Uranium Energy Corp Files Fiscal 2024 Annual Report

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Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC) has filed its Annual Report for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2024. Key highlights include:

  • Successful restart of uranium production at Christensen Ranch ISR operations in Wyoming
  • Advancement of South Texas hub-and-spoke ISR production platform
  • Progress on the Roughrider Project in Canada's Eastern Athabasca Basin
  • Attributable resources totaling 230.0 million pounds U3O8 in Measured and Indicated categories and 102.7 million pounds U3O8 in Inferred category
  • Over 1,466,000 pounds of U3O8 inventories valued at $125.3 million
  • $331.5 million in cash, equity holdings, and inventory at market prices, with no debt
  • Acquisition of Rio Tinto's Sweetwater Plant and Wyoming uranium assets
  • Achieved top 5th percentile Sustainalytics Rating in the Diversified Metals and Mining Subindustry

UEC remains 100% unhedged amid increasing global demand for nuclear energy and uranium.

Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC) ha presentato il suo Rapporto Annuale per l'anno fiscale conclusosi il 31 luglio 2024. I punti salienti includono:

  • Riavvio con successo della produzione di uranio presso le operazioni ISR di Christensen Ranch nel Wyoming
  • Potenziamento della piattaforma di produzione ISR hub-and-spoke nel sud del Texas
  • Progresso nel Progetto Roughrider nella Basin dell'Athabasca Orientale in Canada
  • Risorse attribuibili totali pari a 230,0 milioni di libbre di U3O8 nelle categorie Misurate e Indicate e 102,7 milioni di libbre di U3O8 nella categoria Inferenziale
  • Oltre 1.466.000 libbre di inventari di U3O8 valutati $125,3 milioni
  • $331,5 milioni in contanti, partecipazioni azionarie e inventario ai prezzi di mercato, senza debiti
  • Acquisizione dell'impianto Sweetwater di Rio Tinto e delle risorse uranifere nel Wyoming
  • Raggiungimento del 5° percentile della valutazione Sustainalytics nel settore dei Metalli e Minerali Diversificati

UEC rimane 100% non coperto in mezzo a una crescente domanda globale di energia nucleare e uranio.

Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC) ha presentado su Informe Anual para el año fiscal que finalizó el 31 de julio de 2024. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Reinicio exitoso de la producción de uranio en las operaciones ISR de Christensen Ranch en Wyoming
  • Avance de la plataforma de producción ISR hub-and-spoke en el sur de Texas
  • Progreso en el Proyecto Roughrider en la Cuenca Athabasca Oriental de Canadá
  • Recursos atribuibles totalizando 230,0 millones de libras de U3O8 en las categorías Medidos e Indicados y 102,7 millones de libras de U3O8 en la categoría Inferida
  • Más de 1.466.000 libras de inventarios de U3O8 valorados en $125,3 millones
  • $331,5 millones en efectivo, participaciones de capital e inventarios a precios de mercado, sin deudas
  • Adquisición de la planta Sweetwater de Rio Tinto y activos de uranio en Wyoming
  • Alcanzó el percentil 5 en la calificación Sustainalytics en la subindustria de Metales Diversificados y Minería

UEC sigue estando 100% sin cobertura en medio de la creciente demanda global de energía nuclear y uranio.

Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC)는 2024년 7월 31일로 종료된 회계연도에 대한 연례 보고서를 제출했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 와이오밍의 Christensen Ranch ISR 작업에서 우라늄 생산 성공적으로 재개
  • 남부 텍사스의 허브 앤 스포크 ISR 생산 플랫폼 발전
  • 캐나다 동부 아타바스카 분지의 Roughrider 프로젝트 진전
  • 측정 및 표시된 범주에서 총 2억 3천만 파운드 U3O8와 추정 범주에서 1억 27만 파운드 U3O8에 해당하는 자원
  • 가치가 $1억 2천 5백 30만에 달하는 U3O8 재고 1,466,000파운드 이상
  • 부채 없이 시장가로 $3억 3천 15만의 현금, 주식 보유 및 재고
  • Rio Tinto의 Sweetwater 공장 및 와이오밍 우라늄 자산 인수
  • 다양화된 금속 및 광업 하위 산업에서 Sustainalytics 등급 5백번째 백분위수 달성

UEC는 증가하는 전세계 핵 에너지 및 우라늄 수요 속에서도 100% 헤지되지 않았습니다.

Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC) a déposé son Rapport Annuel pour l'exercice clos le 31 juillet 2024. Les points clés comprennent:

  • Redémarrage réussi de la production d'uranium dans les opérations ISR de Christensen Ranch au Wyoming
  • Avancement de la plateforme de production ISR hub-and-spoke au sud du Texas
  • Progrès dans le projet Roughrider dans le bassin Athabasca oriental au Canada
  • Ressources attribuables totalisant 230,0 millions de livres U3O8 dans les catégories Mesurée et Indiquée, et 102,7 millions de livres U3O8 dans la catégorie Estimée
  • Plus de 1 466 000 livres de stocks de U3O8 d'une valeur de 125,3 millions de dollars
  • 331,5 millions de dollars en liquidités, participations et stocks à prix du marché, sans dettes
  • Acquisition de l'usine Sweetwater de Rio Tinto et des actifs uranifères du Wyoming
  • Atteinte du cinquième percentile du classement Sustainalytics dans le sous-secteur des Métaux et Miniers Diversifiés

UEC reste 100 % non couvert au milieu d'une demande mondiale croissante d'énergie nucléaire et d'uranium.

Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC) hat seinen Jahresbericht für das am 31. Juli 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr eingereicht. Die Highlights umfassen:

  • Erfolgreicher Neustart der Uranproduktion in den Christensen Ranch ISR-Betrieben in Wyoming
  • Fortschritte bei der ISR-Produktionsplattform nach dem Hub-and-Spoke-Modell in Südteltexas
  • Fortschritte beim Roughrider-Projekt im östlichen Athabasca-Becken in Kanada
  • Zugerechnete Ressourcen in Höhe von insgesamt 230,0 Millionen Pfund U3O8 in den Kategorien Gemessen und Abgeleitet sowie 102,7 Millionen Pfund U3O8 in der Kategorie Geschätzt
  • Über 1.466.000 Pfund U3O8-Vorräte im Wert von 125,3 Millionen US-Dollar
  • 331,5 Millionen US-Dollar an Bargeld, Eigenkapitalanlagen und Vorräten zu Marktpreisen, ohne Schulden
  • Übernahme von Rio Tintos Sweetwater-Anlage und Uranvermögen in Wyoming
  • Erzielung des 5. Perzentils der Sustainalytics-Bewertung im Bereich Diversified Metals and Mining

UEC bleibt 100% ungesichert angesichts der steigenden globalen Nachfrage nach Kernenergie und Uran.

  • Successful restart of uranium production at Christensen Ranch ISR operations in Wyoming
  • Attributable resources totaling 230.0 million pounds U3O8 in Measured and Indicated categories
  • $331.5 million in cash, equity holdings, and inventory at market prices, with no debt
  • Acquisition of Rio Tinto's Sweetwater Plant and Wyoming uranium assets, adding approximately 175 million pounds of historical uranium resources
  • Over 1,466,000 pounds of U3O8 inventories valued at $125.3 million
  • None.


UEC's fiscal 2024 report highlights significant operational and financial achievements. The company successfully restarted uranium production at Christensen Ranch in Wyoming, demonstrating operational progress. With 230 million pounds of U3O8 in Measured and Indicated resources, UEC has solidified its position as a major North American uranium player.

Financially, UEC reports $331.5 million in cash, equity holdings and inventory as of July 31, 2024, with no debt. This strong liquidity position provides flexibility for future growth and development. The company's unhedged strategy allows for full exposure to potential uranium price increases.

The acquisition of Rio Tinto's Sweetwater Plant and Wyoming assets is a game-changer, potentially adding 175 million pounds of historical uranium resources. This move establishes UEC's third production hub and strengthens its market position. However, investors should note these are historical estimates and require further verification.

Overall, UEC's strategic positioning in a tightening uranium market, coupled with its strong balance sheet and expanding resource base, presents a positive outlook for investors focused on the uranium sector's potential growth.

The global nuclear energy landscape is evolving rapidly, creating a favorable environment for uranium producers like UEC. Key market drivers include:

  • Increasing nuclear energy demand, exemplified by the proposed Three Mile Island Unit 1 restart for Microsoft's AI data center
  • U.S. and EU bans on Russian uranium imports
  • Potential Russian export restrictions

These factors are likely to tighten uranium supply chains and potentially drive prices higher. UEC's 100% unhedged position allows full exposure to these market dynamics.

The company's focus on U.S. and Canadian assets aligns well with Western countries' push for secure domestic uranium supplies. This strategic positioning could provide UEC with a competitive advantage as utilities seek reliable, geopolitically stable uranium sources.

However, investors should consider the long-term nature of uranium market cycles and potential regulatory risks associated with nuclear energy. UEC's success will depend on its ability to efficiently bring projects online and navigate the complex nuclear fuel market.

                                                                                        NYSE American: UEC

Transformative Year with Wyoming ISR Production Restart, 100% Unhedged Uranium Exposure and Subsequent Accretive Acquisition of Rio Tinto's Sweetwater Plant and Wyoming Uranium Assets


  • Successful startup of uranium production at the past-producing Christensen Ranch in-situ recovery ("ISR") operations and Irigaray Central Processing Plant ("CPP") in Wyoming's Powder River Basin.
  • South Texas hub-and-spoke ISR production platform making strong progress with increased resources at Burke Hollow Project and development plans for the construction of a satellite facility to the Hobson CPP.
  • Advancing the Roughrider Project in Canada's Eastern Athabasca Basin with environmental baseline, technical studies and positive drill results leading to the discovery of Roughrider North, 850 meters northeast of the Roughrider deposit.
  • UEC's attributable resources now total 230.0 million pounds U3O8 in the Measured and Indicated Categories and 102.7 million pounds U3O8 in the Inferred category across all its projects(1), cementing UEC's status as one of the largest and diversified North American focused uranium companies.
  • Over 1,466,000 pounds of U3O8 inventories as of July 31, 2024 valued at $125.3 million at market price(2). Taking deliveries of an additional 700,000 pounds of U3O8 at an average cost of $38.20 per pound through December 2025. 
  • Approximately $331.5 million of cash, equity holdings(3) and inventory(2) at market prices, and no debt, as of July 31, 2024.
  • Landmark agreement with Rio Tinto America Inc. ("Rio Tinto") to acquire 100% of Rio Tinto's Sweetwater Plant and a portfolio of uranium mining projects in Wyoming, creating a third U.S. hub-and-spoke ISR production platform within UEC's pure-play uranium business.
  • Achieved a Sustainalytics Rating of 23.8, placing UEC as the leading uranium mining company and in the top 5th percentile of the Diversified Metals and Mining Subindustry as rated by Morningstar Sustainalytics (as of September 2, 2024).

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC), (the "Company" or "UEC") is pleased to report that it has filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2024 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). The Annual Report filing, which includes the Company's audited consolidated financial statements, related notes thereto and management's discussion and analysis for its fiscal year 2024, is available for viewing on the SEC's website at and on the Company's website at

Amir Adnani, CEO and President, stated: "Fiscal 2024 proved to be a year of successful transformative growth for UEC with the restart of production at our Christensen Ranch ISR operations in Wyoming. At the same time, we continued to advance our Roughrider and Burke Hollow projects with resource expansions and development programs respectively."

Mr. Adnani continued: "We are also thrilled with the recent acquisition from Rio Tinto of the fully-licensed Sweetwater Plant and a portfolio of uranium properties, which adds approximately 175 million pounds of historical uranium resources(4). These assets will unlock tremendous value, by establishing our third hub-and-spoke production platform, and cements UEC as the leading uranium developer in Wyoming and the U.S."

Mr. Adnani concluded, "Global demand for nuclear energy and uranium is surging, highlighted by the proposed Three Mile Island Unit 1 restart to support Microsoft's AI data center expansion. The U.S. and European Union Russian uranium bans and Russia's recent signaling of future export restrictions, emphasize the need for reliable domestic supply chains to meet Western nuclear fuel supply requirements. As the demand side pressure increases, UEC remains 100% unhedged. Our balance sheet is debt free with approximately $331.5 million in cash, equity holdings and inventory at market prices on July 31, 2024, providing the financial strength to rapidly expand and develop our U.S. ISR production platforms and Canadian assets, including the Roughrider Project."



The noted resource estimates represent the combined totals for the Company's uranium projects. Please see the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2024 for further information regarding such estimates, including the methodologies, assumptions and other important information.


Based on spot price quoted on UxC CVD as of July 31, 2024.


Based on closing prices as of July 31, 2024.


Based upon internal studies and other historic data prepared by prior owners in regards to the projects and dated between 1984 and 2019. Such estimates are being treated by the Company as historical in nature and a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources. The Company is not treating them as current resource estimates and is disclosing these historic estimates for illustrative purposes and to provide readers with relevant information regarding the projects. In addition, such estimates were not prepared for disclosure under S-K 1300 standards and the results of future estimates by the Company may vary from these historic estimates.

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Chris Hamel, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration, Canada, for the Company, being a Qualified Person as defined by Regulation S-K 1300.

About Uranium Energy Corp

Uranium Energy Corp is the fastest growing supplier of the fuel for the green energy transition to a low carbon future. UEC is the largest, diversified North American focused uranium company, advancing the next generation of low-cost, environmentally friendly ISR mining uranium projects in the United States and high-grade conventional projects in Canada. The Company has two production-ready ISR hub and spoke platforms in South Texas and Wyoming. These two production platforms are anchored by fully operational Central Processing Plants ("CPPs") and served by seven U.S. ISR uranium projects with all their major permits in place. In August 2024, production began at the Christensen Ranch project in Wyoming, sending uranium loaded resin to the CPP at Irigaray (Wyoming hub).  Additionally, the Company has diversified uranium holdings including: (1) one of the largest physical uranium portfolios of U.S. warehoused U3O8; (2) a major equity stake in Uranium Royalty Corp., the only royalty company in the sector; and (3) a Western Hemisphere pipeline of resource stage uranium projects. The Company's operations are managed by professionals with decades of hands-on experience in the key facets of uranium exploration, development and mining.

Stock Exchange Information:
NYSE American: UEC
ISN: US916896103

Safe Harbor Statement

Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, the information presented in this news release constitutes "forward-looking statements" as such term is used in applicable United States and Canadian securities laws. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management. Any other statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans, "estimates" or "intends", or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and should be viewed as "forward-looking statements". Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors include, among others, the actual results of exploration activities, variations in the underlying assumptions associated with the estimation or realization of mineral resources, future mineral resource estimates may vary from historic estimates, the availability of capital to fund programs and the resulting dilution caused by the raising of capital through the sale of shares, accidents, labor disputes and other risks of the mining industry including, without limitation, those associated with the environment, delays in obtaining governmental approvals, permits or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities, title disputes or claims limitations on insurance coverage. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Many of these factors are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this news release and in any document referred to in this news release. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and that could impact the Company and the statements contained in this news release can be found in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For forward-looking statements in this news release, the Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company assumes no obligation to update or supplement any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities.


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SOURCE Uranium Energy Corp


What was UEC's uranium production status in fiscal 2024?

UEC successfully restarted uranium production at the Christensen Ranch ISR operations and Irigaray Central Processing Plant in Wyoming's Powder River Basin during fiscal 2024.

How much uranium inventory does UEC (NYSE American: UEC) have as of July 31, 2024?

As of July 31, 2024, UEC had over 1,466,000 pounds of U3O8 inventories valued at $125.3 million at market price.

What significant acquisition did UEC (NYSE American: UEC) make in fiscal 2024?

UEC acquired 100% of Rio Tinto's Sweetwater Plant and a portfolio of uranium mining projects in Wyoming, creating a third U.S. hub-and-spoke ISR production platform.

What is UEC's (NYSE American: UEC) financial position as of July 31, 2024?

As of July 31, 2024, UEC had approximately $331.5 million in cash, equity holdings, and inventory at market prices, with no debt.

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