Hurricane Helene Prep: U-Haul Offers 30 Days Free Self-Storage at 241 Locations
U-Haul is offering 30 days of free self-storage and U-Box portable container use to people in the path of Hurricane Helene, expected to make landfall Thursday along Florida's Gulf Coast. The disaster relief program is available at 241 U-Haul facilities across Florida (136 stores), Georgia (70 stores), and Alabama (35 stores).
Hurricane Helene is forecasted to bring life-threatening storm surges, heavy rains, and damaging winds to parts of the South. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared a state of emergency for 61 counties. The free offer applies to new self-storage and U-Box rentals, based on availability at each Company-owned and -operated location.
U-Haul is an official American Red Cross Disaster Responder and aims to provide essential dry and secure storage options for communities before and after natural disasters.
U-Haul offre 30 giorni di deposito self-storage gratuito e uso di container portatili U-Box alle persone nella traiettoria dell'uragano Helene, che si prevede toccherà terra giovedì lungo la costa del Golfo della Florida. Il programma di aiuto in caso di calamità è disponibile in 241 strutture U-Haul in Florida (136 negozi), Georgia (70 negozi) e Alabama (35 negozi).
Si prevede che l'uragano Helene porti mareggiate pericolose per la vita, forti piogge e venti distruttivi in alcune aree del Sud. Il governatore della Florida, Ron DeSantis, ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza in 61 contee. L'offerta gratuita si applica a nuove prenotazioni di self-storage e U-Box, in base alla disponibilità in ciascun luogo gestito e di proprietà dell'azienda.
U-Haul è un ufficiale rispondente alle calamità della Croce Rossa Americana e mira a fornire opzioni di stoccaggio essenziali, asciutte e sicure per le comunità prima e dopo le calamità naturali.
U-Haul está ofreciendo 30 días de almacenamiento personal gratuito y uso de contenedores portátiles U-Box a las personas en la trayectoria del huracán Helene, que se espera toque tierra el jueves a lo largo de la costa del Golfo de Florida. El programa de ayuda por desastre está disponible en 241 instalaciones de U-Haul en Florida (136 tiendas), Georgia (70 tiendas) y Alabama (35 tiendas).
Se pronostica que el huracán Helene traerá marejadas que amenazan la vida, fuertes lluvias y vientos destructivos a partes del sur. El gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, ha declarado un estado de emergencia en 61 condados. La oferta gratuita se aplica a nuevos alquileres de almacenamiento personal y U-Box, según disponibilidad en cada ubicación de la compañía.
U-Haul es un respondedor oficial de desastres de la Cruz Roja Americana y tiene como objetivo proporcionar opciones de almacenamiento esenciales, secas y seguras para las comunidades antes y después de desastres naturales.
U-Haul은 허리케인 헬렌의 경로에 있는 사람들에게 30일간 무료 셀프 스토리지 및 U-Box 휴대용 컨테이너 사용을 제공합니다. 허리케인 헬렌은 목요일 플로리다 만을 따라 육지에 상륙할 것으로 예상됩니다. 재난 구호 프로그램은 플로리다(136개 매장), 조지아(70개 매장), 앨라배마(35개 매장) 전역의 241개 U-Haul 시설에서 이용 가능합니다.
허리케인 헬렌은 남부의 일부 지역에 생명을 위협하는 해일, 폭우 및 파괴적인 바람을 가져올 것으로 예보되고 있습니다. 플로리다 주지사 론 드산티스는 61개 카운티에 비상사태를 선포했습니다. 이 무료 제공은 새 셀프 스토리지 및 U-Box 대여에 적용되며, 각 회사 소유 및 운영 장소의 가용성에 따라 다릅니다.
U-Haul은 미국 적십자의 공식 재난 응답자이며, 자연 재해 전후에 지역 사회를 위한 필수적이고 건조하며 안전한 보관 옵션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
U-Haul propose 30 jours de stockage autonome gratuit et d'utilisation de conteneurs portables U-Box aux personnes dans le chemin de l'ouragan Helene, qui devrait toucher terre jeudi le long de la côte du Golfe de Floride. Le programme d'aide aux sinistrés est disponible dans 241 établissements U-Haul à travers la Floride (136 magasins), la Géorgie (70 magasins) et l'Alabama (35 magasins).
On prévoit que l'ouragan Helene apportera des vagues de tempête mettant la vie en danger, de fortes pluies et des vents destructeurs dans certaines parties du Sud. Le gouverneur de la Floride, Ron DeSantis, a déclaré l'état d'urgence dans 61 comtés. L'offre gratuite s'applique aux nouvelles locations de stockage autonome et U-Box, selon la disponibilité dans chaque emplacement détenu et géré par l'entreprise.
U-Haul est un répondant officiel aux catastrophes de la Croix-Rouge américaine et vise à fournir des options de stockage essentielles, sèches et sécurisées pour les communautés avant et après les catastrophes naturelles.
U-Haul bietet 30 Tage kostenlose Selbstlagerung und Nutzung von U-Box-Transportcontainern für Personen im Weg des Hurrikans Helene an, der voraussichtlich am Donnerstag an der Golfküste Floridas landfallen wird. Das Hilfsprogramm für Katastrophen ist in 241 U-Haul-Einrichtungen in Florida (136 Geschäfte), Georgia (70 Geschäfte) und Alabama (35 Geschäfte) verfügbar.
Der Hurrikan Helene wird voraussichtlich lebensbedrohliche Sturmfluten, starke Regenfälle und schädliche Winde in Teile des Südens bringen. Floridas Gouverneur Ron DeSantis hat für 61 Landkreise einen Notstand ausgerufen. Das kostenlose Angebot gilt für neue Selbstlagerungs- und U-Box-Mietverträge, abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit an jedem von der Firma betriebenen Standort.
U-Haul ist ein offizieller Katastrophenhelfer des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes und zielt darauf ab, wesentliche, trockene und sichere Lageroptionen für Gemeinden vor und nach Naturkatastrophen bereitzustellen.
- Offering 30 days of free self-storage and U-Box container use at 241 locations
- Expanding disaster relief program across three states (Florida, Georgia, Alabama)
- Positioning as a community support provider during natural disasters
- Partnership with American Red Cross as an official Disaster Responder
- None.
U-Haul stores across much of

In anticipation of Hurricane Helene, U-Haul is offering 30 days of free self-storage and U-Box container usage at 241 stores across much of
Helene is forecasted to bring life-threatening storm surges, heavy rains and damaging winds to parts of the South. Models indicate the storm could center on Florida’s Big Bend region before moving into
Nineteen U-Haul Companies have preemptively made 241 facilities available across
The free offer applies to new self-storage and U-Box rentals and is based on availability at each individual Company-owned and -operated location. Please reference the cities below with participating stores and contact your nearest U-Haul office to arrange 30 days of free storage services:
U-Haul Co. of
(727) 288-9919
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(407) 208-2996
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(813) 655-4434
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(352) 377-7311
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(904) 781-9404
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(407) 578-1344
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(866) 723-3056
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(407) 240-9982
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(813) 247-5016
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(941) 359-2413
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of Atlanta North (13 Stores)
(770) 926-1340
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of Atlanta West (12 Stores)
(678) 608-4146
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(404) 332-3180
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of Georgia Northeast (11 Stores)
(678) 707-8383
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(706) 569-3372
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(404) 767-0431
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(205) 979-3013
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(256) 217-9696
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of S. Alabama (15 Stores; 10 in
(800) 633-6819
Participating store locations:
In addition to its 30 days free self-storage disaster relief program, U-Haul is proud to be at the forefront of aiding communities in times of need as an official American Red Cross Disaster Responder.
About U-HAUL
Founded in 1945, U-Haul is the No. 1 choice of do-it-yourself movers with more than 23,000 rental locations across all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces. The U-Haul app makes it easy for customers to use U-Haul Truck Share 24/7 to access trucks anytime through the self-dispatch and -return options on their smartphones with our patented Live Verify technology. Our customers' patronage has enabled the U-Haul fleet to grow to 192,000 trucks, 138,700 trailers and 39,500 towing devices. U-Haul is the third largest self-storage operator in
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Sydney Ellis
Jeff Lockridge
Phone: 602-263-6981
Source: U-Haul Holding Company
What is U-Haul offering in response to Hurricane Helene?
How many U-Haul locations are participating in the Hurricane Helene relief effort?
When is Hurricane Helene expected to make landfall?
What areas are expected to be impacted by Hurricane Helene?