Optum Rx Further Simplifies Consumer Access to Prescription Drugs
Optum Rx announces initiatives to simplify prescription drug access and reduce costs for consumers with chronic conditions. The company is eliminating up to 25% of medication reauthorizations, affecting more than 10% of overall pharmacy prior authorizations. The program initially covers approximately 80 drugs, with plans for expansion.
The company highlights several cost-saving tools and achievements:
- Optum Savings IQ helped consumers save $1.3 billion in 2024, reducing average out-of-pocket costs to $5
- Critical Drug Affordability List caps costs for over 290 lifesaving medications, with insulin costs under $18 monthly
- Price Edge tool generated $224 million in consumer savings
- PreCheck MyScript delivers savings of $119 per prescription fill
- MyScript Finder and Proactive Savings Alerts offer additional average savings of $58 and $42 per prescription respectively
Optum Rx annuncia iniziative per semplificare l'accesso ai farmaci prescritti e ridurre i costi per i consumatori con condizioni croniche. L'azienda sta eliminando fino al 25% delle ri-autorizzazioni per i farmaci, che riguardano oltre il 10% delle autorizzazioni preventive complessive in farmacia. Il programma copre inizialmente circa 80 farmaci, con piani di espansione.
L'azienda mette in evidenza diversi strumenti e risultati per il risparmio:
- Optum Savings IQ ha aiutato i consumatori a risparmiare 1,3 miliardi di dollari nel 2024, riducendo i costi medi a carico a 5 dollari
- La lista dei farmaci critici accessibili limita i costi per oltre 290 farmaci salvavita, con i costi dell'insulina sotto i 18 dollari al mese
- Lo strumento Price Edge ha generato 224 milioni di dollari in risparmi per i consumatori
- PreCheck MyScript offre un risparmio di 119 dollari per ogni prescrizione
- MyScript Finder e Proactive Savings Alerts offrono ulteriori risparmi medi di 58 e 42 dollari per prescrizione, rispettivamente
Optum Rx anuncia iniciativas para simplificar el acceso a medicamentos recetados y reducir costos para los consumidores con condiciones crónicas. La empresa está eliminando hasta el 25% de las reautorizaciones de medicamentos, lo que afecta a más del 10% de las autorizaciones previas de farmacia en general. El programa cubre inicialmente aproximadamente 80 medicamentos, con planes de expansión.
La empresa destaca varias herramientas y logros de ahorro de costos:
- Optum Savings IQ ayudó a los consumidores a ahorrar 1.3 mil millones de dólares en 2024, reduciendo el costo promedio de bolsillo a 5 dólares
- La Lista de Medicamentos Críticos Asequibles limita los costos de más de 290 medicamentos que salvan vidas, con costos de insulina por debajo de 18 dólares mensuales
- La herramienta Price Edge generó 224 millones de dólares en ahorros para los consumidores
- PreCheck MyScript ofrece un ahorro de 119 dólares por cada receta
- MyScript Finder y Proactive Savings Alerts ofrecen ahorros adicionales promedio de 58 y 42 dólares por receta, respectivamente
Optum Rx는 만성 질환을 가진 소비자들을 위해 처방약 접근을 간소화하고 비용을 줄이는 이니셔티브를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 전체 약국 사전 승인 중 10% 이상에 영향을 미치는 최대 25%의 약물 재승인을 제거하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 처음에 약 80개의 약물을 포함하며, 확장 계획이 있습니다.
회사는 여러 비용 절감 도구와 성과를 강조합니다:
- Optum Savings IQ는 소비자들이 2024년에 13억 달러를 절약하도록 도와주었으며, 평균 본인 부담 비용을 5달러로 줄였습니다.
- 중요 약물 접근 가능 목록은 290개 이상의 생명 구제 약물의 비용을 제한하며, 인슐린 비용은 월 18달러 이하입니다.
- Price Edge 도구는 소비자에게 2억 2400만 달러의 절감을 가져왔습니다.
- PreCheck MyScript는 각 처방에 대해 119달러의 절감을 제공합니다.
- MyScript Finder와 Proactive Savings Alerts는 각각 평균 58달러와 42달러의 추가 절감을 제공합니다.
Optum Rx annonce des initiatives pour simplifier l'accès aux médicaments sur ordonnance et réduire les coûts pour les consommateurs souffrant de maladies chroniques. L'entreprise élimine jusqu'à 25 % des réautorisations de médicaments, touchant plus de 10 % des autorisations préalables en pharmacie. Le programme couvre initialement environ 80 médicaments, avec des plans d'expansion.
L'entreprise met en avant plusieurs outils d'économie et réalisations :
- Optum Savings IQ a aidé les consommateurs à économiser 1,3 milliard de dollars en 2024, réduisant les coûts moyens à la charge des patients à 5 dollars.
- La liste des médicaments critiques abordables limite les coûts de plus de 290 médicaments salvateurs, avec des coûts d'insuline inférieurs à 18 dollars par mois.
- L'outil Price Edge a généré 224 millions de dollars d'économies pour les consommateurs.
- PreCheck MyScript offre des économies de 119 dollars par prescription.
- MyScript Finder et Proactive Savings Alerts offrent des économies supplémentaires moyennes de 58 et 42 dollars par prescription, respectivement.
Optum Rx kündigt Initiativen an, um den Zugang zu verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten zu vereinfachen und die Kosten für Verbraucher mit chronischen Erkrankungen zu senken. Das Unternehmen beseitigt bis zu 25% der Medikamenten-Neuautorisierungen, was mehr als 10% der gesamten Apothekenvorabgenehmigungen betrifft. Das Programm umfasst zunächst etwa 80 Medikamente, mit Plänen zur Erweiterung.
Das Unternehmen hebt mehrere kostensparende Werkzeuge und Erfolge hervor:
- Optum Savings IQ half Verbrauchern, 1,3 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2024 zu sparen, wodurch die durchschnittlichen Selbstkosten auf 5 Dollar gesenkt wurden.
- Die Liste der kritischen Arzneimittelpreise begrenzt die Kosten für über 290 lebensrettende Medikamente, wobei die Insulinkosten unter 18 Dollar pro Monat liegen.
- Das Price Edge-Tool generierte 224 Millionen Dollar an Einsparungen für Verbraucher.
- PreCheck MyScript bietet Einsparungen von 119 Dollar pro Rezept.
- MyScript Finder und Proactive Savings Alerts bieten zusätzliche durchschnittliche Einsparungen von 58 und 42 Dollar pro Rezept, jeweils.
- Elimination of 25% of reauthorizations, streamlining prescription access
- Significant cost savings: $1.3 billion in consumer savings through Savings IQ program
- Price Edge tool generated $224 million in consumer savings
- Substantial per-prescription savings: $119 through PreCheck MyScript
- Affordable insulin program with costs under $18 monthly
- None.
Optum Rx's initiative to eliminate
The financial impact data is compelling: Optum financial assistance programs generated
This initiative strategically positions UnitedHealth's PBM business in the ongoing national debate over prescription drug affordability. By streamlining authorization processes, Optum Rx reduces costs across the ecosystem: patients gain faster access to medications, providers face reduced administrative burden, and payers benefit from more efficient resource allocation. The approach of maintaining authorizations where clinically necessary (as with newer Alzheimer's treatments) while eliminating them for established genetic condition therapies represents thoughtful clinical stewardship.
Optum Rx's authorization simplification initiative delivers substantial economic value throughout the healthcare ecosystem. The reduction of
The initiative's economic benefits extend beyond direct cost savings. Each avoided reauthorization eliminates administrative work for physicians and pharmacists, potentially reducing provider burnout while accelerating medication access. This efficiency gain represents hidden economic value through reduced opportunity costs and improved resource allocation.
The suite of consumer-focused savings tools demonstrates sophisticated price optimization technology. PreCheck MyScript generates dual economic benefits:
For UnitedHealth, these initiatives create strategic leverage in pharmaceutical manufacturer negotiations. By demonstrating commitment to consumer affordability while maintaining appropriate clinical oversight, Optum Rx positions itself as a rational actor in drug pricing conversations. The Critical Drug Affordability List specifically addresses high-visibility medications like insulin, potentially improving both consumer satisfaction metrics and UnitedHealth's reputation among policymakers focused on drug pricing reform.
Optum Rx is committed to making prescription drugs more affordable and the pharmacy experience simpler for consumers with chronic conditions, eliminating up to
“Optum Rx is taking meaningful steps to simplify patient experiences and increase access to critical medications,” said Patrick Conway, M.D., chief executive officer, Optum Rx “These changes mean easier access to medications for consumers, less work for pharmacists and physicians, and a simplified system focused on clinical quality.”
The initiative focuses first on approximately 80 drugs, and Optum Rx will work with physicians and pharmacists to expand the list over time.
Medication authorizations are important for ensuring safe, appropriate, evidence-supported use of drugs. Some reauthorizations are necessary for drugs that have safety concerns, need ongoing monitoring for dose adjustments, require additional tests or may have alternative therapy considerations.
For example, new drugs developed for Alzheimer's disease carry risks for the brain, and long-term effectiveness is not clear. For these treatments, ongoing review is important for patients, payers and physicians. In contrast, once a genetic condition like cystic fibrosis is confirmed through testing, there is minimal additional value in reauthorizing an effective, lifelong treatment.
Fighting to Lower Drug Costs: What We’ve Done for Consumers
In addition to the initiative announced today, Optum Rx continues to fight the high and ever-increasing drug prices set by pharmaceutical companies through both negotiation and innovative, cost-cutting tools such as:
Optum financial assistance programs, including Optum Savings IQ which matches eligible Optum Specialty patients with financial resources and programs to lower their out-of-pocket costs for specialty medications. In 2024, the programs helped eligible consumers save
and reduced the average out-of-pocket cost to$1.3 billion .$5 -
Critical Drug Affordability List, which caps out-of-pocket costs for people on over 290 lifesaving medications; our consumers now pay less than
per month on average for insulin and typically$18 or less for most drugs.$5 -
Price Edge, a digital price comparison tool that has generated
in consumer savings, with an average savings of$224 million per consumer.$50 -
PreCheck MyScript, which automatically scans drug prices to provide real-time price information and ensure consumers get the best price for their medications, generating consumer savings of
per prescription fill and client savings of$119 .$266 -
Proactive Savings Alerts, which notifies consumers of savings opportunities averaging
per prescription.$42 -
MyScript Finder, which averages
in savings when used, enables consumers to see the price of their prescribed medication, as well as the pharmacies and medication alternatives that could save them money.$58
About Optum
Optum is a leading information and technology-enabled health services business dedicated to helping make the health system work better for everyone. With more than 210,000 people worldwide, Optum delivers intelligent, integrated solutions that help to modernize the health system and improve overall population health. Optum is part of UnitedHealth Group. For more information, visit www.Optum.com.
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Source: Optum Rx