UL Solutions and Eyesafe Join Forces to Advance Blue Light and Privacy Screen Protector Performance

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UL Solutions and Eyesafe have launched a new program to verify the efficacy of blue light and screen protection products for electronic devices. This UL Marketing Claim Verification program uses Eyesafe Screen Accessories 2.1 criteria to assess product performance, providing consumers with objective information about blue light reduction and color integrity.

The program measures peak filtration at 435-440 nanometers and evaluates blue light toxicity reduction, correlated color temperature shift, and luminance reduction. Verified products receive a Radiance Protection Factor (RPF), ranging from 20 to 80, similar to SPF for sunscreen. Higher RPF indicates greater blue light protection.

Upon verification, brands can use the UL Eyesafe Verified Mark on their products and marketing materials, offering transparency and credibility to consumers concerned about visual discomfort and sleep disruption due to increased screen time.

UL Solutions e Eyesafe hanno lanciato un nuovo programma per verificare l'efficacia dei prodotti di protezione dalla luce blu e dallo schermo per dispositivi elettronici. Questo programma di verifica delle affermazioni di marketing UL utilizza i criteri Eyesafe Screen Accessories 2.1 per valutare le prestazioni dei prodotti, fornendo ai consumatori informazioni oggettive sulla riduzione della luce blu e sull'integrità del colore.

Il programma misura il picco di filtrazione a 435-440 nanometri e valuta la riduzione della tossicità della luce blu, lo spostamento della temperatura di colore correlato e la riduzione della luminanza. I prodotti verificati ricevono un Fattore di Protezione della Radianza (RPF), che varia da 20 a 80, simile all'SPF per i solari. Un RPF più alto indica una maggiore protezione dalla luce blu.

Una volta verificati, i marchi possono utilizzare il marchio verificato UL Eyesafe sui loro prodotti e materiali di marketing, offrendo trasparenza e credibilità ai consumatori preoccupati per il disagio visivo e le interruzioni del sonno a causa dell'aumento del tempo di schermo.

UL Solutions y Eyesafe han lanzado un nuevo programa para verificar la eficacia de los productos de protección contra la luz azul y de pantalla para dispositivos electrónicos. Este programa de verificación de reclamos de marketing de UL utiliza los criterios Eyesafe Screen Accessories 2.1 para evaluar el rendimiento del producto, proporcionando a los consumidores información objetiva sobre la reducción de la luz azul y la integridad del color.

El programa mide la filtración máxima a 435-440 nanómetros y evalúa la reducción de la toxicidad de la luz azul, el cambio de temperatura de color correlacionado y la reducción de luminancia. Los productos verificados reciben un Factor de Protección de Radianza (RPF), que varía de 20 a 80, similar al SPF para protector solar. Un RPF más alto indica una mayor protección contra la luz azul.

Una vez verificados, las marcas pueden utilizar el Marca Verificada UL Eyesafe en sus productos y materiales de marketing, ofreciendo transparencia y credibilidad a los consumidores preocupados por el malestar visual y la interrupción del sueño debido al aumento del tiempo de pantalla.

UL 솔루션Eyesafe가 전자 기기를 위한 블루 라이트 및 화면 보호 제품의 효능을 검증하는 새로운 프로그램을 출범했습니다. 이 UL 마케팅 주장 검증 프로그램Eyesafe 스크린 액세서리 2.1 기준을 사용하여 제품 성능을 평가하고, 소비자에게 블루 라이트 감소와 색상 무결성에 대한 객관적인 정보를 제공합니다.

이 프로그램은 435-440 나노미터에서의 최대 필터링을 측정하고, 블루 라이트 독성 감소, 색온도 변화 및 휘도 감소를 평가합니다. 검증된 제품은 20에서 80까지의 범위를 가진 방사 보호 계수 (RPF)를 받으며, 이는 자외선 차단제의 SPF와 유사합니다. 더 높은 RPF는 더 큰 블루 라이트 보호를 나타냅니다.

검증을 받은 브랜드는 제품 및 마케팅 자료에 UL Eyesafe 인증 마크를 사용할 수 있어, 화면 시간 증가로 인한 시각적 불편 및 수면 방해에 대해 우려하는 소비자에게 투명성과 신뢰성을 제공합니다.

UL Solutions et Eyesafe ont lancé un nouveau programme pour vérifier l'efficacité des produits de protection contre la lumière bleue et d'écran pour les appareils électroniques. Ce programme de vérification des allégations de marketing UL utilise les critères Eyesafe Screen Accessories 2.1 pour évaluer les performances des produits, fournissant aux consommateurs des informations objectives sur la réduction de la lumière bleue et l'intégrité des couleurs.

Le programme mesure la filtration maximale à 435-440 nanomètres et évalue la réduction de la toxicité de la lumière bleue, le décalage de température de couleur corrélé et la réduction de luminance. Les produits vérifiés reçoivent un Facteur de Protection de Radiance (RPF), variant de 20 à 80, similaire à l'SPF pour la crème solaire. Un RPF plus élevé indique une meilleure protection contre la lumière bleue.

Une fois vérifiés, les marques peuvent utiliser le marque vérifiée UL Eyesafe sur leurs produits et supports marketing, offrant transparence et crédibilité aux consommateurs préoccupés par l'inconfort visuel et les perturbations du sommeil dues à une augmentation du temps d'écran.

UL Solutions und Eyesafe haben ein neues Programm gestartet, um die Wirksamkeit von Produkten zum Schutz vor blauem Licht und Bildschirm für elektronische Geräte zu überprüfen. Dieses UL Marketing Claim Verification-Programm verwendet die Eyesafe Screen Accessories 2.1 Kriterien, um die Produktleistung zu bewerten und bietet den Verbrauchern objektive Informationen über die Reduktion von blauem Licht und die Farbtreue.

Das Programm misst die Spitzenfilterung bei 435-440 Nanometern und bewertet die Reduzierung der Bluelight-Toxizität, den Zusammenhang der Farbtemperaturverschiebung und die Reduzierung der Helligkeit. Verifizierte Produkte erhalten einen Radiance Protection Factor (RPF), der von 20 bis 80 reicht, ähnlich wie SPF für Sonnencreme. Ein höherer RPF zeigt einen besseren Schutz vor blauem Licht an.

Nach der Verifizierung können Marken das UL Eyesafe Verifiziertes Zeichen auf ihren Produkten und Marketingmaterialien verwenden, was Transparenz und Glaubwürdigkeit für Verbraucher bietet, die sich um visuelle Unannehmlichkeiten und Schlafstörungen durch längere Bildschirmzeiten sorgen.

  • Launch of a new verification program for blue light and screen protection products
  • Collaboration between UL Solutions and Eyesafe, industry leaders in safety science and blue light management
  • Objective, science-based protocol for evaluating product performance and marketing claims
  • Introduction of Radiance Protection Factor (RPF) scale for easy comparison of blue light protection levels
  • None.

Guided by the latest research and input from doctors, this Verification program helps consumers make informed choices about how to minimize the impact of blue light on eyes and sleep

NORTHBROOK, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science, and Eyesafe, an international authority in blue light management, today announced a new program that provides a way for consumers to compare the efficacy of blue light and screen protection products used on phones, tablets, monitors and other electronics.

UL Solutions tests products using an objective, science-based protocol and evaluates the validity of each claim. Products are sent to UL Solutions for verification. When a product’s marketing claim has been Verified, customers receive a UL Eyesafe Verified Mark with the Verified claim, a marketing toolkit, a unique identifier and a page on (Photo: Business Wire)

UL Solutions tests products using an objective, science-based protocol and evaluates the validity of each claim. Products are sent to UL Solutions for verification. When a product’s marketing claim has been Verified, customers receive a UL Eyesafe Verified Mark with the Verified claim, a marketing toolkit, a unique identifier and a page on (Photo: Business Wire)

The blue light screen protection market has expanded rapidly due to concerns about visual discomfort and sleep disruption. As screen time increases, so does exposure to blue light, driving demand for protection.

With products tested and their marketing claims verified by UL Solutions using Eyesafe® Screen Accessories 2.1 criteria, this new UL Marketing Claim Verification program will enable brands to communicate their product performance to consumers.

“Consumers are seeking an objective way to determine that a screen protector provides meaningful reduction of blue light while maintaining the display’s color integrity,” said Barry Yu, vice president and general manager of the Consumer, Medical and Information Technology group at UL Solutions. “The Marketing Claim Verification program from UL Solutions using the Eyesafe criteria supports this need, providing a basis for clear and rigorous assessment of product performance. It provides transparency in marketing claims and offers tangible proof that consumers can rely on.”

The UL Marketing Claim Verification program is available for blue light and privacy screen protection brands worldwide, with product marketing claims verified by UL Solutions using Eyesafe Screen Accessory Requirements 2.1.

Informed by eye care professionals and scientists providing a baseline for blue light filtration and color performance, Eyesafe Screen Accessory Requirements 2.1 measure peak filtration at 435-440 nanometers (nm), the wavelength identified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) as the range of blue light with the highest impact on the retina.1 In addition, products undergo evaluation for blue light toxicity reduction, correlated color temperature (CCT) shift and the amount of luminance reduction. The CCT and luminance metrics confirm that display colors remain vivid.

Upon verification, products are assigned a Radiance Protection Factor (RPF©) a metric that quantifies the amount of blue light protection a screen protector provides. The RPF scale ranges from RPF 20 to RPF 80, with higher numbers indicating greater blue light protection. It works similarly to SPF for sunscreen. The scale was developed by Eyesafe with input from doctors and healthcare leaders to offer a clear, standardized measure of blue light filtration to enhance consumer confidence and allow consumers to compare different products easily. UL Solutions will verify the RPF, which may be used for marketing purposes.

“People are becoming more aware of the ways that screen time and blue light can affect their health, from potential sleep disruption to visual discomfort,” said Dr. David Friess, the chair of the Eyesafe Vision Health Advisory Board. “There is a critical need for solutions that help consumers mitigate the potentially negative effects of excessive screen use. The new UL Marketing Claim Verification program helps brands communicate the performance of screen protectors regarding blue light and color performance.”

After Verification, brands will be able to use the UL Eyesafe Verified Mark on their products, packaging and marketing collateral to communicate their achievement.

About UL Solutions
A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 110 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Mark serves as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflects an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

1American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z80.3 and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines showing the most impactful portions of the blue light spectrum


Press contacts

Tyler Khan

UL Solutions

T: +1 (847) 664.2139

Steven Brewster

UL Solutions

T: +1 (847) 664.8425

Source: UL Solutions


What is the new UL Solutions and Eyesafe verification program for?

The new program verifies the efficacy of blue light and screen protection products used on phones, tablets, monitors, and other electronic devices, helping consumers make informed choices about minimizing the impact of blue light on eyes and sleep.

How does the Radiance Protection Factor (RPF) work in the UL Solutions and Eyesafe program?

The RPF scale ranges from 20 to 80, with higher numbers indicating greater blue light protection. It works similarly to SPF for sunscreen, providing a standardized measure of blue light filtration to enhance consumer confidence and allow easy product comparison.

What criteria does UL Solutions use to verify blue light protection claims?

UL Solutions uses Eyesafe Screen Accessories 2.1 criteria, which measure peak filtration at 435-440 nanometers and evaluate blue light toxicity reduction, correlated color temperature shift, and luminance reduction to ensure display colors remain vivid.

What can brands do after their products are verified by UL Solutions and Eyesafe?

After verification, brands can use the UL Eyesafe Verified Mark on their products, packaging, and marketing collateral to communicate their achievement and product performance regarding blue light and color performance.

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