüstung
- Unterstützung von Diabetes-Präventionsprogrammen für ältere Erwachsene in hispanischen oder amerikanisch-indianischen Gemeinden
- Verbesserung der Unterstützungsdienste für Pflegekräfte
- Verbesserung des Zugangs zur Gesundheitsversorgung für die Shoshone-Bannock-Stämme
- Umsetzung regionaler Gesundheitspläne und Förderung der Ressourcennetzwerke

Diese Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, Herausforderungen wie Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit, die Verbreitung von Diabetes und den Mangel an Hausärzten und Psychologen in Idaho anzugehen.

  • UnitedHealthcare commits $335,000 to expand health care workforce and access in Idaho
  • Funding supports various initiatives targeting underserved communities, including rural areas and seniors
  • Partnerships with multiple organizations to address specific health care needs in Idaho
  • None.


UnitedHealthcare's $335,000 commitment to Idaho organizations demonstrates a strategic approach to addressing healthcare gaps in underserved communities. This initiative targets key areas such as rural healthcare access, chronic disease management and senior care. The diverse range of programs supported, including caregiver training, transportation expansion and diabetes prevention, shows a comprehensive understanding of the state's healthcare challenges.

Notably, the focus on training 500 Direct Care Workers in Alzheimer's care addresses Idaho's aging population needs. The support for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and Hispanic communities reflects an emphasis on cultural competence in healthcare delivery. These targeted investments align with UnitedHealthcare's broader mission of improving health outcomes and could potentially reduce long-term healthcare costs.

While the financial commitment is relatively modest compared to UnitedHealthcare's overall resources, the localized approach and partnerships with established organizations suggest efficient use of funds. This initiative may enhance UnitedHealthcare's reputation in Idaho, potentially leading to increased market share and customer loyalty in the state's competitive healthcare landscape.

This initiative by UnitedHealthcare addresses critical healthcare workforce and access issues in Idaho, aligning with national trends in healthcare policy. The focus on expanding the healthcare workforce, particularly in rural and underserved areas, is important given Idaho's low rankings in primary care physician (38th) and mental health provider (33rd) availability nationally.

The investment in community health workers and caregivers is a cost-effective strategy to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes. It's particularly relevant given the rising prevalence of chronic conditions like diabetes, affecting 10% of Idaho's adult population. The support for innovative delivery models, such as self-direction in long-term care, aligns with broader healthcare policy trends emphasizing patient empowerment and home-based care.

While this initiative is a step in the right direction, its long-term impact on Idaho's healthcare landscape remains to be seen. The success of these programs could potentially influence future healthcare policies and funding allocations at the state level, particularly in areas of workforce development and rural healthcare access.

UnitedHealthcare today announced a $335,000 commitment in funding to Idaho organizations to help close gaps in care among underserved communities, including people in rural areas, individuals with chronic conditions and seniors.

“Expanding programs for caregivers, community health workers and providers allows us to address unmet health needs more effectively, helping to ensure that underserved communities access high-quality care and social services they need,” said Dr. Alex Billioux, Government Programs Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealthcare. “By equipping our health care workers with the necessary resources and training, we can help improve health outcomes and quality of life for all Idahoans.”

Idahoans have experienced increasing food insecurity1 and 10% of the adult population annually report living with diabetes.2 Additionally, Idaho ranks 38th for availability of primary care physicians and 33rd for availability of mental health providers nationally.3

Organizations supported through this commitment include:

“With UnitedHealthcare’s generous support, we can significantly enhance our efforts to provide equitable diabetes prevention programs, particularly for older adults and underserved communities,” said Dorothy Plaza, chair, Diabetes Alliance of Idaho (DAI). “This funding will implement and expand evidence-based programs, ultimately helping reduce the impact of diabetes across Idaho.”

UnitedHealthcare serves more than 160,000 members enrolled in employer-sponsored, individual and Medicare plans in Idaho, with a network of 50 hospitals and over 12,000 physicians and other care providers statewide. For more information on how UnitedHealthcare is working to build healthier communities across Idaho, visit

About UnitedHealthcare

UnitedHealthcare is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives and making the health system work better for everyone by simplifying the health care experience, meeting consumer health and wellness needs, and sustaining trusted relationships with care providers. In the United States, UnitedHealthcare offers the full spectrum of health benefit programs for individuals, employers, and Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, and contracts directly with more than 1.7 million physicians and care professionals, and 7,000 hospitals and other care facilities nationwide. The company also provides health benefits and delivers care to people through owned and operated health care facilities in South America. UnitedHealthcare is one of the businesses of UnitedHealth Group, a diversified health care company. For more information, visit UnitedHealthcare at or follow UnitedHealthcare on LinkedIn.


UHC Media Contact:

Jon Fenech, (763) 361-1127

Source: UnitedHealthcare


What is the total amount UnitedHealthcare committed to Idaho organizations?

UnitedHealthcare committed $335,000 to Idaho organizations to expand health care workforce and access to care.

How many Direct Care Workers will be trained on Alzheimer's essentials through this funding?

The funding will support training for 500 Direct Care Workers on Alzheimer's essentials to improve care for individuals with memory-related conditions.

What specific initiative is UnitedHealthcare supporting for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes?

UnitedHealthcare is providing $50,000 to Idaho State University to increase access to health care for members of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes by supporting an apprentice serving tribe members while completing a certified Community Health Representative program.

How is UnitedHealthcare addressing diabetes prevention in Idaho?

UnitedHealthcare is providing $50,000 to the Diabetes Alliance of Idaho to support innovative diabetes prevention programs for older adults in Hispanic or American Indian communities.



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