Media Advisory: UnitedHealth Group Responds to Misinformation
UnitedHealth Group issued a statement addressing misinformation about their operations. The company clarified that UnitedHealthcare approves and pays approximately 90% of medical claims upon submission, with only about 0.5% of claims requiring further review due to medical or clinical reasons. The company also addressed a specific incident involving Brian Thompson's murder, confirming that neither the killer nor his parents were UnitedHealthcare members.
UnitedHealth Group ha emesso una dichiarazione per affrontare la disinformazione riguardo alle proprie operazioni. L'azienda ha chiarito che UnitedHealthcare approva e paga circa il 90% delle richieste di risarcimento medico al momento della presentazione, con solo circa lo 0,5% delle richieste che richiedono una revisione ulteriore per motivi medici o clinici. L'azienda ha anche affrontato un incidente specifico riguardante l'omicidio di Brian Thompson, confermando che né l'assassino né i suoi genitori erano membri di UnitedHealthcare.
UnitedHealth Group emitió un comunicado abordando la desinformación sobre sus operaciones. La compañía aclaró que UnitedHealthcare aprueba y paga aproximadamente el 90% de las reclamaciones médicas al momento de la presentación, con solo alrededor del 0,5% de las reclamaciones que requieren una revisión adicional por razones médicas o clínicas. La empresa también abordó un incidente específico relacionado con el asesinato de Brian Thompson, confirmando que ni el asesino ni sus padres eran miembros de UnitedHealthcare.
유나이티드헬스 그룹은 자사 운영에 대한 잘못된 정보에 대해 성명을 발표했습니다. 회사는 유나이티드헬스케어가 제출 시 약 90%의 의료 청구를 승인하고 지불한다고 명확히 했으며, 약 0.5%의 청구만이 의료 또는 임상상의 이유로 추가 검토가 필요하다고 밝혔습니다. 또한 회사는 브라이언 톰프슨의 살인 사건과 관련하여 살인범과 그의 부모가 유나이티드헬스케어 회원이 아니었다고 확인했습니다.
UnitedHealth Group a publié un communiqué pour répondre à la désinformation concernant ses opérations. L'entreprise a précisé que UnitedHealthcare approuve et paie environ 90 % des demandes de remboursement médicales lors de leur soumission, avec seulement environ 0,5 % des demandes nécessitant un examen supplémentaire pour des raisons médicales ou cliniques. L'entreprise a également abordé un incident spécifique concernant le meurtre de Brian Thompson, confirmant que ni le tueur ni ses parents n'étaient membres de UnitedHealthcare.
UnitedHealth Group hat eine Erklärung veröffentlicht, um Fehlinformationen über ihre Tätigkeiten zu begegnen. Das Unternehmen klarstellte, dass UnitedHealthcare etwa 90% der medizinischen Ansprüche beim Einreichen genehmigt und bezahlt, wobei nur etwa 0,5% der Ansprüche aus medizinischen oder klinischen Gründen einer weiteren Überprüfung bedürfen. Das Unternehmen hat auch einen spezifischen Vorfall, der den Mord an Brian Thompson betrifft, angesprochen und bestätigt, dass weder der Mörder noch seine Eltern Mitglieder von UnitedHealthcare waren.
- 90% medical claims approval rate upon submission
- Low clinical review rate of only 0.5% for claims
- None.
UnitedHealth Group today issued the following update:
Claims approval rates
UnitedHealthcare approves and pays about
90% of medical claims upon submission. Importantly, of those that require further review, around one-half of one percent are due to medical or clinical reasons. Highly inaccurate and grossly misleading information has been circulated about our company’s treatment of insurance claims.
Whether the killer and his parents were UnitedHealthcare members
- Regarding the murder of Brian Thompson, we are re-affirming that the killer and his parents were not UnitedHealthcare members.
We grieve the passing of our dear friend and colleague and continue to work closely with law enforcement and their investigation of this horrific crime.
About UnitedHealth Group
UnitedHealth Group is a health care and well-being company with a mission to help people live healthier lives and help make the health system work better for everyone through two distinct and complementary businesses. Optum delivers care aided by technology and data, empowering people, partners and providers with the guidance and tools they need to achieve better health. UnitedHealthcare offers a full range of health benefits, enabling affordable coverage, simplifying the health care experience and delivering access to high-quality care. Visit UnitedHealth Group at and follow UnitedHealth Group on LinkedIn.
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Source: UnitedHealth Group