UL Solutions Debuts Portable Generator Laboratory in North America, Helping Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) has opened a new portable generator testing laboratory in Toronto to help manufacturers create safer products and prevent carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. The lab tests generators for CO emissions and shutoff technology, adhering to UL 2201 standards. This initiative addresses safety concerns, as the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports an average of 92 deaths annually linked to portable generators.

To achieve certification, generators must limit CO emissions and have sensors to shut off if high CO levels are detected. Consumers can identify UL Certified models by looking for the UL Certification Mark and checking the UL Product iQ® database. This new facility aims to enhance consumer safety during power outages, wildfires, and natural disasters when portable generators are commonly used.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) ha aperto un nuovo laboratorio di test per generatori portatili a Toronto, con l'obiettivo di aiutare i produttori a creare prodotti più sicuri e prevenire il avvelenamento da monossido di carbonio (CO). Il laboratorio testa i generatori per le emissioni di CO e la tecnologia di spegnimento, rispettando gli standard UL 2201. Questa iniziativa affronta le preoccupazioni relative alla sicurezza, poiché la Commissione per la Sicurezza dei Prodotti dei Consumatori degli Stati Uniti segnala una media di 92 decessi all'anno collegati ai generatori portatili.

Per ottenere la certificazione, i generatori devono limitare le emissioni di CO e avere sensori per spegnersi in caso di rilevamento di alti livelli di CO. I consumatori possono identificare i modelli Certificati UL cercando il Marchio di Certificazione UL e controllando il database UL Product iQ®. Questa nuova struttura mira a migliorare la sicurezza dei consumatori durante interruzioni di corrente, incendi boschivi e disastri naturali, momenti in cui i generatori portatili sono comunemente utilizzati.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) ha abierto un nuevo laboratorio de pruebas para generadores portátiles en Toronto con el propósito de ayudar a los fabricantes a crear productos más seguros y prevenir el envenenamiento por monóxido de carbono (CO). El laboratorio prueba generadores por sus emisiones de CO y tecnología de apagado, cumpliendo con los estándares UL 2201. Esta iniciativa aborda las preocupaciones de seguridad, ya que la Comisión de Seguridad de Productos del Consumidor de EE. UU. informa un promedio de 92 muertes anuales vinculadas a generadores portátiles.

Para obtener la certificación, los generadores deben limitar las emisiones de CO y tener sensores que los apaguen si se detectan altos niveles de CO. Los consumidores pueden identificar modelos Certificados UL buscando el Marcado de Certificación UL y consultando la base de datos UL Product iQ®. Esta nueva instalación tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad del consumidor durante cortes de energía, incendios forestales y desastres naturales, momentos en los que los generadores portátiles son comúnmente utilizados.

UL 솔루션 (NYSE: ULS)은 토론토에 포터블 발전기 테스트 실험실을 새로 개설하여 제조업체가 더 안전한 제품을 만들고 일산화탄소(CO) 중독을 예방할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 이 실험실은 CO 배출량 및 차단 기술을 테스트하며, UL 2201 기준을 준수합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 안전 문제를 다루고 있으며, 미국 소비자 제품 안전위원회는 포터블 발전기와 관련된 평균 연간 92명의 사망자를 보고하고 있습니다.

인증을 받기 위해, 발전기는 CO 배출량을 제한하고 높은 CO 수치가 감지되면 자동으로 차단하는 센서를 갖추어야 합니다. 소비자는 UL 인증 마크를 찾아 UL 인증 모델을 식별할 수 있으며, UL Product iQ® 데이터베이스를 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 새로운 시설은 전력 중단, 산불 및 자연 재해 발생 시 일반적으로 사용되는 포터블 발전기 사용 중 소비자 안전을 향상시키기 위함입니다.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) a ouvert un nouveau laboratoire d'essai pour générateurs portables à Toronto afin d'aider les fabricants à créer des produits plus sûrs et à prévenir les intoxications au monoxyde de carbone (CO). Le laboratoire teste les générateurs pour les émissions de CO et la technologie d'arrêt, en respectant les normes UL 2201. Cette initiative répond aux préoccupations de sécurité, car la Commission de la sécurité des produits de consommation des États-Unis rapporte en moyenne 92 décès par an liés aux générateurs portables.

Pour obtenir la certification, les générateurs doivent limiter les émissions de CO et disposer de capteurs pour s'éteindre en cas de détection de niveaux élevés de CO. Les consommateurs peuvent identifier les modèles certifiés UL en recherchant le Marque de Certification UL et en consultant la base de données UL Product iQ®. Cette nouvelle installation vise à améliorer la sécurité des consommateurs lors des pannes de courant, des incendies de forêt et des catastrophes naturelles, périodes durant lesquelles les générateurs portables sont couramment utilisés.

UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) hat ein neues Testlabor für tragbare Generatoren in Toronto eröffnet, um Herstellern zu helfen, sicherere Produkte zu entwickeln und Kohlenmonoxid-Vergiftungen (CO) zu verhindern. Das Labor testet Generatoren auf CO-Emissionen und Abschaltungstechnologie und erfüllt die UL 2201 Standards. Diese Initiative adressiert Sicherheitsbedenken, da die US-Verbraucherschutzbehörde durchschnittlich 92 Todesfälle jährlich im Zusammenhang mit tragbaren Generatoren meldet.

Um die Zertifizierung zu erhalten, müssen Generatoren die CO-Emissionen begrenzen und Sensoren haben, die sich abschalten, wenn hohe CO-Werte erkannt werden. Verbraucher können UL-zertifizierte Modelle identifizieren, indem sie nach dem UL-Zertifizierungszeichen suchen und die UL Product iQ®-Datenbank überprüfen. Dieses neue Facility zielt darauf ab, die Verbrauchersicherheit während Stromausfällen, Waldbränden und Naturkatastrophen zu verbessern, wenn tragbare Generatoren häufig verwendet werden.

  • Opening of new portable generator testing laboratory in Toronto
  • Ability to test for carbon monoxide emissions and shutoff technology
  • Potential to reduce carbon monoxide poisoning incidents related to portable generators
  • Expansion of UL Solutions' testing capabilities in North America
  • None.


The opening of UL Solutions' new portable generator testing laboratory in Toronto marks a significant step towards enhancing consumer safety. This facility will test generators for CO emissions and shutoff technology, addressing a critical safety issue that claims an average of 92 lives annually in the U.S. alone.

The lab's focus on UL 2201 certification is crucial. This standard requires generators to limit CO emissions and include automatic shutoff sensors, potentially reducing fatalities from misuse. For investors, this development could lead to:

  • Increased demand for UL Solutions' testing services from generator manufacturers
  • Potential regulatory changes favoring certified products, boosting UL's market position
  • Enhanced reputation and brand value in the safety certification sector

While the immediate financial impact may be , the long-term implications for UL Solutions' growth in the safety testing market are positive, especially as awareness of CO risks grows.

UL Solutions can now test portable generators for carbon monoxide emissions and shutoff technology for additional consumer protection against carbon monoxide poisoning.

NORTHBROOK, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS), a global leader in applied safety science, today announced it opened a new portable generator testing laboratory at the company’s multiple laboratory complex in Toronto to help global manufacturers bring safer portable generators to the market and help prevent carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning of humans and pets.

UL Solutions has opened a new portable generator testing laboratory at the company’s multiple laboratory complex in Toronto to help global manufacturers bring safer portable generators to the market and help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning of humans and pets. (Photo: Business Wire)

UL Solutions has opened a new portable generator testing laboratory at the company’s multiple laboratory complex in Toronto to help global manufacturers bring safer portable generators to the market and help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning of humans and pets. (Photo: Business Wire)

Every year, people and pets die in incidents related to portable generator use. For example, most of the incidents associated with portable generators that were reported to the United States (U.S.) Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) involved CO poisoning from generators used indoors or in partially enclosed spaces, which can pose safety risks. According to a CPSC report, “Non-Fire Carbon Monoxide Deaths Associated with the Use of Consumer Products 2020 Annual Estimates,” on average, more than 200 consumers die in the U.S. each year from CO poisoning related to consumer products; about 92 of those deaths are linked to portable generators.

“Portable generators are essential in keeping appliances and other critical items running during power outages and related events such as wildfires, severe weather and natural disasters. However, portable generators can also present risks if not used in the correct environment, and it’s important for consumers to take precautions and follow safety instructions,” said David Lefebvre, regional director of Canada at UL Solutions. “With our new portable generator testing capabilities, UL Solutions is helping address potentially unsafe levels of carbon monoxide that can result from the misuse of portable generators.”

UL Solutions tests portable generators to UL 2201, the Standard for Carbon Monoxide (CO) Emission Rate of Portable Generators. In order to achieve certification, a portable generator must limit the active CO emissions produced while its engine is running and be equipped with a sensor that will shut the unit off if it detects a high output or accumulation of CO.

Consumers can identify UL Certified portable generator models in the marketplace by looking for the UL Certification Mark on the product. All portable generator models certified by UL Solutions are listed in the UL Product iQ® certification database at

Visit to learn more about UL Solutions portable generator safety testing and certification.

About UL Solutions

A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 110 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Mark serves as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflects an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

Tyler Khan

UL Solutions

T: +1 (847) 664.2139

Steven Brewster

UL Solutions

T: +1 (847) 664.8425

Source: UL Solutions


What is the purpose of UL Solutions' new portable generator laboratory in Toronto?

The new laboratory is designed to test portable generators for carbon monoxide emissions and shutoff technology, helping manufacturers create safer products and prevent carbon monoxide poisoning incidents.

How many deaths are linked to portable generators annually in the US, according to the CPSC?

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, an average of 92 deaths annually are linked to portable generators due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

What standard does UL Solutions use to test portable generators?

UL Solutions tests portable generators to UL 2201, the Standard for Carbon Monoxide (CO) Emission Rate of Portable Generators.

How can consumers identify UL Certified portable generator models?

Consumers can identify UL Certified portable generator models by looking for the UL Certification Mark on the product and checking the UL Product iQ® certification database at

UL Solutions Inc.


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