UL Solutions Seeks to Advance Confidence in Artificial Intelligence Technology by Launching Groundbreaking Rating Program

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UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS) has launched the AI Model Transparency Benchmark, a groundbreaking rating program for devices incorporating artificial intelligence. This initiative aims to address concerns about AI reliability, security, and ethical implications, promoting responsible AI development. The program assesses AI model transparency by examining key areas such as data management, model development, security, deployment, and ethical considerations.

The benchmark provides a clear rating of an AI system's transparency and trustworthiness, resulting in a marketing claim verification. Systems are scored from 0 to 100, with ratings ranging from 'not rated' (≤50) to Diamond (≥81). This standardized framework helps businesses and consumers make informed decisions about adopting and using AI-enabled products, potentially addressing the concerns reported by 52% of Americans according to the AI Index 2024 Annual Report by Stanford University.

UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS) ha lanciato il Benchmark della Trasparenza dei Modelli AI, un programma innovativo di valutazione per i dispositivi che integrano intelligenza artificiale. Questa iniziativa mira a rispondere alle preoccupazioni riguardo all'affidabilità, alla sicurezza e alle implicazioni etiche dell'IA, promuovendo uno sviluppo responsabile dell'IA. Il programma valuta la trasparenza dei modelli di IA esaminando aree chiave come la gestione dei dati, lo sviluppo del modello, la sicurezza, il deployment e le considerazioni etiche.

Il benchmark fornisce una valutazione chiara della trasparenza e dell'affidabilità di un sistema di IA, portando a una verifica delle affermazioni di marketing. I sistemi sono valutati da 0 a 100, con punteggi che vanno da 'non valutato' (≤50) a Diamante (≥81). Questo framework standardizzato aiuta aziende e consumatori a prendere decisioni informate riguardo all'adozione e all'uso di prodotti abilitati all'IA, affrontando potenzialmente le preoccupazioni espresse dal 52% degli americani secondo l'AI Index 2024 Annual Report della Stanford University.

UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS) ha lanzado el Benchmark de Transparencia de Modelos de IA, un programa de calificación innovador para dispositivos que incorporan inteligencia artificial. Esta iniciativa busca abordar las preocupaciones sobre la fiabilidad, la seguridad y las implicaciones éticas de la IA, promoviendo un desarrollo responsable de la IA. El programa evalúa la transparencia de los modelos de IA al examinar áreas clave como la gestión de datos, el desarrollo del modelo, la seguridad, la implementación y las consideraciones éticas.

El benchmark ofrece una calificación clara de la transparencia y la confianza de un sistema de IA, lo que lleva a una verificación de las afirmaciones de marketing. Los sistemas se puntúan de 0 a 100, con calificaciones que van desde 'no evaluado' (≤50) hasta Diamante (≥81). Este marco estandarizado ayuda a las empresas y a los consumidores a tomar decisiones informadas sobre la adopción y el uso de productos habilitados para IA, potencialmente abordando las inquietudes reportadas por el 52% de los estadounidenses según el AI Index 2024 Annual Report de la Universidad de Stanford.

UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS)는 인공지능을 통합한 장치에 대한 혁신적인 평가 프로그램인 AI 모델 투명성 벤치마크를 시작했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 AI의 신뢰성, 보안, 윤리적 의미에 대한 우려를 해결하고 책임감 있는 AI 개발을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 데이터 관리, 모델 개발, 보안, 배포 및 윤리적 고려사항과 같은 주요 영역을 검사하여 AI 모델의 투명성을 평가합니다.

벤치마크는 AI 시스템의 투명성과 신뢰도를 명확하게 평가하며, 마케팅 주장 검증 결과를 초래합니다. 시스템은 0에서 100까지 점수를 부여받으며, '평가되지 않음' (≤50)에서 다이아몬드 (≥81)까지의 등급이 있습니다. 이 표준화된 프레임워크는 기업과 소비자가 AI 지원 제품을 채택하고 사용하는 것에 대해 정보에 기반한 결정을 내리는 데 도움을 주며, 이는 스탠포드 대학교의 AI Index 2024 연례 보고서에 따르면 미국인의 52%가 우려하고 있는 사안을 다룰 수 있습니다.

UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS) a lancé le Benchmark de Transparence des Modèles d'IA, un programme d'évaluation novateur pour les dispositifs intégrant l'intelligence artificielle. Cette initiative vise à répondre aux préoccupations concernant la fiabilité, la sécurité et les implications éthiques de l'IA, en promouvant un développement responsable de l'IA. Le programme évalue la transparence des modèles d'IA en examinant des domaines clés tels que la gestion des données, le développement des modèles, la sécurité, le déploiement et les considérations éthiques.

Le benchmark offre une évaluation claire de la transparence et de la fiabilité d'un système d'IA, conduisant à une vérification des affirmations marketing. Les systèmes sont notés de 0 à 100, avec des évaluations allant de 'non noté' (≤50) à Diamant (≥81). Ce cadre standardisé aide les entreprises et les consommateurs à prendre des décisions éclairées concernant l'adoption et l'utilisation de produits activés par l'IA, abordant potentiellement les préoccupations exprimées par 52 % des Américains selon le rapport annuel AI Index 2024 de l'Université de Stanford.

UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS) hat den AI Model Transparency Benchmark ins Leben gerufen, ein bahnbrechendes Bewertungsprogramm für Geräte, die künstliche Intelligenz integrieren. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, Bedenken hinsichtlich der Zuverlässigkeit, Sicherheit und ethischen Implikationen von KI auszuräumen und verantwortungsvolle KI-Entwicklung zu fördern. Das Programm bewertet die Transparenz von KI-Modellen, indem es Schlüsselbereiche wie Datenmanagement, Modellentwicklung, Sicherheit, Bereitstellung und ethische Überlegungen untersucht.

Der Benchmark bietet eine klare Bewertung der Transparenz und Vertrauenswürdigkeit eines KI-Systems, was zu einer Überprüfung von Marketingbehauptungen führt. Systeme werden von 0 bis 100 bewertet, wobei die Bewertungen von 'nicht bewertet' (≤50) bis Diamant (≥81) reichen. Dieser standardisierte Rahmen hilft Unternehmen und Verbrauchern, informierte Entscheidungen über die Annahme und Nutzung von KI-fähigen Produkten zu treffen, und könnte potenziell die Bedenken ansprechen, die laut dem AI Index 2024 Annual Report der Stanford University von 52 % der Amerikaner geäußert werden.

  • Launch of AI Model Transparency Benchmark to address AI reliability and ethical concerns
  • Potential to build consumer trust in AI-enabled products through standardized rating system
  • Marketing claim verification for AI transparency, allowing use of UL Verified Mark on qualifying products
  • 52% of Americans report feeling more concerned than excited about AI, indicating potential market challenges


UL Solutions' new AI Model Transparency Benchmark is a significant development in the AI industry. It addresses critical concerns about AI reliability, security and ethics, which have been major hurdles in widespread AI adoption. The program's scoring system, ranging from "not rated" to "Diamond," provides a clear, objective measure of AI system transparency.

This initiative could have far-reaching implications for both AI developers and consumers. For developers, it sets a new standard for AI transparency and could drive improvements in AI system design and documentation. For consumers, it offers a simple way to assess the trustworthiness of AI-enabled products, potentially boosting confidence in AI technology.

However, the impact on UL Solutions' business may be in the short term. While this program positions the company as a leader in AI certification, it's unclear how quickly it will be adopted by manufacturers or recognized by consumers. The long-term potential is significant if the benchmark becomes an industry standard, but this will depend on market acceptance and regulatory developments in AI governance.

The launch of UL Solutions' AI Model Transparency Benchmark aligns with growing market demand for AI accountability. With 52% of Americans expressing more concern than excitement about AI, there's a clear need for tools that build trust in AI technologies.

This program could create a new revenue stream for UL Solutions, potentially attracting AI-focused clients and expanding its market share in the rapidly growing AI sector. However, the impact on the company's stock may be in the short term, as the program's success will depend on industry adoption and consumer awareness.

Investors should monitor the uptake of this benchmark by major AI developers and any partnerships or endorsements from tech giants, which could significantly boost its credibility and UL Solutions' market position. The long-term potential is substantial if the benchmark becomes an industry standard, but it's too early to predict its impact on UL Solutions' financial performance.

UL Solutions now provides a standardized rating program for devices incorporating artificial intelligence, helping businesses and consumers make informed decisions about adopting and using these products.

NORTHBROOK, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS), a global leader in applied safety science, today announced a new program that seeks to address rising concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) reliability, security and ethical implications, promoting responsible AI development.

UL Solutions has launched its AI Model Transparency Benchmark and AI Model Transparency marketing claim verification, helping to address rising concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) reliability, security and ethical implications, promoting responsible AI development. (Photo: Business Wire)

UL Solutions has launched its AI Model Transparency Benchmark and AI Model Transparency marketing claim verification, helping to address rising concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) reliability, security and ethical implications, promoting responsible AI development. (Photo: Business Wire)

AI systems are software programmed to learn and make decisions based on data and previous actions. The systems use data and instructions to create text, predictions and other suggestions. The new UL Solutions program, the AI Model Transparency Benchmark, assesses AI model transparency, which is the ability to understand how an AI system makes decisions and produces specific results.

By examining key areas such as data management, model development, security, deployment and ethical considerations, the benchmark provides a clear and objective rating of an AI system’s transparency and trustworthiness that results in a marketing claim verification. A UL Verified Mark for AI Model Transparency may be displayed on products achieving a rating.

“AI has the potential to revolutionize businesses and society, but only if developed and deployed responsibly,” said Dr. Robert Slone, chief scientist at UL Solutions. “The AI Model Transparency Benchmark is a critical tool for verifying that AI systems are built with integrity, privacy and accountability in mind.”

Electronic products enhanced by AI systems can offer consumers significant ease-of-use benefits. However, while the integration of AI into consumer products is on the rise, for AI to reach its true potential, consumers must have confidence that these devices securely perform as promised. Based on the AI Index 2024 Annual Report by Stanford University,1 52% of Americans report feeling more concerned than excited about AI.

The AI Model Transparency Benchmark is used to verify marketing claims so that manufacturers can build trust with consumers considering AI-enabled products.

Systems are awarded a score between 0 and 100 points, with higher scores indicating greater transparency. A score of 50 or less is considered “not rated,” indicating significant transparency issues. Scores between 51 and 60 are rated as Silver, reflecting moderate transparency. Scores between 61 and 70 are rated as Gold, indicating high transparency. Scores between 71 and 80 are rated as Platinum, reflecting very high transparency. Scores of 81 and above are rated as Diamond, indicating exceptional transparency.

“As a global leader in safety science, testing and inspection, we have significant experience in helping manufacturers confidently bring innovative products to market and building consumer trust in new technologies,” said Slone. “The AI Model Transparency Benchmark provides a standardized framework and rating system for evaluating AI systems, which can help businesses and consumers make informed decisions about adopting and using AI.”

1Measuring Trends in AI, Stanford University, 2024.

About UL Solutions

A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 110 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Mark serves as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflects an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

Source: UL Solutions Inc.

Source Code: ULS-IR

Tyler Khan

UL Solutions

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UL Solutions

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Source: UL Solutions Inc


What is the AI Model Transparency Benchmark launched by UL Solutions (ULS)?

The AI Model Transparency Benchmark is a rating program that assesses AI model transparency by examining data management, model development, security, deployment, and ethical considerations. It provides a score between 0-100, with ratings from 'not rated' to Diamond, to help businesses and consumers make informed decisions about AI-enabled products.

How does UL Solutions (ULS) rate AI systems in their new transparency benchmark?

UL Solutions rates AI systems on a scale of 0-100. Scores ≤50 are 'not rated', 51-60 are Silver, 61-70 are Gold, 71-80 are Platinum, and ≥81 are Diamond. Higher scores indicate greater transparency and trustworthiness of the AI system.

What market need is UL Solutions (ULS) addressing with their AI Model Transparency Benchmark?

UL Solutions is addressing rising concerns about AI reliability, security, and ethical implications. According to the AI Index 2024 Annual Report, 52% of Americans feel more concerned than excited about AI. The benchmark aims to promote responsible AI development and build consumer trust in AI-enabled products.

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