UnitedHealth Group and Goodwill® Partner to Expand Career Pathways Training to Foster Healthier Communities

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UnitedHealth Group and Goodwill Industries International have announced a three-year, $4.5 million strategic partnership to expand career pathways training and foster healthier communities. The initiative aims to increase access to education, training, health-related social needs support, and workforce development opportunities in 25 states through 38 Goodwill organizations.

The partnership will expand the Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator®, connecting individuals to career pathways, job training, certifications, and mentorships. It will prioritize industries such as healthcare, technology, and clean technology. The program will also provide comprehensive support, including financial literacy tools and social drivers of health (SDOH) support.

This collaboration aims to address the link between employment and health, recognizing that up to 80% of a person's health is determined by factors outside of medical care.

UnitedHealth Group e Goodwill Industries International hanno annunciato una partnership strategica triennale da 4,5 milioni di dollari per espandere i percorsi di formazione professionale e promuovere comunità più sane. L'iniziativa mira ad aumentare l'accesso all'istruzione, alla formazione, al supporto per le esigenze sociali legate alla salute e alle opportunità di sviluppo della forza lavoro in 25 stati attraverso 38 organizzazioni Goodwill.

La partnership espanderà il Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator®, collegando gli individui ai percorsi professionali, alla formazione lavorativa, alle certificazioni e ai programmi di mentoring. Saranno prioritarie industrie come sanità, tecnologia e tecnologie pulite. Il programma fornirà anche supporto completo, inclusi strumenti di alfabetizzazione finanziaria e supporto per i determinanti sociali della salute (SDOH).

Questa collaborazione mira ad affrontare il legame tra occupazione e salute, riconoscendo che fino all'80% della salute di una persona è determinata da fattori esterni all'assistenza medica.

UnitedHealth Group y Goodwill Industries International han anunciado una asociación estratégica de tres años y 4.5 millones de dólares para expandir la capacitación en trayectorias profesionales y fomentar comunidades más saludables. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo aumentar el acceso a la educación, la formación, el apoyo a las necesidades sociales relacionadas con la salud y las oportunidades de desarrollo de la fuerza laboral en 25 estados a través de 38 organizaciones Goodwill.

La asociación ampliará el Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator®, conectando a las personas con trayectorias profesionales, capacitación laboral, certificaciones y mentorías. Se priorizarán industrias como cuidado de la salud, tecnología y tecnología limpia. El programa también proporcionará apoyo integral, incluyendo herramientas de alfabetización financiera y apoyo a los determinantes sociales de la salud (SDOH).

Esta colaboración busca abordar la relación entre el empleo y la salud, reconociendo que hasta el 80% de la salud de una persona está determinada por factores externos a la atención médica.

UnitedHealth GroupGoodwill Industries International3년, 450만 달러의 전략적 파트너십을 발표하여 경력 경로 교육을 확대하고 더 건강한 커뮤니티를 조성합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 교육, 훈련, 건강 관련 사회적 요구 지원 및 노동력 개발 기회에 대한 접근을 25개 주에서 38개의 Goodwill 기관을 통해 증가시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 파트너십은 Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator®를 확장하여 개인을 경력 경로, 직업 훈련, 인증 및 멘토십과 연결합니다. 의료, 기술 및 청정 기술과 같은 산업을 우선적으로 지원합니다. 이 프로그램은 재무 지식 도구와 건강의 사회적 요인(SDOH) 지원을 포함한 포괄적인 지원도 제공합니다.

이 협력은 고용과 건강 사이의 연결 고리를 다루는 것을 목표로 하며, 80%까지의 개인 건강이 의료 이외의 요인에 의해 결정된다는 것을 인식합니다.

UnitedHealth Group et Goodwill Industries International ont annoncé un partenariat stratégique de trois ans d'une valeur de 4,5 millions de dollars pour étendre la formation aux carrières et favoriser des communautés plus saines. L'initiative vise à augmenter l'accès à l'éducation, à la formation, au soutien des besoins sociaux liés à la santé et aux opportunités de développement de la main-d'œuvre dans 25 États, grâce à 38 organisations Goodwill.

Le partenariat va élargir le Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator®, en connectant les individus aux parcours professionnels, à la formation professionnelle, aux certifications et aux mentorats. Il mettra l'accent sur des secteurs tels que la santé, la technologie et les technologies propres. Le programme fournira également un soutien complet, y compris des outils de littératie financière et un soutien aux déterminants sociaux de la santé (SDOH).

Cette collaboration vise à traiter le lien entre l'emploi et la santé, reconnaissant que jusqu'à 80% de la santé d'une personne est déterminée par des facteurs extérieurs aux soins médicaux.

UnitedHealth Group und Goodwill Industries International haben eine drei Jahre dauernde strategische Partnerschaft im Wert von 4,5 Millionen Dollar angekündigt, um Karriereweg-Trainings zu erweitern und gesündere Gemeinschaften zu fördern. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu Bildung, Ausbildung, Unterstützung bei gesundheitsbezogenen sozialen Bedürfnissen und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der Arbeitskräfte in 25 Bundesstaaten durch 38 Goodwill-Organisationen zu erhöhen.

Die Partnerschaft wird den Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator® erweitern, der Einzelpersonen mit Karrierepfaden, beruflicher Ausbildung, Zertifizierungen und Mentoring verknüpft. Priorität haben Branchen wie Gesundheitswesen, Technologie und saubere Technologien. Das Programm bietet zudem umfassende Unterstützung, einschließlich FinanzbildungsWerkzeugen und sozialer Gesundheitsfaktoren (SDOH).

Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Verbindung zwischen Beschäftigung und Gesundheit anzugehen, wobei erkannt wird, dass bis zu 80% der Gesundheit eines Menschen von Faktoren außerhalb der medizinischen Versorgung bestimmt wird.

  • Strategic partnership with Goodwill Industries International to expand workforce development opportunities
  • Three-year, $4.5 million investment in career pathways training
  • Expansion of Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator® program to 25 states and 38 Goodwill organizations
  • Focus on high-demand industries: healthcare, technology, and clean technology
  • Addressing social determinants of health through employment initiatives
  • None.

This partnership between UnitedHealth Group and Goodwill, while commendable, is likely to have a minimal direct impact on UnitedHealth's stock in the short term. The $4.5 million investment over three years is relatively small for a company of UnitedHealth's size. However, it could yield long-term benefits:

  • Enhanced brand reputation and goodwill
  • Potential reduction in healthcare costs if the initiative successfully improves community health
  • Development of a skilled workforce pipeline, particularly in healthcare

Investors should view this as part of UnitedHealth's broader strategy to address social determinants of health, which could lead to improved health outcomes and potentially lower costs in the long run. While not a game-changer, it's a positive step towards sustainable business practices.

This initiative aligns with the growing recognition of social determinants of health (SDOH) in healthcare policy. By addressing employment and education, UnitedHealth is taking a proactive approach to health management outside traditional medical settings. Key points to consider:

  • Potential for reduced healthcare utilization and costs if successful
  • Alignment with value-based care models that emphasize preventive measures
  • Possible influence on future healthcare policies and reimbursement models

While the immediate financial impact may be , this partnership positions UnitedHealth favorably in the evolving healthcare landscape that increasingly emphasizes holistic approaches to health and wellbeing. It's a strategic move that could yield long-term benefits in terms of cost management and market positioning.

The Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator® program, bolstered by this partnership, has significant potential to address critical workforce gaps, particularly in high-demand sectors like healthcare and technology. Key aspects to note:

  • 155% increase in educational attainment
  • 72% increase in industry-specific employment
  • Focus on healthcare, technology and clean technology sectors

These outcomes could contribute to alleviating labor shortages in important industries, potentially benefiting UnitedHealth and the broader economy. The comprehensive approach, including financial literacy and SDOH support, increases the likelihood of sustainable employment outcomes. While the immediate stock impact may be minimal, this initiative could contribute to a more stable and skilled workforce, indirectly supporting UnitedHealth's long-term growth and operational efficiency.

Initiative will increase access to education and training, health-related social needs support and workforce development opportunities

UnitedHealth Group and Goodwill Industries International today announced a three-year, $4.5 million strategic partnership to increase access to education and training, health-related social needs support and workforce development opportunities in 25 states through 38 Goodwill® organizations. The partnership aims to help people overcome barriers keeping them from obtaining long-term, higher-paying employment.

Research shows up to 80% of a person’s health is determined by what happens outside of a doctor’s office. For example, employment status influences many aspects of life that affect one’s health, including income, exposure to workplace hazards and ability to access essential resources such as health care, housing, food and more. Employment and income status are inextricably linked to health. People who are unemployed or working in insecure, part-time or low-wage jobs are more likely to report poor or fair health and face more barriers to accessing health care and basic living essentials.

This partnership will help expand Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator®, a workforce development framework that equips job seekers with the resources needed to pursue and advance their careers. The initiative will connect individuals to career pathways, job training, certifications, apprenticeships and mentorships for continued career growth. Both organizations will collaborate with the public and private sectors to develop skilled talent for specific career paths matching current local hiring needs. Workforce training opportunities in career pathways have been shown to significantly increase educational attainment by 155% and industry-specific employment by 72%. Three of the industries this partnership will prioritize are health care, technology, and clean technology, to meet growing workforce demands in those sectors.

Participating local Goodwill organizations will also provide comprehensive support to help job seekers move successfully into promising careers, including via financial literacy tools, life skills resources to encourage individuals to better engage in their health and social drivers of health (SDOH) support to identify barriers individuals may face to accessing employment, including transportation and childcare.

Participation in Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator® is available to all individuals who reside in the service territories of the 38 participating Goodwill organizations.

“This strategic partnership is another example of expanding the important work of health equity,” said Catherine Anderson, senior vice president, health equity strategy, UnitedHealth Group. “The data consistently show an association between employment and better physical and mental health outcomes. As a health care provider, employer and cross-sector convener that cares deeply about the communities and people we serve, we are excited for the future of our partnership with Goodwill to ready the next generation of workforce talent.”

“The value of gainful employment is profound, affecting an individual’s self-esteem, sense of purpose and ability to care for their family,” said Steve Preston, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International. “Goodwill and UnitedHealth Group are committed to creating opportunities for job seekers and helping employers find the skilled talent they need.”

About Goodwill Industries International:

Goodwill® is the largest nonprofit workforce development network in the country. It works to enhance the quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, building bridges to opportunity and helping people in need reach their potential through learning and the Power of Work®. For more than 120 years, Goodwill organizations across North America have helped people find jobs, support their families and feel the satisfaction that comes from working. There are 154 local Goodwill organizations that assist people through a variety of employment placement services, job training programs and other community-based services. Thousands of people receive employment and other human services through Goodwill, and, in 2023, local Goodwill organizations helped more than 1.7 million people build skills, access resources and advance their careers. Goodwill sells donated items in more than 3,300 outlet and retail stores in the U.S. and Canada, as well as through online marketplaces. The revenue creates job placement and training programs to help people earn paychecks and build their careers. For more information or to find a Goodwill location near you, visit Follow us on Twitter/X: @GoodwillIntl and @GoodwillCapHill, and find us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube: GoodwillIntl.

About UnitedHealth Group:

UnitedHealth Group is a health care and well-being company with a mission to help people live healthier lives and help make the health system work better for everyone through two distinct and complementary businesses. Optum delivers care aided by technology and data, empowering people, partners and providers with the guidance and tools they need to achieve better health. UnitedHealthcare offers a full range of health benefits, enabling affordable coverage, simplifying the health care experience and delivering access to high-quality care. Visit UnitedHealth Group at and follow UnitedHealth Group on LinkedIn.

Tony Marusic

UnitedHealth Group


Rhiana Sherwood

Goodwill Industries International


Source: UnitedHealth Group


What is the value of UnitedHealth Group's partnership with Goodwill Industries International?

UnitedHealth Group (UNH) has committed $4.5 million over three years to partner with Goodwill Industries International for expanding career pathways training and fostering healthier communities.

How many states and Goodwill organizations will benefit from UnitedHealth Group's initiative?

The UnitedHealth Group (UNH) and Goodwill partnership will benefit 25 states through 38 Goodwill organizations.

What industries will UnitedHealth Group's partnership with Goodwill focus on for workforce development?

The UnitedHealth Group (UNH) and Goodwill partnership will prioritize workforce development in healthcare, technology, and clean technology sectors.

What is the Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator® that UnitedHealth Group is supporting?

The Goodwill Opportunity Accelerator® is a workforce development framework that UnitedHealth Group (UNH) is supporting to equip job seekers with resources for pursuing and advancing their careers, including training, certifications, and mentorships.



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