MAB Kargo Selects Unisys Logistics Optimization™ to Help Revolutionize Air Cargo Efficiency

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Unisys (NYSE: UIS) announces that MAB Kargo, the air cargo division of Malaysia Aviation Group, has selected Unisys Logistics Optimization™ to enhance operational efficiency and capacity utilization. The solution aims to address challenges in the air cargo industry, such as underutilized space, missed revenue opportunities, and shipment damage. MAB Kargo CEO Mark Jason Thomas emphasizes that this investment will cement their position as an industry leader.

The Unisys solution is expected to help MAB Kargo:

  • Empower sales teams to proactively fill planes
  • Reduce ground handler labor costs
  • Limit claims and damages
  • Improve fuel efficiency
  • Minimize carbon footprint
Unisys Logistics Optimization leverages diverse computing methods and pre-trained AI models to optimize load utilization, routing, and inventory for air cargo operations.

Unisys (NYSE: UIS) annuncia che MAB Kargo, la divisione cargo aereo di Malaysia Aviation Group, ha scelto Unisys Logistics Optimization™ per migliorare l'efficienza operativa e l'utilizzo della capacità. La soluzione mira ad affrontare le sfide dell'industria del cargo aereo, come lo spazio sottoutilizzato, le opportunità di guadagno mancate e i danni alle spedizioni. Il CEO di MAB Kargo, Mark Jason Thomas, sottolinea che questo investimento consolidarà la loro posizione come leader di settore.

La soluzione Unisys è prevista per aiutare MAB Kargo a:

  • Consentire ai team di vendita di riempire proattivamente gli aerei
  • Ridurre i costi del lavoro dei gestori a terra
  • Limitare le rivendicazioni e i danni
  • Migliorare l'efficienza del carburante
  • Minimizzare l'impronta di carbonio
Unisys Logistics Optimization sfrutta diversi metodi di calcolo e modelli di intelligenza artificiale pre-addestrati per ottimizzare l'utilizzo del carico, il routing e l'inventario per le operazioni cargo aeree.

Unisys (NYSE: UIS) anuncia que MAB Kargo, la división de carga aérea del Malaysia Aviation Group, ha seleccionado Unisys Logistics Optimization™ para mejorar la eficiencia operativa y la utilización de la capacidad. La solución tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos en la industria de la carga aérea, como el espacio subutilizado, las oportunidades de ingresos perdidas y los daños en el envío. El CEO de MAB Kargo, Mark Jason Thomas, enfatiza que esta inversión consolidará su posición como líder en la industria.

Se espera que la solución de Unisys ayude a MAB Kargo a:

  • Permitir que los equipos de ventas llenen proactivamente aviones
  • Reducir los costos laborales de los manipuladores en tierra
  • Limitar las reclamaciones y los daños
  • Mejorar la eficiencia del combustible
  • Minimizar la huella de carbono
Unisys Logistics Optimization aprovecha diversos métodos de computación y modelos de IA preentrenados para optimizar la utilización de carga, la ruta y el inventario para operaciones de carga aérea.

유니시스 (NYSE: UIS)는 말레이시아 항공 그룹의 항공 화물 부문인 MAB 카르고가 운영 효율성과 용량 활용을 향상시키기 위해 Unisys Logistics Optimization™을 선택했다고 발표했습니다. 이 솔루션은 공항 화물 산업에서의 도전 과제인 공간의 미활용, 놓친 수익 기회 및 배송 손상을 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. MAB 카르고의 CEO인 마크 제이슨 토마스는 이 투자가 그들의 산업 리더로서의 입지를 강화할 것이라고 강조합니다.

유니시스 솔루션은 MAB 카르고가 다음을 달성하는 데 도움을 줄 것으로 예상됩니다:

  • 판매 팀이 항공기를 적극적으로 채울 수 있도록 지원
  • 지상 처리자의 노동 비용 절감
  • 청구 및 손상 제한
  • 연료 효율성 향상
  • 탄소 발자국 최소화
Unisys Logistics Optimization은 다양한 컴퓨팅 방법과 사전 훈련된 AI 모델을 활용하여 항공 화물 운영을 위한 적재 활용, 라우팅 및 재고를 최적화합니다.

Unisys (NYSE: UIS) annonce que MAB Kargo, la division de fret aérien de Malaysia Aviation Group, a choisi Unisys Logistics Optimization™ pour améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle et l'utilisation de la capacité. La solution vise à relever les défis de l'industrie du fret aérien, tels que l'espace sous-utilisé, les opportunités de revenus manquées et les dommages liés aux expéditions. Le PDG de MAB Kargo, Mark Jason Thomas, souligne que cet investissement consolidera leur position en tant que leader dans l'industrie.

La solution Unisys devrait aider MAB Kargo à :

  • Permettre aux équipes de vente de remplir proactivement les avions
  • Réduire les coûts de main-d'œuvre des manutentionnaires au sol
  • Limiter les demandes et les dommages
  • Améliorer l'efficacité énergétique
  • Minimiser l'empreinte carbone
Unisys Logistics Optimization utilise divers méthodes de calcul et des modèles d'IA pré-entraînés pour optimiser l'utilisation de la charge, la routage et l'inventaire pour les opérations de fret aérien.

Unisys (NYSE: UIS) gibt bekannt, dass MAB Kargo, die Luftfrachtabteilung der Malaysia Aviation Group, Unisys Logistics Optimization™ ausgewählt hat, um die Betriebseffizienz und die Kapazitätsnutzung zu verbessern. Die Lösung zielt darauf ab, Herausforderungen in der Luftfrachtbranche anzugehen, wie z.B. ungenutzter Raum, verpasste Einnahmechancen und Transportschäden. MAB Kargo CEO Mark Jason Thomas betont, dass diese Investition ihre Position als Branchenführer festigen wird.

Die Unisys-Lösung wird voraussichtlich MAB Kargo helfen:

  • Verkaufsteams zu ermächtigen, Flugzeuge proaktiv zu füllen
  • Die Arbeitskosten der Bodenabfertiger zu senken
  • Ansprüche und Schäden zu begrenzen
  • Die Kraftstoffeffizienz zu verbessern
  • Den CO2-Fußabdruck zu minimieren
Unisys Logistics Optimization nutzt verschiedene Rechenmethoden und vortrainierte KI-Modelle, um die Ladeauslastung, Routenführung und Bestände für die Luftfrachtoperationen zu optimieren.

  • MAB Kargo selects Unisys Logistics Optimization™ to enhance operational efficiency
  • Solution expected to drive additional revenue by optimizing plane capacity
  • Potential reduction in ground handler labor costs
  • Anticipated improvement in fuel efficiency and carbon footprint reduction
  • None.

The partnership between MAB Kargo and Unisys marks a significant leap in air cargo logistics optimization. Unisys' AI-driven solution addresses critical pain points in the industry, particularly capacity utilization and operational efficiency. This technology has the potential to revolutionize revenue management for MAB Kargo by enabling proactive sales strategies and optimizing load planning.

The solution's ability to replan in near-real-time is a game-changer, offering unprecedented agility in managing disruptions. This could lead to substantial cost savings in ground handler labor and reduce risks associated with non-compliance and damages. Moreover, the focus on fuel efficiency aligns with growing industry pressures for sustainability, potentially enhancing MAB Kargo's competitive edge in an environmentally conscious market.

This partnership has positive financial implications for both Unisys and MAB Kargo. For Unisys, it represents a strategic expansion in the lucrative air cargo optimization market, potentially boosting its revenue stream and market share. The deal could serve as a catalyst for future contracts in the aviation sector, enhancing Unisys' position in this niche.

For MAB Kargo, the investment in Unisys' technology is likely to yield significant returns. By optimizing capacity utilization and improving operational efficiency, MAB Kargo stands to increase its revenue per flight while simultaneously reducing operational costs. The potential for reduced claims and damages also translates to lower insurance costs and improved profitability. Investors should monitor the implementation's success, as it could set a new industry standard for logistics optimization.

BLUE BELL, Pa., Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Unisys (NYSE: UIS) announces that MAB Kargo, the air cargo division of Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG), selects Unisys and its logistics optimization solution to significantly enhance its operational efficiency, capacity utilization, and service delivery.

Like many in the air cargo industry, MAB Kargo faces challenges with time-consuming planning and loading processes that result in underutilized space on flights, missed revenue opportunities, and even damage to shipments. To meet its customers' demands globally in today's environment, MAB Kargo has chosen Unisys Logistics Optimization™.

MAB Kargo CEO Mark Jason Thomas praises the partnership, stating, "Investing in advanced technologies like Unisys Logistics Optimization will allow us to cement our position as an industry leader. The solution's ability to replan in near-real-time gives us the agility to manage disruptions and maximize our assets.

MAB Kargo chose Unisys Logistics Optimization solution to achieve the following:

  • Empower its sales team to proactively fill planes to drive additional revenue.
  • Reduce costs associated with ground handler labor.
  • Limit claims, damages, and the risk of non-compliance due to human error.
  • Improve fuel efficiency and minimize its carbon footprint.

The Unisys Logistics Optimization solution turns complex data into strategic insights by leveraging diverse computing methods and pre-trained AI models to optimize load utilization, routing and inventory for air cargo, ground handlers and freight forwarders.

"Our Logistics Optimization solution is perfect for MAB Kargo, addressing their air cargo challenges for faster decision-making and capacity optimization," said Chris Arrasmith, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Computing Solutions, Unisys. "By leveraging our 40+ years of experience and a deep understanding of air cargo processes, our solution is making a significant impact in this competitive industry."

Learn more about Unisys Logistics Optimization solution.
Learn more about MAB Kargo & Unisys

About MAB Kargo

MAB Kargo Sdn Bhd (MASkargo) is the air cargo arm and subsidiary of Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG), a global aviation organisation comprising three focused business portfolios from Airlines, Loyalty and Travel Solutions (LTS) and Aviation Services. MASkargo operates three A330-200F freighters from its home base in Kuala Lumpur International Airport. MASkargo offers a range of services in the air logistics trade, including belly space capacity, which services almost 100 destinations worldwide as well as warehouse facilities in KLIA, Penang International Airport, Kuching International Airport and Kota Kinabalu International Airport.

About Unisys 

Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world's leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what's possible for more than 150 years, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

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What is the purpose of MAB Kargo selecting Unisys Logistics Optimization™?

MAB Kargo selected Unisys Logistics Optimization™ to enhance operational efficiency, improve capacity utilization, and upgrade service delivery in their air cargo operations.

How does Unisys Logistics Optimization™ benefit MAB Kargo's operations?

The solution helps MAB Kargo proactively fill planes, reduce ground handler labor costs, limit claims and damages, improve fuel efficiency, and minimize carbon footprint.

What technology does Unisys Logistics Optimization™ use to improve air cargo operations?

Unisys Logistics Optimization™ uses diverse computing methods and pre-trained AI models to optimize load utilization, routing, and inventory for air cargo operations.

When did MAB Kargo announce its partnership with Unisys (UIS)?

The partnership between MAB Kargo and Unisys (UIS) was announced on August 15, 2024.

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