UGI Corporation Names Julie Fazio as President of UGI International
UGI (NYSE: UGI) has appointed Julie Fazio as President of UGI International, effective immediately. Fazio, who joined UGI International in September 2022 as Vice President of Supply, was promoted to Vice President of Region West in December 2023, overseeing LPG businesses in France and Belgium while maintaining her supply function leadership.
Prior to UGI, Fazio held senior leadership positions at ExxonMobil during her 25-year tenure. CEO Bob Flexon highlighted her contributions in optimizing supply chain, streamlining operations, and fostering safety-focused operational excellence. In her new role, Fazio aims to drive disciplined focus and simplicity to unlock greater business value.
UGI (NYSE: UGI) ha nominato Julie Fazio come Presidente di UGI International, con effetto immediato. Fazio, che è entrata in UGI International nel settembre 2022 come Vicepresidente delle Forniture, è stata promossa a Vicepresidente della Regione Ovest nel dicembre 2023, supervisionando le attività di GPL in Francia e Belgio, mantenendo al contempo la sua leadership nella funzione di approvvigionamento.
Prima di entrare in UGI, Fazio ha ricoperto posizioni di leadership senior presso ExxonMobil durante il suo mandato di 25 anni. Il CEO Bob Flexon ha evidenziato i suoi contributi nell'ottimizzazione della catena di approvvigionamento, nel semplificare le operazioni e nel promuovere l'eccellenza operativa incentrata sulla sicurezza. Nel suo nuovo ruolo, Fazio mira a guidare un focus disciplinato e la semplicità per sbloccare un maggiore valore aziendale.
UGI (NYSE: UGI) ha nombrado a Julie Fazio como Presidenta de UGI International, con efecto inmediato. Fazio, quien se unió a UGI International en septiembre de 2022 como Vicepresidenta de Suministros, fue promovida a Vicepresidenta de la Región Oeste en diciembre de 2023, supervisando los negocios de GPL en Francia y Bélgica, manteniendo al mismo tiempo su liderazgo en la función de suministro.
Antes de UGI, Fazio ocupó puestos de liderazgo senior en ExxonMobil durante sus 25 años de carrera. El CEO Bob Flexon destacó sus contribuciones en la optimización de la cadena de suministro, la simplificación de operaciones y la promoción de la excelencia operativa centrada en la seguridad. En su nuevo rol, Fazio busca impulsar un enfoque disciplinado y la simplicidad para desbloquear un mayor valor empresarial.
UGI (NYSE: UGI)는 Julie Fazio를 UGI International의 사장으로 즉시 임명했습니다. Fazio는 2022년 9월 UGI International에 공급 부문 부사장으로 합류했으며, 2023년 12월에는 서부 지역 부사장으로 승진하여 프랑스와 벨기에의 LPG 사업을 감독하면서 공급 기능 리더십을 유지했습니다.
UGI에 입사하기 전, Fazio는 ExxonMobil에서 25년 동안 고위 리더십 직책을 맡았습니다. CEO Bob Flexon은 공급망 최적화, 운영 간소화 및 안전 중심의 운영 우수성을 촉진하는 데 기여한 점을 강조했습니다. 새로운 역할에서 Fazio는 더 큰 비즈니스 가치를 창출하기 위해 규율 있는 집중과 단순성을 추진할 계획입니다.
UGI (NYSE: UGI) a nommé Julie Fazio présidente de UGI International, avec effet immédiat. Fazio, qui a rejoint UGI International en septembre 2022 en tant que vice-présidente des approvisionnements, a été promue vice-présidente de la région Ouest en décembre 2023, supervisant les activités de GPL en France et en Belgique tout en maintenant son rôle de leader dans la fonction d'approvisionnement.
Avant de rejoindre UGI, Fazio a occupé des postes de direction senior chez ExxonMobil pendant ses 25 années de carrière. Le PDG Bob Flexon a souligné ses contributions à l'optimisation de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, à la rationalisation des opérations et à la promotion de l'excellence opérationnelle axée sur la sécurité. Dans son nouveau rôle, Fazio vise à promouvoir une concentration disciplinée et la simplicité pour débloquer une plus grande valeur commerciale.
UGI (NYSE: UGI) hat Julie Fazio mit sofortiger Wirkung zur Präsidentin von UGI International ernannt. Fazio, die im September 2022 als Vizepräsidentin für Beschaffung zu UGI International kam, wurde im Dezember 2023 zur Vizepräsidentin der Region West befördert und überwacht die LPG-Geschäfte in Frankreich und Belgien, während sie gleichzeitig ihre Führungsfunktion im Bereich Beschaffung beibehält.
Vor ihrer Zeit bei UGI hatte Fazio 25 Jahre lang leitende Positionen bei ExxonMobil inne. CEO Bob Flexon hob ihre Beiträge zur Optimierung der Lieferkette, zur Straffung der Abläufe und zur Förderung von sicherheitsorientierter operativer Exzellenz hervor. In ihrer neuen Rolle strebt Fazio an, einen disziplinierten Fokus und Einfachheit voranzutreiben, um einen höheren Geschäftswert zu erschließen.
- Appointment of experienced leader with 25+ years in energy sector
- Strong track record in supply chain optimization and operational streamlining
- Demonstrated leadership in European operations (France and Belgium)
- None.

UGI Corporation Names Julie Fazio as President of UGI International (Photo: Business Wire)
Ms. Fazio joined UGI International in September 2022 as Vice President of Supply. In December 2023, she was appointed Vice President of Region West with overall responsibility for the LPG businesses located in
Bob Flexon, President & CEO of UGI Corporation said, “Since joining UGI International, Julie has made significant contributions to the company, demonstrating strong leadership in optimizing our supply chain, streamlining operations, and fostering a culture that prioritizes safety and operational excellence. She has an extensive background in the downstream energy sector, supply chain management, manufacturing operations, and commercial practices. I am looking forward to working with Julie as she leads UGI International into its next chapter.”
“I am honored to assume the leadership of UGI International at this pivotal point in our company’s history,” commented Ms. Fazio. “While we stand on a solid foundation, I am focused on our future and driving disciplined focus and simplicity as we look to unlock greater value in the business. I am profoundly grateful to our talented team whose dedication, courage and ingenuity has and will drive our success. Together, we will build on our legacy of delivering strong customer service and financial performance, creating meaningful value for all stakeholders.”
About UGI
UGI Corporation (NYSE: UGI) is a distributor and marketer of energy products and services in the
Comprehensive information about UGI Corporation is available on the Internet at
About UGI International
UGI International, a subsidiary of UGI Corporation, is a leading LPG distributor operating in 16 European countries. In 2024, UGI International serviced customers across broad markets, such as commercial and industrial, residential, agriculture, autogas and aerosol, retailing approximately 875 million gallons of LPG.
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Source: UGI Corporation