CEO Matthew Missad to move to Executive Chairman role at UFP Industries; William “Will” Schwartz named CEO; CFO Mike Cole to add new role, President of Corporate Services

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UFP Industries announced a planned leadership transition effective December 29, 2024. CEO Matthew J. Missad will become Executive Chairman, while William "Will" Schwartz, current president of the retail business unit, will take over as CEO. CFO Michael Cole will add the role of President of Corporate Services.

Under Missad's 13-year tenure as CEO, UFP Industries' stock price increased over 1500% and revenues grew from $1.8 billion in 2011 to $7.2 billion in 2023. Schwartz, who joined UFP in 1998, has a track record of successfully taking on new challenges and improving business operations.

The transition is part of UFP's succession planning strategy to prepare the next generation of leadership and drive continued growth. Missad will remain as Executive Chairman through 2026 to support the transition and maintain key relationships.

UFP Industries ha annunciato una pianificazione della transizione di leadership effettiva dal 29 dicembre 2024. Il CEO Matthew J. Missad diventerà Presidente Esecutivo, mentre William "Will" Schwartz, attuale presidente dell'unità business retail, assumerà il ruolo di CEO. Il CFO Michael Cole aggiungerà il ruolo di Presidente dei Servizi Aziendali.

Sotto la guida di Missad per 13 anni come CEO, il prezzo delle azioni di UFP Industries è aumentato di oltre il 1500% e i ricavi sono passati da 1,8 miliardi di dollari nel 2011 a 7,2 miliardi di dollari nel 2023. Schwartz, che è entrato a far parte di UFP nel 1998, ha dimostrato una carriera di successo nell'affrontare nuove sfide e nel migliorare le operazioni aziendali.

La transizione fa parte della strategia di pianificazione della successione di UFP per preparare la prossima generazione di leadership e promuovere una crescita continua. Missad rimarrà Presidente Esecutivo fino al 2026 per supportare la transizione e mantenere le relazioni chiave.

UFP Industries anunció una transición planeada de liderazgo que será efectiva el 29 de diciembre de 2024. El CEO Matthew J. Missad se convertirá en Presidente Ejecutivo, mientras que William "Will" Schwartz, actual presidente de la unidad de negocio minorista, asumirá como CEO. El CFO Michael Cole añadirá el rol de Presidente de Servicios Corporativos.

Bajo el mandato de Missad durante 13 años como CEO, el precio de las acciones de UFP Industries aumentó más del 1500% y los ingresos crecieron de $1.8 mil millones en 2011 a $7.2 mil millones en 2023. Schwartz, quien se unió a UFP en 1998, tiene un historial de asumir con éxito nuevos desafíos y mejorar las operaciones empresariales.

La transición es parte de la estrategia de planificación de sucesión de UFP para preparar a la próxima generación de liderazgo y fomentar un crecimiento continuo. Missad permanecerá como Presidente Ejecutivo hasta 2026 para apoyar la transición y mantener relaciones clave.

UFP Industries는 2024년 12월 29일부터 시행될 리더십 전환 계획을 발표했습니다. CEO 매튜 J. 미사드는 이사회 의장이 되고, 윌리엄 "윌" 슈워츠는 현 소매 사업 부문 사장으로서 CEO로 취임할 것입니다. CFO 마이클 콜은 기업 서비스 사장직도 맡게 됩니다.

미사드가 CEO로 재임한 13년 동안, UFP Industries의 주가는 1500% 이상 상승했고, 매출은 2011년 18억 달러에서 2023년 72억 달러로 성장했습니다. 1998년에 UFP에 합류한 슈워츠는 새로운 도전과 비즈니스 운영 개선에서 성공적인 경력을 쌓아왔습니다.

이 전환은 UFP의 후계자 계획 전략의 일환으로, 다음 세대의 리더십 준비 및 지속적인 성장을 추진하기 위한 것입니다. 미사드는 2026년까지 이사회 의장직을 유지하며 전환을 지원하고 핵심 관계를 유지할 것입니다.

UFP Industries a annoncé une transition de leadership prévue, effective le 29 décembre 2024. Le PDG Matthew J. Missad deviendra Président Exécutif, tandis que William "Will" Schwartz, actuel président de l'unité d'affaires de détail, prendra la relève en tant que PDG. Le CFO Michael Cole ajoutera le rôle de Président des Services Corporatifs.

Au cours des 13 années de mandat de Missad en tant que PDG, le prix des actions d'UFP Industries a augmenté de plus de 1500% et les revenus sont passés de 1,8 milliard de dollars en 2011 à 7,2 milliards de dollars en 2023. Schwartz, qui a rejoint UFP en 1998, a un parcours de succès dans la prise en charge de nouveaux défis et l'amélioration des opérations commerciales.

Cette transition fait partie de la stratégie de planification de la succession d'UFP pour préparer la prochaine génération de leadership et encourager une croissance continue. Missad restera Président Exécutif jusqu'en 2026 pour soutenir la transition et maintenir des relations clés.

UFP Industries hat einen geplanten Führungswechsel angekündigt, der am 29. Dezember 2024 wirksam wird. CEO Matthew J. Missad wird zum Vorstandsvorsitzenden, während William "Will" Schwartz, der derzeit Präsident der Einzelhandelsgeschäftseinheit ist, die Rolle des CEO übernehmen wird. Finanzvorstand Michael Cole wird zusätzlich die Rolle des Präsidenten der Unternehmensdienste übernehmen.

In Missads 13-jähriger Amtszeit als CEO ist der Aktienkurs von UFP Industries um über 1500% gestiegen und der Umsatz wuchs von 1,8 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2011 auf 7,2 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2023. Schwartz, der 1998 zu UFP kam, hat eine Erfolgsbilanz im Umgang mit neuen Herausforderungen und in der Verbesserung von Geschäftsabläufen.

Der Übergang ist Teil von UFPs Nachfolgeplanungsstrategie, um die nächste Generation von Führungspersönlichkeiten vorzubereiten und ein kontinuierliches Wachstum zu fördern. Missad wird bis 2026 als Vorstandsvorsitzender bleiben, um den Übergang zu unterstützen und wichtige Beziehungen aufrechtzuerhalten.

  • Stock price increased over 1500% under current CEO's leadership
  • Revenues grew from $1.8 billion in 2011 to $7.2 billion in 2023
  • Planned succession strategy in place for smooth leadership transition
  • New CEO has a strong track record of improving business operations
  • Current CEO to remain as Executive Chairman through 2026 for transition support
  • None.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- After more than 13 years of transformational leadership and as part of a planned succession strategy, UFP Industries Chairman and CEO Matthew J. Missad announced he will take on a new role to prepare the next generation of leadership and usher in a new era of growth for the company. On December 29, 2024, the start of the new fiscal year, Missad will become executive chairman and William “Will” Schwartz, current president of the company’s retail business unit, will become the Chief Executive Officer. Chief Financial Officer Michael Cole will add the title of President of Corporate Services to his current duties to further strengthen the management team.

“Throughout his impressive career at UFP, Will has been hungry to take on new roles and responsibilities, and he has succeeded at every turn,” Missad said. “He has earned a reputation as an effective, creative leader who makes the businesses and people he manages better. He is the right person to lead us into the next decade and beyond. I’m excited for him, for the people of UFP, and for our customers, vendors and shareholders.”

For the remainder of 2024, Missad will work closely with Schwartz on the transition and on filling newly created vacancies that result from the promotion. Missad has agreed to remain executive chairman through 2026 to assist Schwartz in his role as CEO and provide support where needed. He also will assist with shareholder relations while continuing to nurture longtime customer and vendor relationships.

“It’s an exciting time to be at UFP because of the opportunities these changes create for our teammates,” Missad said. “Our succession planning process has created an excellent group of leaders, and I am confident that this new team of experienced executives will achieve even greater success.”

Missad has been CEO since July 2011. Under his leadership the company has made significant changes and improvements, including the creation of a new operating structure based on market segments rather than geography. This change has generated better alignment with customers, quicker decision making and greater focus. Missad also placed a greater emphasis on innovation and new products that increased the company’s percentage of value-added products while dramatically expanding the company’s profit margins. Since his appointment as CEO, the company’s stock price increased more than 1500% and revenues have grown from $1.8 billion in 2011 to $7.2 billion in 2023.

“I have had the great honor of spending my entire career at UFP, working with some of the best people in the industry,” Missad said. “My goals are to make sure that the company remains on a path of growth, maintains a culture of respect and opportunity, and that all of us as shareholders see our investment continue to grow. With Will at the helm, with the next generation of skilled leaders, and with the best workforce in the business, I am confident all of that will happen.”

Schwartz joined UFP in 1998 as a sales trainee and took roles of increasing responsibility over the years including account manager, sales manager, regional sales director and executive vice president. In 2023, he was named president of UFP Retail Solutions, our largest business segment. UFP Retail Solutions specializes in yard and home products, including brands such as ProWood pressure-treated lumber, Deckorators decking and accessories, and UFP-Edge siding, pattern and trim.

Schwartz has a history of successfully taking on new challenges. When he was asked to oversee the company’s transportation and purchasing operations, he improved their effectiveness and enhanced efficiencies. He led a significant restructuring of UFP Retail Solutions, enhancing its offerings, growing its reach to consumers by bolstering its marketing and sales functions, and has grown the company’s brand names in the marketplace.

“I’m honored and humbled by this opportunity, and I’m eager to work with teammates known for their drive, determination, and innovation to maintain and grow success at UFP Industries,” Will said. “I’m grateful to Matt for taking on a role that will help guide the team and create a strong, seamless transition, to Mike for the new role he is taking on to further strengthen the team, and to both of them and the board for the trust they are placing in me and the leadership team to take UFP to new levels of value creation. We’re ready and excited for the opportunity.”

“Will epitomizes a leader who is dedicated to making our company better every day and to maintaining the strong culture that fosters continuous improvement,” Missad added. “His energy and ability to think critically and the respect he has earned in the company and the industry make him the best person to lead us. Under his leadership, UFP will continue to drive shareholder value and create more opportunities for growth and success.”

UFP Industries, Inc.

UFP Industries, Inc. is a holding company whose operating subsidiaries – UFP Packaging, UFP Construction and UFP Retail Solutions – manufacture, distribute and sell a wide variety of value-added products used in residential and commercial construction, packaging and other industrial applications worldwide. Founded in 1955, the company is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Mich., with affiliates in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. UFP Industries is ranked #493 on the Fortune 500 and #128 on Industry Week’s list of America’s Largest Manufacturers. For more about UFP Industries, go to

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended, that are based on management’s beliefs, assumptions, current expectations, estimates and projections about the markets we serve, the economy and the Company itself. Words like “anticipates,” “believes,” “confident,” “estimates,” “expects,” “forecasts,” “likely,” “plans,” “projects,” “should,” variations of such words, and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. These statements do not guarantee future performance and involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict with regard to timing, extent, likelihood and degree of occurrence. The Company does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect facts, circumstances, events, or assumptions that occur after the date the forward-looking statements are made. Actual results could differ materially from those included in such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainty. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements are the following: fluctuations in the price of lumber; adverse or unusual weather conditions; adverse economic conditions in the markets we serve; government regulations, particularly involving environmental and safety regulations; and our ability to make successful business acquisitions. Certain of these risk factors as well as other risk factors and additional information are included in the Company's reports on Form 10-K and 10-Q on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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This release includes certain financial information not prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Because not all companies calculate non-GAAP financial information identically (or at all), the presentations herein may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures used by other companies. Management uses Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP financial measure, in order to evaluate historical and ongoing operations. Management believes that this non-GAAP financial measure is useful in order to enable investors to perform meaningful comparisons of historical and current performance. Adjusted EBITDA is intended to supplement and should be read together with the financial results. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered an alternative or substitute for, and should not be considered superior to, the reported financial results. Accordingly, users of this financial information should not place undue reliance on the non-GAAP financial measure.

Dick Gauthier

VP of Investor Relations

(616) 365-1555

Source: UFP Industries, Inc.


When will Matthew Missad step down as CEO of UFP Industries (UFPI)?

Matthew Missad will step down as CEO of UFP Industries (UFPI) on December 29, 2024, the start of the new fiscal year.

Who will be the new CEO of UFP Industries (UFPI)?

William "Will" Schwartz, currently the president of UFP's retail business unit, will become the new CEO of UFP Industries (UFPI) on December 29, 2024.

What role will Matthew Missad take after stepping down as CEO of UFP Industries (UFPI)?

After stepping down as CEO, Matthew Missad will become the Executive Chairman of UFP Industries (UFPI) through 2026.

How has UFP Industries (UFPI) performed under Matthew Missad's leadership as CEO?

Under Matthew Missad's leadership as CEO since 2011, UFP Industries' (UFPI) stock price increased over 1500% and revenues grew from $1.8 billion to $7.2 billion in 2023.

UFP Industries, Inc.


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Lumber & Wood Production
Sawmills & Planting Mills, General
United States of America