UL Solutions Expands Smoke Detection Sensitivity Testing to Help Manufacturers Expedite Research and Development in China and East Asia

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UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) has expanded its smoke detection device sensitivity testing to its Suzhou, China laboratory. This expansion enhances in-region accessibility to testing and efficiency in product research and development, addressing new certification requirements that can help advance fire safety. The facility can now test smoke detection devices according to various sensitivity test requirements of UL 268 and UL 217 standards.

These standards were updated to help mitigate cooking nuisance alarms while addressing smoke from fires in modern environments. The expansion supports UL Solutions' mission of working for a safer world and helps global customers innovate with confidence. It provides a pathway for manufacturers to demonstrate initial product performance regarding smoke sensitivity response, a critical aspect of technology application and product development.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) ha ampliato i test di sensibilità per i dispositivi di rilevazione fumi nel suo laboratorio a Suzhou, Cina. Questa espansione migliora l'accessibilità ai test e l'efficienza nella ricerca e sviluppo dei prodotti, rispondendo a nuove esigenze di certificazione che possono contribuire a migliorare la sicurezza antincendio. Ora la struttura può testare i dispositivi di rilevazione fumi secondo i vari requisiti di test di sensibilità degli standard UL 268 e UL 217.

Questi standard sono stati aggiornati per aiutare a mitigare gli allarmi fastidiosi da cottura, affrontando al contempo il fumo degli incendi negli ambienti moderni. L'espansione supporta la missione di UL Solutions di lavorare per un mondo più sicuro e aiuta i clienti globali a innovare con fiducia. Fornisce un percorso per i produttori per dimostrare le prestazioni iniziali del prodotto riguardo alla risposta alla sensibilità al fumo, un aspetto critico dell'applicazione della tecnologia e dello sviluppo del prodotto.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) ha ampliado sus pruebas de sensibilidad para dispositivos de detección de humo en su laboratorio de Suzhou, China. Esta expansión mejora el acceso a pruebas en la región y la eficiencia en la investigación y desarrollo de productos, abordando nuevos requisitos de certificación que pueden ayudar a avanzar en la seguridad contra incendios. La instalación ahora puede probar dispositivos de detección de humo de acuerdo con varios requisitos de prueba de sensibilidad de los estándares UL 268 y UL 217.

Estos estándares se actualizaron para ayudar a mitigar las alarmas molestas al cocinar, al tiempo que se ocupa del humo de incendios en entornos modernos. La expansión apoya la misión de UL Solutions de trabajar por un mundo más seguro y ayuda a los clientes globales a innovar con confianza. Proporciona un camino para que los fabricantes demuestren el rendimiento inicial del producto respecto a la respuesta de sensibilidad al humo, un aspecto crítico de la aplicación tecnológica y el desarrollo del producto.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS)는 중국 쑤저우에 있는 실험실에서 연기 감지 장치의 민감도 테스트를 확장했습니다. 이 확장은 지역 내 테스트 접근성과 제품 연구 개발의 효율성을 높이며, 화재 안전을 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 새로운 인증 요구 사항을 다룹니다. 이제 이 시설은 UL 268UL 217 기준에 따른 다양한 민감도 테스트 요구 사항에 따라 연기 감지 장치를 테스트할 수 있습니다.

이 기준은 현대 환경에서의 화재로 인한 연기를 다루면서 요리 중 발생하는 불필요한 알람을 완화하기 위해 업데이트되었습니다. 이번 확장은 UL Solutions의 더 안전한 세상을 위한 사명을 지원하며, 전 세계 고객이 자신감을 가지고 혁신할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 이는 제조업체들이 연기 감도 반응에 대한 초기 제품 성능을 입증할 수 있는 경로를 제공합니다. 이는 기술 적용 및 제품 개발의 중요한 측면입니다.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) a élargi les tests de sensibilité de ses dispositifs de détection de fumée dans son laboratoire à Suzhou, en Chine. Cette expansion améliore l'accessibilité régionale aux tests et l'efficacité en recherche et développement de produits, répondant à de nouvelles exigences de certification qui peuvent aider à promouvoir la sécurité incendie. L'établissement peut désormais tester les dispositifs de détection de fumée selon divers critères de test de sensibilité des normes UL 268 et UL 217.

Ces normes ont été mises à jour pour aider à atténuer les alarmes dérangeantes lors de la cuisine tout en s'occupant de la fumée provenant des incendies dans des environnements modernes. L'expansion soutient la mission d'UL Solutions de travailler pour un monde plus sûr et aide les clients mondiaux à innover en toute confiance. Elle offre un chemin aux fabricants pour démontrer la performance initiale des produits en ce qui concerne la réponse à la sensibilité à la fumée, un aspect crucial de l'application technologique et du développement de produits.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) hat die Empfindlichkeitstests für Rauchmelder erweitert, die im Labor in Suzhou, China, durchgeführt werden. Diese Erweiterung verbessert den regionalen Zugang zu Tests und die Effizienz in der Produktforschung und -entwicklung und erfüllt neue Zertifizierungsanforderungen, die zur Verbesserung des Brandschutzes beitragen können. Die Einrichtung kann jetzt Rauchmelder gemäß den verschiedenen Anforderungen der Empfindlichkeitstests der Standards UL 268 und UL 217 testen.

Diese Standards wurden aktualisiert, um lästige Alarmmeldungen beim Kochen zu mildern und gleichzeitig Rauch von Bränden in modernen Umgebungen zu berücksichtigen. Die Erweiterung unterstützt die Mission von UL Solutions, für eine sicherere Welt zu arbeiten, und hilft globalen Kunden, mit Vertrauen zu innovieren. Sie bietet Herstellern einen Weg, um die anfängliche Produktleistung in Bezug auf die Reaktion auf Rauchempfindlichkeit nachzuweisen, ein kritischer Aspekt der Technologieanwendung und der Produktentwicklung.

  • Expansion of smoke detection device sensitivity testing to Suzhou, China laboratory
  • Enhanced accessibility to testing and efficiency in product R&D for manufacturers in China and East Asia
  • Ability to test devices according to updated UL 268 and UL 217 standards
  • Support for manufacturers in addressing new certification requirements
  • Potential for expedited research and development while prioritizing safety
  • None.


The expansion of UL Solutions' smoke detection sensitivity testing to Suzhou, China, is a significant development for the fire safety industry in East Asia. This move addresses the evolving needs of manufacturers in response to updated UL 268 and UL 217 standards, which aim to reduce cooking nuisance alarms while maintaining effective fire detection.

The new testing capabilities in Suzhou will likely accelerate product development cycles for local manufacturers, potentially leading to faster market entry for innovative smoke detection technologies. This is particularly important given that China and East Asia are major suppliers of smoke alarms and detectors for North American and other global markets.

By providing in-region testing, UL Solutions is helping manufacturers adapt to new certification requirements more efficiently. This could result in a new generation of smoke detectors that are better at distinguishing between actual fire threats and cooking smoke, ultimately improving both user experience and fire safety in homes and commercial buildings.

While this development is positive for the industry and consumers, it's important to note that the true impact on fire safety will depend on how quickly manufacturers can innovate and bring improved products to market. The expansion of testing capabilities is a facilitator, but the real benefits will be realized when new, more sophisticated smoke detection devices become widely available and adopted.

UL Solutions' expansion of smoke detection sensitivity testing to Suzhou is a strategic move that could significantly impact the company's market position in the Asia-Pacific region. With China and East Asia being major manufacturing hubs for smoke detection devices, this localization of testing services addresses a critical need in the market.

The timing aligns well with the implementation of new UL standards, potentially giving UL Solutions a competitive edge in capturing market share as manufacturers rush to comply with updated regulations. This move could lead to increased revenue streams from testing services and potentially strengthen UL Solutions' relationships with key manufacturers in the region.

For investors, this expansion signals UL Solutions' commitment to growth in high-potential markets and its ability to adapt to regulatory changes. The company's proactive approach in facilitating innovation and compliance could translate to sustained long-term growth, especially if it can establish itself as the go-to testing partner for smoke detection manufacturers in East Asia.

However, investors should also consider potential risks, such as increased competition from local testing services or possible geopolitical tensions affecting international trade. Overall, this move appears to be a positive step for UL Solutions, potentially enhancing its global market position and long-term financial prospects in the fire safety certification sector.

UL Solutions helps smoke detector and smoke alarm manufacturers in China and East Asia by testing innovative technologies that can help advance fire safety as new requirements take effect.

SUZHOU, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS), a global leader in applied safety science, today announced it has expanded its smoke detection device sensitivity testing to its Suzhou, China, laboratory, enhancing in-region accessibility to testing and efficiency in product research and development, and helping address new certification requirements that can help advance fire safety.

At the Suzhou facility, UL Solutions can now test smoke detection devices according to various sensitivity test requirements of UL 268, the Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, and UL 217, the Standard for Smoke Alarms. The UL 268 and UL 217 Standards were updated to help mitigate cooking nuisance alarms while also addressing the smoke from fires originating in today’s home and commercial environments. These changes in standards necessitated new technologies in modern smoke alarms and detectors.

“It is essential to have correctly installed and functioning smoke alarms or detectors where we live, work, learn and play,” said Karine Johnfroe, vice president and general manager of the Built Environment group at UL Solutions. “Our investment in expanding smoke detection device testing in China supports our mission of working for a safer world and helps our global customers innovate with confidence.”

Dwayne Sloan, technical director of the Built Environment group at UL Solutions, said, “Nuisance alarms, commonly caused by cooking, can sometimes result in consumers removing the battery, creating considerable fire safety risks in the event of an actual fire. The fire science community found ways to help address this challenge through new testing and certification requirements. Manufacturers are responding to these Standards changes with innovations to address nuisance alarms that are now incorporated into new smoke detection products. With our newly expanded smoke detection device sensitivity testing capabilites, UL Solutions can now assess these innovative technologies in Suzhou.”

The new testing capabilities help smoke alarm and smoke detector manufacturers expedite research and development while prioritizing safety and mitigating nuisance alarms. By expanding its testing in Suzhou, UL Solutions provides a pathway for manufacturers to demonstrate initial product performance regarding smoke sensitivity response, which is a critical aspect of technology application and product development.

Smoke detection manufacturers in China and East Asia supply a significant portion of smoke alarms and detectors sold in North America and other markets. Suzhou is now the second location globally where UL Solutions offers smoke detection sensitivity testing. UL Solutions conducts testing and certification of smoke detection devices at its headquarters in Northbrook, Illinois, United States.

Learn more about UL Solutions smoke detection device testing.

About UL Solutions

A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 110 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Mark serves as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflects an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

Tyler Khan

UL Solutions

T: +1 (847) 664.2139

Steven Brewster

UL Solutions

T: +1 (847) 664.8425

Source: UL Solutions


What new testing capabilities has UL Solutions (ULS) added to its Suzhou, China laboratory?

UL Solutions has expanded its smoke detection device sensitivity testing capabilities to its Suzhou, China laboratory, allowing testing according to UL 268 and UL 217 standards.

How does the expansion of UL Solutions' (ULS) testing in Suzhou benefit smoke detector manufacturers?

The expansion enhances in-region accessibility to testing, improves efficiency in product research and development, and helps manufacturers address new certification requirements that can advance fire safety.

What specific standards can UL Solutions (ULS) now test for in its Suzhou facility?

UL Solutions can now test smoke detection devices according to various sensitivity test requirements of UL 268 (Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems) and UL 217 (Standard for Smoke Alarms) in Suzhou.

Why were the UL 268 and UL 217 standards updated, according to UL Solutions (ULS)?

The standards were updated to help mitigate cooking nuisance alarms while also addressing the smoke from fires originating in today's home and commercial environments.

UL Solutions Inc.


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